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Delta..Atlanta Flights

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A good friend has had two of her Delta flights changed and one cancelled outright. She was never notified and was lucky to be able to get a replacement flight but will be arriving at her destination 5 hours later than her original intinerary called for.:mad:


Atlanta seems to have been hit hard with cancelled and changed flights.:eek:


She was told that the changes will continue and to keep checking. Seems that this flight was cancelled June 3 and she just happened to check yesterday and discovered the cancelled flight. She was told she was on the "to call list". Wonder how long they keep you on that list before they feel like letting you know your flight is cancelled?


The customer service gal told her that if they can't get you on another flight the only thing they will do is refund your fare. Guess the days of getting pax on flights from other airlines, if need be, are over.

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A good friend has had two of her Delta flights changed and one cancelled outright. She was never notified and was lucky to be able to get a replacement flight but will be arriving at her destination 5 hours later than her original intinerary called for.:mad:


Atlanta seems to have been hit hard with cancelled and changed flights.:eek:


She was told that the changes will continue and to keep checking. Seems that this flight was cancelled June 3 and she just happened to check yesterday and discovered the cancelled flight. She was told she was on the "to call list". Wonder how long they keep you on that list before they feel like letting you know your flight is cancelled?


The customer service gal told her that if they can't get you on another flight the only thing they will do is refund your fare. Guess the days of getting pax on flights from other airlines, if need be, are over.


So sorry for your friend. We were thinking about trying to fly thru and out of Atlanta but may refocus on another city after hearing this...Atlanta is almost to capacity for all airlines and more cancellations would not surprise me. Guess we should start looking elsewhere. Thanks for the heads-up.

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Most airlines will notify you of changes if you give them the contact info (phone # or e-mail address).

I think the only way the airlines are going to improve is for people to stop flying unless ABSOLUTELY necessary! Crowded planes, charges for luggage, delays, cancellations...the entire process of getting from 1 place to another has become horrendous.

Changes will only come when folks start letting their $$$ talk--that's all these companies understand@

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Delta's REALLY bad about doing that - it's nothing new. A few years ago when I was in college, I had a flight scheduled from home back to Atlanta (where I was in college) after Thanksgiving, and they apparently had cancelled it three weeks earlier and never notified me. So, I showed up for a flight that was never taking off. Luckily, I was able to walk up to another airline's counter and finagle myself onto one of their flights on standby, but it was a mess (especially considering it was one of the busiest travel days of the year).

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A good friend has had two of her Delta flights changed and one cancelled outright. She was never notified and was lucky to be able to get a replacement flight but will be arriving at her destination 5 hours later than her original intinerary called for.:mad:


Atlanta seems to have been hit hard with cancelled and changed flights.:eek:


She was told that the changes will continue and to keep checking. Seems that this flight was cancelled June 3 and she just happened to check yesterday and discovered the cancelled flight. She was told she was on the "to call list". Wonder how long they keep you on that list before they feel like letting you know your flight is cancelled?


The customer service gal told her that if they can't get you on another flight the only thing they will do is refund your fare. Guess the days of getting pax on flights from other airlines, if need be, are over.


Atlanta is Delta's main hub so it would be common sense that with the reductions in flights that ATL will be affected. What really matters is where you are coming from and going to. If for example you are flying from a major city that Delta has numerous flights, you won't see much of a difference if they cancel one or two, however if the city in which you are flying out of or into, only has 1 or 2 flights per day to or from ATL, then obviously there will be a big impact if one gets cancelled. I am on a Delta flight at least twice a week, it is no picnic, and I can say you need to make sure they have your email address on your reservation, or you may never get a call about a change. If a TA made the res for you, then they need to be the one to make sure you are informed, either by them, or the airline.

Most of the time the majors will make every effort to get you on another carrier if poss, but again everyone is in the same boat.

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My husband had lots of changes to his itinerary for our cruise a couple of weeks ago. Thankfully, no canellations, but things like expecting him to make a connection from a large hub to hub plane to a small regional commuter jet in 13 minutes. The agent he called didn't see the problem, but eventually moved his flight at his insistence (he travels a lot for work, so the Medallion status paid off).


We live at a hub (SLC), and he was flying to Atlanta. The plane had mechanical problems on takeoff, so they landed. There apparently was no backup equipment, even here at a hub (wonder what all those hangars are for), so they cancelled the flight. Again, medallion status paid off, and he got himself on another flight (through Cincinnati, much preferred). Many people who had been on the plane to Atlanta, apparently were not switched, but given refunds (after they were supposed to already be in Atlanta).


Flying with the kids, I stick with Frontier, Southwest, etc. They don't promise much, but seem to provide more and have more reasonable policies than some of the older airlines.

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Delta had her home phone, her cell number and her email address and still no notification.


She isn't a happy camper but at least she still has flights.:)


I can remember the days when an airline would get you on a flight no matter what if they had to cancel an existing reservation. Now if they cancel you will get a refund. Big deal, especially if you booked early and got a reasonable price. That refund $$ won't get you very far.:mad:

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A good friend has had two of her Delta flights changed and one cancelled outright. She was never notified and was lucky to be able to get a replacement flight but will be arriving at her destination 5 hours later than her original intinerary called for.:mad:


Atlanta seems to have been hit hard with cancelled and changed flights.:eek:


She was told that the changes will continue and to keep checking. Seems that this flight was cancelled June 3 and she just happened to check yesterday and discovered the cancelled flight. She was told she was on the "to call list". Wonder how long they keep you on that list before they feel like letting you know your flight is cancelled?


The customer service gal told her that if they can't get you on another flight the only thing they will do is refund your fare. Guess the days of getting pax on flights from other airlines, if need be, are over.


Thank you for posting this!:D I have 2 flights booked with Delta for two of my upcoming cruises and saw that they had made schedule changes for both trips.:mad: I called Delta and questioned why I was not contacted and was told that they only contact you within 15 days of the flight to avoid multiple emails/phone calls if several changes are made. Absolutely stupid reasoning in my book as it may be too late by that time to make changes if there is no availabilty on other flights.


The Delta rep that I spoke with said that they just had a huge inventory schedule adjustment in response to the added fuel costs that the airline is incurring and said that more changes are still possible.


I will check on a regular basis now as I have booked these flights to match up to Alaska flights that I have also booked seperately in order to get the best prices. We only have 3 airlines that fly into my city and booking this as a partner flight would have tripled my costs so that is why I booked with the two airlines individually to make my own flight plan.

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Flying with the kids, I stick with Frontier, Southwest, etc. They don't promise much, but seem to provide more and have more reasonable policies than some of the older airlines.


Yeah - we usually stick to AirTran. They're much easier to deal with than Delta. Even if you don't have kids (I didn't have them until recently), it's just easier to deal with a smaller airline than the big boys sometimes.

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We are also flying Delta next April from CLE to ATL to SCL. Just happened to check Delta's sight last night and we already have an equipment change from CLE to ATL. We are leaving the same time but arriving 15 minutes sooner.:eek:

We received no notification..........saw the change in red...........so had to select new seats.


It is a very good idea to check your flight schedule almost on a daily basis the way things are going these days.


One of the problems of flying through Atlanta is weather, as we found out last March. If they have to close the airport for any length of time...........everything coming in and going out gets backed up.

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We just flew Delta through Atlanta to Barcelona and back from London. We had out flight times change several times over the past few months. We were always notified by email unless the change was less then 10 minutes. Our friends who were flying American to Barcelona via NY had their flight was cancelled by American and they were put on the Delta flight from Atlanta. I think all airlines cancel and change their flights.

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But I just wanted to bump my flight to Atlanta on Delta for business up a day and they want to charge me $460 =apparently I booked really early at around $500 and the new rates is $1100.. they have changed the time of my return flight four times hmmm perhaps i need to send them a bill .. this is why i fly southwest for all my vacation /cruise travel...

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I'm wondering if there is a method to their madness?


If they tick enough people off, especially those that got great rates before the madness began, maybe they will cancel their flights and allow Delta to rebook those seats at a much higher rate?


Or they will just continue to cancel flights and not inform pax. If they can't find seats on available flights they will just get refunds.


That has got to save Delta lots of $$.

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Thanks to the OP for reminding me to check my Delta flights. Both have been changed.


We have a trip planned for Yellowstone in Sept. The schedule was changed the end of May and we WERE notified. Upon checking again after reading this thread and guess what....changed again but this time we were NOT notified.


We have a flight booked to Barcelona in November. That one has also changed. Also NOT notified.


I guess this is just one more pre-planning to do. Weekly (or more) check flight status.


We love to travel and cruise but all this hassle with the airlines and surcharge "this" and cut-back "that" on cruises, I'm just not sure it is worth it anymore.

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I'll be a little it different. I have flights booked with Delta for September and I'm hoping they will cancel them or change them to "inconvenient times" as I no longer want them.


We also have flights with them for next January which I'm keeping an eye on. We can be changed without disrupting our schedue as they are for the day before (actually aout 36 hours) we need to be where we're going.


They've changed the September flights once but only by a couple of minutes so no help there. :p

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I'm wondering if there is a method to their madness?


If they tick enough people off, especially those that got great rates before the madness began, maybe they will cancel their flights and allow Delta to rebook those seats at a much higher rate?


Or they will just continue to cancel flights and not inform pax. If they can't find seats on available flights they will just get refunds.


That has got to save Delta lots of $$.


One would hardly think that any airline is having much fun these days and just imagine having to be employed by one right now. They all have one goal, Keep the flights as full as possible in order to stay in business. I doubt that they are purposly not calling people for flight cancellations and changes , etc,. they have nothing to gain by it. Since mostly all airlines are doing the same things with reduced schedules, bags, etc, it will be a few months before things settle down and all the schedules have been set. By fall there will be about 20% less capacity in the industry, possibly even more, if oil keeps going the way it is. Just wait until winter when most planes are full and there are weather situations where there will be no seats for days for those cancellations. Forget about going a day early for your cruise. For those with tickets for more than 90 days out, you will probably have several more changes in the coming months.

If oil gets to $200 a bbl, then most won't have to worry about cancelled flights, cruises etc. Our economy will be toast.

As I have said before we as customers need to quit whining about the airlines, cruiselines, etc, and start thinking about the goofs in our nations capital that just keep letting this go on. This is an election year. Let em have it.

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I guess its just not us. Delta has changed every leg of our San Juan flight, and never an e-mail, our start time is an now hour earlier. There are 2 flights leaving ATL, to SJU, within an hour and now that we are there earlier I wanted to take the earlier one and they wont let me unless I pay an unreal changing fee even though they changed mine. Even though both planes are less than half full. I figure they will cancel one, but does anyone think I can complain to the right person and get changed to the earlier flight for free.

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I guess its just not us. Delta has changed every leg of our San Juan flight, and never an e-mail, our start time is an now hour earlier. There are 2 flights leaving ATL, to SJU, within an hour and now that we are there earlier I wanted to take the earlier one and they wont let me unless I pay an unreal changing fee even though they changed mine. Even though both planes are less than half full. I figure they will cancel one, but does anyone think I can complain to the right person and get changed to the earlier flight for free.


As long as the flight schedule change is within a certain time (I believe 2 hrs or less) the airline is not required to make any compensation. This would be changing your flight for free. If your schedule change is outside the time frame allowed, then they have to change to another flight (and this could even be on a different day)for free, or if none is avail by the original carrier, or possibly another, then refund your money.

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If you have been following the news, most of the the "old-line" carries have been cancelling domestic flights. Delta announced a 5-9% flight reduction in the last two weeks. Depending on when your flights are scheduled, they may have not had a chance to get to you with the notification. It makes more sense for them to notify, attempt to reschedule, people that have people impacted before your flights.


This flight cancellation phenenom is not limited to Delta. US-Air, Northwest, United and American have all announced domestic cancellations in the 5% range.


It all has to do with the price of fuel and nothing to do with capacity limits at airports (except for certain airports in the NYC area). In fact Atlanta is adding a runway.


If things keep up as they are, even the the discount airlines will need to drastically increase their airfares. Airtran will not be immune to this. Fuel prices will even impact them, they have been able to "hedge" their fuel costs since they have cash available, the "old-line" airlines haven't been able to do this as they don't have the cash available. Once the current hedges run out for Airtran they will also have to raise there fares

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Well, I've just checked our flights. Everyone of them has been changed. Our January flights are still OK. Our September flights haven't been changed enough yet.


I am travling in April..My 1st leg has been changed but thats it for now...I am in agreement with everyone else on this board....KEEP CHECKING :eek:



Just checked again....all my legs have changed and now we have a 5 hour lay-over instead of 2 1/2 hrs going out to LA..... going to call to see if there is an earlier flight and try not to get charged for anything

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I just checked mine:eek:. Our return flight had us landing in ATL at 3:40pm with our connecting flight to Raleigh taking off at 3:15pm.:rolleyes:


If they reschedule things you would assume that it would be a workable schedule. Thankfully, when I called Delta, I got a fantastic rep and she fixed everything.


I wonder if this will happen again?

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I am travling in April..My 1st leg has been changed but thats it for now...I am in agreement with everyone else on this board....KEEP CHECKING :eek:



Just checked again....all my legs have changed and now we have a 5 hour lay-over instead of 2 1/2 hrs going out to LA..... going to call to see if there is an earlier flight and try not to get charged for anything


Before you call, check on their website to see what flights are available. When you call they will tell you what is acceptable to them, not necessarily what will work for you.

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Before you call, check on their website to see what flights are available. When you call they will tell you what is acceptable to them, not necessarily what will work for you.


I called delta..... they changed the one flight for me @ no charge. We now only have an hour and a half layover going both ways. I got a real nice person in the re-issue dept and she gladly changed my flight and my seats.:p

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Everyone should be more proactive about checking flights. Can you imagine how many people Delta would have to call for every change they make? People need to take responsibility for their own arrangements. Every airline is doing this. Not just Delta. I am almost 100% loyal to Delta, but they are having equipment changes all the time. I check my itineraries at least once a week. I also check to see how full flights are. If I have a trip that is really close and the plane looks empty, I assume something is going to change. I do, most of the time, get an email from Delta when my flight schedule changes. One thing about Delta through Atlanta, is something is always happening there. Summer there is a mess! The weather is crazy with thunder storms... It is a major Delta hub... and you almost can't help but going through there if you are with Delta.


I think all of us just have to hope for the best with flights now... they are having to make so many changes just to stay in business. It won't keep me from traveling, but it will make me a little more flexible... dangit!

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