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Complaining Couple Banned from RCI

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That is not correct. By clicking on the red triangle in the upper right corner a poster can ask to have a post removed. In fact, anyone else can do the same. Usually a non-poster will ask to have a post removed if that person finds the post offensive. But the original poster, realizing that (s)he made a mistake, can also ask to have a post removed.


I stand corrected.


It is the edit I was thinking about and therefore thought we couldnt delete our posts as well.

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Quoted from the MSN article:


I agree 100% mema :D


How could the reporter (Anita) not click her OWN link to check the "facts" she published.


The Review (as linked by Anita)


Our stateroom 8276 (AFT D1) was nicely appointed but the bathroom reeked of sewer smell for the entire 14 night cruise. Guest Relations did nothing but tell us about other guests who flush oranges, apples, silverware, diapers, etc down the toilet so we should talk to them. So our balcony door remained open the entire cruise even in 40 degree nights to keep the air fresh. Night 14 at midnight we have a guy banging on our door to deliver an envelope from the Hotel Manager giving us 20% off our next cruise. Too bad it took 2 weeks to do it.


The news story...


Last September, during a 14-night Alaska and Northwest sailing onboard Radiance of the Seas, their stateroom had a plumbing problem that ended up with sewage all over the bathroom that overflowed onto the room’s carpet. Even with cleaning, the room wasn’t acceptable. The Morans asked repeatedly to be moved to another stateroom, but was told the ship was full.


So in other words...in the review - sewer smell - 20% off cruise. In the news story - toilet explodes, poor couple wallowing in their own fiflth, big bad cruise line does nothing. :rolleyes:


This is Journalism 101 people. When you write a story at least try to check some of the facts. Especially the ones you link to your own story.

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I stand corrected.


It is the edit I was thinking about and therefore thought we couldnt delete our posts as well.


You are correct, the edit button will disappear. However, using the same red triangle one can ask to have a post corrected.

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Ok, I have never sailed RCCL. And I hate whiners. I recently was on a tradewinds cruise club catamarran that lost both engines (one twice) and the dinghy motor, and we still all had a blast! And from everything I have read the woman was a professional complainer. But it does disturb me that a cruise line can demand that you remove a post, and ban you if you refuse. Doesn't that make any of you a little nervous? Just a little too "big brother" for me. What's next? I guess TWCC could come try to get me to remove my posting about the engine failure or threaten to terminate my membership!

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This is Journalism 101 people. When you write a story at least try to check some of the facts. Especially the ones you link to your own story.

Oh now you are being just silly. You actually expect the 'news' to check facts? We all know the news is produced.


There is no infringement of 'freedom of speech' when it a private company or a private message board asks you to remove a post. I grow so weary of people not understanding the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights as they apply to Congress and not to a private or even public company.

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if they kept having problems that made it necessary to write the company about, why keep going back.


The most likely reason they kept going back is that they kept getting paid for complaining. Many of us have complained on these boards about the paltry room credits given as compensation for itinerary changes and other problems. This is possibly an example of why cruise lines are not more generous. Such generosity seems to attract people that they do not want anyway.


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Ok, I have never sailed RCCL. And I hate whiners. I recently was on a tradewinds cruise club catamarran that lost both engines (one twice) and the dinghy motor, and we still all had a blast! And from everything I have read the woman was a professional complainer. But it does disturb me that a cruise line can demand that you remove a post, and ban you if you refuse. Doesn't that make any of you a little nervous? Just a little too "big brother" for me. What's next? I guess TWCC could come try to get me to remove my posting about the engine failure or threaten to terminate my membership!


I can understand why they wanted it removed or edited...even a disclaimer, perhaps. The woman had changed her story after receiving compensation that she agreed to and accepted, she then went on to embelish the story and blowing it all out of proportion and making RCI look dreadful.


The saying about biting the hand that feeds goes both ways here.


The initial complaint was dealt with to the satisfaction of both sides, there was no need for her to then run the firm down and send them down the toilet over smelly plumbing...something we have all come across and that is part and parcel of cruising and handled as best as it can be.

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I think we all agree with that. Let me see, what's the worst thing that's happened to me on a cruise. I locked myself out of the room -- my own dumb fault -- and I had to find my 10-year old at the pool to let me back in. I always get stinky dining room tables. Chair hogs -- now that's something to complain about! Seriously, chair hogs are my #1 complaint. That's not really too bad, is it?


Hello Mrs. Pete,


Loved your comment about chair hogs! I totally agree with you! How about the one person sitting there saying the whole row is reserved and then no one shows up?! On another note, my DH just had to remind me about a dumb incident on an Alaskan cruise a few years back about how another passenger took my blanket and I complained about it - well, I had every right to! They took down your cabin # and if you didn't turn it back in after using it on deck, they were going to charge you for it! I probably got up out of my deck chair for a moment to take a picture and wouldn't you know it? - a blanket thief! Good thing I caught the lady red-handed! LOL



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Ok, I have never sailed RCCL. And I hate whiners. I recently was on a tradewinds cruise club catamarran that lost both engines (one twice) and the dinghy motor, and we still all had a blast! And from everything I have read the woman was a professional complainer. But it does disturb me that a cruise line can demand that you remove a post, and ban you if you refuse. Doesn't that make any of you a little nervous? Just a little too "big brother" for me. What's next? I guess TWCC could come try to get me to remove my posting about the engine failure or threaten to terminate my membership!


You are making a big and relatively unfounded assumption when you state that the ban was imposed because the poster refused an alleged request to remove her post. From most of the accounts I have read, the simpler and more likely reason for the ban was that the cruiseline eventually recognized that there was no way that they could satisfy this person and that her business was not something that they cared to have continue, given her proclivity for filing endless complaints and requests for compensation. At some point they finally said "No More. Please take your business elsewhere". That was their right and most of us who have had experience with the person in question fully understand their reasoning and the legitimacy of their position.:)

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But it does disturb me that a cruise line can demand that you remove a post, and ban you if you refuse. Doesn't that make any of you a little nervous? Just a little too "big brother" for me. What's next? I guess TWCC could come try to get me to remove my posting about the engine failure or threaten to terminate my membership!


That may be true if you take the posts at face value and don't question any further. However, Laura posted that CC was never asked to remove the post by RCI. It "appears" that the reporter didn't do her homework.



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One thing i have found with professional complainers is that the computer is the best invention they could have found.


The one I dealt with had set letters, different complaints, different levels of complaint etc...they choose the one that they feel will suit the situation they want to make, print it off and send it.


the problem with doing it that way is that after a while you can easily forget which set letter you have sent already...and that is where companies catch you out.


For example....


She may have used letter #A for Celebrity in 2004, got the desired result. The next year she uses letter #B, the next letter #C and so forth. All worded differently, all making different complaints.


Now if she takes a cruise with RCI and sends letter #B, there is a real chance that as RCI is the parent of Celebrity that the letter appeared familiar in some way.


That customer service clerk looks in the records and voila...same letter, same wording but 3 years beforehand about a Celebrity cruise. Companies definately keep letters, especially ones where they make pay-outs, for future reference.


The fool I caught was found to have several letters outlining different problems/complaints and she chose which one to use each time, and eventually she got caught out...granted not by an identical letter for a seperate problem but by bragging about the awards given by sending those letters.


Someone can have as many complaint letters on the memory of their computer as they have shoes in the closet...each has their own particular event that is perfectly suited to an occasion.


Never underestimate a professional complainer ;)

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That may be true if you take the posts at face value and don't question any further. However, Laura posted that CC was never asked to remove the post by RCI. It "appears" that the reporter didn't do her homework.




As I read the article, RCI asked the individual to modify her review and she refused to do so. I wonder, however, whether the reporter was able to verify all of the claims made or simply took the individual's word for it without supporting documentation.

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I was on a 3-day cruise to Ensenada on a now defunct cruise line back in the early '80s. It had been recently taken over by another company so it's not like this was anything new. My point: I heard so many complaints that I flat out told people "things are not that bad that you still can't enjoy yourselves." The minor stuff was that they ran out of dinner rolls for the rest of the cruise and on the last night, nobody had a choice what to order for dinner - the line had a "fixed" menu and said that's all they had left. So, poor planning on the cruise line's part? For sure. I wrote a letter when I got home (NOT asking for compensation in any way or form) - just mentioning about how I was an avid cruiser and this particular cruise did NOT meet my expectations. Let's just say I was adequately compensated and returned the following year with an even bigger group of people to give them another chance and it was great!


As for RCI, I think they did the right thing! If all this couple does is complain, they need to get a life and try another cruise line - not keep coming back to see what they can literally get for free from RCI. I think RCI is on to their little scheme as well as many others on the CC board. RCI has the right to boot people off their ships (as well as any other cruise line for that matter) IF they feel a passenger is being unruly, has been given MANY verbal or written warnings and to no avail, the passenger still continues to disrupt or put other passengers in harm's way (and yes, they will do that - I've seen it on one of my previous cruises). At least they weren't booted off the ship - they are just banned for life!


So, to sum things up - just try to have a good time, enjoy what a cruise has to offer and if there's something that needs fixing, don't wait until you get home to complain about it! Let the ship's personnel know what they can do to help make it right!


That's my 2 cents worth!



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took the individual's word for it without supporting documentation.


EXACTLY. That's the issue with this whole "situation." The reporter did not do their homework and took everything recited to them as gospel. I don't believe the "facts" as they were presented are the truth. Those of us on this board who have seen the story change and morph know better. The truth was lost some time ago....

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As I read the article, RCI asked the individual to modify her review and she refused to do so. I wonder, however, whether the reporter was able to verify all of the claims made or simply took the individual's word for it without supporting documentation.


Exactly my point. All of this is heresay.



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In my experience Rccl has always been very accomodating with complaints or suggestions Their staff was always nice to me

I for one am very happy with their new smoking policy

I have been on 4 Rccl and 1 Celebrity

My experience on Galaxy was not the best but I loved the itinerary .I do prefer RCCL over Celebrity based on my one experience

Will I try Celebrity again ?if the price were right and great itinerary most probably

I think there is more to this story then meets the eyes .

If it is true they were banned for writing on CC then that seems a little over the top

I am sure we do not have all the facts

However I would hope that companies do read these comments to make a better product only .Improvement and adaptation is the key to continued success

I for one look forward to Genesis .Loved Freedom can't wait to try Liberty and Independence ...if you are listening how about lowering your prices a bit on these 2 -I prefer balconies ...hint hint

Well i truly hope this won't stop people from giving advice or suggestions .Remember all we want is a great cruise .CC posters have always given good advice on ships ,excursions etc .

Let's keep doing that


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Some people complain to do exactly what they have done, to get free stuff. These type of people can never be pleased because they don't want to be. It looks like on the legitimate complaints, RCCL took care of them in a professional and just manner.


We have just started cruising and in a year we will have 6. We absolutely love RCCL and they have taken incredible care of us. They always exceed our expectations.


I know a lot of people who cruise and they always give RCCL top marks. It just sounds like this couple are either terminal complainers or terminal scammers.


Some people you can never please.


Just my 2 cents.

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I too understood from the article that the individual had been approached to remove or edit her post. But who knows? I do know that last year during the pet food recall, my dog almost died from recalled food. (I am not allowed to mention the brand due to a legal agreement) Many concerned pet owners were posting about sick and dying animals on the pet connections website. The monitors of that site were approached by the legal department of one of pet food companies. This attorney demanded that they remove the company's name from the site because they didn't want their name affliated with a recalled food! He even threatened a lawsuit (how original , I'm from CA, come up with something really scary) The monitor refused, and we all blasted them by mail, online and by not buying their products.


I guess my point is that I feel uncomfortable about businesses reading these posts, and using things we say as a basis to refuse service, or even pursue litigation. I applaud any effort to read the boards, and use information to change or improve services. But punishment is something else entirely, and smacks of dictatorship.

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I agree 100% mema :D


Last September, during a 14-night Alaska and Northwest sailing onboard Radiance of the Seas, their stateroom had a plumbing problem that ended up with sewage all over the bathroom that overflowed onto the room’s carpet. Even with cleaning, the room wasn’t acceptable. The Morans asked repeatedly to be moved to another stateroom, but was told the ship was full.


The incorrect grammar has bothered me from the first time I read the article. Morans, in this sentence, is singular, so it should read "WERE told the ship was full." I expect more from a major reporting source such as msnbc. :p

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The incorrect grammar has bothered me from the first time I read the article. Morans, in this sentence, is singular, so it should read "WERE told the ship was full." I expect more from a major reporting source such as msnbc. :p


Hey grammar, fact checking....it's all high on the priority list at MSNBC. ;) :D

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I guess my point is that I feel uncomfortable about businesses reading these posts, and using things we say as a basis to refuse service, or even pursue litigation. I applaud any effort to read the boards, and use information to change or improve services. But punishment is something else entirely, and smacks of dictatorship.


Not dictatorship... just good business... They weren't "punished", simply told to take their business elsewhere... Any business is well within their rights to refuse service to someone for any reason they want to... that's what free enterprise and capitalism is all about...


It really doesn't matter what the reason is that a business "bans" you, they have the right... Just as you have the right to take your business elsewhere when a company repeatedly disappoints you...

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The incorrect grammar has bothered me from the first time I read the article. Morans, in this sentence, is singular, so it should read "WERE told the ship was full." I expect more from a major reporting source such as msnbc. :p


I totally agree with you! In fact, I think there was a thread about poor grammar and everyone had something to say about that! I'm not an English scholar or teacher but I know bad grammar when I see it! Just take a look at magazine articles - my pet peeve is when a sentence starts off with "and or but" - not correct in my eyes! Just a run-on sentence!



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