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Does packing for your family ever frustrate you?!?


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This is more of a vent . . .


We are leaving day after tomorrow for our next cruise and I am in the process of packing. We are doing other activities 2 days, 3 nights prior to a five day cruise and 2 days, 1 night post cruise.


So as with every other vacation we take, I feel like I am packing up my entire house! We don't take all the extra stuff that are on some of the CC packing lists (i.e. over door shoe organizer, bungee cords, clothespins, coolers, etc.). Not that they aren't great ideas for some people, we just don't use them.


But, after I pack all our swim wear, dressy clothes (we like to dress for dinner), snorkel gear, etc. ~ we have quite a pile of luggage. We drive to port, so I am not forced to scale down, which is probably my problem!


Ugh! Anyway, back to packing! I must say I feel very blessed that at the moment this is my biggest concern! :)


Thanks for listening!!

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Ha - I can relate since we leave on our first cruise in 4 days. I know I'm bringing way more than we need but it's Alaska and the weather is so unpredictable!


My vent is that I pack for myself and 3 kids, plus all the misc. things we need such as cameras, sunscreen, medicines ect ect. All my husband has to do is pack for himself and he usually can't do that. I get frustrated at him as he asks me "How many pairs of underwear should I bring?". Duh - do you plan to change it every day? How many days will we be gone? You can answer your own question.


Have fun on your trip :)

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LOL...I'm an obsessive-compulsive freak. I LOVE packing. For a big trip, I start packing anywhere from 30 to 90 days ahead of time. :) I pull out the suitcases in the guest room (assuming no visitors are expected) and start putting in things that we won't need between then and the trip. I keep detailed packing lists on my computer that I change to fit each particular trip. I've already started one for next summer's vacation in Yellowstone. I also have a set of plastic craft drawers in the back of the guest bedroom closet that holds things I only use for travel (disposable ponchos, travel size stuff, etc.). I must say that it's much less troublesome now that the kids are older than when they were infants and toddlers. Hope your packing goes well and that you have a great trip!

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I usually get way stressed about 4 days before we depart for a cruise.


I totally take it out on my husband. I have realized that my biggest problem is feeling overwhelmed with the fact that I have to pack for myself and the kids (while DH only has to worry about himself)


So I start making lists 3 weeks out and I put my husband in charge of half of the packing for the kids. He has a list, as long as he throws the item into a designated pile, it can be checked off the list and, eventually, thrown into the suitcase.


Having a designated "pile" helps too. It's a designated, convenient location in the house, on the floor, where you can throw random items that you want to remember to pack.


For example, if I want to bring a box of crackers and 8 juice boxes, the moment I remember I want to bring them, they get thrown into the "pile". that way I dont have to worry about remembering them later and/or forgetting them all together. DS's swimsuit and sun screeen goes into the pile early on too. I might throw a whole pack of diapers onto the pile with only the intention of bringing 1/4 of the pack. Still, I know I wont forget to bring diapers, because they are on the "pile"


It's way easy to transfer the "pile" to a suitcase when you are ready. DH has taken to the pile system as well.


As long as you are okay with some pre cruise clutter (in the form of a pile) this might work for you too.

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Since you're not flying, have at it! I would LOVE to be able to bring a ton of stuff, but the airlines really crimp my packing plans!

Just bring what you want--the ship has (basically) no restrictions! 200 lbs. pp is more than I own!

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Oh yeah! I am frustrated NOW and I still have 17 more days to go. ;)


I am trying to determine if I should just MAIL IT TO MYSELF at the hotel. I can't figure out how to get all of the Princess dresses into the luggage. :eek:


PACK ME!!!!!:D

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Hey! Me too!


I always start tossing things into a pile on the suitcases about 30 days before our cruise. Then, the week before I pack, making sure to cross-check via my packing list that there are enough clothes for myself, DS, and DD.


Inevitably, two days before we leave, DH ask, "Now, what do I need to bring...?" Ugh!


On the night before our last trip (to Europe), when I was running around like crazy making sure we were packed for our 12 day trip, he had the NERVE to ask me to hem a pair of pants he had just bought earlier that day.


Ummmm...NO! Sorry! He had many, many weeks to realize his pants didn't fit. I gave him a hard time about it---then relented and hemmed his pants at midnight because if I didn't, he was just going to staple the hem. Really!



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So, today I decided ~ if I think we might need, we are taking it! My dear husband will be the one contending with the luggage, anyway. :D


We are now about 60% of the way packed, so I am feel a *little* better. Now, I need to focus on those 50 last minute details that A~L~W~A~Y~S come up. Funny thing, I just remembered yesterday we have a hamster we had to make "sitter" arrangements for! :D I don't deal with the hamster very often, so he didn't make my short list of travel concerns. (No need to call PETA, we were able to convince a neighbor they wanted a furry little hamster for 10 days!) :p


Not too much longer now!

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ok I am 100 days out and have already started a "pile" like sas80 - I also have LISTS about all those things I have to bring/do before we go, and have purchased anything that we need and will be out of season come fall/winter. I will pack for myself, the two DD's AND my DH:eek: - I don't count on him to pack anything but his toiletries - God only knows what he would end up bringing (can you say ski jacket for a Mexican holiday!!). Yes I get stressed and yes I take it out on him - and feel bad about it, but really if he only helped a little we would all be dressed like clowns and he would have no underwear packed:D


So I start REALLY early and hope I can keep it together in the few days prior!

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Just waiting for the summer guest season to be over so that the guestroom bed is available for my "staging". I am prone to overpacking so the preparation is very necessary.


DD is now nearly 13YO -- I couldn't pack for her for any reason. She knows she is responsible for it and will do a good job. I don't mind when she asks me things because she is usually just double checking.


DH has always done his own packing - he does procrastinate, but generally doesn't make any requests of me.


I am however panicing (also about 100 days out) looking for new walking shoes! Last year I took a day off of work and spent nearly half the day at DSW trying on shoes and then walking around the perimeter of the store to try them out. They clerks thought I was nuts!

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I usually make a list for every person of how many items of each kind of clothing they need and let them bring me their items to pack. I pack them in the suitcase to make sure they have everything. I take care of the toiletries but they are in charge of their own backpacks with car/airplane/relaxation time things to take.

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All of your responses were funny! ;) And lots of good ideas.

I also make lists! I am the list queen. My sister was just telling me at the lunch the other day that I better get list’s out for everyone! At about 30 days I’ll start getting the clothes in the room. Keep it clean and in good shape.

I put all my stuff in the guest room and when everything is there then I start packing. My DH get’s all his stuff together. Once I forgot to pack him underwear :eek: ….got me out of gathering his clothes. :D

Good idea to have the DH take ½ the list and help the kids…I don’t know if I want my DH & DD picking out clothes….she would never match :o

Oh and Michelle – I hear you about the princess dresses!!:rolleyes:

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All of your responses were funny! ;) And lots of good ideas.


I also make lists! I am the list queen. My sister was just telling me at the lunch the other day that I better get list’s out for everyone! At about 30 days I’ll start getting the clothes in the room. Keep it clean and in good shape.


I put all my stuff in the guest room and when everything is there then I start packing. My DH get’s all his stuff together. Once I forgot to pack him underwear :eek: ….got me out of gathering his clothes. :D


Good idea to have the DH take ½ the list and help the kids…I don’t know if I want my DH & DD picking out clothes….she would never match :o


Oh and Michelle – I hear you about the princess dresses!!:rolleyes:


Putting DH in charge of 1/2 the list is how I got out of a last minute trip to Kansas....


6:00 pm "Oh, really? You want to leave for Kansas tomorrow night, right after work, eh? Grab a pen and start writing because here is all you have to do tonight...."


10 minutes, and a fairly moderate list later, he decided maybe leaving last minute wasn't such a great idea after all.... The truth of the situation was that, when he thought a last minute trip to Kansas would be a good idea, he only accounted for the packing that HE would have to do for HIMSELF



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We are leaving in three weeks for a 45 day trip - 38 day cruise and 7 day land. I am after my son to make sure his long pants still fit - he is 14 and growing fast. What did he bring me - his watches so I could help him choose the appropriate one. Who is going to look at his watch? It will be his ankles sticking out from his too short pants that folks notice!

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I know what you all mean, I pack for my entire family DH included and what gets me is the last few cruises he then takes out what I pack for him and replaces it with what he wants to wear so now, he is responsible for packing for himself and I will do myself and the kids.


I have a pile too, the dining room table is the place for our pile (we eat at the kitchen table so its only used for company) and we just put all the stuff we know we want to take starting few weeks ahead of time and then transfer it into suitcases. I tend to way overpack but Im getting better. We leave next Sat so I will have to do all the packing this weekend. I have a work conference to go to next week so I will be out of town and need the packing done early! If I relied on DH to pack, we would all be without something we needed. Stress Stress, cant wait to be on the boat.



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onthelake-I can relate to the watches! DS (14) had 5 watches on our last cruise :rolleyes: He also had the most "beauty time" in the bathroom. (The hair had to be perfect!) LOL!


Another pile packer here. Every time I see something here on CC I will get it and toss it on the pile and sort it out later!


The frustrating part is trying not to shop for clothes for a cruise! Bathing suits especially! But with two growing kids they need new clothes and shoes every 6 months! If you cruise more than once a year, you always just have to have something new for cruise wardrobe!!!!!!!


It's always fun trying to fit the Princess dresses and the Princess shoes in the suitcase and thats just my suitcase;) :D


Add Prince Charming's clothes, forget it!

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I can relate. I love traveling but packing for 5 can be tricky. This year we're taking my inlaws and brother-in-law and I have to help them pack. This should be fun. The only thing I hate more is unpacking after a trip, it's so sad. Have a fantastic time. Janice

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We are leaving in three weeks for a 45 day trip - 38 day cruise and 7 day land. I am after my son to make sure his long pants still fit - he is 14 and growing fast. What did he bring me - his watches so I could help him choose the appropriate one. Who is going to look at his watch? It will be his ankles sticking out from his too short pants that folks notice!


At 14 even if the pants fit now they won't after 45 days!


I always thought that the size 00 jeans were a cruel joke until my nearly 13YO DD grew over 4inches over the summer. Juniors 00 Long are the only thing that fit.

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At 14 even if the pants fit now they won't after 45 days!


I always thought that the size 00 jeans were a cruel joke until my nearly 13YO DD grew over 4inches over the summer. Juniors 00 Long are the only thing that fit.


I know what you mean. Just went back to school shopping with DS(14) now a little over 6'2" and DD(11) now 5'5". None of their pants from last year fit. DS ended up with 32x36 jeans (not all of them are created equal so we had to search for small 32" waists) and I could not find any sweatpants that would fit his skinny bottom (which is bad because he prefers sweat pants to jeans). I ended up special ordering dress pants because they did not have any in his size anywhere. DD ended up in Juniors 1. When do they stop growing??

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"How many pairs of underwear should I bring?". Duh - do you plan to change it every day? How many days will we be gone? You can answer your own question.






My husband used to rely on me to pack his undies. He'd pull out the clothes he wanted, but left the undies up to me. Until one trip when it didn't even cross my mind. We had to make a quick Walmart visit the morning after we got to our destination. :D Now he packs his own, but still asks that question.

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I'm usually a great packer. This year was our first cruise, to Alaska. Since I've never been on a cruise this formal night thing was so difficult. My kids are 7 and 10 and try to help, but they would have 10 shirts and 1 pair of pants if I didn't supervise. What was the most difficult was packing for cold weather when its 100 degree where I live. I realized the day before we were to leave, that I didn't have enough suitcase room for hiking boots (we were also going to Denali) formal wear and fleece jackets for 4. Thank God my close friend is in charge of the luggage department for a department store chain! Of course she had one for me to borrow. I didn't have time to even go buy one! Maybe its easier on a warm climate cruise, but we had to take so much with us, I felt like we took the entire house!

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