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Do you find the ship's photographers pesky?


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I agree – a simple “no thank you” suffices. The photographers don’t want to spend time with a passenger trying to get a picture if the passenger doesn’t want it.


I don’t find photographers pesky. They are simply doing their job and there are enough passengers who do appreciate the pictures to make their efforts worthwhile. I don’t see any reason to play games with them or to try to come up with some way to make it difficult for them. They don’t want passengers to be unhappy and “no thank you” should be totally effective if you’re not interested.


It’s unfortunate that some people feel inconvenienced by the photographers. They are simply doing their job and following their directive. If there are issues with the way they follow that directive, note should be made on comment cards – messing with the photographer will not change the cruise line policy. I’ve found that like all other crew members, if you treat the photographers with a little humanity, they will treat you the same.


I suppose you like tellamarketer and door to door salesmen too?

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I suppose you like tellamarketer and door to door salesmen too?

I find a great deal of difference between people asking if I would like a picture taken – face to face – and people making cold calls to my house trying to sell me something. I am under no obligation to buy from the photographers on board and they do not pressure me to do so. Further, my experience is that if I tell them no thank you, they go away - unlike telemarketers.

I happen to think they provide a great service and I have taken advantage of the fact they have offered to take pictures many times. I have pictures that I cherish of myself and friends taken by cruise line photographers - some embarkation photos and some while on the gangplank in port. I also happen to think that the photographers are human beings and they are trying to do their job as prescribed by the cruise line – being rude to the photographers because someone feels inconvenienced serves no purpose.

I'm not sure I understand your point , so f you have one to make, please do so.

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I happen to think they provide a great service and I have taken advantage of the fact they have offered to take pictures many times. I have pictures that I cherish of myself and friends taken by cruise line photographers - some embarkation photos and some while on the gangplank in port. I also happen to think that the photographers are human beings and they are trying to do their job as prescribed by the cruise line – being rude to the photographers because someone feels inconvenienced serves no purpose.
I agree - rudeness has no value.


Most of the time a "no, thanks" works, and if I have to stop for a moment while another cruiser gets their picture taken, that's OK. Then we just go around the next one while they are setting up.


We've made the "search and destroy" missions an enjoyable part of our cruise. It is fun to look for the pictures and glean from them the one that might make our cruise more memorable. And seeing some of the others that are there can be priceless! We'll point them out to each other for later humorous comment in privacy (never in public - although we may have to scurry out to the Promanade deck, giggling all the way).:)


And I am in tune with HappyScot - I once took a picture of the Princess guy in costume (they had just moved away from the gangplank) and the reaction was incredible! I think it bothered him, though, when I said I "would post a copy on my cabin door, and if he wanted it $9.95 was a cheap price to pay :rolleyes: "

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I find a great deal of difference between people asking if I would like a picture taken – face to face – and people making cold calls to my house trying to sell me something. I am under no obligation to buy from the photographers on board and they do not pressure me to do so. Further, my experience is that if I tell them no thank you, they go away - unlike telemarketers.


I happen to think they provide a great service and I have taken advantage of the fact they have offered to take pictures many times. I have pictures that I cherish of myself and friends taken by cruise line photographers - some embarkation photos and some while on the gangplank in port. I also happen to think that the photographers are human beings and they are trying to do their job as prescribed by the cruise line – being rude to the photographers because someone feels inconvenienced serves no purpose.


I'm not sure I understand your point , so f you have one to make, please do so.



They don't ask. They order you into position and start clicking and flashing just about immediately. Then they stick the product on public display and, astonishingly, try to sell it to you. There are reasons I don't wish to share why that would be excrutiatingly embarrassing for my beloved. They also hold up the line, keeping me from my Gin and Tonic, a crime that almost defies description.


This is something you would not accept in any other context, and it cannot be excused by some daft argument that "they are just doing their job". If they shove a camara in my partner's face, that is assault, and I will shove it right back in theirs. That is self-defence.


This is cheap, tacky, pushy commercialism of the worst kind, and in any other context you would accept that. Don't try and excuse it out of misplaced loyalty to the line. You can love Princess and hate the few obnoxious elements of it.


Anyway, I think they're listening, because it does seem to have calmed down. If it flares up again, I will be happy to explore the possibilities of inserting a square camara in a round hole. And I don't mean the one on their face.

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I find a great deal of difference between people asking if I would like a picture taken – face to face – and people making cold calls to my house trying to sell me something. I am under no obligation to buy from the photographers on board and they do not pressure me to do so. Further, my experience is that if I tell them no thank you, they go away - unlike telemarketers.


I happen to think they provide a great service and I have taken advantage of the fact they have offered to take pictures many times. I have pictures that I cherish of myself and friends taken by cruise line photographers - some embarkation photos and some while on the gangplank in port. I also happen to think that the photographers are human beings and they are trying to do their job as prescribed by the cruise line – being rude to the photographers because someone feels inconvenienced serves no purpose.


I'm not sure I understand your point , so f you have one to make, please do so.

My point is there is no differance between themicon9.gif Just like you don't like people calling you and trying to sell you something you may not want other people may not like getting asked to stop and pose everytime they are getting off a ship or going to eat. They could just stay off to the side and if I wanted a photo I could just ask them. That way everone would be happy. You could get your picture taken and they would not have to ask me. I hope I explained myself better.


p.s. The telemakers are just human being also and just doing there job as prescribedicon12.gif

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They don't ask. They order you into position and start clicking and flashing just about immediately.


I've honestly not had this happen. (And, I apologize because I know you weren't talking to me!) Course, I'm still new to cruising and have only been on 4 so far, but really, we just say no and they leave it at that. I certainly wouldn't like being ordered to do it; I'm glad it's changed, lol!


And there's something to your point about them being on public display...we've never had our picture taken, but we always look at the one's on display.

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They don't ask. They order you into position and start clicking and flashing just about immediately. Then they stick the product on public display and, astonishingly, try to sell it to you. There are reasons I don't wish to share why that would be excrutiatingly embarrassing for my beloved. They also hold up the line, keeping me from my Gin and Tonic, a crime that almost defies description.


This is something you would not accept in any other context, and it cannot be excused by some daft argument that "they are just doing their job". If they shove a camara in my partner's face, that is assault, and I will shove it right back in theirs. That is self-defence.


This is cheap, tacky, pushy commercialism of the worst kind, and in any other context you would accept that. Don't try and excuse it out of misplaced loyalty to the line. You can love Princess and hate the few obnoxious elements of it.


Anyway, I think they're listening, because it does seem to have calmed down. If it flares up again, I will be happy to explore the possibilities of inserting a square camara in a round hole. And I don't mean the one on their face.

Hmmm - they ask me. Perhaps its because I have a Black Card.


There is no misplaced loyalty and yes, I can love Princess and dislike certain elements of it and in fact I do - photographers are not one of those elements. My loyalty to Princess has nothing to do with this discussion - others with less loyalty than I have agreed with my position. I seriously doubt that any photographer would assault you by shoving a camera in your face and if, in the course of their normal business, you shoved back, you would give the cruise line an excuse to remove you from the ship.


If you don't want your picture taken - for whatever reason - try a polite no thank you - see what a difference it makes.

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My point is there is no differance between themicon9.gif Just like you don't like people calling you and trying to sell you something you may not want other people may not like getting asked to stop and pose everytime they are getting off a ship or going to eat. They could just stay off to the side and if I wanted a photo I could just ask them. That way everone would be happy. You could get your picture taken and they would not have to ask me. I hope I explained myself better.


p.s. The telemakers are just human being also and just doing there job as prescribedicon12.gif

You’re right about telemarketers – and just like I would say no thank you to a photographer on a ship, I say no thank you to telemarketers by putting myself on the no call list and not answering my phone when they do call.


There are plenty of other ways photographers could go about taking pictures. My point is that if you want to see something else happen, insulting, harassing and/or playing games with the photographers is not the way to get it to change. You yourself equate them to telemarketers trying to do their job.


So why don’t you make a suggestion to the cruise line of how better they could go about their business? I’m sure they’d be happy to hear from you. And I’m sure the photographers would be grateful not to have to put up with less than cordial passengers. You don't think they like being abused do you?


In the meantime, you should treat the photographers as you would like to be treated.

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If you don't want your picture taken - for whatever reason - try a polite no thank you - see what a difference it makes.


That is exactly what we have done and it has never been a problem, no offense taken on either side.;)



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I suppose you like telemarketer and door to door salesmen too?


There is a great thing that you can do with telemarketers. Keep them on the line asking them silly and stupid questions about their product until they hang up on you. The longer you tie them up, the less chance they have to call a sucker who might buy from them.



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There is a great thing that you can do with telemarketers. Keep them on the line asking them silly and stupid questions about their product until they hang up on you. The longer you tie them up, the less chance they have to call a sucker who might buy from them.




The "Do not Call" list works very well. :) As for door to door salespeople, I just don't answer the door and they go away. The photographers on the ship take a polite "No thanks" without badgering.

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You’re right about telemarketers – and just like I would say no thank you to a photographer on a ship, I say no thank you to telemarketers by putting myself on the no call list and not answering my phone when they do call.


There are plenty of other ways photographers could go about taking pictures. My point is that if you want to see something else happen, insulting, harassing and/or playing games with the photographers is not the way to get it to change. You yourself equate them to telemarketers trying to do their job.


So why don’t you make a suggestion to the cruise line of how better they could go about their business? I’m sure they’d be happy to hear from you. And I’m sure the photographers would be grateful not to have to put up with less than cordial passengers. You don't think they like being abused do you?


In the meantime, you should treat the photographers as you would like to be treated.



Good idea I will just ignor them and walk by them if I don't want a picture taken. icon14.gif And to think I have always been saying no thank you. And I treat people exactly like they treat me.

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Good idea I will just ignor them and walk by them if I don't want a picture taken. icon14.gif And to think I have always been saying no thank you. And I treat people exactly like they treat me.
:confused: OK whatever.
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As for door to door salespeople, I just don't answer the door and they go away. .



We don't have a problem with door 2 door salespeople...at all. Everytime they attempt to come anywhere near our property our dogs scare them away..and their in the house!! :p

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I have a funny story about the photographers. We were in Bermuda a few years ago on the Celebrity Horizon, docked in Hamilton, we took a bus to Kings Wharf to see Dolphin Quest. Well, a Royal Caribbean ship (I don't know which) had JUST pulled into port and all the passengers were getting off, so were the photographers.


I walked up to the dock to get a better look at the ship as it was MUCH larger than the Horizon. On my way walking back to where my wife was standing, I was approached by SEVERAL ship photographers on the dock asking if they could take my picture.


Of course I obliged.

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Wow, I opened up quite the can of worms here!


Why was my topic moved? I put it on the Princess thread as it was specific to Princess photographers. I wanted people's thoughts and experiences ON Princess cruises. Hmmm.

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We have experience on the HAL, Princess, RCI and Carnival. On the first three lines, we just ignore them and walk around. Nothing is said to us or us to them. They are there for those who want to have their picture taken and it is obvious to all. If they ask, we just reply not interested and go on.


On the Carnival it was a different story. The photo crew were absolutely obnoxious insisting on taking pictures. They would block the way so that you had to go through their camera set. When we tried to go around they would try to herd you back into the queue. The would not take no for an answer!


We have only been on one Carnival cruise, our first and last, for several reasons including an obnoxious photo crew. Perhaps other ships may not have been so bad. It is just on the other cruise lines we have not had a problem. The photo crew only took pictures of those who wanted them.


You will be on the Princess and they were respectful of those who did not choose to participate. Have a nice cruise.

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We found Carnival to be the worse on embarking at Ports. Holding all the crowds up so everyone behind was jostling and treading on each others feet. They would grab your arm and try to get you into position to have a photo with a stuffed Parrot or something. The one at dinner was fine, just a shake of the head was sufficient.


The worse in the dining room was on RCCL. She would come along and start moving all the stuff around on the table whilst we were eating.

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