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Barcelona Airport Alert!!

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I just returned from a wonderful (but soggy!) week on the Voyager of the Seas, and wanted to alert everyone to the pickpocket problem in the Barcelona airport. One of the gents from our roll call had his wallet stolen, sometime between the time he left the plane and the time he was ready to leave the baggage claim area. I also saw a woman who was absolutely beside herself in the baggage claim area, her wallet had been stolen from her purse, which she had placed in an airport luggage cart. When we checked in for the cruise at the port, an RCCL employee said that our roll call friend was the sixth passenger that day to have their wallet stolen.

The baggage claim area is supposed to be secure - only accessible by arriving passengers. I wonder if there is a theft ring - people flying back and forth between the US and BCN, specifically lifting wallets?

As a tip - be sure to photocopy your credit and debit cards front and back and keep them in a secure place - and be sure to keep the "stolen card" phone numbers with you as a precaution.

In any event - I just wanted to alert any Cruise Critic members to this problem in hopes they will not be victims!



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I am sure that thieves specifically target folks in airports who are travel weary and who are worried about retrieving their luggage... My valuables are never going to leave my waist-belt while we are traveling!!

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Hi Liz,

Thanks for passing along the warning .... there was another thread recently on the same topic (re a woman whose handbag was stolen out of a luggage cart at BCN). It's unfortunate that people aren't more aware of the need to take extra precautions...a wallet in a pocket, or a purse in a cart are easy targets. If these reminders spare even one person the misfortune of losing a purse or wallet, then they are well worth posting.

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Liz welcome back! I hope you will post more about your trip as we leave for Barcelona Thurs. Being Floridians, my husband seems to scoff at this problem of pick-pocketing and thievery. I hope I can convince him that this really is a problem not just hype.

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Liz welcome back! I hope you will post more about your trip as we leave for Barcelona Thurs. Being Floridians, my husband seems to scoff at this problem of pick-pocketing and thievery. I hope I can convince him that this really is a problem not just hype.


Unfortunately, it's a problem anywhere you travel.:( My mother had a very bad incident in Florida this past winter ... in a shopping mall parking lot, in daylight hours, involving a very determined and vicious teenage girl. My mother, also very determined, wouldn't give up her purse (maybe not the wisest thing to do in that situation) .... she has recovered both emotionally and physically and won't hesitate to go to Florida again next winter. Robbery can and does happen everywhere.


Have fun on your trip .... Barcelona is amazing!:)

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Liz welcome back! I hope you will post more about your trip as we leave for Barcelona Thurs. Being Floridians, my husband seems to scoff at this problem of pick-pocketing and thievery. I hope I can convince him that this really is a problem not just hype.


I know what you mean! My DH thinks he has it all under control because he puts his wallet in his front pants pocket and keeps his hand there. Also we have been very fortunate on all the trips we have takeen, including four in Europe. However, this will be our first time to Barcelona which does indeed appear to have earned the title "pickpocket capitol of the world!" In an effort to get DH's attention, I started a word file where I cut and paste every tale of tourists' being robbed that I find on these boards and other online sources. I recently printed out three full pages of what I had copied and presented it to him when he was in a good receptive mood (after a special dinner I made just for him!). I think I finally have his attention. He now agrees he will wear his money belt with our cash, credit cards and passports under his clothes and not carry a wallet at all for our upcoming pair of Med cruises in January. I always wear a small back pack (never a purse), but with no cash, credit cards or passports in it. Those are in my neck pouch worn under my clothing too.

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Yes of course crimes happen everywhere-but not to the extent of having to wear money belts and hide things under you clothes. We have traveled extensively around the world with children in tow and in many 3rd world countries. I have never heard or experienced the same cautions as in Barcelona. I am sorry for your FL experience but in my town we leave our belongings on the beach as we stroll, walk late at night for the cool Gulf breeze, and leave doors and windows open without fear. I won't be fear driven but will be leaving jewelry and purse behind. Not even taking my good sunglasses! Travel light, be aware, and try to assimilate a bit into the culture is how we manage. Now about my "don't worry, be happy" husband......

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I had my jacket stolen in the baggage area of the Rome airport(FCO).Don't take your jacket off just because you're too warm !!!

I was very upset...backtracked everywhere and couldn't find it......but better that than my wallet,passport,cruise tickets etc.

Will be at Barcelona airport in Sept....so thanks for the tip.


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Traveling as a solo, I am especially cautious. The majority of my cash stays in my money belt. I use a PacSafe bag to carry as much as possible. My PacSafe stays draped across my shoulder from the time I leave my cabin until I return. If something doesn't fit in the PacSafe, I leave it in my cabin.

It's a shame that Barcelona has "earned" this reputation, but what really gets to me is the fact that this crime is happening in what should be a protected area of the airport. I guess they don't have camera surveillance like we do here at home - ? These guys are pros - so be careful!! Yes, it can happen anywhere, but baggage claim is an unusual place.

FLBeachbaby: one of our CC roll call members has aready posted his review. I'll be doing mine as soon as I get over this darned cold I picked up. Be sure to take a travel-size umbrella...



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We enjoyed Barcelona both pre & post cruise but the warnings are correct. It is such a great city but the professionals are definitely out there in force!


Lots of pickpockets in the market area near Las Ramblas--someone we know went to pay for somehting & somehow her wallet left her..never knew it til later...


We could not access the synagogue in the Old part of the city due to groups "gypsies" at either end of the street trying to approach us--not going to let them get close so we left VERY disappointed.


On departure day someone checking into the airline just after us had her purse & ID taken from the top of the luggage cart. Never put your purse there!


We made good use of our fanny packs, pouches & a little jewelry pouch I stuck in my bra--held on to our camera & its security strap at all times & did Ok--


There were also lots of pickpockets in Rome--mostly very well dressed--they would make announcments at the various sites if they were in the vicinity.


I would certainly return to BCN but keen awareness is the key!

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Not always safe putting wallet in front pocket for men. Hubby recently in Russia with a group of military type guys--in subway- they actually razored his front pocket so his wallet would fall out! They man NEVER even knew it happend till later. So just a thought for men who think their wallet in front pocket will fool them!:mad:

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Yes of course crimes happen everywhere-but not to the extent of having to wear money belts and hide things under you clothes.


We use neck pouches or money belts often ... always when it involves airport travel as there are too many things to keep track of in addition to a purse or wallet. On our Med cruise we used them in every port as we often used public transit ... it doesn't matter if it's Barcelona, Venice, Florence, Rome, etc, pickpockets are out there. Perhaps Barcelona has a higher percentage of them, but it only takes one to steal from you, so I would not limit the wearing of a money belt or pouch to Barcelona.

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Yes, totally agree about the security in all Med. ports. I was speaking more of other places we have traveled and where we live. We have never taken these precautions prior to any other journey. Maybe I should watch "Oliver" tonight to see how the little rascals do it ? :)

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It will be a year from now when we hit Barcelona airport, so lots of time to look for the best means of carrying valuables. Anyone out there have a particular type of bag they find more secure than others. I had read somewhere about ones with a steel cable in the strap to reduce the chance of having it cut off, and am wondering if anyone knows of this product? My DH takes this type of issue less than seriously so will have to spend some time between now and then educating him. Would not be a fun start to the vacation to lose your credit card, tickets or passport.


Keesu 89

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I would like to add my wife's experience with pickpockets in Rome. She was pickpocketed on the Metro. She was carrying her leather purse (first mistake). She held it under her armpit with her arm firmly over it (second mistake). They cut a small hole in the back of the purse and lifted her wallet out without her even knowing. She had two wallets in the purse and they took the purse that held the Euros. We were going to St Peters on Wednesday , the day of the papal audience (third mistake). Metro is jammed packed on Wednesdays because of the papal audience. Thousands of people are traveling to St Peters on Wednesdays. She did not know anything was wrong until we got into St Peters. When she started looking for her wallet, she thought she may have left it in the hotel room. But we found the small incision. It is amazing how slick these people are. We realize now that we would targeted as we got on the train. The pickpockets are waiting on the landing and jump on the train at the last moment when they see their target. We thought these guys were just trying to make the train. Now we know she was the mark.


I've read numerous stories of the fabled Las Ramblas in Barcelona. It is ideal area for pickpockets. Especially the street performers. People crowd around the performer and the pickpockets stake their targets. Beware around the street performers. Also the outdoor cafes are another favorite. Do not leave a purse sitting at your feet or on the back of a chair. It is an favorite target for them.

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It will be a year from now when we hit Barcelona airport, so lots of time to look for the best means of carrying valuables. Anyone out there have a particular type of bag they find more secure than others. I had read somewhere about ones with a steel cable in the strap to reduce the chance of having it cut off, and am wondering if anyone knows of this product? My DH takes this type of issue less than seriously so will have to spend some time between now and then educating him. Would not be a fun start to the vacation to lose your credit card, tickets or passport.


Keesu 89


I have a very good suggestion for the ladies:


Do not use a handbag, as simple as that! Just wear a pair of pants with zippered /buttoned front pockets, put a CC, an ID, and some euros and voilá! What else do you need to carry???


There was a lady in my cruise last year that was carrying a purse crossed in front. A guy in a motorcycle latched unto it and towed the woman on the pavement until he was able to dislodge the purse from the woman's shoulder!! What good will a steel strap be in a situation like that??? A liability if you ask me.

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We are suppose to leave in about 10 days for Barcelona and then our MED cruise. I have been reading several threads in regards to all the pickpockets and how they work. We plan on using both a waist and a neck security wallet for our CC's, ,money, and passports but where do you put your airline tickets? I was thinking of bringing just a small purse (worn across my chest) to carry those and a few misc. items like gum, comb, etc..... Now I'm wondering if even that will be ok. All this is so stressful!!!


Do you leave your money in the hotel safe or do you always take it in your money belt?

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It doesn't need to be stressful. You have to adapt to the environment, that's all. Would I prefer to carry a purse with all the things we want to carry. Of course. But to me it's better to be safe. Frankly, what I missed the most was my little bottle of Purell!


The day we did the daytrip to Montserrat I just brought a small grocery shoping bag and put in my guide book, purrell and tic-tacs. The CC, ID, and Euros was in the pant zippered pockets.


Why would you need to walk around Barcelona with all your valuables, including passport????

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It will be a year from now when we hit Barcelona airport, so lots of time to look for the best means of carrying valuables. Anyone out there have a particular type of bag they find more secure than others. I had read somewhere about ones with a steel cable in the strap to reduce the chance of having it cut off, and am wondering if anyone knows of this product? My DH takes this type of issue less than seriously so will have to spend some time between now and then educating him. Would not be a fun start to the vacation to lose your credit card, tickets or passport.


Keesu 89


Check out PacSafe bags and accessories, they have the reinforced straps and bags of all styles and sizes. Some retailers carry them, or you can order on-line.



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It doesn't need to be stressful. You have to adapt to the environment, that's all. Would I prefer to carry a purse with all the things we want to carry. Of course. But to me it's better to be safe. Frankly, what I missed the most was my little bottle of Purell!


The day we did the daytrip to Montserrat I just brought a small grocery shoping bag and put in my guide book, purrell and tic-tacs. The CC, ID, and Euros was in the pant zippered pockets.


Why would you need to walk around Barcelona with all your valuables, including passport????


Instead of Purell in a bottle, I use the individually packaged wipes. They used to be available at Target but I have not seen them there in a while. Sam's Club sells them in a box of 100 for about $8-$9, if I remember correctly.

As far as a passport - I always carry mine with me when I'm off the ship, usually in my money belt. It is the best form of id if there is an emergency, especially travelling as a solo.



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My husband I will be cruising with family in June and will be staying in Barcelona for several days prior to the sailing. I want to thank everyone who has taken the time to post on this thread. It’s been very informative. Although it makes me rather fearful of the entire experience, I now know that I too must spend a little extra time planning and doing some convincing for the security of our family and our belongings.

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I never carry my passport with me. I leave it in the safe and carry a photocopy.


Someone just told me one of their friends just came back from Barcelona and had all her money stole out of her neck purse and didn't even know it.

I guess she paid for something and someone seen where her money was.


I always wear a money belt but now I am wondering where to carry my camera when we go there in the fall.

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Thanks for this information. We're flying into BCN in a few months, and have read this information (about BCN and the pick pocketers / urchins) in other travel review books...now we WILL be extra careful.


Thanks again.

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Why would you need to walk around Barcelona with all your valuables, including passport????


In my case we spend the month of September in Europe of which we take the cruise about halfway through the trip, so the other 3 weeks we are just traveling about Europe. Several times we have been in Barcelona just for the day so we have all our valuables including our passports, cc's and money with us. We are just extra careful and keep the passports tucked away.

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I had read and re-read all of the posts about pickpockets in BCN. I know they are there as they are in any large city...but HONESTLY...I have never felt safer in Barcelona than in any other Eurpoean city I've visited. I've been a victim in Mexico City before so I'm very cautious. I bought a Pac-Safe purse, my husband bought the other Pac Safe camera bag. NEVER did I feel like I was a target. I got so SICK of that Pac-Safe purse I wanted to throw it overboard. Go with caution but don't worry so much about whether or not you're going to be their next victim. It can ruin the trip. Just use common sense and be reasonable about your surroundings.

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