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$70.00 Gratuity ....


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Thanks Everyone! I appreciate the answers.


OP, sorry if I should have said what I said better, sometimes I say things wrong. I was trying to let you know that this particular subject people are upset about because its usually someone who wants to tip less when they ask this question, thats my opinion, Im sorry though that I said the subject has been discused to death, I meant argued to death and I was trying to let you know this particular question starts a lot of arguments, thats all.


Now Carroll has posted a whole new thread, mentioned this tipping thread to start a whole new subject because you got upset....a thread chidding us who didnt post in a way that should have been nicer in our answers instead of telling you this is a hot subject. I dont get why someone should start a whole new thread to chide us though. good grief...once here was enough. Carroll hope you feel better, I for one got your message the first time. Yikes...sorry again.


Next time its a controversial question I will remember to NOT ANSWER.


I think its carrying this too far to start a whole new thread to chide any of us who upset you and the OP though. One comment here should have been enough. Makes me want to shut down CC and not try to help which is all I was trying to do. Its called beating a dead horse to comment here and start a thread complaining.


And yes, Im sorry, should have said it different.

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Firefly333 - No worries. I was just a little shocked at some of the answers!!! Sometimes things don't come across as we would like or we word them wrong.




thanks. :)


PS when I said the subject was overdiscussed, I really was trying nicely to say argued about a lot, that it was a hot topic. I guess tact is not my middle name. I really was just trying to help. I love to help. No question is dumb you are right.

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I have a simple solution for long time members who get tired of viewing the same topic......don't click on it.


Many people are new and have taken one or two...sometimes zero cruises in their life. It is a different type vacation so naturally people have a bunch of questions if they are new to cruising.

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Dan, thanks for posting the breakdown. You know everytime I see that it occurs to me how little that actually is! This will be our first cruise, but we do vacation twice a year. Our vacations are typically driving vacation throughout the US Southwest or Northwest. We stay in hotels so we eat in restaurants a lot on these vacations. We go to breakfast and the bill is somewhere between $10.00 and $20.00 depending on where you go. For standard service I tip between 15%-20%. That's what they get if they remember the food, don't drop anything on the floor and put it back on the plate, basic stuff. For good service I tip 20% or higher. So we're looking at $1.50-$2.50 just for breakfast tips. Dinner, as we all know is going to run $20.00-$40.00 or more. Now you are up to somewhere close to $10.00 (I left out lunch, too repetitive!) just for your food. We haven't even touched on the other services (hotel staff, etc.)so basically, you can count on somewhere between what, let's say it was cheap and say $10.00-$30.00 a day in tips. These people do not provide anywhere near the service you get from the people on board a cruise ship.

If you look at the breakdown on the $10.00, $3.50 is for stateroom services. This does not go to your steward, it is split between different people, yes he/she gets a piece, but not the whole thing! $5.50 a day for dining room services? Again, this is split between several people.

Not only will we be leaving our $10.00 a day on the S&S card, but I really feel that is below what we, as a couple, would normally tip on our trips, so we will be tipping above that as well. Just wanted to throw in my 2 cents. Maybe if people thought about it they would be less inclined to remove that $10.00 a day!

OP, I am certainly not accusing you of removing tips at all, I just wanted to vent my thoughts on the subject at hand! :)

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I have a simple solution for long time members who get tired of viewing the same topic......don't click on it.


Many people are new and have taken one or two...sometimes zero cruises in their life. It is a different type vacation so naturally people have a bunch of questions if they are new to cruising.


EXACTLY!! Don't click on it! The search tool is horrible. Some people don't have hours to sit on line and read through every piece of info. It's a lot easier to just ask a question. If you don't like the question, don't answer it. It doesn't matter how many times it was discussed the person obviously asked it for some help. But the "big experts" on these boards think they rule and have all the knowledge. And to boot, they are psychic! How do you know that people haven't searched for their answer before they asked the question? You have know idea what they've done. So chill out and just don't answer it. Let someone who can help them out do that.

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This is what I do because I feel the split is not fair. I DO remove all the tips. I give cash to everyone that I feel goes above and beyond. I do not use the dining rooms at all so I tip the people in alternate dining areas according. The room steward gets a huge tip! Room service is always tipped very well. Bar services do not apply to me since I don't drink (maybe one or two on a cruise), and that is automatically added. I also always tip the DJ if I use the disco.

I am not being a cheapskate as previously suggested. I usually end up spending at least twice as much as the regular tip, I just want to make sure the right people get the money. By the way, I also don't leave a cash tip on the table at a restrauant, I give it directly to the server. She/he can split it if they want to. They are the one that made my meal enjoyable. They deserve the money.

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So you feel this is divided equally or do you think it's better to tip yourself throughout the cruise?



I remove everything and tip in cash so there is no one taking a cut or charging them an administration fee. I highly doubt that CCL is collecting all these tips,paying the credit card companies fee,and transfering the funds for hundreds of crew for free.

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I find it so interesting the amount of people so concerned about those "taking a cut" enough to use it as an excuse to remove their tips and pay in cash as they see fit. Guess that means that those people that leave the tips on are concerned about those "not getting their cut".:rolleyes: I personally believe that the amount of people who make my families cruising experience an all round great experience while on board goes way beyond a select few individuals so I will pay our 120.00 per person every time we cruise and have the cruiseline split it up and also tip those select individuals over and above for extra service. My .02 worth.

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Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I remember on our last cruise with RCL we had great conversations with our wait staff and one question we asked was about tips, and after hearing how it's done, it was pretty sad. If a whole table doesn't show up for dinner and obviously doesn't leave them a tip, that hurts them financially a great deal? My son hardly ever ate in the dining room with us, maybe twice, and I still paid his tips for the entire cruise whether he used the dining room or not. I don't know if that's the same way on Carnival. But if they count on their tips and don't get them that's sad. I think they should add the tips into the cruise and not allow people to take them off. I don't know, just my opinion.

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Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I remember on our last cruise with RCL we had great conversations with our wait staff and one question we asked was about tips, and after hearing how it's done, it was pretty sad. If a whole table doesn't show up for dinner and obviously doesn't leave them a tip, that hurts them financially a great deal? My son hardly ever ate in the dining room with us, maybe twice, and I still paid his tips for the entire cruise whether he used the dining room or not. I don't know if that's the same way on Carnival. But if they count on their tips and don't get them that's sad. I think they should add the tips into the cruise and not allow people to take them off. I don't know, just my opinion.


RCL doesnt have automatic tips like Carnival cruiselines, you have to actually sign a paper and turn it in at the purser's desk for them to add the tips to your card. As a result there are a lot of people skipping dinner the last night on board just to avoid tipping. Im one who signs the paper and they give you a voucher to put in a envelope you can pass out to the named individuals.


cruise1234567, why doesnt it surprise me that you remove the auto tips?? thats why you are always starting threads about removing tips and asking about tips Im sure. I'm glad you finally came out and said you remove the auto tips. .... and of course Im sure you tip at least the minimum amount the auto tips would be?

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firefly - I didn't know about the voucher thing on RCL. They had left us envelopes to tip at the end of the cruise. That's what I used to tip everyone. Do you think they should all have automatic tips included without being able to remove them? I just feel bad for the people who rely on their tips and don't get them, at least if it's already applied they know that they are getting it. I don't think they'd slack off on their service to you knowing that, I think they would probably be better to you for that little extra. I don't know, tough thing to talk about.



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firefly - I didn't know about the voucher thing on RCL. They had left us envelopes to tip at the end of the cruise. That's what I used to tip everyone. Do you think they should all have automatic tips included without being able to remove them? I just feel bad for the people who rely on their tips and don't get them, at least if it's already applied they know that they are getting it. I don't think they'd slack off on their service to you knowing that, I think they would probably be better to you for that little extra. I don't know, tough thing to talk about.




The paper you needed to sign was in one of the daily papers they put in your cabin every night. I was at a table of 10, many were repeat cruisers. One must have been diamond and they never knew there was even a paper you could sign and get the vouchers...me a newbie showed them the vouchers. I was the only one at dinner that night with envelopes. Another couple stiffed the waitstaff because of something stupid (waitstaff hadnt know it was her birthday). I was the only one with my envelopes and vouchers 2 of us out of 10. Im thinking RCL folks dont get as many tips because they dont have them automatic. Im betting thats why Carnival made them automatic. I was surprised how no one else at the table on my RCL cruises was aware of the paper to sign that they gave you in your room, they must just throw it away and think it was more advertising? Iv used the vouchers all 3 of my RCL cruises.


RCL cruise folks introduce themselves and come across as much friendlier, in general. I will give them that. They work harder for those tips as a result of not having them automatic.


Im not saying that everyone who removes the auto tips on Carnival tips less or thats why they are doing it, but some are, no doubt. Go on a RCL cruise where tipping is not automatic and you will see the last night at dinner many dont tip at all, if they do show up the last night. Iv seen it.

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Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I remember on our last cruise with RCL we had great conversations with our wait staff and one question we asked was about tips, and after hearing how it's done, it was pretty sad. If a whole table doesn't show up for dinner and obviously doesn't leave them a tip, that hurts them financially a great deal? My son hardly ever ate in the dining room with us, maybe twice, and I still paid his tips for the entire cruise whether he used the dining room or not. I don't know if that's the same way on Carnival. But if they count on their tips and don't get them that's sad. I think they should add the tips into the cruise and not allow people to take them off. I don't know, just my opinion.


I think you're talking about empty seats at their table/serving area. Its the same on Carnival. If people do not eat in the dining room and remove the tips because they eat elsewhere, the servers loose out. They cannot keep the tables filled like a land restaurant can. They are just stuck with the empty assigned seats.


Some cruiselines pool all the tips, those lines would still give the workers their fair share of the pool [i guess]. But then part of your tip is going to someone you never met or that did anything for you. All in how one wants to look at it.





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The paper you needed to sign was in one of the daily papers they put in your cabin every night. I was at a table of 10, many were repeat cruisers. One must have been diamond and they never knew there was even a paper you could sign and get the vouchers...me a newbie showed them the vouchers. I was the only one at dinner that night with envelopes. Another couple stiffed the waitstaff because of something stupid (waitstaff hadnt know it was her birthday). I was the only one with my envelopes and vouchers 2 of us out of 10. Im thinking RCL folks dont get as many tips because they dont have them automatic. Im betting thats why Carnival made them automatic. I was surprised how no one else at the table on my RCL cruises was aware of the paper to sign that they gave you in your room, they must just throw it away and think it was more advertising? Iv used the vouchers all 3 of my RCL cruises.


RCL cruise folks introduce themselves and come across as much friendlier, in general. I will give them that. They work harder for those tips as a result of not having them automatic.


Im not saying that everyone who removes the auto tips on Carnival tips less or thats why they are doing it, but some are, no doubt. Go on a RCL cruise where tipping is not automatic and you will see the last night at dinner many dont tip at all, if they do show up the last night. Iv seen it.


Cruising on RCL, our tips were automatically added to our account just like on Carnival, with no action or instruction from us. The only difference is they are posted to the acct. daily instead of all on the first day like CCL.


The ONLY purpose for the vouchers and envelopes is to assuage those, "tip in cash," types that actually need to be personally involved somehow in the tipping.

If you DO NOTHING at all, just like on Carnival, the tips WILL BE automatically charged to your account and the workers will receive their share.



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Thanks for the info. Yes, that's what I was referring to empty seats. But as firefly states if they do go to the dining room and don't tip - that stinks! But if you're saying they automatically add the tips anyway then at least the staff doesn't get stuck.

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I am going on my first cruise in 2009, so am far from experienced. I will leave the auto gratuity on my S&S for 2 reasons, 1 is that I love having nearly everything prepaid, the second is I want everyone to get a tip. I don't know how hard it is to find people to tip them at the end of the cruise, but I would feel bad to miss even one person. At least with pre tipping, they will get something. I will give extra for good service at the end of the cruise to those who I can find. Except certain service, which I will tip immediately, such as room service. Is this the right way? Not necessarily, but it is my way. I really don't think there is a right and wrong way as long as you are tipping.


Now to those who never use the dining room. That one is tricky. Should half of your tip really be going to the servers who are not serving you and hardly nothing to the buffet or wherever you eat instead? I don't really know an answer to that, but I will use both the dining room and buffet, so maybe it will be more fair for me.

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RCL doesnt have automatic tips like Carnival cruiselines, you have to actually sign a paper and turn it in at the purser's desk for them to add the tips to your card. As a result there are a lot of people skipping dinner the last night on board just to avoid tipping. Im one who signs the paper and they give you a voucher to put in a envelope you can pass out to the named individuals.



Last time we were on RCCL the tips were handled the same as Carnival.

We did not have to sign anything.


Oops I just noticed Dan already posted this....

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Cruising on RCL, our tips were automatically added to our account just like on Carnival, with no action or instruction from us. The only difference is they are posted to the acct. daily instead of all on the first day like CCL.


The ONLY purpose for the vouchers and envelopes is to assuage those, "tip in cash," types that actually need to be personally involved somehow in the tipping.

If you DO NOTHING at all, just like on Carnival, the tips WILL BE automatically charged to your account and the workers will receive their share.




OK thanks. No one at my table could tell me about those vouchers, I didnt know for sure what would happen so I signed the paper and they put the vouchers in my cabin to put in the envelopes. I guess I worry too much about how many hours some of those employees work and how hard they work.


Next time I will know I dont need to sign the paper to have the tips added.

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RCCL must have changed recently, then. In August, we had to authorize the tips to go on our sea pass, no later than two days before cruise end.


Now Im really confused, because thats what they told us, we had to sign the paper, guess this question belongs on the RCL thread.


I was on RCL in April 2007, and twice in Sept 2007 and all times they said I needed to sign the paper or the tips would not be on my card.

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INow to those who never use the dining room. That one is tricky. Should half of your tip really be going to the servers who are not serving you and hardly nothing to the buffet or wherever you eat instead? I don't really know an answer to that, but I will use both the dining room and buffet, so maybe it will be more fair for me.


For what its worth, many of the waitstaff seem to pull double duty in the buffet. Iv seen my dinner waiter or asst waiter up the next morning at breakfast clearing tables or whatnot and said hello. They dont just wait tables in the dining room.

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