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Conquest Captain Boots Man off Ship for Starting A Protest !!!03/16/08 Cruise


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I never said I wanted a 1/3 back. Just something. Yeah they fed us but they also made profits off gambling,drinking and shopping. So what your saying is that its ok if we get done wrong as long as every cruise line does us wrong?


Ya know....sometimes other people's needs come before yours. No matter who you may be: a customer, a king, or Donald Trump. This was a medical emergency and the ship's staff has protocol to follow. End of story. It had nothing to with you. It wasn't about YOU.


Sometimes YOU are not the most important person. It's good to share, and let someone else be important for awhile. I think that's kindergarten rule number #1.

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Ya know....sometimes other people's needs come before yours. No matter who you may be:a customer, a king, or Donald Trump.


Sometimes YOU are not the most important person. It's good to share, and let someone else be important for awhile. I think that's kindergarten rule number #1.


Amen to that. And, aarmcotr, how about just counting your blessings, and being thankful that it wasn't YOU who was so desperately sick that YOU were the one needing med-evac? Instead, YOU got to continue your vacation while someone else was dangerously ill.


It's all a matter of perspective, I guess.

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Can someone please explain to me the $25?:confused: What exactly is $25?


I mean 25 times 7 is $175 I don't know what others pay but we sure do pay a hell of alot more than that for a week cruise. I'm confused, depending on what they were going to do wouldn't that be even more money.

Did everyone get a refund on their excursions since they didn't go on them?

I'm just wondering.


I think I would be just a little ticked if I pay a coupel hundred for an excursion then we end up not going and Carnival doesn't refund that since the excursions are through them.


Is the problem that everyone wasn't refunded ALL of what they paid and ended up losing not going?

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Can someone please explain to me the $25?:confused: What exactly is $25?


I mean 25 times 7 is $175 I don't know what others pay but we sure do pay a hell of alot more than that for a week cruise. I'm confused, depending on what they were going to do wouldn't that be even more money.

Did everyone get a refund on their excursions since they didn't go on them?

I'm just wondering.


I think I would be just a little ticked if I pay a coupel hundred for an excursion then we end up not going and Carnival doesn't refund that since the excursions are through them.


Is the problem that everyone wasn't refunded ALL of what they paid and ended up losing not going?


Excursions booked through Carnival are refunded if the port is missed.

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When Carnival thinks this completely through, they might want to respond with a little more generosity and a little less self righteousness. There were a lot of unhappy travelers that will probably never trust Carnival again, and they will speak with others (that is what the unhappy consumer does), and it will cost far more in negitive publicity than a substantial refund would cost.


Carnival is famous for almost sinking a maiden voyage, then opening the bar and serving free drinks to make the customers too drunk to be complaining, and from that kind of a start they have grown to what they are now. Throwing the loudmouth off (too bad they didn't have a plank for him to walk) doesn't change the fact that the Jamaica port is 1/3 of the stops on that 7 day cruise, and $25 is nothing other than a poor tip for lousy service.


I have been on this ship and this exact cruise twice, once from New Orleans, and once from Galveston, and both trips were wonderful, HOWEVER, when you are spending thousands of dollars and (for many) taking a trip that has been a year in planning and saving funds for, if you don't get 1/3 of your destination ports, you probably won't bother with taking another cruise with Carnival again if there is not a real effort on Carnivals part to make you feel appreciated (such as a 1/3 ticket price refund).


I have been trying to get a large group of my family to go on a Carnival cruise this coming fall, and this kind of a story doesn't help me convince my young adult sons and daughters to all group their vacations together.


People get sick, and plans change, but to just take the position that Carnival has no LEGAL obligation, without considering the larger picture of potential lost customers, is, I think, short sighted.


Disney also has cruises available, maybe they have a little better guarentee? Hmmm

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Every , cruise line that stops at an Island is charged to do so by that island, this is called a Port Fee. The cruise line then passes that fee on to it's passengers to foot the bill. This fee is not part of your lodging, food or entertainment, it is not meant to be 1/3 of your bill,(if your stopping at 3 islands), The cruise line is not obligated to stop at any island. I suggest if one wants desperately to see an island that they fly into that island !

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I don't know how many cruises this guy had been on or if he knows anything about cruise travel. Anyone who reads thier ticket contract (oh, nobody reads those things) knows that skipping a port due to weather or emergency entitles passengers to nothing unless Carnival wants to give it. PERIOD. Starting trouble, starting a petition, making noise, only will ruin the vacations of those who know this and accept it as a part of cruising.

They had every right to boot this guy off the ship. He was only going to poison the trip for more people and make everyone miserable for the rest of the cruise. They saved money that they would have had to spend in making everyone else happy by refunding him and tossing him. For most people on this board, you know the rules, if you don't, find out before you spend over $1000 on a cruise vacation. It's not the same as flying to a destination and getting a hotel. NOT EVEN CLOSE. The Cruise Lines owes you nothing if they have a good reason for not delivering. They are worse than any airline as a whole. It's just how the industry works and by taking a cruise you accept it. If you don't like it, don't cruise.

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When Carnival thinks this completely through, they might want to respond with a little more generosity and a little less self righteousness. There were a lot of unhappy travelers that will probably never trust Carnival again, and they will speak with others (that is what the unhappy consumer does), and it will cost far more in negitive publicity than a substantial refund would cost.


Carnival is famous for almost sinking a maiden voyage, then opening the bar and serving free drinks to make the customers too drunk to be complaining, and from that kind of a start they have grown to what they are now. Throwing the loudmouth off (too bad they didn't have a plank for him to walk) doesn't change the fact that the Jamaica port is 1/3 of the stops on that 7 day cruise, and $25 is nothing other than a poor tip for lousy service.


I have been on this ship and this exact cruise twice, once from New Orleans, and once from Galveston, and both trips were wonderful, HOWEVER, when you are spending thousands of dollars and (for many) taking a trip that has been a year in planning and saving funds for, if you don't get 1/3 of your destination ports, you probably won't bother with taking another cruise with Carnival again if there is not a real effort on Carnivals part to make you feel appreciated (such as a 1/3 ticket price refund).


I have been trying to get a large group of my family to go on a Carnival cruise this coming fall, and this kind of a story doesn't help me convince my young adult sons and daughters to all group their vacations together.


People get sick, and plans change, but to just take the position that Carnival has no LEGAL obligation, without considering the larger picture of potential lost customers, is, I think, short sighted.


Disney also has cruises available, maybe they have a little better guarentee? Hmmm


What would you have them do - refund 1/3 of the cost, 1/4 of the cost, 1/7 of the cost? The refunded the port charges. They came up with activities on a port day.


Please - consider Disney. If you're concerned over $25, I'm sure you'll be thrilled with their prices in comparison. And make sure you read the fine print about their responsibility if a port is missed.


I cannot believe people wasted a sea day drumming up support for a petition. There is so much else they could have been doing.

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At the end of the day ,it is a business and if they care about keeping there customers then they will try to keep them happy...Obviously they dont. As I stated, I am a business owner and if I have to take a loss then I will for the sake of my customer. I would expect any one that does not own a business to understand! There is no way possible for you nor I to know if they were ahead in profits or behind but the simple fact is that we were the customer and they were the ones making the profit.


Business School 101:p - the idea of a business is to turn a profit. Otherwise you are no longer in business. Last time I checked, Carnival wasn't a non-profit charitable organization.


Yes, you want to make your customers happy so you stay in business and turn that profit. I still maintain there is no way Carnival just decided "hey, let's irritate an entire ship of people by missing a port and only giving them $25." I also think that those upset still aren't getting the point - when you take a cruise, you don't pay for transportation to a destination, you pay for the use of the ship itself. If they get you to your ports, that's great. If they don't, it sucks a little but you have to roll with the punches and move on. If the destinations are that important to you - take a plane. Make sure you start a petition and argue with the pilot when you are diverted to another airport due to weather or an emergency.

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You know, now that I think about this, US Air delayed my flights last fall since it was raining, causing me to miss the first day of my vacation in Ft. Lauderdale, lose money for the hotel we never made it to, and get up at 2am to make a stress filled morning flight the day of our cruise instead of what I booked. Guess what US Air compensated me? Yep - that's right, nothing!!! And for the privelege the destroyed a couple of my suitcases in the process.


Maybe I should have started a petition.:rolleyes: :p

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There are some real morons on this forum!


Yes, and they all joined yesterday and have 3 posts or less. And in one case was in such a rush to post his drivel didn't bother to read the community guidelines. :rolleyes:

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I 100% support the Captain and his crew for the decision to kick this IDIOT off the ship. I guess it's better than a bunch guests getting together and throwing this guy overboard. He should count his blessings and leave it at that. Can I be on the jury for the Lawsuit? See you in 5 days Conquest. :D

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There are some real morons on this forum! WHy is it that Carnival can take advantage of you just because it is a vacation? The emergency was a Given. I dont care what the cirumstance ,a emergency comes before all other. If I have a love one or anyone else for that matter that needs medical attention that needs to be the first and foremost thing. You all keep going back to that when that had nothing to do with the complaint!The problem is that Carnival is a business not a medical facility. There job after emergencies are handled in the proper way is to satisfy there customers. I bet if any of you went to get your car repaired and they told you they would put a new motor in it for X amount of dollars and then said sorry there was a medical emergency and I had to put in a used but it is the same price you would not be happy would you? I am a business owner and I am obligated to give my customers what they pay for and if there ever is an emergency or issue then I do try to make them happy. Obviously some people cant be made happy but I at least put forth the effort. How can all you people not understand that Carnival Cruise line are laughing all the way to the bank? Did they loose any money? NO! All there customers did. They actually made extra because all those customers that were stuck on the ship were gambling,shopping and Drinking. I was on the ship and I signed the Petition and I am proud of it. Just because Carnival is a Big company does not mean they can run over people. P.S. I read the contract and do understand it! I guess you are all fine with the Gas prices. The gas companies are doing the same thing. They are reaping from all our emergencies. Emergencies are of top priority!!! But when everything is all fine and well then I beleive the customer should be satisfied. They could at least given us a little off the next cruise,a free drink or just a plain ole Were sorry from the Captain would have been nice. Nope, a letter saying it.

Thanks and I am sure some of you cruise lovers that love to be taken advantage of will love to jump on this. And by the way the ones that dont agree with me, why dont you go to the grocery store and pay for a steak and tell them no thanks I will take lunch meat instead.!!!!!!!!


Boy there are some real morons that run businesses out there.


At an absolute best you may deserve 1/7th of your fare back because the fare you paid is for the whole cruise not just 3 ports. If that were the case why don't you negotiate with carnival and suggest to them that you are gonna take a 7 day cruise but only want to be fed on port days since you are paying for the ports. Or maybe that you only expect your room to be made up on port days, since you are paying for the ports.

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There are some real morons on this forum! WHy is it that Carnival can take advantage of you just because it is a vacation? The emergency was a Given. I dont care what the cirumstance ,a emergency comes before all other. If I have a love one or anyone else for that matter that needs medical attention that needs to be the first and foremost thing. You all keep going back to that when that had nothing to do with the complaint!The problem is that Carnival is a business not a medical facility. There job after emergencies are handled in the proper way is to satisfy there customers. I bet if any of you went to get your car repaired and they told you they would put a new motor in it for X amount of dollars and then said sorry there was a medical emergency and I had to put in a used but it is the same price you would not be happy would you? I am a business owner and I am obligated to give my customers what they pay for and if there ever is an emergency or issue then I do try to make them happy. Obviously some people cant be made happy but I at least put forth the effort. How can all you people not understand that Carnival Cruise line are laughing all the way to the bank? Did they loose any money? NO! All there customers did. They actually made extra because all those customers that were stuck on the ship were gambling,shopping and Drinking. I was on the ship and I signed the Petition and I am proud of it. Just because Carnival is a Big company does not mean they can run over people. P.S. I read the contract and do understand it! I guess you are all fine with the Gas prices. The gas companies are doing the same thing. They are reaping from all our emergencies. Emergencies are of top priority!!! But when everything is all fine and well then I beleive the customer should be satisfied. They could at least given us a little off the next cruise,a free drink or just a plain ole Were sorry from the Captain would have been nice. Nope, a letter saying it.

Thanks and I am sure some of you cruise lovers that love to be taken advantage of will love to jump on this. And by the way the ones that dont agree with me, why dont you go to the grocery store and pay for a steak and tell them no thanks I will take lunch meat instead.!!!!!!!!


My husband and I are also business owners... And yes we "sometimes" give up a "little" profit to our consumers.. But so does Carnival.


But I have had the same thing happen on a cruise. And it didn't effect my cruise.. I don't see were Carnival was ripping you off... By the way if you miss a port you don't pay for the excursion.. If you didn't pay for an excursion through cruise line you still don't pay.. Thats if you book through the right people. Also you don't have to do any of these thing on the ship gambling,shopping and Drinking. I do a little drinking and I don't even have to do that... So all you lost was a port that they don't GRNTY anyways..

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I opologize for the rude comment I made but I was a little agravated which is no excuse. I still just dont understand why you can pay hard earned money for a trip and its just fine if you dont get what you paid for (just because they put in words(contract)It sounds like all you long time posters are just better at not getting what you paid for. Your professionals!Why in the world would they tell you which ports they are going to if it doesnt matter if they go or not? No since in argueing with a tree,I wont be going on any more cruises and hope all of you enjoy getting taken advantage of on your next one:)

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Well I for one go on cruises.............cause I love being on the ship and feel it is the best way to travel. The ports of call are just extra perks for me. So we miss a port ..... we miss a port. $25 does seem a pittance to return to the traveller..........but would it have ruined my day and sent me running around with a petition................Heck no....I would have taken that $25 to the casino or the pool bar and gotten my day started off laughing.


Sorry that some took it so personally that they missed the port and someone's health came before their good time. It is just a another example of our mentality in this country......me, me, me!


I hope these people are so turned off from cruising they take land vacations in the future!!!!


Carry on......................:D

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I opologize for the rude comment I made but I was a little agravated which is no excuse. I still just dont understand why you can pay hard earned money for a trip and its just fine if you dont get what you paid for (just because they put in words(contract)It sounds like all you long time posters are just better at not getting what you paid for. Your professionals!Why in the world would they tell you which ports they are going to if it doesnt matter if they go or not? No since in argueing with a tree,I wont be going on any more cruises and hope all of you enjoy getting taken advantage of on your next one:)



So, if they were on their way to port and a hurricane was AT that port you would expect them to continue on because they told you that was one of the stops???? Yeah, we are morons, but you are just plain stupid and you cant fix stupid

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My husband and I are also business owners... And yes we "sometimes" give up a "little" profit to our consumers.. But so does Carnival.


But I have had the same thing happen on a cruise. And it didn't effect my cruise.. I don't see were Carnival was ripping you off... By the way if you miss a port you don't pay for the excursion.. If you didn't pay for an excursion through cruise line you still don't pay.. Thats if you book through the right people. Also you don't have to do any of these thing on the ship gambling,shopping and Drinking. I do a little drinking and I don't even have to do that... So all you lost was a port that they don't GRNTY anyways..


Hey Kudos I doubt we will see him here anymore. Unless he likes to argue against logic and truth. LOL

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I opologize for the rude comment I made but I was a little agravated which is no excuse. I still just dont understand why you can pay hard earned money for a trip and its just fine if you dont get what you paid for (just because they put in words(contract)


Simply because besides your port charge, you have paid no money for the island. Anything additional you spend is in addition to your fare.


Your fare is simply room and board, entertainment, food, etc.


The ships are not vessels for destinations. You end up where you start, except for repostions, and even then you are flown back to your starting point.

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I opologize for the rude comment I made but I was a little agravated which is no excuse. I still just dont understand why you can pay hard earned money for a trip and its just fine if you dont get what you paid for (just because they put in words(contract)It sounds like all you long time posters are just better at not getting what you paid for. Your professionals!Why in the world would they tell you which ports they are going to if it doesnt matter if they go or not? No since in argueing with a tree,I wont be going on any more cruises and hope all of you enjoy getting taken advantage of on your next one:)


You got what you pay for on a cruise.. Which it the ship and everything that comes with it! The ports are a side thing... Cruises may not be for you, cruising is not for everyone. I do cruises and land vacations. And I have never felt like I didn't get what I paid for on a cruise. I'm looking in to an Alaska cruise with my parents.. And yes its in the back of my mind if we miss a port.. I hope it doesn't happen but if it does I think I'll live with the captains decisions.. Thats the down side to cruising, so if don't want to miss a port then don't cruise.. Cruising is the best way for my parents to travel because my mother is on dialysis... So hopefully our trip will work out.. But if it doesn't I think we will live...

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I was on the cruise and was glad to see that a person could be evacuated at sea in an emergency. The incident actually happened on Tuesday night (we left Galveston on Sunday evening). They announced around 10pm that we were going to meet a Coast Guard helicopter for a medical emergency evacuation and the copter arrived around midnight. My room was on the 8th deck at the back of the ship and I was able to view most of the rescue. The copter had to hoover and drop the basket several time to evacuate the person. I heard it was a passenger and her husband but it could have been a crew member. When the operation was complete it was around 12:45 am and we were due in Jamica the next morning.


While is was disappointing to miss Jamica a life is more important.

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I opologize for the rude comment I made but I was a little agravated which is no excuse. I still just dont understand why you can pay hard earned money for a trip and its just fine if you dont get what you paid for (just because they put in words(contract)It sounds like all you long time posters are just better at not getting what you paid for. Your professionals!Why in the world would they tell you which ports they are going to if it doesnt matter if they go or not? No since in argueing with a tree,I wont be going on any more cruises and hope all of you enjoy getting taken advantage of on your next one:)


Because sometimes stuff happens - bad weather, mechanical problems, illness. It is clearly spelled out in the cruise contract. And when such blips occur in your trip, do you make lemonade out of lemons and enjoy yourself, or do you make yourself and those around you miserable?


Tell me, when you go to Disney and find out after you have paid your $75 that Space Mountain is closed, or it rains, or the parade is cancelled, do you get a portion of your money back? Do you leave and go back to your hotel to moan about how badly you were treated?

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I opologize for the rude comment I made but I was a little agravated which is no excuse. I still just dont understand why you can pay hard earned money for a trip and its just fine if you dont get what you paid for (just because they put in words(contract)It sounds like all you long time posters are just better at not getting what you paid for. Your professionals!Why in the world would they tell you which ports they are going to if it doesnt matter if they go or not? No since in argueing with a tree,I wont be going on any more cruises and hope all of you enjoy getting taken advantage of on your next one:)


If you go to an amusement park do you ask for a portion of your money back because a ride is under repair?


If you buy a car do you ask for a portion of you money back because it doesn't get exactly the advertised mileage?


Do you ask for your hotel cost to be pro-rated because one of the elevators didn't work one day?


Going ballistic every time you don't get every penny's worth is going to lead to a very short life span. Chit happens, go with the flow.

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I opologize for the rude comment I made but I was a little agravated which is no excuse. I still just dont understand why you can pay hard earned money for a trip and its just fine if you dont get what you paid for (just because they put in words(contract)It sounds like all you long time posters are just better at not getting what you paid for. Your professionals!Why in the world would they tell you which ports they are going to if it doesnt matter if they go or not? No since in argueing with a tree,I wont be going on any more cruises and hope all of you enjoy getting taken advantage of on your next one:)

I have been on ten cruises now and four missed a port. Grand Cayman twice due to weather, NCL's private Island due to engine trouble, and Jamaica because of the Med. emergency. No big deal.

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