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Carnival Liberty B2B Eastern then Western Review


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This was the view straight down at the water. It looks like this in port, but I've never seen it look like this while under way at 20 knots;








The cloud reflections were from every direction. Not being used to seeing cloud reflections in the water at sea, I may have taken too many pictures..........;



We didn't spend the whole day admiring the smooth water, we also took time out to consume some more burgers, fries, chips, and salsa;



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Paul, you by any chance save the excusrsions list for San Juan? everything listed on the carnival site is for ships originating in San Juan or evening stops. We do not want to tour OSJ or the Forts, been there done that





I'm pretty sure I saved them. I'll be scanning papers I brought back later and I'll post them in this thread.




If there ever was a 'perfect last day at sea,' then this was it. It was the last day at sea for our Eastern leg and we still had eight more days to on board! On top of the feeling of content that comes from knowing you don't have to get off the ship the next day, we also had absolutely PERFECT weather and seas which continued throughout the evening;








Red sky at night, sailers........;




And while the sun had set and the sky ahead was lit up red, the sky behind us was equally beautiful;




One last pic of the smooth water, cloud reflections, and the view behind us after sunset;



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One thing many of you may have noticed is that I didn't mention anything about debarkation instructions or intructions as to what we were to do for our debarkation / embarkation. The reason I didn't mention any instructions is that we didn't receive any. We didn't receive luggage tags, customs forms, a letter or phone call saying what to do and when, nor any tpye of communication about procedures to follow for getting off and back on the ship.


After we had the boys suit cases packed and stowed in our room for their room change for the second week (they were moving from one side of our 9A to the other side of us), we finally decided that perhaps we should call and find out what to do. We watched the debarkation show on TV and nothing was mentioned about B2B procedures so we called the pursor's desk. The advised us that we had received a letter advising what to do and that we should read it. We had checked both rooms and the mail boxes so the only option was the perhaps someone had stolen our letter.


After rechecking for a letter, we visited the pursors' desk around 1:30AM and picked up some customs forms and advised them we hadn't received instuctions as to what to do.


We returned to our room and sat on the balcony for a while relaxing. When we went back inside the pursor called at 3:00AM and said we were to meet in the lobby outside of the pursors' desk at 10:15AM to be escorted off the ship then back on.


We awoke the next morning to a beautful day in Miami;




The balcony cleaning crews had already cleaned the side balconys and had the dividers open all the way up the side (one blew closed just as I snapped this pic;




And across the aft as well;




The few rust spots and areas of chipped paint on the aft section were all being painted over;




We also noticed another load of mattresses had made it to the dumpster along with a length of rope that made me wish I had driven my truck to Miami (I'd have gotten that rope somehow);




We were all out on our deck listening to the dogs as they sniffed the luggage being off loaded from the ship (and I'm sure hit on the bags of the passengers who put on the show at Grand Turk);



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At 9:00AM we had breakfast on our customary location on the Panorama deck then took a tour of rooms near ours and on deck seven. Here's some pics from the rooms we toured;


Interior quad with one bunk open;




Another interior quad with one bunk open;




Cat 11 suite;




Cat 11 suite (and Britt);




Cat 12 suite;



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Cat 12 suite;




Cat 12 suite;




Cat 12 suite (With Bryson and I in mirror);




Cat 12 suite from another angle;





Britt and Bryson checking out the Cat 12 bathroom with bidet;




After explaining to the boys that the bidet was for cleaning personal areas and hearing them wonder how anyone could be that lazy, they then pointed out that they simply must be dirty because they also had a bathtub full of chlorox bleach;



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Can you tell that Bryson just exclaimed to me that their Mom cleans our bathtub with bleach, but she doesn't have to soak it in bleach?;




I had a hard time convincing them that I liked our cabin better;




They did make some good points; the bed is bigger, the room is bigger, it has more chairs, and it does clean your butt for you............


9A aft wrap on deck 7;




Interior quad with twins pushed together to make queen / king;




Bryson calling to check on our family & friends who were on their way to the port;



After Britt, Bryson, I returned from our room tour, we met up with Karen and Spencer on deck 10;



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We then set out to explore the near empty ship. We knew were everything was and we'd seen just about everything, but seeing it empty was still different;






As you can see by Spencer's face (rear left) his contacts had started to bother him and made him very light sensitive each morning;




We made our way down to the lobby at 10:15 and discovered quite a few passengers still lined up waiting to go through US Immigration;






After waiting a while, we checked in with the pursor to see about how long we might have to wait;



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After we checked with the pursor, we discovered we were not on the list of passengers doing a back to back. They said we must have booked B2B recently. I answered that we booked recently in terms of history perhaps, but we made our bookings over 18 months ago.


We were then told that perhaps we must have used a TA that didn't inform Carnival that we were doing a B2B. I advised them we used our Carnival PVP that we have used for years.


We were then advised that since we hadn't cruised in a while, perhaps that was the problem. I said we sure do need to cruise more; our last one was over two months ago on Carnival Freedom, and that it had been just over two years since we cruised on Liberty herself.


After all options for why they missed us had been ruled out and blame had been ruled out on our part, they began profusely apologizing. I tried to explain that I had just completed a seven day cruise and was getting ready for another seven day cruise so I could care less even if they started hitting me from across the desk, but they still continued to apologize. To this day I don't see why they thought I'd be upset; I didn't miss getting something I expected. It didn't cost me anything. It didn't delay me in any way. No harm, no foul.


We spent the next hour and a half playing solitair in the lobby and chatting with passengers as they were getting off the ship.




Britt and his talent contest cohort met up as his buddy waited in line for a game of cards;






At 11:30 we were escorted off the ship by the head pursor. Along the way there were more apologies for the mixed up info along with promises to get to the bottom of what happened;




Along the way we snapped a few pics of the passengers waiting to board the ship;




Our escort continued down the escalator;



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Our escort continued through the luggage collection area;




When we arrived at the Customs area, we were met with a line of customs officials standing around in their boxes doing nothing. The customs officer we had began his questions as we approached him. His first question was 'Why are you so late getting off the ship?'


My reply was simple; 'Because you are slow.'


With a look of mild anger, he asked again, 'Why are you so late getting off the ship?'


My reply was the same; 'Because you are so slow.'


His next question was more probing; 'I'm going to ask you again and your answer will determine whether or not you are allowed to enter the United States.'


My reply was; 'Because you're so slow getting everyone off. And I could give a damn if you let me in the United States because I'm getting back on the ship.'


He then calmed down and said; 'Oh, so you must be doing a back to back. Why didn't you say that?'


Perhaps my answer was terse; 'You didn't ask.' was all that I could come up with.


While our customs officer was inspecting our passports and declarations form, we listened to our two young underage friends we met while waiting be grilled by their officer as to why they were alone. Their parents are divorced and their Father did the first week and their Mother was waiting to board to do the second week with them. The customs official had them all tore up by threatening to not them enter the US without an adult with them.


After our passports and forms were found to be in order, we met up with our pursor escort and waited for the two boys to finish their session with customs. When they were finished the customs officer approached the pursor and advised her that underage passenger were not allowed to pass through customs alone. I offered that it happens all the time at all airports and land entries to the US so what was the big deal. He replied that US Immigration wouldn't be responsible for them and that Carnival wouldn't be responsible so Carnival couldn't do that anymore.


Carnival's pursor patiently listened to the tirade, but I couldn't. I again offered that he shouldn't try to decide US immigration policy on the pier and that he should invoke his only option which was to deny entry since they didn't need to enter the US anyhow. He stormed back to his cubicle and we proceded to the upper level of the waiting area to wait for our S&S cards to be delivered for our second week.


Our wait for our S&S cards proved to be a long one; they had all our info and for some reason Carnival had even sent me two sets of documents by snail mail for the second week so I had plenty of info as well. What they didn't have was preprinted S&S cards for any of us.


While we waited, we watched the photogs set up for the embarkation photos then we posed for ours;




After boarding began, we were still waiting on the upper level so we got to see the wedding parties, VIPS, and a few zones called and walk past us. Here's a pic of the view of the ship that passengers see as they are about to board;




And this pic shows early boarding zones lined up to enter the escalator along with the later zones patiently waiting. Our friends & family are also in the pic watching us on the upper level;




Here's a pic of Britt half way down the upper level balcony doing something he knows he's not alowed to do;




After the pursor finally gave up on finding our S&S cards, she came back and escorted us on the ship without cards. Here's one last pic of our family and friends as they are now lined up to get on board;



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Our escort back across the gangway;





Once we were back on board, we were escorted through security and to the pursors desk for S&S cards. We were advised we didn't have to get a photo made that day since the lines were long, but we would need to get one when we got off on our first port of Cozumel on Monday. We also switched cabin assignments for everyone we had booked and the process was simple; tell them who is where and where we wanted them moved and they moved them and printed new cards. I also had additional key cards made for most of the cabins and passed them out later in the day. The pursor advised me to never stand in line at the pursors desk. If I needed anything I was to ask and they'd take care of me before anyone. That was nice of them, but really way more than they needed to do. They also said they'd be sending me drink coupons free of charge (and they did send them).


We weren't listed as being B2B and we waited a while for our S&S cards and had to get our photos taken as we got off in Cozumel (it was fun listening to the security machines go nuts when we stuck our cards in and had to pose for pictures). All of that was simply interesting things that happened to us and we got to see more of the embarkation / debarkation process than most people see in a lifetime. All things considered, I'd not change a thing other than carrying a recorder to play back the conversations we had with customs. :D I should have switched cameras to the one I carry around my neck and left it on video....next time I will. :)


I'll get started on the second week of the review later today. If anyone has any questions about B2B procedures, please fire away. I am aware of what is supposed to happen and I got to see many forms that document the steps involved. Our B2B process didn't go by the book, but it was very enjoyable and I'd recommend it for those who like to see how things work!

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Our escort continued through the luggage collection area;

When we arrived at the Customs area, we were met with a line of customs officials standing around in their boxes doing nothing. The customs officer we had began his questions as we approached him. His first question was 'Why are you so late getting off the ship?'


My reply was simple; 'Because you are slow.'


With a look of mild anger, he asked again, 'Why are you so late getting off the ship?'


My reply was the same; 'Because you are so slow.'


His next question was more probing; 'I'm going to ask you again and your answer will determine whether or not you are allowed to enter the United States.'


My reply was; 'Because you're so slow getting everyone off. And I could give a damn if you let me in the United States because I'm getting back on the ship.'


He then calmed down and said; 'Oh, so you must be doing a back to back. Why didn't you say that?'


Perhaps my answer was terse; 'You didn't ask.' was all that I could come up with.


Oy - :eek: did I cringe when I saw your account of that exchange.


To paraphrase Tommy Lee Jones from the first "Men In Black" film, "We [the Feds] don't have a sense of humor that we are aware of."


I flashed back to a looooooong hot afternoon at the Ogdensburg NY POE, bringing over my (then) fianceé from Canada. "You know it's illegal to smuggle in an alien, don't you?" asked the Border Patrol guy.


I said, "I'm not smuggling her, she's right here in the front seat."


Six hours later (one of them in handcuffs)....


Needless to say, I don't joke with the security folks (TSA, INS/ICE) anymore. :rolleyes:

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Our escort continued through the luggage collection area;



When we arrived at the Customs area, we were met with a line of customs officials standing around in their boxes doing nothing. The customs officer we had began his questions as we approached him. His first question was 'Why are you so late getting off the ship?'


My reply was simple; 'Because you are slow.'


With a look of mild anger, he asked again, 'Why are you so late getting off the ship?'


My reply was the same; 'Because you are so slow.'


His next question was more probing; 'I'm going to ask you again and your answer will determine whether or not you are allowed to enter the United States.'


My reply was; 'Because you're so slow getting everyone off. And I could give a damn if you let me in the United States because I'm getting back on the ship.'


He then calmed down and said; 'Oh, so you must be doing a back to back. Why didn't you say that?'


Perhaps my answer was terse; 'You didn't ask.' was all that I could come up with.






This is hilarious! Good job!


I love the review with pics! It makes it so much more personal. What happened to the boys? Did they have to wait for an adult or did they let them back on without one? Just wondering!


Keep the review coming! It's great! Thanks for taking your time to do this!



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Oy - :eek: did I cringe when I saw your account of that exchange.


To paraphrase Tommy Lee Jones from the first "Men In Black" film, "We [the Feds] don't have a sense of humor that we are aware of."


I flashed back to a looooooong hot afternoon at the Ogdensburg NY POE, bringing over my (then) fianceé from Canada. "You know it's illegal to smuggle in an alien, don't you?" asked the Border Patrol guy.


I said, "I'm not smuggling her, she's right here in the front seat."


Six hours later (one of them in handcuffs)....


Needless to say, I don't joke with the security folks (TSA, INS/ICE) anymore. :rolleyes:





I have easy access to the US Army General in charge of Homeland security and he's in charge of their boss so I'm not too concerned about upsetting them. While my answers weren't answers I'd recommend, they were accurate answers to the questions that were asked.


After our officer was finished I asked him to stamp our passports and he refused and said they don't do that anymore. I mentioned that they stamped them in April of this year and he replied that they quit doing it last month. The officer on the following Saturday stamped our passports when we requested it. Granted, our passports may have been stamped if I'd have been more forthcoming with my answers.


By the way, the General I mentioned also cruised on Carnival Conquest last November and had a similar encounter with his customs officer. The General had waited in line inside the terminal for two hours when the Customs officer made an offhand remark to him requesting his rank. The General's wife responded with her rank of two stars and lamented that her husband was simply in charge of Homeland security. The exchange became much more pleasant after that.


I know that Homeland security officials have a tough and very important job. I also know that some folks let their jobs go to their heads and like to hassle people for sport. There's enough real security threats they need to be on the lookout for without going looking for opportunities to jeopardize their jobs.



This is hilarious! Good job!


I love the review with pics! It makes it so much more personal. What happened to the boys? Did they have to wait for an adult or did they let them back on without one? Just wondering!


Keep the review coming! It's great! Thanks for taking your time to do this!







Thank you.


They let them back on. It was really their only option.

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Wow, I would say his position has definitely gone to his head. I bet they were glad you were there to take up for them. How rude to treat kids like that.


I am soooooo looking forward to this next week. I just love your pic reviews, in case I haven't already told ya;) Such a beautiful family!!

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First off, I have a very good friend from Huntington. I was also there on a work project last fall and this winter at a hospital and I have friends that live "out Wayne". :)


Secondly, it's taken me over an hour but I read every bit of this review and LOVED IT. Our first cruise is the Western version, so I'll be watching for it, but it also gives me an idea of how I will do my very first review. Most excellent.


Third, I hope sometime we (my husband and I) get to cruise w/ you and your family. Or a reasonable facsimile thereof. :D


Thanks for the pictures of the food and such. I will someday be getting an aft wrap; right now I'm celebrating the fact that I won't be cruising inside, but on a balcony after all!


Thank you, thank you thank you!

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Hey Paul,


This has been the best review.


We did our own B2B out of Galveston several years ago. I say our own, because I planned it that way with two different ships. (Conquest, Elation) I received one of the letters you didn't get, and it took us several hours to convince them that we would not be on the Conquest for another week.:)


Now this Christmas we are doing a real B2B on the Valor. At what point should I be expecting "the letter" in case it does not arrive?


By the way, we know that General you speak of, and my hubby got such a laugh at what you said about customs.

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Paul - Let me start by saying YOU MAKE ME LAUGH! The talk you had with customs, I would have paid money to see that. LOVE IT! Second of all thanks for the heads up on Tommy. I am making it a mission to find him the first day I am there!


PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE keep up the good work, I always love reading your reviews!!!!! :D

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I have been to Half Moon Cay about 6 times on HAL but never have I seen a more comprehensive review of her before on the HAL boards. It was also great seeing all the things that have been added for the kids to enjoy. I have a stop there in December and have rented a cabana. Do you remember how far down the beach the eggshell cabana was? (there was no number that I remember...just a color listed) I have been in Turquoise and Purple before and decided to try another one this time.


Thanks for the very comprehensive review. It is wonderful to read and enjoy. I know it is very time consuming, and I wanted to thank you for that time.

Diane (CruisinNana)

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Do you remember how far down the beach the eggshell cabana was? (there was no number that I remember...just a color listed) I have been in Turquoise and Purple before and decided to try another one this time.



Diane (CruisinNana)

Eggshell is #9, between Pink and Green, according to this:


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LOVE the review and the photos Paul!


I have a quick question about the Liberty baconies. I know you were in an aft suite, but saw that you scoped out some of the other cabins.....


in the past we've cruised on the Pride and the Spirit; both have the extended balcony with easily accomodated two chaise lounges. Are the regular balconies on the Liberty big enough to do so or only big enough for chairs?


We'll be on her in November! Can't wait!

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