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Completely Depressed & Frustrated...HELP!


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Hi everyone....


I am a busy little bee with my spring cleaning. I mostly hate it, but I am looking at it as I am getting more exercise doing all this work!!


Lesley, I wasn't directing the comment about feeling beat up sometimes at you. I was saying it in general about this thread. I do appreciate you caring how I felt about it though. Very nice. :)


Picnic idea. So many people have that bad for you fried chicken. They take it cold with potato salad. Well how about chicken strips baked in the oven with some type of cereal crushed on the outside. To make the cereal stick I use lowfat sour cream. Then take those cold with maybe a side salad of cole slaw....made with olive oil and vinegar instead of mayo.


Oh...I wore a cute little workout tank top thing today to the gym. I was told how good I was looking. It really made me feel good. I'm getting there......SLOWLY. LOL

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At one point I thought you and I had the same goal weight. I misread and added 10 pounds because that is my goal...135. I'm 5'4". I read that Smooth was 5'5" and 160 at one point wearing 14s. I was 157 and wearing 8s. I'm now at 138 and wearing 2s, 4s, and 6 in some pants (I'm pear shaped). I even get away with 0s in some tops. My point is, I weigh more than what I look like - I have a muscular build. The scale is only one measure - don't get too hung up on it.


Yeah you really can't use someone else's numbers to go by. Body composition is a huge factor in your weight. I am 5'7", sitting at about 142 for the last few days. I wear most 6's, some 8's, some 4's (and that's the other thing - different brand sizes are all over the board). When I was in the 150's I was wearing 10's and 12's.

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Can you recommend one that doesn't taste like cardboard?


If you like PB, I don't see how you would NOT love the South Beach peanut butter snack bars. 100 cal, 4 gms fat, 5 gms fiber and 6 gms protein - very nutritous and tastes awesome, in my opinion. They also have meal bars - Cinnamon creme (19 gms of protein!!), caramel peanut and vanilla creme. For taste alone, these are the best bars I've ever had and there are lots of choices with no chocolate.

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Now you do not have to be afraid to weight yourself, cause I finally figured it out how to do it.










How to weigh yourself



I can't believe I was doing it wrong all these years.


We must get the word out.



























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Hi everybody... I didn't know if the cartoon would work, but I thought of us when I saw it... tee hee!


Brenda, Tyra is talking all about Curves today so I think I'll watch.


Smooth, Have a great evening!!! You enjoy yourself. You've done a wonderful job preparing and I can just imaging you flowing beautifully in that white dress... woo hoo!


Chi, I hope you are feeling better. I was bummed for you that you didn't get to go with your friend the other night.


Gathina, sounds like the stress got to you the other day... that's what I call STRESS eating, but I'm proud of how fast you bounced back. That's the right way to do it!


Happy, you amaze me and motivate me! Keep it up! Running at MIDNIGHT.. OMG, I could never do that. You are much braver than I am...








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So I was feeling like CRAP today. Around 2, I ran to Walgreens to pick up the stuff I meant to pick up yesterday (I ended up finding enough Coricidin to get me through the day). Then I went to go work out at the gym closer to work in the suburbs because they have a great class on Fridays. I did weights for a half hour (upper body), abs, and 45 minutes of cardio (the class). The class is an hour, but I hit a wall at 45 min. I figured that was pretty good though. On my way hour, I ran into mega traffic (on a Friday night in Chicago...shocking). I decided to stop off at the mall on the way home. I went into Victoria's Secret. This location has a limited selection of swimwear - I was able to try things on, and then ordered the colors I wanted online. The best part is, I can wear a string bikini! I've NEVER worn one. I mentioned I'm pear-shaped, so I never felt confident with my legs and rear on that big of display. But, I've been doing TONS of squats and lunges, so I'm really happy with the way my legs look now. The mall is an outdoor mall, so I got a nice walk in too. It was almost 60 here today, so it was nice to be outside. I'm feeling WAY better, though I have no sense of smell.


On my way home, my date for Sunday called:) . Hope I'm feeling well enough to go. I also hope I can go to the party tomorrow. It starts at 1 at my friend's place, and will go until about 9. At that point, the party will move to the bars. I doubt I will last that long. Tomorrow will be hard, not from a food perspective, but from a drinking perspective. I guess I can use the I'm not feeling that well excuse. It's going to be a day of HEAVY drinking...I'm not so concerned about me not having the willpower to have only one or two, it's more that I'm concerned about becoming very annoyed with all the wasted people:rolleyes:


OK, off to bed. Need to work out and grocery shop before the party tomorrow, so I'll be getting up early.

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The best part is, I can wear a string bikini! I've NEVER worn one.


Good morning all. Sorry bout the cartoon, it was a lady lying on her back with her feet straight up & the scale was balanced on top of her feet. It reminded me of us, so I wanted you to see it... live and learn...


Chigirl, I'm motivated now to do some squats! Even with my weight loss my thighs and behind are not looking as good as I would have liked.

A string bikini... Good for you! I still can't get myself to wear ANY bikini, I got the bubble belly and flat behind. A reverse of what I wish I had!!!


I'm so glad you heard from your date & I hope you feel even better today.

Have fun!!


I'm waiting to hear from Smoothdancer.... find out how the big night went..





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...I went to go work out at the gym closer to work in the suburbs because they have a great class on Fridays. I did weights for a half hour (upper body), abs, and 45 minutes of cardio (the class). The class is an hour, but I hit a wall at 45 min. I figured that was pretty good though. ....


Good for you Chi!!! You are da bomb! I know you feel better for it!!!



On my way home, my date for Sunday called:) . ...Tomorrow will be hard, not from a food perspective, but from a drinking perspective...


Yay! Glad he called...and good luck on keeping the drinking thing under control!! :p

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Oh...I wore a cute little workout tank top thing today to the gym. I was told how good I was looking. It really made me feel good. I'm getting there......SLOWLY. LOL

Way to go, woo hoo!! Sorry for all my posts today..:o


Yeah you really can't use someone else's numbers to go by. Body composition is a huge factor in your weight. I am 5'7", sitting at about 142 for the last few days. I wear most 6's, some 8's, some 4's (and that's the other thing - different brand sizes are all over the board). When I was in the 150's I was wearing 10's and 12's.


I keep meaning to post about this, too. It's so important. I have a very light frame (which means I don't have as much muscle structure... no kidding... I'm the one who is NOT working out in a gym :rolleyes: )

So at 5'4" my highest weight over 140 and size 10's were too small...

I'd much rather be firm and slightly muscular size 6 no matter WHAT the weight was. I'm thinking I need more weight training. I'm in a 6, but I'm still too "soft & fluffy" and I still have the dreaded "C" on my thighs...



Thanks, NailLady!!! Yes, that's it. I guess I needed to put a link in, but it was emailed to me so I just copied and pasted....

Now they can see the picture, so thanks for helping me out! :D





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Good morning,


Where's Smooth? How did the dancing go?????


Lesley, have a great date! Glad he called......although I hate that he waited so long....MEN! LOL I too HATE a bunch of drunk people around me. When I go to a party and everyone is sloppy drunk it really turns me off. Sometimes I think I am a party pooper....but I am just not into the whole scene. I'd much rather hang out and have a drink or 2, have fun, but not be sloppy and stupid.


I failed my challenge. I had the desire to step on the scale and I could not stop myself. Its unfortunate, but hey, I'm human. Bad news is, I haven't lost any weight. I remain at 130....down 13. I can't believe how hard this is! I diet, I workout....I am living completely healthy.....and nada!!! Uggghhhhhh.

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Don't feel too bad Brenda...you did better than I could ever do! :D

Yes, it is hard. Very very hard. But, it is worth it, and we know that, that is why we are succeeding, even if slowly.


My problem is not so much hunger, but just the love of certain tastes. Sometimes I wish I could disable my taste buds!! :D

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Okay Smooth...we need an update!! :D Hope you had a great time last night!


I went for a 3 mile run this morning...beautiful weather for it. I replaced the battery in my BF's car (he left his little "toy" with me while he is out of town, and the battery died). I've never replaced a car battery before, but it is such a pain to have it done somewhere (it's a Benz), I figured I'd try - and it was a snap! Had hoped to get to the gym, but I guess I can go tomorrow. After we get the grass cut, my son and I are headed to the dance studio...tonight is a Winter Showcase and Dance Party...my son's afterschool ballroom club is invited, so I get to see my son dance with some of his "girls". ;) Should be fun!!!

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Happy, you continue to amaze me! I wouldn't have wanted to touch a car battery, let alone one in a Benz, in a million years!


Oh goodness, I just heard on "Today" that Paris Hilton is getting a reality show to find her a new BFF:eek: :rolleyes: . What the heck?


I'm feeling a million times better, although I still have NO sense of smell (I didn't take any Zicam or anything like that). I even worked out for 2 hours yesterday - made up for the missing 15 minutes of cardio on Friday! My weight stayed the same this week, so I still have 3 pounds to go.


Party was fun. I actually ended up going to two parties. The first one was hosted by people 3 years younger than I am, and there were a lot of drunks. The second one was hosted by people 3 years older than me, and the difference between the two parties was amazing. I enjoyed the second one more:). I ran into a lot of people from high school at both parties. I did well with my eating (and drinking). Some cupcakes were taunting me, but I resisted, and I only had 2 beers in a 9 hour period.

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I'm back! Actually back yesterday afternoon, physically but mostly mentally exhausted to think about anything....


So, everything went really well for us. Our two coaches came to this competition to support our return and after our first couple of rounds he told me, it is nice, but you need to let it go and come out of the comfort zone... Did this the next day and YES... we scored first place in all the dances we did on Saturday, among tough competition... The gowns felt great, I felt great, many friends that we had not seen in months time and time again told me how wonderful I looked and danced... was very nice. After the comp I was walking back to my hotel room and this little ol man came up to me and told me how beautiful I looked.... It was cute, I will take it!


So after all of that I decide to reward myself, we order chinese food( I have been wanting this for months). Like, M it made me really sick with pretty bad pains in my stomach all last night and part of this morning. This never happened before and hindsight I guess it is good because I will never do that again, it cured me....


That it for now... In a few days we will post a few pictures of our competition on our website.

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Chi, remember "No thanks, I've had enoughfor the day".."Na, I just feel like a coke", "No thanks, I'm not drinking today".."Na,n one's enough for me today"


Besides...think of all the money you'll save so you can buy NEW CLOTHES..that's a better investment than blowing it on booze!


Happy: I'm making homemade hummus today but am pressure cooking the chickpeas and am going to save some for curry this week.


Brenda: How'd you do last night?? Are you feeling better?


Any news from Smooth??


So I was feeling like CRAP today. Around 2, I ran to Walgreens to pick up the stuff I meant to pick up yesterday (I ended up finding enough Coricidin to get me through the day). Then I went to go work out at the gym closer to work in the suburbs because they have a great class on Fridays. I did weights for a half hour (upper body), abs, and 45 minutes of cardio (the class). The class is an hour, but I hit a wall at 45 min. I figured that was pretty good though. On my way hour, I ran into mega traffic (on a Friday night in Chicago...shocking). I decided to stop off at the mall on the way home. I went into Victoria's Secret. This location has a limited selection of swimwear - I was able to try things on, and then ordered the colors I wanted online. The best part is, I can wear a string bikini! I've NEVER worn one. I mentioned I'm pear-shaped, so I never felt confident with my legs and rear on that big of display. But, I've been doing TONS of squats and lunges, so I'm really happy with the way my legs look now. The mall is an outdoor mall, so I got a nice walk in too. It was almost 60 here today, so it was nice to be outside. I'm feeling WAY better, though I have no sense of smell.


On my way home, my date for Sunday called:) . Hope I'm feeling well enough to go. I also hope I can go to the party tomorrow. It starts at 1 at my friend's place, and will go until about 9. At that point, the party will move to the bars. I doubt I will last that long. Tomorrow will be hard, not from a food perspective, but from a drinking perspective. I guess I can use the I'm not feeling that well excuse. It's going to be a day of HEAVY drinking...I'm not so concerned about me not having the willpower to have only one or two, it's more that I'm concerned about becoming very annoyed with all the wasted people:rolleyes:


OK, off to bed. Need to work out and grocery shop before the party tomorrow, so I'll be getting up early.

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Chi, remember "No thanks, I've had enoughfor the day".."Na, I just feel like a coke", "No thanks, I'm not drinking today".."Na,n one's enough for me today"


Besides...think of all the money you'll save so you can buy NEW CLOTHES..that's a better investment than blowing it on booze!



I did use those lines...only had 2 beers:)

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See, that's great! Maybe one day you'll have one beer and you'll throw up so you won't drink again :)


Brenda: We all think you did good on the weighing thing...I guess now you can see what we were talking about by NOT weighing yourself daily..my guess was you'd feel worse to be checking every day and not seeing the scale move. Of course it's hard because it all goes back to self discipline. Isn't that true of everything in life!


Smooth: Good work..I love Chinese food too but I doubt it'll be months before I eat it again. They say it's true taste buds change over time and I really believe that..it's like after going without some food for so long it just doesn't taste as good to me.


Happy: A woman after my own heart! I am having an oil changing lesson in a couple weeks.


Anybody else cooking today..I made my hummus, now am making rice and am jerking a chicken for picnic tonite.


I did use those lines...only had 2 beers:)
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Smooth - Congrats!!! Sounds like your hard work paid off girl!! I saw some fantastic dancing last night...and I actually thought about you. :)

My dancing was awful...been many months since I've done any BR dancing unfortunately...but we had such a good time. It's just a small local studio, but they really have a wonderful friendly environment, and great instructors. I already want to go back...wish they were more conveniently located. :( Been there done that on the chinese food too. My tummy just can't tolerate much of it any more.


Chi - only 2 beers...that is the way to do it!! Good going! I totally agree about the drunks and partying...I am pretty much over the late night hard-partying days (well, mostly :D ) but then and now, drunks have always been a huge turnoff for me. Glad you had a good time!!


Gathina - I guess I take the easy way out - I use canned chickpeas. :o

I still have some hummus left, but I will be making more. Man...it's even better after sitting in the fridge a couple of days.


I may be cooking later...not sure what though. Only things I have planned for the day are taking my son to the lbrary, hitting the gym, visiting my mom (she had shoulder replacement surgery last week - she's doing great), and finding a new mp3 player - mine got somehow fried yesterday when I was loading some new music, :mad: and I HAVE to have one for the gym!! Grrrrr....

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Hi everyone!


Congrats Smooth!! How amazing that you came in first place!!! Sorry to say though that I would have been able to eat that chinese food, love it and not get sick. LOL. I guess it hasn't been long enough for me on the healthy lifestyle.


Yesterday was a big day for my little guy. We took a drive to PA to see a monster truck show at the Wachovia Arena in Wilkes-Barre. Its about a 2 hour drive for us. He was thrilled. So I had a totally different kind of Saturday night cheat night.....but honestly, it was yummy. We went to a local place called Logan's Roadhouse. You can throw peanut shells on the floor there.....my son had a blast beeming his dad in the head. :eek: Anyhow, I had a small filet, but I did have onion peels. I don't even feel badly though. I know I always cheat on Saturday so all in all I thought it was a great job. I didn't have any bread like I usually do....and no wine. I had a diet soda....so a few fried onions....oh well....life goes on. Today I have been busy. I cleaned the living room and dining room windows/curtains. After that when the weather cleared up we went for a family bike ride. Yippee!...I exercised on Sunday!!!!! I was very busy today though, so for dinner we picked up a pre-roasted chicken at Costco and I am making corn on the cob and a salad with it.


Great job Lesley!!! 2 beers in 9 hours is great!!!!


Well hope you are all enjoying your Sunday. Menina...have a great picnic!

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Sigh....the boy called and he had to reschedule. Something about an employee's grandfather dying so he had to cover for this guy's work for tomorrow, and they're expecting tomorrow to be a bad, busy day. Makes me wish I would have made plans with the guy I met yesterday:)

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Don't read too much into it. You've got bigger fish to fry.


Sigh....the boy called and he had to reschedule. Something about an employee's grandfather dying so he had to cover for this guy's work for tomorrow, and they're expecting tomorrow to be a bad, busy day. Makes me wish I would have made plans with the guy I met yesterday:)
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Lesley, Just my opinion...but don't even waste your time with this guy. If a guy isn't going to chase you when he first meets you, imagine how it would be after he gets to know you. There are many more fish in the sea......I'd move on. You deserve to be chased!!!


Sigh....the boy called and he had to reschedule. Something about an employee's grandfather dying so he had to cover for this guy's work for tomorrow, and they're expecting tomorrow to be a bad, busy day. Makes me wish I would have made plans with the guy I met yesterday:)
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Geez.. I still feel so crummy over that chinese food(I am guessing that is why I feel so bloated and horrible). I am drinking a lot of water, back to my normal routine.. any other ideas, or do I just wait this out....


I am with everyone else, Lesley... he probably did you a favor by cancelling.


For you guys getting ready for a cruise, I just got the Newport News Swimsuit catalog, they have great stuff to go along with the great bodies we have worked so hard for... check it out!

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I'm starting to think along the same lines. We'll see what happens come Thursday. If he blows me off again, well, there's my answer. Ugh, it's so frustrating. I just don't get it...I'm not ugly, I'm nice, I have a great job, I cook, etc. But, the guys I like don't seem to like me:rolleyes:.


Smooth, great job with the competition. Can't wait to see the pics!


I actually bought 4 bathing suits from Victoria's Secret the other night. I should get them this week. I was only going to buy 2, but if you spent over $100, you got money off the order and free shipping. It ended up only being $23 more to buy 4 instead of 2.

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