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Two drug busts on Dream on 17 June in Bermuda


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so...why would anyone take any illegal drugs to any foreign country???

I worry that my prescription drugs are in their proper containers with current expiration dates and a copy of the prescription. I take vitamins with me but only name brands in their original bottle and only enough to last for the cruise.

foreign laws are so different than ours....i can't imagine taking illegal drugs anywhere! and these were adults!



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I think that if the dogs smelled it in Miami they could do it too. They don't need a warrant for an individual room when they have the permission of the ship. And in U.S. ports the dogs sniff for C-4 and other incendiary material.


I know someone who smokes pot when she cruises, and she leaves the stuff out in the open and smokes on the balcony etc. She did go to Bermuda on the Crown, and she wasn't arrested, so they don't do it on every ship.


they don't need permission of the ship. A border check doesn't require probable cause or reasonable suspicion it can be a full search tearing every room apart of they want to and its pretty usual for the drug sniffing dog to make the rounds on each ship in Bermuda. If she wasn't caught she was lucky because Bermuda does check. US customs has the same power at a border search. Bermuda is governed by the same English common law on border searches as the Us is but there is less protection for individuals there on police in general.

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Lest you think you are only at risk when in a foreign port, read this news article. These people were busted at embarkation. After the boarding photo, as they turned to enter the gangway, the passengers were sniff-searched. Several of them got free jumpsuits and publicity photos.


They even got the guys who hid the goods on their person, where the sun does not shine.:eek:


Stupid, stupid. But people do it ALL THE TIME.

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Is this something they do on every NCL ship in Bermuda, or was it a tip off? Seems a little odd to be to be busting Grandpa onboard for such a minute amount of pot instead of worrying about bigger things no?


It has nothing to do with being an NCL ship, it has more to do with the strict laws of Bermuda. We've been to Bermuda on another line and it was more than once that we left Bermuda with less passengers than we arrived with.


Here's a link to Bermuda's illegal items and penalties.


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It has nothing to do with being an NCL ship, it has more to do with the strict laws of Bermuda. We've been to Bermuda on another line and it was more than once that we left Bermuda with less passengers than we arrived with.


Here's a link to Bermuda's illegal items and penalties.



Yep, it's true the NCL ships are not singled out - all ships are.


Also, I think iheartbda has mistakenly posted the link to her shopping list, so here's the correct link:



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whos cares - were they idiots? possibly? they enjoy smoking some weed - big deal. interesting how people love to judge others. maybe people should be more worried whats going in the house or apartment next to them or possibly their own lives?


people may do all sorts of things that other people disagree with. i for one don't like cigarettes but don't sit here and complain that smokers are killing themselves? i don't care.

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whos cares - were they idiots? possibly? they enjoy smoking some weed - big deal. interesting how people love to judge others. maybe people should be more worried whats going in the house or apartment next to them or possibly their own lives?


people may do all sorts of things that other people disagree with. i for one don't like cigarettes but don't sit here and complain that smokers are killing themselves? i don't care.

Again, I asked those of you who see nothing wrong with this? number 1 it happens to be illegal and number 2 they were with their grandkids. I guess I am just an old fogey or whatever....I am not judging the use of pot, if you want to be stupid that is your choice, but anyone who does drugs in another country is more than stupid and anyone who doesn't think it is important to set an example for kids is totally irresponsible in my book.



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Again, I asked those of you who see nothing wrong with this? number 1 it happens to be illegal and number 2 they were with their grandkids. I guess I am just an old fogey or whatever....I am not judging the use of pot, if you want to be stupid that is your choice, but anyone who does drugs in another country is more than stupid and anyone who doesn't think it is important to set an example for kids is totally irresponsible in my book.



That's all true - but didn't the guy keep the contraband locked in the safe where kids could not see it? Why does anyone think kids were exposed to drugs? Couldn't it be the guy was discreet? Maybe he went up on deck after the kids were asleep. Let's hope so anyway. If the kids were exposed to it, the penalty could have been more severe than it was.

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Is this something they do on every NCL ship in Bermuda, or was it a tip off? Seems a little odd to be to be busting Grandpa onboard for such a minute amount of pot instead of worrying about bigger things no?



All ships in Bermuda are subject to the dog searches. I've been on board when they were taking the dogs through the halls.

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whos cares - were they idiots? possibly? they enjoy smoking some weed - big deal. interesting how people love to judge others. maybe people should be more worried whats going in the house or apartment next to them or possibly their own lives?


people may do all sorts of things that other people disagree with. i for one don't like cigarettes but don't sit here and complain that smokers are killing themselves? i don't care.


I don't think they're idiots for smoking pot. I couldn't care less what they do behind closed doors, as long as they aren't harming others. I think they're idiots because they brought it with them to a foreign country, despite the fact that they entered secured facilities, and would eventually need to clear US Customs, as well as pass through Bermuda's law enforcement agencies.

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whos cares - were they idiots? possibly? they enjoy smoking some weed - big deal. interesting how people love to judge others. maybe people should be more worried whats going in the house or apartment next to them or possibly their own lives?


people may do all sorts of things that other people disagree with. i for one don't like cigarettes but don't sit here and complain that smokers are killing themselves? i don't care.


Do you really think people are sitting at their computers scanning the postings looking for something they can judge people on? Most of the people posting here are saying they were idiots for taking illegal drugs to a foreign country. They broke the law. Aren't you judged when you break the law? That is what most people are judging them on..That and using drugs around their grand kids.


That's all true - but didn't the guy keep the contraband locked in the safe where kids could not see it? Why does anyone think kids were exposed to drugs? Couldn't it be the guy was discreet? Maybe he went up on deck after the kids were asleep. Let's hope so anyway. If the kids were exposed to it, the penalty could have been more severe than it was.


Salty.. i couldn't disaree more. I do not care what steps he took to keep the actual drugs away from his grand kids, the fact is he was under the influence of the drugs while being around his grand kids.


I for one honestly could care less what people do behind their closed doors.. Drugs, or whatever. I have ALWAYS said that if people want to kill themselves, that is their decision. ie. Here in Texas (don't know if it is nationwide) we have to go to the actual pharmacy counter to get some over-the-counter cold meds because some idiots buy them and do something to them to make them into illegal drugs. It honestly ticks me off that we have to do that because they want to kill themselves. If they want to kill themselves.. let them. That is their business. I do get upset when their actions affect others. ie. me having to go to the counter to buy the over-the-counter meds.. grand kids being exposed to someone under the influence, etc.


Not trying to be on a soap box, just think it is idiotic to sit here and bash people for judging them. That is what happens when you break the law. You are judged. In America, most of the time you are judged by your peers. Well.. if they are on a cruise.. I think most of us would qualify as their peers.

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whos cares - were they idiots? possibly? they enjoy smoking some weed - big deal. interesting how people love to judge others. maybe people should be more worried whats going in the house or apartment next to them or possibly their own lives?



Who cares if they rob a bank! its not my money it belongs to ALL the depositors. They can each lose a little.


Who Cares? The point is that it is the law. If you don't like the law work to get it changed. do not violate it.

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That's all true - but didn't the guy keep the contraband locked in the safe where kids could not see it? Why does anyone think kids were exposed to drugs? Couldn't it be the guy was discreet? Maybe he went up on deck after the kids were asleep. Let's hope so anyway. If the kids were exposed to it, the penalty could have been more severe than it was.


The day it's ok to go up on deck and use drugs is the day I stop cruising. I have a ten year old- does she need to see people using drugs on our evening stroll around the deck because someone can't go without their weed for a few days? Why stop at pot? In that link about the Carnival bust the suspects were carrying heroin, ecstasy and cocaine. Who are we to judge about people "going up on deck" and shooting up or snorting cocaine? Another example of people thinking their personal preferences are supreme, never mind about other people's rights or the laws of the U.S. or any other country.


If someone wants to use ILLEGAL drugs it's his (poor) choice but to expect that the whole world needs to accomodate that choice is idiotic.



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I think we all have varied opinions on the using of "recreational" (!) drugs, but that's not the point here. Everyone knows that it's against the law to transport or use illegal drugs, that's why people try to hide them. Most Customs people aren't trying to "get" people, they're trying to stop larger scale drug smuggling or possible terrorism, and the small fry get caught. Given the world we live in, why anyone would set themselves up, just for a little "recreation", is beyond my comprehension.

Certain countries, such as Bermuda, take possession of drugs very seriously, and it is their right. You get caught in another country for drug possession, you pay their price. Eventually, the US government can hear about it, it goes on your passport record, and you may have an interesting time every time you go through Immigration or Customs. Fair? I can't say, but don't use that as an excuse to flout the law!

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That's all true - but didn't the guy keep the contraband locked in the safe where kids could not see it? Why does anyone think kids were exposed to drugs? Couldn't it be the guy was discreet? Maybe he went up on deck after the kids were asleep. Let's hope so anyway. If the kids were exposed to it, the penalty could have been more severe than it was.


that appears to be the case, but I still even having them around the kids at all is wrong, whether using while they were sleeping or locking them in a safe, regardless, it is a very poor example and something most of us would not do. We have always encouraged our kids and grandkids to respect the law. This isn't saying the laws shouldn't be changed or are out of date, it is simply how we feel. I guess it is like smuggling booze on the ship, only much worse. There are things we just do not do. Am I a prude? Ask my grandkids, they would laugh as they call me the Crazy old lady, they also know how I feel about things. Needless to say, as most of you can gather, I do speak my mind. My mind says this guy was more than 100% wrong.



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I agree with you salty dingo......smoking a little pot is not a crime against humanity! No one has ever smoked themselves to death. LOL You can however, drink yourself to death. The laws are so all over this place with this drug.


I do think however, it is pretty stupid to take it on your travels with you to a foreign country. JMO


I also agree. A few of the posts here also border a bit on the self righteous. Not sure the brighest light bulb would carry overseas. That's certainly one thing I would not care to deal with. I always get a vision of the movie "Midnight Express" - that would be my luck ;) ........

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I have never smoked anything but frankly, I don't see the problem with marijuana - other than the fact it is illegal. Nine years in the Army showed me very clearly that people who drank were much more of a problem than the people who smoked marijuana. While I do like to have a drink now and then, I keep it under control. I really hate the loud, obnoxious drunks - almost as much as I hate cigarette smoke - but they are legal. Laws and rules are meant to be obeyed - even if you don't agree with them. It is your decision to accept the penalty when you get caught.

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Bottom line: You are in another country subject to their laws and customs.


What you do, think, or beleive at home doesn't matter.


You can scream, " I AM AN AMERICAN, I HAVE RIGHTS!", and the guy on the otherside of the counter will say, "But your NOT in America now are you? If you got a problem, have your Foriegn Minister call my Foriegn Minister."


Been awhiles, but in Thailand, just before you enter the immigration area, you have to walk around a physical barrier, no way to miss it. In front of the barrier is a garbage can. The sign on the barrier says the maximum penalty for bringing illegal drugs (according to the Thai gov't) into the country is...(and you see a picture of a noose). That garbage can is your last chance.


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whos cares - were they idiots? possibly? they enjoy smoking some weed - big deal. interesting how people love to judge others. maybe people should be more worried whats going in the house or apartment next to them or possibly their own lives?


people may do all sorts of things that other people disagree with. i for one don't like cigarettes but don't sit here and complain that smokers are killing themselves? i don't care.


Good gosh no, pacey. I will let the courts judge them, or in the case of the Bermudian courts thanks them for their fine judgement.


As to the article SaltyDingo linked.


30-year-old John Peter Schneider, (Felony) of Fairfax, Virginia Officers report Schneider tried stuffing two small baggies into his mouth as he was tackled near the ship. Police say the baggies contained four grams of coke.


40-year-old Christopher Kew Wong,(Felony) a telecommunications salesman from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, was found to have 12 small baggies of heroin and four grams of marijuana, which he told arresting officers was "for personal use."


38-year-old Dr. Matthew D. Pate,(Felony) a Kokomo, Indiana dentist, was found with 18 hits of ecstacy and a small quantity of marijuana.


35-year-old Paul Abrahan Levine, (Felony) a restaurateur from Quincy, Florida, told inspectors he had "a little coke and a little x." Police say he had 13-grams of ecstacy powder and 8-grams of coke in his crotch.


Now these criminals are not exactly espousing recreational use, IMO. Oops, I did judge them, didn't I. Coke, heroin, ecstacy are not "recreational" drugs. The ones that worry me the most are the guys with the ecstacy, don't think they were gonna use it on theirselves.

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whos cares - were they idiots? possibly? they enjoy smoking some weed - big deal. interesting how people love to judge others. maybe people should be more worried whats going in the house or apartment next to them or possibly their own lives?


people may do all sorts of things that other people disagree with. i for one don't like cigarettes but don't sit here and complain that smokers are killing themselves? i don't care.

I would gather, you may be one who enjoys it once in awhile or maybe you are just not judgemental; either way, that is your choice, but you can not compare a legal substance like regular tobacco with an illegal substance, you can not overlook the fact that one party had grandchildren with them and last but not least, and I could be wrong, I am not certain we are talking about a little bit of pot. did you read the article? did you see where they referred to pot or did they refer to more serious drugs?



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