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Samantha Harris's Ball Gown on Dancing with the Stars

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Hi everyone. I'm a DWTS addict too. I just had to jump in this thread. I too was surprised about Mario being rejected over Marissa although I really like Tony her partner. Mario took it well and showed his maturity. I think Len's comment may have helped boot him off. Did anyone see Lisa Renna's dress or should I say lack of dress? :eek: She was interviewd by Tom Berjerac in the audience and says she still dances.

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Did anyone see Lisa Renna's dress or should I say lack of dress? :eek: She was interviewd by Tom Berjerac in the audience and says she still dances.


Did anyone see her sagging boobs and grossly overinflated lips too? Ugh. Sounds like I have a boob fetish but her girls were practically in her lap! And her lips are always fish-face looking but her top lip last night was ridiculous. She's not aging gracefully at all.


But I'm so perfect....LOL!!!!!!!

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Did anyone see her sagging boobs and grossly overinflated lips too? Ugh. Sounds like I have a boob fetish but her girls were practically in her lap! And her lips are always fish-face looking but her top lip last night was ridiculous. She's not aging gracefully at all.


But I'm so perfect....LOL!!!!!!!


Why she ever did the lips in the first place is beyond me when she was perfectly pretty to begin with. She just needed to get rid of the big haarrrr. Boobs are obviously bought as well.:p




And speaking of perfectly pretty before......



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Did anyone see her sagging boobs and grossly overinflated lips too? Ugh. Sounds like I have a boob fetish but her girls were practically in her lap! And her lips are always fish-face looking but her top lip last night was ridiculous. She's not aging gracefully at all.

But I'm so perfect....LOL!!!!!!!

I won't touch those Jane (remarks), but I agree with iheartbda, and think that she and Priscilla might have had the same plastic surgeon.

The final 2-what a nail biter! I kept going back and forth with my predictions. I cannot believe sausage-y Marissa is still in it. I really think Mario is the better dancer.

I totally agree with you about Marissa, and wouldn't have said it better myself!

Mario has class, I think he's only 21, but showed a level of maturity far beyond his years.


If you watched the best dances hour pre the elimination we got to see Sabrina Bryan. IMHO She is a fantastic dancer who also got voted off far earlier then she should have. On the other hand we also got to see Kelly Monaco who still couldn't dance even in the rebroadcast!!


Smooth, I think the pros get $200,000 a season for DWTS, but you are right, that kind of revenue doesn't come their way very often.

I note that Cheryl Burke just opened a new studio in San Francisco, certainly this kind of exposure should help all the pros business wise.

Although, Thank God for those that are out there teaching kids getting married and people like me how to dance.


Our thoughts are with you Lois.

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Why she ever did the lips in the first place is beyond me when she was perfectly pretty to begin with. She just needed to get rid of the big haarrrr. Boobs are obviously bought as well.:p




And speaking of perfectly pretty before......




GOOD GAWD Iheart, you really need to warn a person when you do that. The Lisa pics I expected but when I kept scrolling and the Pris pic popped up I jumped and screamed! Scared the hell outta me. Just when I thought we were done looking at her rubber face for a while you go and do that to me...


I think Pris' best years were the Naked Gun years. Not the best pic, but...



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GOOD GAWD Iheart, you really need to warn a person when you do that. The Lisa pics I expected but when I kept scrolling and the Pris pic popped up I jumped and screamed! Scared the hell outta me. Just when I thought we were done looking at her rubber face for a while you go and do that to me...


I think Pris' best years were the Naked Gun years. Not the best pic, but...






Am I the only one who thought Mario was short changed every week and Marissa was gushed over conversely?

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It's so weird to me that you have to stay up till midnight to watch that show when it's all over with here by 9 or so. You must be so sleep deprived!


Jane .. Just to clear that up .. it is over at 9 here too .. but then when it is 9 here it is midnight in New England!!


I enjoyed watching Julianne and Apollo dance again. And leaving all of the eliminations to the last 10 minutes of the show was certainly kinder to the contestants and didn't lack any drama for me.


Lois .. sending prayers and good thoughts your way !

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Jane .. Just to clear that up .. it is over at 9 here too .. but then when it is 9 here it is midnight in New England!!



DOH! Blonde moment!



God you are so polite!!!! HOW could you not have added "YOU IDIOT" on to the end of that????? LOL!

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DOH! Blonde moment!



God you are so polite!!!! HOW could you not have added "YOU IDIOT" on to the end of that????? LOL!

Seeing this, a Gentleman backs away slowly keeping an eye on the little dog, then turns and runs for the nearest exit.


We had a recent Mex Riviera Cruise that was interesting time wise, left from San Diego Pacific time, past Cabo to Mountain Time, down to Acapulco on Central time.

The ship compromised by going to Mountain Time. I guess they thought we couldn't handle a two time zone change.

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Seeing this, a Gentleman backs away slowly keeping an eye on the little dog, then turns and runs for the nearest exit.


We had a recent Mex Riviera Cruise that was interesting time wise, left from San Diego Pacific time, past Cabo to Mountain Time, down to Acapulco on Central time.

The ship compromised by going to Mountain Time. I guess they thought we couldn't handle a two time zone change.


Ok totally off topic for just a second .. I see that you were on the Spirit to Mex Riviera .. we are doing that in Oct. Did you enjoy it ?

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Ok totally off topic for just a second .. I see that you were on the Spirit to Mex Riviera .. we are doing that in Oct. Did you enjoy it ?

We had a great time Kathy, the Spirit was a very pretty ship, food was good especially the supper club. We had a table of 10 all Cruise Critics, three we had cruised with before, and five we met on the roll call.

The lack of ballroom dance opportunities was the only down side to cruising Carnival. They had beautiful floors on the the Spirit, but not a lot we could dance too and that was usually late.



On the plus side we had a great tour of Acapulco, the best beach party ever in Zihuatanejo, so much so my wife asked two days later, We were in Manzanillo? I enjoyed Manzanillo, did a little shopping there. We also enjoyed seeing San Diego as I hadn't been there since the Marine Corp and my wife had never been to Calif..

It was a good 8 day cruise, but then I've lived cheek to jowl with Mexico most of my life and always enjoy visitiing there.

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Holy Cow, I was shocked !!! Even though I cheer for Marissa as part of the fluffy girl brigade, she should have been the one eliminated (sorry, but I think the sausage remark is rude).


What I absolutely cannot stand is the music they are forced to dance to. Why, oh why, can't they use "real" music? I don't think a Michael Jackson ditty is tango/samba or whatever dance music. I know they want to jazz things up a bit, but they should be able to dance to music that's appropriate for the dance they're doing. That drives me nuts.


Does anyone know if the finals are next week or does it go another week after next?


Would you believe Lisa Rinna claims her lips are natural? Yes, I've heard her say that a few times in interviews. And I've read a lot of comments on her showing the "girls" way too much. A few have remarked that she's of a certain age now and she needs to "put them away...we know you have them, but you need to realize that gravity is taking their toll".


LOIS, my prayers are with you and your dad. I can totally understand what you're going through.

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YES, I even heard her have the audacity to say that when she was born her mother said, "LOOK AT THOSE LIPS". What a crock. How can she be so stupid not to think that people are not going to find pre-lip pictures?:p

What is she going to do when big lips are no longer in. Hers don't look like they've just been injected, they look like they were actually turned inside out.


OK...I'm done with bustin' on Lisa.:)

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I never heard Lisa make that claim... how stupid to say such a thing.


I must say I have had mixed feelings about Marissa and her weight. She said once that she hoped to inspire other gals who are heavy to dance. I was not sure how I felt about it, if it was a plea for sympathy and a way to gather votes or not. There are plenty of women in the studio where we coach that are overweight, and it does not stop them and frankly the dont need a shove to get on the dance floor..... Still, I would never never make a comment about thier weight, the sausage comment is a bad choice.


Now I myself at age 50 lost 30 pounds and even though I understand how very hard it is, I know it can be done unlike some of the other disabiliites we have seen on DWTS... Still, the bottom line is that weight does effect overall performance and in competition it is rare to see overweight ladies... It just becomes important enough to us to shead the weight so you can dance more efficiently, that was the reason I lost the weight I did..... I am still up in the air about this whole weight thing, not up in the air that she should of been the one eliminated.

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Normally I miss the show on Mondays because I am at flamenco class, but the kids were sick this week and so I got to see it on Monday.


I agree that Marissa should have gone and Mario should have stayed, but it is part popularity contest and maybe her bubbly personality and determination to get better won over many audience members.


Now, Back to the gowns. I like the grey/silver one on Monday, but I absolutely loved the black strapless on Tuesday!!! I would love to have that dress!!! It was just stunning.

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(sorry, but I think the sausage remark is rude).



My apologies, the sausage comment wasn't aimed toward her weight, but toward the lousy way they dress her. I'd commented a week or 2 ago about how the way they dressed her made her look like a stuffed sausage and couldn't they find something a bit more tasteful to dress her in...smooth, I'm pretty sure it was you who agreed with me and said that they were limited with what they could do for her given her size and shape??? Maybe I am mistaken and that was someone else's comment.


I should have been more clear for those who maybe didn't read or remember my previous comment about the way they dress her. No offense meant. oops-0030.gif

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I'm probably going to take a virtual beating for this, but Marissa with the big huge smile--


Can't they put her in something to camouflage her gut a bit better? That dress made her look like a little pork sausage tonight. For weeks I had been hearing about her expecting a baby and thought it was amazing of her to dance "in her condition." A friend filled me in that she's not pregnant and I said "of course she is, look at her belly!" I was told no, she's just heavy and a surrogate is carrying a baby for her. OOPS.


She can dance circles around me but if she's going to dance on TV then get that girl into some Spanx for Pete's sake! Just sayin'...


Ok, ready for my beating...


My take on the costumes that have been discussed here….


Marissa, there is only so much that can be done with her body shape. These costumes require a discipline to keep you weight at a certain level, and a low but healthy % of body fat to pull them off. She came into the competition with this huge disadvantage, so be it.


I think this week the designers did a good job with what they are working with. In the tango they gave he a nice neck line, used a sheer spandex for the arms that really does hold in any excess arm fat. They gave her slits for the dance action while still covering her legs which are probably the most offensive part of her body. In the Rumba they used a nude spandex for the cut outs, rather then say someone like Cheryl, there is no nude fabric….. This is the best support they could give her, and again went with a longer dress to hide her legs. Like I said, with her body proportions the designers did well.


I too loved the gown they put Shannon in. In a normal competition you do not see many of the ladies going for dark colors as you get lost on the dance floor and cannot see the contrast to your partner, this is going to be a hard re-sale for the designer. Looking at the music they gave Marissa and the music they gave Shannon, this was a hard dance to do for her; she was at a great disadvantage. It was very fast and they put in very difficult combos. She did an excellent job with it. In this dance her long legs are such an asset as she can create incredible lines and the ronde she does (leg kick forward and to the side/behind) is impressive. Every time I have seen her do this I love it. This is reality TV and yes I guess she will be voted off, but none the less she did a good job with the tango.


I am going to have to disagree that what happened to Christen should not affect him… This is a competition and history has no bearings on the judging for last night’s event…. Each one should stand on its own. It has happened top us plenty of times…. Loose my balance in a spin, catch my heel in a gown in front of the judge, and it is over…..These things happen, it is part of the competition… Again though this is the viewers call and he will probably remain.



I had to go look b'c it was bugging me. NO offense meant, I just meant can't they do better for her than stuffing her into skin tight things like that had that week. It just seemed to emphasize her belly. Looking back I supposed it was a rather insensitive way to say what I really meant. Again, my apologies, I meant no harm. sad-021.gif

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Don't worry, it's OK. I agree that they are putting Marissa in clothing that's not appropriate, but IMHO a lot of what I'm seeing on the skinny gals borders on something you'd see on porn actresses. I find their way too brief outfits as totally inappropriate. Next thing is all they'll be wearing is spray on tans and nothing else. But, do any of you think some of the professional women have input in their outfits? I mean, Edyta and Karina's outfits seem to be a lot more brief than Cheryl's. While Cheryl's costumes are sexy, I think Karina's and Edyta's are way over the top in being without much fabric.

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I dont remember, but it sure sounds like something I would have said!! Yup now that you went back, I did say that. The designers could use sheer fabric's to drape across her midrif, and use a lower skirt with slits to hide her legs. Yes, they are limited in what they can do, her body is what it is, but they could of done a bit better. Frankly, they are not use to doing this as most comp girls are thin and Marissa does not know enough to particapte in the design, give a nay or yea as I always do.


I think I said this before, but like any other fashion it goes through phases. There was a time that the costumes became way to "pornish""... In fact it got so bad that costume rules were put into place in competitions and ladies were being marked down for bad taste... The national competition we did last month all costumes had to be approved beforehand if this gives you a idea of how over the top it had become.


Today, the latin gowns are much more tasteful and have taken a good turn. DWTS has not yet caught up with the new trends but I bet by next season you will see the change...... Also gone is the time when ladies damn near starved themselves, much like your top model show... Having been in this competition life for so long, I love the change and like seeing that a few pounds are OK.


Sorry I went on so long, it can be fustrating!!

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Today, the latin gowns are much more tasteful and have taken a good turn. DWTS has not yet caught up with the new trends but I bet by next season you will see the change.

I don't believe that they will cover up the pro-dancers more next year. Sex sells and this is a T.V. show more than a competition.

I was also a little proud of Marissa when she puts up with the very short dresses they put her in. You got to work what God gave you and with some of us he was more than generous with in the leg areas.:eek:

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I do think that overall Marissa is adorable, but I agree that something just a little less form fitting might be more flattering.


One of those pro-dancers does dress more modestly, Ashley Del Grosso

I read in her biography that she is Mormon, so I think that might be why she dresses more modestly. Hey in this day and age a little modesty is a good thing. I have a 10 year old who is a dancer, and thank goodness she prefers to dress more on the modest side, and our studio director won't put the girls in anything inappropriate.


When they(Ashley and the other pros on Tuesday.) did their group number her costume was much more modest than what the other girls were wearing.


As far as me making costumes, we usually get our costumes made by a seamstress. We have all sizes at our studio too, so we try to pick styles that are flattering to all the ladies.


We have two costumes that we have been rotating between, a long black and red dress with a drop waist, full even length skirt and French sleeves. Then we have a black skirt with two ruffles and a long train and yellow trim. We wear that with a yellow scarf, black leotard and a black fan with yellow lace. We actually made the accessories for that costume. We took a yellow piece of of fabric cut it into triangles and then threaded fringe along the outside.


Mostly, I add beading to costumes, though I did make my daughter's "These Boots are Made For Walking" costume, a 60's mini dress and fake boots to go over her tap shoes. It looked good on stage, but the seam and craft man's ship did not look good close up.


I have been thinking of making Irish Costumes for the kids, but I think it would bee a massive project and possibly beyond my skills.

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One of those pro-dancers does dress more modestly, Ashley Del Grosso

I read in her biography that she is Mormon, so I think that might be why she dresses more modestly.

When they(Ashley and the other pros on Tuesday.) did their group number her costume was much more modest than what the other girls were wearing.



Julianne and Derrick are Mormon although on the whole, I don't think hers have been quite as skimpy as the others. I'm wondering just how far they're going to push things with some of them.


I think I've said this before...(not quite sure what to call them, gowns dresses, coverings?) one wonders how they can use so much facric to cover so little.:D

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Any designer will make a costume as revelaing or modest as you want, and are more than willing to work with you, as you are the paying customer, and dropping a pretty penny indeed. I just bought a latin costume from the DWTS desginers and this costume was made exactly to my requirements and what I considered age appropriate.


The difference with DWTS is thoes costumes are the property of the designers and after the season they are going to put them up for sale so they have a lot more liberties to do what they want. The bottom line is they have a major investment and have to sell all thoes gowns when the season ends and I guess that is on the top of thier minds. Selling Mariassa's costumes is going to be a challanege for them as they dont get too many requests for dresses above a size 8 so in this case it sure would make sense to make them look the very best for her body type to increase selling interest..... Who knows.


Arizona, the comps that we do that have Jr's, there are very very strict costume rules for the kids. A costume the least bit revealing would never be allowed on the floor. The are also limited as to the shoe heel size, nothing over an inch or an inch and a half, not sure.

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I wish our dance competition rules about costumes were more strict. I am lucky that our studio director won't put the girls in anything too revealing, but when we got to the competitions, I am sometimes shocked at what young teens and preteens are wearing.


The bare midriffs and bare backs don't bother me much, heck our girls had a two piece outfit one year, but they wore the bottoms over the belly button. But.... it is the suggestive outfits... short shorts with chaps, pin striped jackets with garter stockings. There was even a group of 7 and 8 year olds that did a routine to "I Can't Say No" with Ruffled Daisey May shirts, ruffled panties, and ruffly Garter Stockings. Some people may have thought it was cute, but I thought it was totally inappropriate for their age. These costumes were more the exception than the rule, though bare mid-drifts were very common. I even wrote a note to the organization because their rules clearly state that the costumes should not be in appropriate for a family audience. It seems that the judges did not mark these groups down because they were in the top 10.


So hard to teach our girls to dress appropriately when they see everyone else in skimpy clothese.

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