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I am confused,

if I am tipping my steward extra and he does an excellent job during the week because of it, why should another steward whom I never see or doesn't take care of my cabin get a portion of the extra tip I left? Same for the dining room...




If you adjust your Auto-TIP down at all, then the Wait Staff and Steward serving you have to hand over any cash TIPs you gave, and this gets pooled and divided among the Staff.


I'm not clear if this means only the Staff that was assigned to provide service to you, or if it goes into a general pool. I would like to think it is only pooled with the Staff that was assigned to serve you (i.e., your Wait Staff and Steward).


For example, say that your Waiter was sufficient but your Steward was exceptional, so you give the Waiter the 5.50 per person, per day suggested gratuity due him, but you give the Steward $10.50 pp, per day.


If you left the Auto TIP in place, then you would be rewarding the Steward as intended. The Steward would keep 100% of the of the extra $7 pp, per day you TIP'd him.


However, if you removed the Auto TIP and TIP'd in cash, then the money would be pooled resulting in the Waiter receiving $8 pp, and the Steward receiving $8 pp... hardly what you intended.

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If you adjust your Auto-TIP down at all, then the Wait Staff and Steward serving you have to hand over any cash TIPs you gave, and this gets pooled and divided among the Staff.


I'm not clear if this means only the Staff that was assigned to provide service to you, or if it goes into a general pool. I would like to think it is only pooled with the Staff that was assigned to serve you (i.e., your Wait Staff and Steward).


For example, say that your Waiter was sufficient but your Steward was exceptional, so you give the Waiter the 5.50 per person, per day suggested gratuity due him, but you give the Steward $10.50 pp, per day.


If you left the Auto TIP in place, then you would be rewarding the Steward as intended. The Steward would keep 100% of the of the extra $7 pp, per day you TIP'd him.


However, if you removed the Auto TIP and TIP'd in cash, then the money would be pooled resulting in the Waiter receiving $8 pp, and the Steward receiving $8 pp... hardly what you intended.


I would like to see some proof of this....because when I give my waiter tips (after cancelling Auto TIP) he told me he gets all of it himself...I went to great lengths to ask him....why would he lie?? He even said he prefers it this way.

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The only time I had ever adjusted gratuity was on the Victory.

When I went to the pursers desk to increase the gratuity for the dining room staff I was able to adjust it as a line item. The receipt given to me to sign clearly stated an increase for the dining room staff.


Will add this, we had asked our dining room team how they preferred getting the extra gratuity. They told me to leave the suggested amount on the S&S alone and give the extra in cash or increase it on the S&S. I was told that the removal from the S&S meant that they would have to pool the removed amount, any thing extra was theirs to keep.


Personally I believe the S&S gratuity system is a tool used by the management. The removal can signify the lack of service; while an increase could signify a excellence in service.

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I would like to see some proof of this....because when I give my waiter tips (after cancelling Auto TIP) he told me he gets all of it himself...I went to great lengths to ask him....why would he lie?? He even said he prefers it this way.


There is no proof. This is something that has been passed around on cc from he said she said:rolleyes: The bottom line is tipping is a personal decision. Whether it is amount , when, how or where you tip. The options are there for each individual to decide.........

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Thank you.


I guess they plan to pay it off rather quickly eh?


I don't know how much it cost, nor how many people use the terminal on a weekly basis to give you an answer.:D


I know it was a rhetorical question.;)



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I could be wrong (because I ain't gonna read thru this crap again:p ) but I think he said that you are not obligated to tip more then the auto tips and room service while on board. Which in fact is true.........


Yup, that's what he said.

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Wow, can't believe the posts on this one. Do you all have a problem tipping in restaurants, your hairdresser, cab drivers, your news carrier? why the problem tipping these waitstaff people on the cruise ship? I thought the reason for the autotip on the S&S card was to make it easier while on board, I don't want to have to find a place to tuck bills into my bathing suit!! Leave the auto tip and at end of cruise if you think somebody did an exceptional job give them extra. Of course, tip for room service when service is rendered.

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As stated before.....the only other tipping on the ship would be for room service, provided you left the auto-tips in place.


Since this is your first cruise, I will tell you this: Everyone....and I mean everyone.....who looks at you cross-eyed in port expects a tip.


I have no problem tipping taxi drivers, porters, etc.


However....beware of the guy that asks if you want a picture with his lizard while you're on the beach. He wants money.


If you're sitting at a restaurant in Cozumel and someone asks your name, tell them you don't have one. After you tell them your name, they will leave and come back with a little drawing with your name on it......they want money.


Likewise the guy who comes to sing at your table.....he wants money.


Everyone in port wants your money......be careful of who you talk to and people who want to do things for you. They all want money.

You are absolutely correct. I remember cliff diver's in PV who tried to shake down elderly people. I also tip at the captain's cocktail party. The drinks are free but you are still getting bar service.

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Wow, can't believe the posts on this one. Do you all have a problem tipping in restaurants, your hairdresser, cab drivers, your news carrier? why the problem tipping these waitstaff people on the cruise ship? I thought the reason for the autotip on the S&S card was to make it easier while on board, I don't want to have to find a place to tuck bills into my bathing suit!! Leave the auto tip and at end of cruise if you think somebody did an exceptional job give them extra. Of course, tip for room service when service is rendered.


That's exactly the point of it. I'm not sure why people worry about it. If service is exceptional, add to it. If servivice is horrible, reduce, or eliminate it. If service is satisfactory, leave it alone. The only reason Carnival puts the tips on the S&S is because there are dirtbags who would spend every dime in the casino and not have enough to tip at the end of the cruise or just, conveniently, forget to. They're doing us a favor, and making it difficult for the cheapskates to remove their tips because they have to make a trip to the pursers desk to do so.

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God knows they don't teach economics, much less currency in K-12 or at home


actually, many people do teach their kids about money,, and how not to waste it foolishly by over-tipping every Tom, Dick, and Harry.

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God knows they don't teach economics, much less currency in K-12 or at home


actually, many people do teach their kids about money,, and how not to waste it foolishly by over-tipping every Tom, Dick, and Harry.


Well then there is nothing to worry about on the cruise. I haven't seen too many Tom, Dick, Or Harrys on the ship unless they were pax.



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Ok here is my tipping question, can you have some of the auto tips removed, or is it an all or none. I know this should be interesting to here responces to but here is why i ask.


On our upcoming cruise, we will not be using the dining room. I love my DD's (3 and 4) but they will not make the dining room enjoyable to others, so we will be eating on the lido deck. I can see no reason to tip my waiter and assistant when they never saw me. is there a way i can have just that removed or is it an all or none?



Why not let them eat with Camp Carnival on the Lido Deck while you and your spouse enjoy a nice dinner alone? Camp Carnival has dinners for the kids every night except for the first.


Also, I just want to add that we first cruised with our kids when they were 2 and 3, and they LOVE eating in the dining room. They've never gotten antsy or bored, and we are in an out in under an hour. You ought to at least give it a try!


One more note - your wait staff at night in the dining room ALSO works on the Lido Deck throughout the day, so they deserve the tips whether they are serving you in the formal dining room or not. You're stiffing them if you remove the tip, and that is, IMO, not right. Rather than nitpick over a small amount, just leave the tips as is.

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Regarding the 15% auto gratuity on the cruise line I have just come back from. This is directly from the mouth of one of the barmen who has worked on different lines for over 15years. They are guaranteed $1200 a month and on Caribbean cruises where they make well over their quota they usually earn about $1800 a month but on a South American cruise, such as the one I was just on, they don't make their quota so the company only pays them the guaranteed amount of $1200. So where does our 15% gratuity really go, seems to me its right in the pocket of the company

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On our last cruise in Feb on the Destiny. We were at the pursers desk on Embarkation day and a woman, her hubby and 4 kids were already removing the auto tips from the SS card. Just so happened they sat across from us every night in the dining room. Those 6 people kept the waiter & asst. running all night every night. Last night of cruise, I watched and never saw them give the waiter or asst any envelopes or money. Cheapskates---do you think they tipped the cabin steward, of course not. These type of people should not be allowed to cruise. If you can't afford to tip, then you can't afford a cruise. Either that or leave the kids at home. Just because they are small and don't eat much, does not mean you should not have to tip for them. And don't use the Lido buffet, and expect not to tip either cause you were at a buffet. Someone is still cleaning up after your mess, and your kids mess.

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Regarding the 15% auto gratuity on the cruise line I have just come back from. This is directly from the mouth of one of the barmen who has worked on different lines for over 15years. They are guaranteed $1200 a month and on Caribbean cruises where they make well over their quota they usually earn about $1800 a month but on a South American cruise, such as the one I was just on, they don't make their quota so the company only pays them the guaranteed amount of $1200. So where does our 15% gratuity really go, seems to me its right in the pocket of the company


It makes the $50 a month wages thats bandied around these sites a joke. But then again anyone with half a brain knew that anyway.

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It makes the $50 a month wages thats bandied around these sites a joke. But then again anyone with half a brain knew that anyway.


Uh...$1200-$1800 a month is still poverty level in the U.S. and most cruiseline employees work twice as many hours a month as one of us to get what little they do make.

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Uh...$1200-$1800 a month is still poverty level in the U.S. and most cruiseline employees work twice as many hours a month as one of us to get what little they do make.


Sorry but you miss the point. In their native Far East $1200 - $1800 is a fortune. What $1200 makes in the U.S. the U.K. or OZ is irrelevant because they won't be spending their money with you or I. Their folks back home would think it lucky to earn that kind of money in a year & then have to feed, launder, gas, electric all from less than one twelfth of that kind of income & probably work more hours to achieve it.

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Uh...$1200-$1800 a month is still poverty level in the U.S. and most cruiseline employees work twice as many hours a month as one of us to get what little they do make.

He said they do 12 hours a day split shifts, but it does depend on what area you work in. Considering they dont have to pay for food, lodgings, medical or work uniforms and also their accommodation is not the worst you could imagine then other then nasty rude passengers they dont have it too bad. I know of others doing it far worse. I would feel a lot better if I knew all our gratuity money went to them and not just to make up a shortfall as it seems in some cases.

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Uh...$1200-$1800 a month is still poverty level in the U.S. and most cruiseline employees work twice as many hours a month as one of us to get what little they do make.


Not to argue with you but don't forget that in addition to their $1200 - $1800 per month, they also receive room and board which in the US is worth at least that much more.

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And to anyone who claims that they remove all the TIPs from the Sail & Sign card so "they can TIP in cash" are totally full of crap... they do it so they can stiff the staff... plain and simple.


I once asked our waiters if they would prefer Cash to make sure they received their share and they told us they would rather us use the sail and sign card because it would go into their account and not their pocket. US Dollars are useless in many of the countries in which they live and if everyone were to pay them in cash it would be expensive for them to exchange it and it would also be unsafe for them to have that much cash on hand....

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Sorry but you miss the point. In their native Far East $1200 - $1800 is a fortune. What $1200 makes in the U.S. the U.K. or OZ is irrelevant because they won't be spending their money with you or I. Their folks back home would think it lucky to earn that kind of money in a year & then have to feed, launder, gas, electric all from less than one twelfth of that kind of income & probably work more hours to achieve it.


Last I checked we are all human beings. Your logic suggests that even though someone busts their ass for you for 12-16hrs a day, since they live in a third world country there is no sense in giving them anything "extra" because $12000 a year is a fortune where they're from. Most of them are working so they can get their families out of their third world country and make a better life for themselves. I don't just automatically throw money their way, but I also realize it's still the same job whether they spend their paycheck in my country or anywhere else. There's a reason you don't see alot of americans working on the ships, because we wouldn't work under those conditions and pay. It's not like they're going back to their third world towns and buying up flat panels and xbox 360's, they're trying to feed, clothe and educate their families. So to try and justify not giving them something extra for their work because "what they make is a fortune in their country" is just asinine in my eyes. I hope this post doesn't come across as yelling or trying to fight about the topic, I mean it in a very sincere way that we need to take a step back and appreciate the opportunities we have and when possible help out those that are only trying to lead a better life. OK, off my soapbox now :)

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