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Most embarassing moments on your cruise. What are they? :-)


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THAT was funny!! My story is ugh..you all decide :confused: Ok, on my 2nd cruise went to a meet n greet with Cruise critics....had a wonderful time! Met alllllll kinds of people. Finally able to put faces to the "posts." UNTIL:


Everyone decides to take a group picture. I said no no no I'll just sit this one out (I have a neuro muscular disease and decided to not use my wheelchair:rolleyes: dumb me!) I was talked into it and as luck would have it, I was to sit on the floor in the front (yep, I'm a shorty!) N e way....ok, I have to add that I have a catheter in place and a bag strapped to my leg.


I slid down...landed on the floor, bag unhooked...urine all over my pants. Of course I did the most graceful thing.....I hauled BUTT out of there.

Unfortunately had to go back because I left my SNS card on a table :mad:


Fortunately, the photo (with me in it) was never posted (thank you to whomever you are that took that picture!)


Yes, that was embarrassing....everytime I heard "Hey aren't you Gammiedoux?" I cringed!!!:rolleyes:


Aw, Gammie, my heart breaks reading that story! I lost my daddy in March of this year, and he had several different bags, nephrostomies, illeal conduit, and a colostomy, so I have such a soft spot for people with these issues. Hoping your cruise was great otherwise!

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Aw, Gammie, my heart breaks reading that story! I lost my daddy in March of this year, and he had several different bags, nephrostomies, illeal conduit, and a colostomy, so I have such a soft spot for people with these issues. Hoping your cruise was great otherwise!


When I first went on metforim (a diabetes med) we had gone out to eat in Atlanta and then went shopping at a store we do not have in our county-all of the sudden I had to GO-and WENT had no control whatsoever-so embarrassing. The Dr. did not warn me either this could happen until my body got "used" to the meds-I found out from others on a forum discussing this med.

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  • 2 weeks later...

We were on the NCL Dawn to Bermuda by ourselves. We usualy take the kids so this was a big deal to us. My wife wanted to go to the gift shop and I told her I was going to take a shower. So I did and she still hadn't returned so I went to find her in the gift shop. I went and didn't find her so I went back to the room to wait. As I passed the room beside ours I heard her voice...The door wasn't shut completely so I knocked and pushed it open, thinking she had made a new friend. She was sitting on the bed yapping away. I heard the shower running and she looked up at me and smiled, then her face froze. She realized she was in the wrong room and ran out just as the water stopped running. I guess the couple next door never realized a stranger was in their cabin, and every time we passed them in the hall it made me laugh.

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My first cruise I didn't think about the wind walking out on deck on formal night. I lit my cigarette and the wind whipped my dress up over my head, revealing all to the people standing there, and burning a hole in the dress.

I now keep a good hold of things.:D


My last cruise in February--The Quest: Let me preface this by admitting that I'm a fluffy lady. A bunch of us at our table had really been getting into the game and we were doing really well. The last things called out included a bra. Without thinking, I removed mine and handed it to the guy at our table running up front. Afterwards, the MC going down the line was talking with the guys that had "dressed" for the last event. When he got to our guy, the MC shouted into the mic, "That is the largest bra I have ever seen, oh, my God!" Everyone laughed. Then he tried to identify who's in the crowd it was. I shrunk back into my chair....mortified :eek:

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  • 4 weeks later...
Okay, this has probably been done by many, but it's my most embarassing story:


On our first cruise in 2008, I left DH in the room and went to Lido for a snack. I wondered about the ship for a bit and then headed back to the room. I found our door and slid the S&S card into the slot, but it wouldn't open. I slid it again and again, but nothing. Suddenly, the door slams open and a very sleepy, exasperated man stands there blinking at me, obviously frustrated by my constant attempts to open THE WRONG DOOR!!! :eek:


Yeah, I couldn't apologize enough. Then I had to go down to guest services and ask what my cabin # was. I still get red thinking about it! :o

that is why some people decorate their doors.

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Once I walking up the stairs and one of my assistant waiters from the MDR was coming down at the same time. This older lady with a cane was about 5 ft ahead of me. I was about to say something to him, when the older lady accidently tripped him with her cane. He came flying down the stairs and crashed into me! I wrapped one of my arms around him to try to catch him and with the other hand i tried to grab the handrail, but needless to say I was unsuccessful. I missed the handrail and his momentum carried me over backwards. We tumbled all the way down to the bottom of the stairs and landed in a pile at the bottom. He jumped up off of me and pulled me to my feet and apoligized over and over. Of course there were about 50 people waiting to get on the elevators who saw the whole thing.


I wasn't mad at all, just super embarassed. We laughed about it later. He jokingly told the other people at our table that he had tackled me on the stairs lol. Even though it happened really fast, I'll never forget that split second of seeing a 6ft Serbian man flying down the stairs at me :D

He was an awesome waiter by the way lol

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Its my first cruise with my 14 yr old daughter on the Ecstasy. She had seen a picture in the cruise brochure of the drinks with the umbrella, and thats all she could talk about before the cruise - getting one of those pretty drinks. Well, wouldn't you know, we board the ship and the DOD is one of those drinks? The waiter approached us and asked if we would like one, and me, not knowing they weren't free - got us one because that is what she had been looking forward too. I also didn't know it was an alcoholic drink! I mean - the waiter asked US if we wanted one - he had to have known she wasn't of age! Anyway, I took a sip or two of the drink, and I didn't notice that it had any alcohol in it - just tasted fruity to me. Since she was the one who had wanted the drink, she ended up drinking the whole thing! Later, when we were eating on the Lido, a waiter came back around and saw our glass and asked if we wanted a refill. I guess by that time I was getting suspicious, and asked him WHAT was in it. He named off about every liquor there is! I felt bad that my 14 year old had just drank the whole drink! I'm just guessing most of the alcohol was at the bottom of the drink and I didn't taste it. I'm not a drinker, and I would have known something was in it if I had tasted it. She sure enjoyed it though!


A few days later, she had on a two-piece bathing suit, and we were on the lido. She went to slide down the slide into the pool. I was sitting a few chairs away watching her and visiting w/another cruiser. After she slid down, she stayed in the pool for a while. There were a couple of younger boys in the pool w/her. After a few minutes, she came be-bopping over to my chair, and unknown to her - her bathing suit top was NOT where it should be and she was flashing everyone. I started flapping my arms trying to get her attention to straighten it out!! She was very embarrassed. She said she wondered why those boys in the pool kept staring at her! Poor child.


We told her Dad when we got home that I corrupted her while we were gone - she got her first drink AND went topless on the boat! Today we laugh about it. Good memories!

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  • 10 months later...
Mine was on the Jewel of the Seas when my hubby came back from the casino on the last night of the cruise and thought that the clothes I had left out for the morning was clothes I forgot to pack. He put them in the luggage then put the luggage outside our cabin.

Got up in the morning with NO CLOTHES!!!! I had slept in the buff to pack my nightgown....Long story short, someone had a way too small tshirt (bra was packed) and too small shorts that I wore off the ship.

Don't think I talked to hubby for a very long time but now can laugh about it...especially hearing my husband and father in law YELLING in the hall way if anyone had an clothes they could buy!!!!

Ahhhh, the joys of cruising!!!


OMG I am crying reading this story!

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I'm trying to think of anything to add to this thread from our cruises, and the only thing that comes to mind as of now is the time that the DW tried to get to my table in the casino from the other side of the room by going through the pit! She didn't know anything about casino rules, and before I could even get a word out that she couldn't be in there, she was swarmed by the staff. The look on her face in complete shock "wth is going on", and the look on the faces of the staff, like she was #1 on the most wanted list :)

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last year on the Superstar Virgo out of Singapore we were coming back from an island on the tenders and there was a gap between the tender and landing pad of the ship, the attendants said to mind the gap at every one who got out, I got out stepped over the gap said to my friend behind me to mind the gap so what does she do but put her foot right in the gap and fall onto her knee, now she is a big lady and almost took the two little Asian attendants down with her, I just stared could not believe after all the warnings she still fell, she got up really quickly and kept walking, red faced of course, later a quite big bruise came up and it was sore but did not do any real damage

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My partner and I were on the Celebrity Millenium. We had an aft cabin with a very deep veranda. One formal night after dinner we went back to our cabin to freshen up before going to the martini bar. While he was in the bathroom, I went to the rail on the veranda to enjoy the fresh air. Slam! I hear the door close behind me. It is locked. I knock. No answer. I knock louder. No answer. I beat on the glass with my shoe. No answer. Now I am MAD! I wait for about 30 minutes, surely my partner will miss me and come back, right? WRONG!


Above our veranda was the Sunset Bar. There was a musician up there playing guitar, several waiters, a bartender and about 2 dozen passengers. I tried yelling "Help" but could not be heard over the music and the wind. So I decide to throw a shoe up to the bar to get someone's attention. The shoe hits the rail and falls onto the veranda two cabins over. The next shoe hits the floor just in front of the musician. He doesn't even flinch. Next I wing a cuff link at him and miss. The next cuff link hits his guitar, he stops playing, and announces that people need to quit throwing things at him. He says, "I'm doing the best that I can."


I wait another 30 minutes, still trying to yell to the people above. No one hears me! I am desperate and now my feet are COLD.


I drag the table from our veranda to the canopy edge covering one half of the veranda and a put a chair on top of the table. I take my tuxedo jacket off and I climb up on the table then the chair. I climb up on the canopy which is made of canvas......dirty, dirty canvas. The canvas is not going to hold me because it is so sun-damaged and begins to tear.


(Mind you. If I fall, the farthest I fall is back onto our veranda. The aft cabins are stepped so it's not like I was going to fall off the ship or anything.)


As I am hanging half on and half off the canopy a waitress sees me and screams! All of the passengers and staff come running to the rail to see what the crazy man is doing. Now they see me! I yell for them to call security..........like they wouldn't have anyway considering the fact that I am hanging off of a balcony on a cruise ship.


I climb back down to see three security guards in my cabin with GUNS drawn . They slowly open the glass door. Here I am with no shoes on, my shirt untucked and black from the dirty canopy, no cuff links, sweat pouring down my face from all the climbing and moving of furniture, shaking at the sight of GUNS!


I explain the situation. They want to know why I didn't call security myself instead of climbing up on the canopy! "THE PHONE IS IN MY CABIN AND THE DOOR WAS LOCKED!" They wanted to know I could lock the door behind me.


Then my partner walks in the cabin. It has been over an hour and a half. He has had several martinis.........without me! He sees guns, security guards, our cabin steward, various other staff, some passengers from the bar above........ALL IN OUR CABIN! He freaks out!


He explains that he thought that I had left the cabin while he was in the bathroom. He locked the door for security reasons, just in case someone was crazy enough to climb on the balconies!!!!!!


We got everything settled. Even the security guards had a good laugh......at my expense. I changed out of my ruined tuxedo and I made it to the martini bar where I downed about 9 martinis!


The rest of the cruise I was known as the guy who was climbing up the side of the ship!



This is classic! Did anyone have the presence of mind to take photos? ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

This takes some explaining.


I had 28 days in Alaska previously on cruise ships. Seen everything, done everything. Got married and took the new wife on an Alaska Cruise. Took my new wife's son with us (30 years old) since it was on Holland America and third person could go for free in our room. I figured he could do the shore excursions with her so she would have a good time and being the cheap bast*** I am, I would not have to spend all that money to do things I did not want to do again.


As an aside, her son was also the minister that married us, so it made sense.


Of course the wife did not want to "advertise" we were consummating our marriage, so not tie or sock on the door knob. And you know what happened, he walked in. To this day he reminds Mom about how he has been scarred for life by what he saw.


Of course, he winks at me!!!

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This takes some explaining.


I had 28 days in Alaska previously on cruise ships. Seen everything, done everything. Got married and took the new wife on an Alaska Cruise. Took my new wife's son with us (30 years old) since it was on Holland America and third person could go for free in our room. I figured he could do the shore excursions with her so she would have a good time and being the cheap bast*** I am, I would not have to spend all that money to do things I did not want to do again.


As an aside, her son was also the minister that married us, so it made sense.


Of course the wife did not want to "advertise" we were consummating our marriage, so not tie or sock on the door knob. And you know what happened, he walked in. To this day he reminds Mom about how he has been scarred for life by what he saw.


Of course, he winks at me!!!


There is an extra latch/lock on the door you can put on that cards will not unlock. You do not want the steward coming in on you either. Remember to use that next time.

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Something I am very embarrassed about. I was on my last cruise which was also my first cruise. Well, as soon as I got on board, I wanted to "enjoy" myself, so I started pounding beers. I had found cc long before my first cruise, so I thought I knew just about everything I needed to know about cruising..........all except the muster drill. Right in the midst of my second bucket of beers and having a blast, I had to head there(to the drill). Figured, what the hell, bring my beer with me. Well, quite a few passengers there made sure I knew I WASN'T suppose to have alcohol there. I was kind of tipsy at the time, so no biggie. But looking back now, it was quite embarrassing. :o

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Right in the midst of my second bucket of beers and having a blast, I had to head there(to the drill). Figured, what the hell, bring my beer with me. Well, quite a few passengers there made sure I knew I WASN'T suppose to have alcohol there. I was kind of tipsy at the time, so no biggie. But looking back now, it was quite embarrassing. :o

Now, you see, Vent came up with a reason to GO to muster drill! Vent, you must have forgotten to slip a couple of brews to the ships' officers, that's why they may have been angry! Next time, take BOTH buckets of beers to drill!:D

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Ok I hate to tell on myself but.... ABout a year ago Hubs and I went on the Carnival Conquest, not my first cruise (grew up on them actually).... Anyways, the second night was the 1st formal night so we were dressed to the nines. I had had some sort of stomach bug the week previous, so I was still not eating much, but we had made friends with the mixologists at the Alchemy bar earlier in the day and had had a few really nice martinis.


So we are standing in line to have our pictures taken when all of a sudden I get the urge to umm purge everything I had just drinken. So to be polite I tell my husband I need to go to the ladies room. He kind of shoos it off thinking I only need to pee. I think I'll be ok and stand in line a bit longer and right as it gets to be our turn I really really need to go... He still thinking I only need to pee, says come on its our turn and you can hold it for a few more minutes.


Well we sit down, take one shot and the photographer moves us around for the second and... you guessed it... chambord, champagne, and the taste bar comes back up all over my gorgeous gown and the pristine white leather bench I am sitting on. I raced to the restroom, which was only a few yards away to clean up and of course no paper towels or anything so, I end up washing my dress out (while still wearing) it in the sink as best I could. Since our dinner seating is in a few minutes, then get to sit through dinner is a damp slightly smelly dress.


Hubs handled it like a champ, and helped the photographer clean his station, paid for our drinks, and then waited for me outside the restroom. I still look back on that night in horror, mostly for the photographer and all those poor people in line behind us.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Last year on our Carnival Freedom cruise a group of us went to a comedy club after dinner. The staff usually comes around to take drink orders so I decided to order a drink with a fancy name. The drink was pretty so trying to impress a cute guy at the next table who was eyeing me, I started to take a sip but too much got in my mouth and I started coughing uncontrollably. I was so embarrassed because I couldn't stop until they finally brought water for me. My relatives were laughing so hard not at the jokes so much but at me. Good thing it was a comedy club where laughter is expected.

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  • 3 months later...

This is going to sound like a scene from "The Hangover 4" but I swear it is true. In 2011 I took my 21 year old son and a couple friends on an Eastern caribe cruise on the Norwegian Pearl and we were making a port call in Samana. The night before my son hooked up with some Frat boys from the University of Michigan and they went on a bar crawl. He came in about 4 in the morning grabbed his blanket and went out to the balcony to sleep. The next day he was very hung over and possibly had a touch of alcohol poisoning but decided to hit the beach with us. As we boarded the tender, my friend TJ asked what was going on with guys on slings over the side of the ship. I told him they were doing some kind of cleaning and as we pulled away we saw a brown line extending from the 11th deck midships and stretching aft as it made its way to the water line. We all looked at my son who was pale and sweating profusely and he said; "ok, I lost my cookies over the side." Everyone in the tender heard it and we got some very angry looks. Most embarrassing!


Yet that was the beginning. As a former sailor I have been around the world a few times and was bragging to my friends about my independent exploring skills. Once on shore I was approached by a local who asked where we wanted to go and I told him I wanted to rent a car but I didnt want a driver and he said he would rent me his for $100, all day and no paper work. Yeah, Im all about shortcuts so I gave him the money and he handed me the keys and I said we would be back by 4pm. We all jumped in this Isuzu Rodeo and took off when I noticed there was no gas so I we spotted a gas station and pulled in. We must of waited 10 minutes for someone to come out when a guy walking up the street came over and asked if we wanted gas. I said yes, $30 would be good so he proceeded to pump gas into the car. I handed him the money and as I went to pull out the guy continued his walk down the street. I realized that maybe he didnt work there and we were just scammed. I didnt have any more cash so we took off. Very embarrassed and now very nervous.


I found a ATM and we all got cash and hit a resurant and did some shopping. My son had lost his cookies a few more times but was feeling better so he and my friend TJ went into a shop to look at sun glasses. My son was checking a pair out in the mirror when TJ said try these on. So he pushed the pair he had on back onto the top of his head and tried the other pair. He didnt like them and set them down. They walked around a bit and decided to come back to the car. Whe n they got in I pulled out and told my son that I like dthe glasses he bought and he said; "I didnt buy any glasses." Then realized he walked out with a pair ontop his head. Embarrassed again and getting more nervous. as Im stuck in traffic on a one way street and couldnt get back to the shop. Finally we said hell with it and would go in on our way back to the ship and pay for them.


But the day continues. As im driving I noticed a police car behind me and paranoia set in. I was sure they new we stole the gas and sunglasses and I started heading into the bad part of town without paying attention. I rounded a bend and saw this very nice house in the middle of a row of shacks and decided to pull in the driveway and turn around. As I pulled in the police car reappeared so I stopped and we all ducked down which was dumb because the glass was tinted very dark but the police car cruised by and we thought we were in the clear. Just then the doors to the house opened and we were surrounded by a dozen huge men and some had guns. It appears as though I found the local drug lords place and they were not happy we pulled into the drive. we talked our way out of that and they let us go laughing at us. At this point I feel like a complete idiot.


As we try to find our ay on the main drag we came upon a car on fire. My son and I were both volunteer firemen so we pulled over to help the firemen when they came. We stood there with some locals telling them we were firemen and help should be on the way and sure enough a firetruck came, stopped, decided the car was to far gone and pulled away. Now the locals are screaming at us to do something and began to gather up buckets and pots so we formed a bucket brigade from a pump to the car. We got it out but the car was a total loss. Did I mention how embarrassing it was?


At that point I said screw it, drove back to the pier and returned the car, caught a boat back to the ship and went to the topsiders bar and got very very drunk. By the way, that was the same day the Earthquake hit Haiti, we felt it while we were throwing water on the car. Im never going back to Samana.:D

Edited by Bacchus2010
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