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Pet Freindly Cruises?


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I didnt see a string that really seemed to fit and Family seemed to be the best choice. Apologies if I'm off-side...


Just wondering if anybody might have info on a ship or cruiseline that's pet-freindly? For now, it's just my DH, myself and "Sailor" our beautiful little African Grey Parrot but we'll be adopting a fur-kid (likely Shih-Tzu) in the next year or two and would be interested in bringing him/her along too.



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We'd love a pet-friendly cruise, too! What do you do with your parrot when you go away? We are boarding our dog, uncertain about psycho-cat, and are leaving the budgie at home. One time when we went away, the budgie was SO upset he rubbed his entire head naked :( so we decided AGAINST a 14 day cruise, settled on a 7 day cruise this time, as we are VERY worried that he'll self-mutilate again. Any suggestions?

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We'd love a pet-friendly cruise, too! What do you do with your parrot when you go away? We are boarding our dog, uncertain about psycho-cat, and are leaving the budgie at home. One time when we went away, the budgie was SO upset he rubbed his entire head naked :( so we decided AGAINST a 14 day cruise, settled on a 7 day cruise this time, as we are VERY worried that he'll self-mutilate again. Any suggestions?


Hire a pet sitter to come into your home. The poor budgie. :(


To Jayne - I found this info on Pet Friendly Cruises, the QE2 allows it on a "limited basis". Read about it here



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We've had pet sitters.... he misses us, not just any ol' human :) We're going to start intro'ing him to this year's "sitter" very soon, so he gets some degree of comfort with the sitter. I'm hoping that'll work. But thought maybe the OP had some words of advice, as parrots as even MORE finicky about their care givers than budgies are, usually!

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I didnt see a string that really seemed to fit and Family seemed to be the best choice. Apologies if I'm off-side...


Just wondering if anybody might have info on a ship or cruiseline that's pet-freindly? For now, it's just my DH, myself and "Sailor" our beautiful little African Grey Parrot but we'll be adopting a fur-kid (likely Shih-Tzu) in the next year or two and would be interested in bringing him/her along too.




I used to have a Congo African Grey named Sydney. He was the best. Unfortunately I adopted him from a bad home and could never get him to stop plucking his feathers. One day while I was at work he plucked a blood feather and died. I was beside myself with grief. Unless see you interact with one of those critters you just have no idea how intelligent and affectionate they are. They have the largest vocabularies of all the parrots and it was amazing how he used words and phrases contextually and even applied them, correctly, to new situations. I really miss that little guy.

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Only Cunard allows pets and only dogs, only on trans-Atlantics and they must be kept in the kennel in the bowels of the ship for the entire cruise. You are able to bring them out of their personal kennel for certain times for potty breaks, but they are never allowed on passenger decks. You run into too many problems with passengers with allergies.

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From the website:


Queen Mary 2’s kennel programme is available on all crossings between New York and Southampton in either direction, and is overseen by a full-time Kennel Master who takes care of responsibilities such as feeding, walking and cleaning the ship’s 12 spacious kennels. Travelling dogs and cats also receive a complimentary gift pack and other animal amenities.The kennels and adjacent indoor and outdoor walking areas are open throughout the day, enabling passengers to spend significant time with their pet. Reservations for the kennels may be made at time of booking, and are based on space availability. Contact Cunard for fees and additional requirements.




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I don't think you are being "friendly" to a pet by bringing it on a ship! For goodness sake.


I would not want to be in a cabin that had a cat or dog in it- since my son is allergic. That would be awful.


Yes, Cunard does board dogs but they aren't evident on the ship. They aren't in cabins. I think the dog would hate this but some people I guess have to take their pets with them on long journeys. Seems selfish and cruel to me.

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I do understand. My d/h refuses to travel if he has to leave his poodles behind. When we do road trips we take the poodles and stay in pet friendly motels and hotels.


The only way he will be willing to travel in retirement is with poodles.

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I would not want to be in a cabin that had a cat or dog in it- since my son is allergic. That would be awful.



Just FYI - I've been on a ship with a service dog - it's quite common (there are many, many threads about travel with those wonderful service animals on CC boards). They stay in regular cabins and are in all the same passenger areas, of course. So it's entirely possible to be in a cabin that has had a dog in it - just like in any hotel or establishment.




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I didnt see a string that really seemed to fit and Family seemed to be the best choice. Apologies if I'm off-side...


Just wondering if anybody might have info on a ship or cruiseline that's pet-freindly? For now, it's just my DH, myself and "Sailor" our beautiful little African Grey Parrot but we'll be adopting a fur-kid (likely Shih-Tzu) in the next year or two and would be interested in bringing him/her along too.




The cruise lines are always looking to expand their passengers, so you had better patent this idea before we see Pet Cruise Line (PCL). Their first ship will be Doggie of the Seas, followed by the release of Kitty of the Seas the next year. The DOS will even have a grassy area on Deck 12 for them to do their business while the KOS will have a graveled area. However, there will be a mandatory "pooper scooper enforcement surcharge" added to your Sea Pass. :D

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Can't offer any advice on the cruise lines, but about adopting a Shih Tzu, go for it! We have one, and she is the sweetest, most adorable thing. She's a bit bigger than most shih tzu's, around 18 pounds, but I love her to pieces. She's very playful, but is just as content lounging around all day as well. They are fabulous dogs, although a lot of upkeep is required. We keep her fur short to avoid having to brush it for hours a day, but then we're getting her hair cut every couple months. Still, she's my baby, and nobody welcomes you home teh way she does. As soon as you pull into the driveway, she will jump off the table by the windows in the living room where she was looking for you, race to the door, start barking before you even turn the engine off, and when you finally walk in, she's so excited, running back and forth. IT's a wonderful way to be welcomed home.

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I don't think you are being "friendly" to a pet by bringing it on a ship! For goodness sake.


I would not want to be in a cabin that had a cat or dog in it- since my son is allergic. That would be awful.


Yes, Cunard does board dogs but they aren't evident on the ship. They aren't in cabins. I think the dog would hate this but some people I guess have to take their pets with them on long journeys. Seems selfish and cruel to me.

Your worried about a dog!!! What about the dirty kid that was in the cabin before you ?????:eek:

My dog would much rather be with me on a trip than be boarded. Mind you, when I board him, I just don't dump him somewhere where he is going to sit in a cage, I pay $35.00 a day......... And he would still much rather be with us!!! Not selfish at all, some of us love our pets as we do our children!!!

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I would not want to be in a cabin that had a cat or dog in it- since my son is allergic. That would be awful.



Just FYI - I've been on a ship with a service dog - it's quite common (there are many' date=' many threads about travel with those wonderful service animals on CC boards). They stay in regular cabins and are in all the same passenger areas, of course. So it's entirely possible to be in a cabin that has had a dog in it - just like in any hotel or establishment.





I was thinking the exact same as you Mia. There are service dogs on every cruise. We will have one (not with my fam) but with our group on the Genesis cruise. :)

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Your worried about a dog!!! What about the dirty kid that was in the cabin before you ?????:eek:


The last time I checked, not many kids are allergic to other kids. They are, however, allergic to the dander of many pets. So, if a child has pet allergies, than I think that the parents would in fact be more worried about a dog in the cabin than the "dirty kid" that was there before.

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I don't think you are being "friendly" to a pet by bringing it on a ship! For goodness sake.


I would not want to be in a cabin that had a cat or dog in it- since my son is allergic. That would be awful.


Yes, Cunard does board dogs but they aren't evident on the ship. They aren't in cabins. I think the dog would hate this but some people I guess have to take their pets with them on long journeys. Seems selfish and cruel to me.


People who like to take their pets on vacation with them are NOT selfish or cruel. Some people do love their pets like children. To each their own!!

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WOW! I had no idea this would cause such a stir. Particularly just with the "crazy" concept that someone might care deeply for an animal :eek:

To Rugrats: I dont have children and I cant have children.. not that I would if I could but that's beside the point. Yes, I love my pets, both those who are no longer with me and SDB (Sailor D. Bird) who is a treat for us to come home to every single night. Can I suggest that you reconsider being judgemental of how others choose to love? Does it matter if the object of affection is a fur-kid, a feather-kid or a skin-kid? Isnt it more important that loving, caring for and being kind to another being makes the world a better place for all of us to live? Also, as you must know having a pooch of your own, they ABSOLUTELY communicate thier wishes to us. With wags, kisses, soulfull looks, barks, pacing, a paw in the lap, peeps, a beak to the cheek, a nip, and yes - even words and laughter in my SDB's case.

To Dr DNA: Great idea, the "poop deck" is an inspired plan too!! I think we should look to start off the company with a few ships; Pooch's Princess, Carnival's Criusin' Cats, and Wings on Water, or maybe All Beak's Aboard Cruiseline. Now who has a couple of Billon$ to pony up for this next generation of cruising.. helloo...anyone ????? ;)

To Soozles: I couldnt agree more! I had a precious little Shih-Tzu boy for 16 wonderful years and had to let him go a little while back. He was SO special and a gift the likes of which I dont expect to recieve twice in this life. Enjoy your girl :)

To Emjayc: I'm sorry to hear about your baby, that's awful. We adore our little grey girl and she keeps us in stiches all the time.

To All: Thanks very much for all the info and, to most of you, the support :) . Bringing little SDB along just to have her stuck in a hold isnt really what we were envisioning.. I think we'll just continue to have her babysat by her Grandma and Grandpa. We're quite lucky that both sets of our parents are VERY happy to have her over for a week or two, she's very sweet and entertaining:D

To Kate's Mom: I have to agree and I think I'll even up you one. I've not only seen some pretty poorly cared for kids around but some pretty gross self-cared-for adults. I think that anytime you use a space that's been otherwise occupied, you need to accept the possibility that something may have taken place there that might not be your first choice... I guess this is one of the things we accept when we share the earth with others huh?

To CowPrincess: If you dont have a freind or family member that your budgie likes (and would be happy to spend time with) then I have a suggestion that might help. We belong to a "Parrot Owners Association" in our area. You'd be AMAZED at how many people these groups draw, I sure was! Our's holds meetings once a month and it's a fantasic venue for socializing your feather-kid with other beaked-babies. Its also a great place to find trustworthy, educated people to birdie-sit. We're waiting for Sailor to choose a feather family who she's extra-specially fond of then we'll ask them if they'd be interested in trade-off bird-sitting with us. Others have had very good luck with this approach. Fortunatley we're not in a big rush as we have the Grandmas and Grandpas. Try Googling Parrot Owners Association along with your City, Province or State. Best of luck! If you happen to be in SW Ontario let me know and maybe we can trade off?

Thanks again everyone for the info!


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First of all- my son is allergic to cats. We have a dog and I don't think he is allergic.


As for pets- I have a 10 year old dog that is a family member. She is great. Just spent $ 1600 on her last week (surgery). That isn't the point I was trying to make.


I don't board my dog. She is either with me or in her home with another close family member.


My dog would be so sad to be left in the cabin on a cruise ship or worse- in the kennel.


People get really insulted when I say that it isn't fair (cruel, etc) to a pet to take them on a cruise. There is no grass, parks to run and play in. Their owner would be leaving them in a strange place, while they are covorting on the ship, not to mention getting them to said ship.


What would they do on port days? Stay onboard? Would they really like the beach. My german sheppard mix sure wouldn't. And what if this dream of a pet friendly ship existed- turf for them to play, etc... I wouldn't want to be on said ship. As much as I love my dog- the thought of a ship full of dogs really doesn't interest me in the slightest.


As for car trips- that is an entirely different matter. I just find that people who say they "love" their dogs mean they love being with their pet. It isn't the same thing. Love is doing what is best for the pet and recognizing the pets needs. As long as they are well cared for- NOT crated in a kennel- the pet is better off than traveling by ship.

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No one said it was crazy to love an animal. My only point, totally missed, was that animals are not people. If someone wants to pretend their pet is their baby, I don't care.


Is the world a better place because you love your bird? No, I don't think so. I see a poster here fawning over her dog and then posting negative comments such as, "dirty kid". I guess her dog love did not generalize to an overall love for humanity.

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Apparently you do care since you feel the need to comment about it.


And neither the original poster, nor Rebecca Louise made the comment about "dirty kids" so if you are going to rationalize your attacks on them for loving their pets, you'll have to figure out a better way than that.


Anyway, the OP didn't ask anyone's opinions about how much she loves her pets, she was inquiring about any cruises that take them.


Finally, the whole world might not be a better place because someone loves their pets, but the pet owners and usually the pets' world is better.


I've seen plenty of parents that think they way they spoil their rugrats and make them think the world revolves around them is "love" and that certainly makes the world a worse place.



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