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Chef's Table Review - Crown Princess 4/5/08


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My wife and I, along with two other couples we met on our Cruise Critic Roll Call were fortunate enough to be selected for the final six of twelve total spots at the Chef’s Table aboard the Crown Princess April 5-12 Southern Caribbean sailing. Below you will find my review of what I would classify as not only the best and most memorable meal I have ever had at sea, but also the finest dining experience I have had anywhere.


On the morning of embarkation, we were the first couples on the ship. Before even heading to our staterooms, we immediately went to the Purser’s Desk to use the phone to call the DINE line. Our friend Joyce called and was told that we would be put on the waiting list for the Chef’s Table. We questioned how there could be a waiting list since we were literally the first four people on the ship and we were told that the transient passengers doing back to back cruises had already reserved the available slots. We decided that we would seek out the Maitre D’ that evening to negotiate our way to a few of the slots. The second night at dinner, Nicola Furlan, the Maitre D’ stopped by our table to see if we would like to join him at the Chef’s Table on Thursday (Tortola Day), the final formal night. We graciously accepted the invitation and were relieved that our efforts to be first on the ship had paid off.


When we got to our cabins on Wednesday night, there was a formal invitation waiting along with separate instructions on clothing to wear, cleanliness and a form we had to sign attesting that each of us not experiencing any Noro symptoms. We were told to meet at the International Café at 6:45PM, where we would meet our other tablemates and be given instructions on how the evening would progress. As we came down the stairs of the Piazza, we were greeted at the bottom by Nicola, who already knew our names. From that point in the evening, everyone we encountered addressed us as Mr. & Mrs. Lesser. I found it truly amazing that people we had never seen, let alone met, knew our names….it was a nice touch.


Once all six couples were present, Nicola went over a few of the rules (wash hands for 20 seconds minimum, don’t touch anything, etc.) and we proceeded through the dining room and into the kitchen to begin our tour. We were not required to put on the white lab coats as some have described in prior reviews, but we were each monitored as we washed our hands. Many of us had been on tours of the kitchen as part of the cooking demos held on sea days. Most of the time, the kitchen tours are conducted during off-dining hours, so there is not much activity happening. Our tour was right during the peak of the dinner hour, so the kitchen was a busy place. A couple of observations about the kitchen: There are prominent signs at most of the entrances showing all the serving plates used on the ship as well as a price tag associated with them (the most expensive plate is the large, American flag plate used in the Crown Grill @ $12.20/ea). These posters serve as a reminder to the staff that carelessness costs money. Nicola made certain to tell us that broken dishes are not charged to the staff…the posters are just a reminder. Nicola then introduced us to Giuseppe de Gennaro, the Executive Chef, who showed us how the kitchen operates. Each area of the kitchen serves a different course on the menu and it is divided into a hot side and a cold side. The other interesting observation I made was that in all of the areas where hot food is served, the food is not “plated” until the waiter actually comes and requests it. In this manner, when the food gets to the table, it is both fresh and hot. After touring the kitchen, we were led to an area at the far end, where a table was set up with various fruit carvings, an ice sculpture and trays of appetizers.


We were all presented with bottomless glasses of Moet & Chandon Brut champagne and the following appetizers: Blue Crab Margarita with Avocado and Mango (it actually appeared to be an Alaskan King Crab leg), Fois Gras Terrine on Toast with Apple Chutney, Quiche Provencale, and Buckwheat Blintz with Caviar and Crème Fraiche. Neither Brenda nor I are caviar eaters, but Giuseppe showed us how to mix it with the Crème Fraiche, onions, scallions and egg and it was really tasty. Even the Fois Gras was outstanding with the apple chutney. From past reviews I had read, the appetizers were all the same as past Chef’s Tables.


After about 45 minutes of champagne and appetizers, we were led to our table in the dining room, where we were all greeted by name by our waiter, Carlos, and then seated.

The first course was a Beef Tenderloin Carpaccio stack, which we were told was a “special” item never before served at a Chef’s Table. I don’t recall seeing this listed in previous reviews, but for you future participants, I hope they do! The second course was a Champagne Risotto with Asparagus. Both of these courses were served with constantly flowing Sauvignon Blanc from Groth vineyards. Next we were served the much talked about “Lip-Smackin” Bloody Mary Sorbet. Once everyone had their sorbet in front of them, Giuseppe appeared with a bottle of Grey Goose Vodka and topped everyone’s sorbet off with a “floater” of vodka.


After our sorbet’s, it was time for the main course. Carlos wheeled out a cart with the three Medieval Spiked Flambe’ Roasters containing the Beef, Veal, and Pork Tenderloins along with the various sauces and vegetables. Giuseppe and Nicola poured the brandy over each roaster and lit them on fire. What an impressive showing. All the time this was going on, Carlos was sneaking around to each plate putting at least one (for some two) small Maine Lobster tail on each. Then everyone was given one filet of beef, veal and pork with all the vegetables and sauces. During the main course, we were served J Vineyards 2005 Pinot Noir, which we all found to be quite tasty.


After the main course was completed, and the last drop of pinot noir was consumed, each guest was given a cheese plate consisting of Potted Stilton with Port Wine & Walnuts with a Rosemary Biscotti along with a glass of a South American dessert wine. A dessert of Orange Mousse with Raspberry Mango glaze was then served along with various coffees and cappuccinos. At this point, Giuseppe sat down with us and began signing the complimentary Princess Cookbooks for each couple. In addition, he presented each of the women at the table with a single rose…certainly a nice touch! Next one of the ship’s photographers appeared to take pictures of both the group as well as individual photos of each couple along with Giuseppe and Nicola (the photos were delivered to our cabin the following morning). The evening ended with shots of limoncello and Homemade Gourmandises.


In summary, this was truly an outstanding culinary experience. I strongly recommend it to anyone that enjoys great wines and eclectic foods….it is not for your typical “Meat and Potatoes” person. Nicola, Giuseppe and Carlos all provided us with an exceptional evening, one that I am sure we will all remember for quite some time. As a side note, when we arrived in St. Thomas the next morning, Giuseppe transferred over to the Emerald Princess. So those of you traveling on the Emerald in Europe for the next few months will be truly lucky if you are selected to attend Giuseppe’s Chef’s Table.


If you have any specific questions about the evening, please don’t hesitate to ask.

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Thank you so much for your report. I also did a report on the Chef's Table we attended while on the Golden the end of March. Not only was the dinner special but the participants were made to feel special as well. We had our Table after a day in Puerto Vallarta. We had our 75 minute massages at the Krystal Hotel and then our Chef's dinner that evening. It was truly a perfect day!


I've heard people say it's a "once in a lifetime event". Now that I've read your report to find out your food items were different from our's, except for the meat entree and a couple of other dishes... no way will this be a one time event for us. If you think about the difference in price between the Chef's Table and Sabitini's, the Table wins every time. I can't wait to put our names on the waiting list immediately after we board our next cruise in the Caribbean.

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Chris, even though I was able to hear a first hand account of your experience from you the next evening, I enjoyed reading your written review! It sounds wonderful- just envious we were not able to be a part of it. ;) Oh well, maybe next time...



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We decided that we would seek out the Maitre D’ that evening to negotiate our way to a few of the slots. The second night at dinner, Nicola Furlan, the Maitre D’ stopped by our table to see if we would like to join him at the Chef’s Table on Thursday (Tortola Day), the final formal night. We graciously accepted the invitation and were relieved that our efforts to be first on the ship had paid off.

We will be on the Crown in about 2 weeks and I'm curious as to if you found the Maitre d' that evening and negotiated your place on the list?

It seems that many people are told that they are on a wait list so I'm wondering if this might not be a standard answer when you call or did any of the other couples indicate that this was their 2nd of a b2b cruise?


We will do as you did and call immediately when we board - Thanks for the review.

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Thanks for that wonderful review. I hope that Chef's table will be rolled out when I am on Sapphire in February.


Is the best way to get on the list to go to the Pursers desk on the first day or is there another way?



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Thanks for that wonderful review. I hope that Chef's table will be rolled out when I am on Sapphire in February.


Is the best way to get on the list to go to the Pursers desk on the first day or is there another way?




We wanted to experince this so much, that we made sure the first thing we did when we got on this ship was call. It just so happens that the nearest phone was at the Purser's Desk.


I'm still smiling thinking about the whole experience, which happened exactly one week ago tonight!

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QUESTION: If there was an item you didn't like/want, did you turn it down before it was put before you or on your plate, or did you just accept it and not eat it? And now you'll probably tell me there's nothing you didn't want. :-)



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QUESTION: If there was an item you didn't like/want, did you turn it down before it was put before you or on your plate, or did you just accept it and not eat it? And now you'll probably tell me there's nothing you didn't want. :-)




actually, it is mostly, serve yourself......

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QUESTION: If there was an item you didn't like/want, did you turn it down before it was put before you or on your plate, or did you just accept it and not eat it? And now you'll probably tell me there's nothing you didn't want. :-)




We dined with CRLess and everything was placed on our plates. If there was something you didn't want you could just turn it down..


It was a totally fantastic experience...we would do it again in a heart beat..



Nice job Chris..:D

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We dined with CRLess and everything was placed on our plates. If there was something you didn't want you could just turn it down..


It was a totally fantastic experience...we would do it again in a heart beat..



Nice job Chris..:D


Just in case you missed my question I'm asking again


We will be on the Crown in about 2 weeks and I'm curious as to if you found the Maitre d' that evening and negotiated your place on the list?


Do we need to seek him out or was the original phone call all that was required?



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We dined with CRLess and everything was placed on our plates. If there was something you didn't want you could just turn it down..




Thank you. We're on the Crown in Sept., B2B, so if we can't get a res on the first leg, we'll most likely get it on the 2nd.



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Thank you. We're on the Crown in Sept., B2B, so if we can't get a res on the first leg, we'll most likely get it on the 2nd.




That is what we did on our Emerald b2bs...we talked to the Maitre 'd on the first leg to express interest in doing the event during the second leg.

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Just in case you missed my question I'm asking again


We will be on the Crown in about 2 weeks and I'm curious as to if you found the Maitre d' that evening and negotiated your place on the list?


Do we need to seek him out or was the original phone call all that was required?




Maybe Chris should handle this one. We never met with the Maiter'd prior to our dinner even though we were supposed to. It is interesting to note the he did address us by name at the dinner, never having met us. Thats a real nice touch..

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Just in case you missed my question I'm asking again


We will be on the Crown in about 2 weeks and I'm curious as to if you found the Maitre d' that evening and negotiated your place on the list?


Do we need to seek him out or was the original phone call all that was required?




Actually, we spoke with our Head Waiter who contacted Nicola for us. I think it was either Sunday or Monday night that Nicola stopped by our table to "interview" us. We did get a phone call in our room earlier that same day wanting to know where and when we would be eating that night so Nicola could find us.

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Actually, we spoke with our Head Waiter who contacted Nicola for us. I think it was either Sunday or Monday night that Nicola stopped by our table to "interview" us. We did get a phone call in our room earlier that same day wanting to know where and when we would be eating that night so Nicola could find us.
Thank you both for the responses. Looks like maybe a little "one on one" with some one in addition to the DINE line might be the way to go.



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Our experience was somewhat different. Those of us on the Chef's Table waitlist, met with the Maitre 'd in the traditional dining room at a specified time the day after boarding. We happened to be the first couple he interviewed (the other's were seated nearby). The Chef's Table was explained, we were given a sheet of requirements to read and sign - ie, wearing closed shoes, wearing freshly cleaned/washed clothes, no illness. Then we were given a charge slip with the 2 - $75 dinner fees and our cabin #. DH signed the slip, the Maitre 'd shook our hands and said he would see us the evening of our Chef's dinner. The day of the dinner, a letter arrived explaining where to meet that night, that the Maitre 'd would be escorting us into the kitchen. We'd do the Chef's Table again in a heartbeat!

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Your experience was very similar to our dinner on the Emerald Princess last week. The "special" dish does sound different. There were three chef's tables on our ten day sailing. It sounded like the menu varied greatly for each one on our sailing.


We also called right away when on board and were told there was a waiting list. We came to the conclusion that they were gauging the amount of interest and then determined how many they could accommodate. We received a message while at dinner the first night that we had been selected for the dinner, then met with our Maitre'd the next day.


It was such a fabulous experience we hope to be able to be part of a chef's table on the Diamond in August 2009.



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Thanks for the great review. Do they only do the Chefs Table dinner on formal nights, or do they do one each day of the cruise? I'd love to try this on our cruise later this month, but we aren't planning on lugging formal wear with us. So I'm just wondering if formal wear will be a requirement??

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Thanks for the great review. Do they only do the Chefs Table dinner on formal nights, or do they do one each day of the cruise? I'd love to try this on our cruise later this month, but we aren't planning on lugging formal wear with us. So I'm just wondering if formal wear will be a requirement??


According to what I've been reading, I'm pretty sure they're NOT doing it on formal night.



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