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Any compensation for Noro and isolation?


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I was on the Fantasy in February, came down with the dreaded Noro on the second day and was isolated to my cabin for 24 hours. At least my visit to the infirmary, my shot, and all meds were comp'd. I wasn't able to debark at Cozumel until noon, which was about 1/2 of the day. Missed formal night as well. (not that I even felt like leaving my room anyway.) That only left me one sea day before we arrived back in New Orleans. My 4 day cruise was essentially a day and a half.

This was my 5th cruise with carnival and I have 2 more booked in the future. When I booked my latest: a return on the Fantasy, I asked for a complementary upgrade or a ship board credit and they said, No.

Anyone had any luck with compensation of any sort?


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Did the infirmary say it was Noro or that you caught it on the ship? I would gather your documentation and snail mail copies to Carnival. Snail mail works best. I dont know what documention you have to show but it would also help if you could show that others on your cruise also came down with it and that getting sick wasnt from something you had when boarding. So thats why it would be important if the infirmary said it was Noro.

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If you came down with it on the second day, you very easily could have caught it before you boarded and brought it onboard. Incubation is 24-48 hours and median is 33-36 hours. If you were on board less than 24 hours, you didnt' catch it from the cruise. Norovirus is more common in schools and nursing homes than it is on cruise ships. It is just a gastrointestianl virus (one of many) and we all have had it or something from the same family before. It could also have been food poisoning which also has an incubation period of about 24-48 hours. I'm not sure why people act like it's the cruiseline's fault. I don't get this obsession with compensation. Everything is not someone else's fault. If your child gets it at school and has to stay home for a couple of days do you ask them to reimburse you for the cost of staying home from work or the inconvenience of being isolated at home?

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This happened to my bf and I the first of the year on Royal Caribbean...It was a 3 day cruise, and we were quarantined for the last 24 hours...Before we left the ship they handed us a letter saying we'd be compensated for our time in our room...Just got the credit today, and it's for $500 total for the both of us...The cruise cost us aprox. $1200, so I'm quite happy with what we go...We're using it to take the same cruise again in Sept...But, are going on the Inspiration in May first!!...I'm not sure what you're options are if you didn't get something from them before you left the ship...We didn't have to ask, they just told us we'd be getting something.

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This happened to my bf and I the first of the year on Royal Caribbean...It was a 3 day cruise, and we were quarantined for the last 24 hours...Before we left the ship they handed us a letter saying we'd be compensated for our time in our room...Just got the credit today, and it's for $500 total for the both of us...The cruise cost us aprox. $1200, so I'm quite happy with what we go...We're using it to take the same cruise again in Sept...But, are going on the Inspiration in May first!!...I'm not sure what you're options are if you didn't get something from them before you left the ship...We didn't have to ask, they just told us we'd be getting something.


You got sick the last day of the cruise, so more chance that you picked it up on the ship than what the OP mentioned.


The OP didnt give enough details to know though.

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Why in the world do feel like you deserve to be compensated for getting sick. Don't you catch it from not washing your hands before eating or touching your eyes or other parts. Why should any cruise line be responsible?

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You got sick the last day of the cruise, so more chance that you picked it up on the ship than what the OP mentioned.


The OP didnt give enough details to know though.


Actually the bf wasn't feeling well the first evening, but the infirmary was too full everytime he went down, and he didn't feel like waiting around...We boarded on a Friday, and he made his first trip down to the infirmary on Sat. morning, but didn't see a doctor til late Sun. afternoon...I was our understanding the anytime you're quarantined, you will be compensated for your time...But, very important to get this in writing before leaving the ship I think...( Of course that's probably the last thing anyone feels like doing when they aren't feeling well).


My feeling on the compensation, is that we weren't feeling any worse than we had been the entire time, and could have gone to dinner our last night...It was the ships decision to not allow that, so I think the compensation was in order...And as I said, the ship was the first to mention to us we'd be receiving it, although I think we would have thought to ask for it.


Also, I don't think it's so much of a question of the ship making you sick, as it is the ship not allowing you to enjoy the full benefits of the cruise you've paid for...They don't have to compensate you just because you're sick...But, when you're confined to your cabin at the ships discretion, that's another matter.

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Why in the world do feel like you deserve to be compensated for getting sick. Don't you catch it from not washing your hands before eating or touching your eyes or other parts. Why should any cruise line be responsible?


Norwalk is spread by people not washing their hands after using the bathroom. When that person touches a handrail, elevator button, or anything like that, they then spread the germ to others. Once that germ in developed into Norwalk, you don't really have to come in to close contact to get it.


I have to say it's the sickess I have ever been in my life. I came home from a trip. I stopped at my parents house to pick up my puppy. I didn't even go in the house. I stood out on the porch, exchanged a few words with my mother and left. 2 days later I was informing my mother on the phone the type of funeral I wanted. 2 days later just from that very brief no touching contact she was sick. It just so happen that one of those 2 days was Thanksgiving. My whole extended family came down with it. Over 60 people.


The cruise line can clean and clean and you can be the cleanest person on the ship, but it only takes one person.

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This happened to me on RC. It was the 5th day of the cruise. I was quarantined for the rest of the cruise. My bf was quarantined for 24 hours. We were compensated with a credit toward another sailing. We ended up sailing on a 4 day for about $150 because of the credit.

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A couple of issues that passenger should understand. First, if you were compensated for being quarantined, it is because of the generousity of the cruiseline and not because entitlement.


Second, if you are quaratined as per the medical staff and decide to walk around the ship, the security can and will escort you back to the ship. This, of course, isn't done very often. But once there is a quarantined order by the medical staff, you cruise card is marked, you cannot get off the ship, and if you used it in any of the public areas, security will be notified.


The cruiseline takes gastroenteritis very very seriously. It is not fun and games for them. Yes, we (I worked for Princess as a ship doctor for many years) know that it makes the passengers very angry and it is a total inconvenience to them. But given there is 2000 passeger adn 1000 crew on board, an highly contagious virus like norovirus is nothing to look at lightly.

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A couple of issues that passenger should understand. First, if you were compensated for being quarantined, it is because of the generousity of the cruiseline and not because entitlement.


Second, if you are quaratined as per the medical staff and decide to walk around the ship, the security can and will escort you back to the ship. This, of course, isn't done very often. But once there is a quarantined order by the medical staff, you cruise card is marked, you cannot get off the ship, and if you used it in any of the public areas, security will be notified.


The cruiseline takes gastroenteritis very very seriously. It is not fun and games for them. Yes, we (I worked for Princess as a ship doctor for many years) know that it makes the passengers very angry and it is a total inconvenience to them. But given there is 2000 passeger adn 1000 crew on board, an highly contagious virus like norovirus is nothing to look at lightly.


Oh how true that is! My mother was quaratined on RCI's Radiance of the Seas. She thought her time was up and tried to get off the ship at a port. She said when she put her card in the machine all kinds of bells went off. Her picture came up with a big X. She had something like 2 to 4 hours left on her quaratine and they made her return to her cabin.

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If you came down with it on the second day, you very easily could have caught it before you boarded and brought it onboard. Incubation is 24-48 hours and median is 33-36 hours. If you were on board less than 24 hours, you didnt' catch it from the cruise. Norovirus is more common in schools and nursing homes than it is on cruise ships. It is just a gastrointestianl virus (one of many) and we all have had it or something from the same family before. It could also have been food poisoning which also has an incubation period of about 24-48 hours. I'm not sure why people act like it's the cruiseline's fault. I don't get this obsession with compensation. Everything is not someone else's fault. If your child gets it at school and has to stay home for a couple of days do you ask them to reimburse you for the cost of staying home from work or the inconvenience of being isolated at home?



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A couple of issues that passenger should understand. First, if you were compensated for being quarantined, it is because of the generousity of the cruiseline and not because entitlement. But given there is 2000 passeger adn 1000 crew on board, an highly contagious virus like norovirus is nothing to look at lightly.


Once again this is the answer. Is it Carnival's fault?

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She was just asking for a simple answer. Paying, and going on a cruise isn't comparable to having your kids stay home from school. A large part of her vacation was ruined. It makes no difference whose fault it was. The bottom line is she had a bad time on a Carnival cruise. And (for obvious reasons) she isn't going to have good memories of Carnival. So it doesn't seem out of line for Carnival to make even a small gesture to invite her back for what (hopefully) will be a more pleasant vacation. Good will from a company goes a long, long ways.


D;13680750]If you came down with it on the second day, you very easily could have caught it before you boarded and brought it onboard. Incubation is 24-48 hours and median is 33-36 hours. If you were on board less than 24 hours, you didnt' catch it from the cruise. Norovirus is more common in schools and nursing homes than it is on cruise ships. It is just a gastrointestianl virus (one of many) and we all have had it or something from the same family before. It could also have been food poisoning which also has an incubation period of about 24-48 hours. I'm not sure why people act like it's the cruiseline's fault. I don't get this obsession with compensation. Everything is not someone else's fault. If your child gets it at school and has to stay home for a couple of days do you ask them to reimburse you for the cost of staying home from work or the inconvenience of being isolated at home?

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I was on the Fantasy in February, came down with the dreaded Noro on the second day and was isolated to my cabin for 24 hours. At least my visit to the infirmary, my shot, and all meds were comp'd. I wasn't able to debark at Cozumel until noon, which was about 1/2 of the day. Missed formal night as well. (not that I even felt like leaving my room anyway.) That only left me one sea day before we arrived back in New Orleans. My 4 day cruise was essentially a day and a half.

This was my 5th cruise with carnival and I have 2 more booked in the future. When I booked my latest: a return on the Fantasy, I asked for a complementary upgrade or a ship board credit and they said, No.

Anyone had any luck with compensation of any sort?




WOW! It sounds like there are a bunch of Carnival lawyers or employes on here. (why would you be compinsated?) Melissa asked for some advise from people having the same thing happen to them not your opinion. You people make me sick.

Well Mel, I did get sick on the ship. It was my fourth day of seven. How about it lawyers and doctors? did I have it when I borded??? (shut up). Mel I had to pay $180 for some a-hole doctor tell me to go back to my room and stay there for two days. No I did not get compensated and I had to pay the on board doc for a not so good bedside manner. be lucky you didnt get charged for the office visit. Blow it off and keep cruising,But remember, there are other cruise lines!!!:) :) :) :p

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I think my advice to write Carnival was good advice. If you have the doctors notes and present a good case, they are apt to give you some credit toward another cruise, maybe just for good customer relations. Its not just about if you deserve it or not. Write, it cant hurt.

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I was the original poster. Thanks for those of you who understood my reason for asking... I simply missed out on a vacation and was hoping for just a small gesture of good will from Carnival. I was feeling much better by the next morning when we arrived in Cozumel, but was not allowed to leave the ship until after noon. I NEVER implied that I blamed Carnival and believe it or not.. I still had a wonderful cruise with my 2 little girls. Thankfully, they did not get it. I had luckily brought along 2 cans of Lysol and kept EVERYTHING sprayed and they pretty much stayed out of the cabin.

I love cruising on Carnival and will continue to do so. I certainly was not implying that I was entitled to anything. Was just wanting to know if anyone else had been offered a good will gesture if they missed a good portion of their cruise for a future sailing. I figure that is just good customer service. I realize Carnival OWED me NOTHING. It was not their fault I was sick, and probably did not even pick it up on the ship. The front desk did call my room several times to check on me, which I thought was very nice. (possibly they were calling to make sure I was staying in my room, but I would like to think they really did care about how I was feeling.)

I will say this... the only thing that I felt was wrong on the part of Carnival is that when I was on a restricted diet, they brought me toast, crackers, jello, and ginger ale to my room for 2 days. When I got my final bill, they had charged me for the ginger ales because sodas aren't included for free room service. No big deal and I am sure they would have removed the charge if I had caused a stink about it, but it wasn't worth it.

Anyway, I am returning to the Fantasy in a couple of months and hope to be able to have 2 lobster tails to make up for the one I missed.;) Thanks to those who understood and did n't slam me for simply asking a question.


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Did you have travel insurance? I've known people that had travel insurance and they were able to get reimbursed for the days they were isolated in their cabin. Not sure what type of documentation they had to provide, but I'm sure the insurance company can tell you that.


Sorry you had to stay in your room, but glad you were still able to have a good time and your kids as well.

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Norwalk is spread by people not washing their hands after using the bathroom. When that person touches a handrail, elevator button, or anything like that, they then spread the germ to others. Once that germ in developed into Norwalk, you don't really have to come in to close contact to get it.

I have to say it's the sickess I have ever been in my life. I came home from a trip. I stopped at my parents house to pick up my puppy. I didn't even go in the house. I stood out on the porch, exchanged a few words with my mother and left. 2 days later I was informing my mother on the phone the type of funeral I wanted. 2 days later just from that very brief no touching contact she was sick. It just so happen that one of those 2 days was Thanksgiving. My whole extended family came down with it. Over 60 people.


Noro is not spread via the air. It must be swallowed, so the usual mode of transmission is that you touch a contaminated surface, then at some point touch your mouth, swallow the microorganism and boom, you are sick. It can also be spread via contaminated food or water, or if you happen to be too close to someone who vomits and you get the aerosol in your mouth and swallow it. It does not infect the body from the lungs.


It's often just impossible to figure out where you picked up something like this. It only takes a very very small fraction of material to infect you.


Helpful info. can be found at the CDC:


How do people become infected with noroviruses?

Noroviruses are found in the stool or vomit of infected people. People can become infected with the virus in several ways, including:

  • eating food or drinking liquids that are contaminated with norovirus;
  • touching surfaces or objects contaminated with norovirus, and then placing their hand in their mouth;
  • having direct contact with another person who is infected and showing symptoms (for example, when caring for someone with illness, or sharing foods or eating utensils with someone who is ill).

Persons working in day-care centers or nursing homes should pay special attention to children or residents who have norovirus illness. This virus is very contagious and can spread rapidly throughout such environments


When do symptoms appear?

Symptoms of norovirus illness usually begin about 24 to 48 hours after ingestion of the virus, but they can appear as early as 12 hours after exposure.

Are noroviruses contagious?

Noroviruses are very contagious and can spread easily from person to person. Both stool and vomit are infectious. Particular care should be taken with young children in diapers who may have diarrhea.How long are people contagious?

People infected with norovirus are contagious from the moment they begin feeling ill to at least 3 days after recovery. Some people may be contagious for as long as 2 weeks after recovery. Therefore, it is particularly important for people to use good handwashing and other hygienic practices after they have recently recovered from norovirus illness.



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