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Smoking? in Cabins


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I say.....Ban smoking.......Ban Alcohol.....Perfume (espicially Perfume) ...Ban High Cholesterol Foods...from ALL CRUISES. Let only the Pretentious and Hypocrites SAIL.........Yul Brenner:..."So let it be written...so let it be done..." (Sex, Guns, Drugs, Video games All O.K.)

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A friend of mine switched to the electic ones and a women walked passed screwing her noise up and waving her hand...best is no smell or smoke comes off them only water vapour.


Is your friend using the Crown7? If so, good for him/her!! Here is some info. on it:




Smokers who are considerate about wanting to stop the disease and death they inflict upon other innocent victims would switch to using the Crown7 as, apparently, your friend has. Here is some information on the disease and death caused by second hand smoke:





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Amen to that.

Me Lee. wish you well and a quick recovery





When are people going to understand the addiction of smoking? So far the only one who knows is my wife, but I was diagnosed with lung cancer in August. I knew the risks but when I started smoking (in the 50s) we didn't know about it. Next week I start chemo and I've already been through numerous tests, ( x-rays, CAT scans, biopsy, implant etc.) and have radiology to look forward to. It probably wouldn't make much difference now but I still smoke. It's an addiction folks and even though we try to be considerate of everyone around us we're still treated very rudely by a large share of the public. In another 50 years they probably won't even manufacture cigarettes but in the meantime there are going to be some (like me) who are just hooked.
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Exactly. Second hand smoke causes death and disease to innocent victims who do not smoke, including children. I have extreme sympathy for those non-smokers who die at the hands of smokers and their second hand smoke.


But with the exception of children of parents that smoke, aren't most people in the US that are exposed to second hand smoke being exposed to it voluntarily? I am asking this honestly. Since my DDP and I stick stricktly to smoking area and places that allow smoking, wouldn't anyone in that area be there voluntarily? I'm thinking of a casino just as an example.

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But with the exception of children of parents that smoke, aren't most people in the US that are exposed to second hand smoke being exposed to it voluntarily?


Not at all. 2 examples related to cruising that happened on the last cruise we were on. The casino is a place we would NEVER EVER set foot in because of the smoke. However, on the ship we were on there were no doors on the casino. It was completely open. So if you walked anywhere near the casino you were exposed to second hand smoke. Second example, the ship had a smoking bar that was right next to the entrance to the theater. It was so smoky in that bar that some genius decided to prop the door open with a chair to allow the smoke to escape. The entryway into the theater (and even the back rows of the theater) reeked of smoke.


Also, why should non-smokers have to take evasive actions to avoid the death and disease caused by second hand smoke? Smokers are the ones emitting toxic fumes. The burden should be on smokers to emit their toxic fumes in areas that will not affect others.


If smokers could keep all the deadly toxins within their own bodies, there wouldn't be a problem. But they can't and therefore others are subjected to it.

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Thank you. I didn't post that for sympathy though, I was trying to make a point. Quitting smoking isn't like switching to decaf...it's a genuine addiction.


Mr Lee, I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I have asthma and a scar on my right lung, which freaks me out. I have been smoking on and off since I was 13. I am 35 now..


Mark Twain once said "Quitting smoking is easy. I have done it a thousand times."


I have my nicotine patch on right now.. This is my thousandth attempt at quitting smoking.


It is a very valid addiction.


What a lot of people do not realize is that when one smokes and then quits, they can smell cigarette smoke a mile away. It's like that part of the brain never rests and the smell of smoke just gets it all fired up. I am always much more aware of smoke when I have quit. When I would smoke, I wouldn't even smell it.


When I am not smoking, I definitely keep quiet about other smokers, as bitching about it would make me a hypocrite.


If I am on the balcony and my neighbor is smoking at least it's outside. Balcony whiners need to get a grip. Where should smokers smoke? Overboard?!?! Jeez..

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Well said, Mel.. Good luck quitting. They say it's a "process." What's helped me is knowing that "once a smoker, always a smoker" even if you've quit. I'll always want a cigarette.


Side note: I absolutely love your avatar. It totally cracks me up. I'm a cat fan...word

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Not at all. 2 examples related to cruising that happened on the last cruise we were on. The casino is a place we would NEVER EVER set foot in because of the smoke. However, on the ship we were on there were no doors on the casino. It was completely open. So if you walked anywhere near the casino you were exposed to second hand smoke. Second example, the ship had a smoking bar that was right next to the entrance to the theater. It was so smoky in that bar that some genius decided to prop the door open with a chair to allow the smoke to escape. The entryway into the theater (and even the back rows of the theater) reeked of smoke.


Also, why should non-smokers have to take evasive actions to avoid the death and disease caused by second hand smoke? Smokers are the ones emitting toxic fumes. The burden should be on smokers to emit their toxic fumes in areas that will not affect others.


If smokers could keep all the deadly toxins within their own bodies, there wouldn't be a problem. But they can't and therefore others are subjected to it.


As far asyour question about why should non smokers have to evasive action to avoid..yada yada yada.. The answer? For the same reason I do not lay out in the sun until my skin is like leather. It is something I choose not to do that often because I do not want skin cancer. There is no difference. Non smokers are not special. It is not my fault that the sun causes cancer, just like it is not a non smokers fault that someone smoking causes cancer. You either choose to take that risk or you don't. You make choices every day about your health. There is a major highway here in Dallas that is listed as one of the top ten most deadly highways in the US. Guess what.. I choose to take that highway as little as I possibly can to lower my chances that I will be killed on that highway. We make choices every day to do things to extend our lives.


You and I could argue until our own deaths and not change a thing. Life is about choices.


Have you checked every thing you consume and every thing that was made that you have in your home and make sure you do not use ones that release harmful agents into the air when they are produced? What about the butter flavoring in microwave popcorn they recently found out causes cancer in the people who work in the plants that manufactor microwave popcorn. Have you gone around to every one you see eating microwave popcorn and scorned them? All of these things are probably being legally done, follow government regulations when being manufactored, but still cause harm to the workers in the plants or the people that breath the air around the plants. Have you gone to their websites and complained about their legal activity that may cause you or others cancer?


Second hand smoke is just something that people that like to bitch about things can bitch about and most people will give them sympathy. Again.. you aren't anything special. You have to live by the same life rules as every one else. If you want to not get cancer from second hand smoke, you have the choice to avoid it.

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My mother is VERY allergic to cig smoke. This past trip wasn't as bad with the newer smoking rules but on our last trip on the Wind it was very hard to find a area out on deck where she could sit and enjoy dinner or whatever. The annoyance was passed onto me because we would always have to move. Part of the blame is on the crew who don't enforce the rules, part is to blame on the guests that don't care.


For non smokers I suggest trying the Pride Of America. They go by Hawaiian state smoking rules and only allow it in two public areas, deck 13 all the way forward or all the way aft. Not near the pool or outdoor buffet area.

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I do not smoke. I do not like smoke blown directly into my face, but other than that I believe I am tolerant. Both of my parents smoked and my mother stopped cold turkey (and now as a reformed smoker she is the worst). My dad struggled for many years trying to quit, hiding it from us, etc. He finally had a triple bypass and quit because he was convinced he had transfusions of nicotine free blood. My favorite Aunt smoked and my love for her superceded my not liking smoke. I would sit in the smoking section when she took me out to dinner. She's gone now (as my dad is) and I would give everything to hug her, and spend time with her even when she is smoking.


Giving it up is hard. I can relate. Although I have never smoked I have struggled with my weight. Changing bad habits of any kind can be a daily struggle. Maybe my weight struggles have made me more tolerant of smokers? I have a neighbor who sits outside all hours of the day and night coughing. He has told me it is due to his smoking habit. I really feel for him. It is evident he is suffering. All I can do is offer sympathy.


That being said... I do think with the way things have changed over the last 20 years, someday soon smoking laws will become even stricter. The whole ship may become non-smoking.

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I'm a little confused by what I read in the last Cruise Travel magazine. Regarding the Gem, they wrote that smoking is not allowed on balconies and staterooms - only designated public areas. However, NCL.com, states that one can smoke in a stateroom or balcony. Does anyone know which is correct? Thanks.

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I'm a little confused by what I read in the last Cruise Travel magazine. Regarding the Gem, they wrote that smoking is not allowed on balconies and staterooms - only designated public areas. However, NCL.com, states that one can smoke in a stateroom or balcony. Does anyone know which is correct? Thanks.

I would believe NCL first. It's their ship:D


However, some cruise lines have changed their policies (RCI, I think) without advising booked passengers. When they arrived they found no smoking in your cabin or on your balcony.:eek:



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Not at all. 2 examples related to cruising that happened on the last cruise we were on. The casino is a place we would NEVER EVER set foot in because of the smoke. However, on the ship we were on there were no doors on the casino. It was completely open. So if you walked anywhere near the casino you were exposed to second hand smoke. Second example, the ship had a smoking bar that was right next to the entrance to the theater. It was so smoky in that bar that some genius decided to prop the door open with a chair to allow the smoke to escape. The entryway into the theater (and even the back rows of the theater) reeked of smoke.


Also, why should non-smokers have to take evasive actions to avoid the death and disease caused by second hand smoke? Smokers are the ones emitting toxic fumes. The burden should be on smokers to emit their toxic fumes in areas that will not affect others.


If smokers could keep all the deadly toxins within their own bodies, there wouldn't be a problem. But they can't and therefore others are subjected to it.


I suggest you immediately start a campaign in your state to get smoking declared illegel. A good way to start is by petitioning your congress person or Senator. Set up a network, a toll-free number and get busy. No doubt, with all of the nonsmoking vigilantes in the U.S., you'd have enought people who would stand up, come out, become activists, petition Congress and the Senate....who knows, in a year or so, perhaps smoking tobacco products would be ruled unconstitutional and a general health hazard....then they can ban it altogether. It worked for marijuana and cocaine in the 20th century, after all.


Until then, smoker's have every right to enjoy their habit in places where it is permitted. You also have the right not to be inhaling that smoke....so, stay away from those places where smoking is permitted.


Until it's banned and declared illegal, there is nothing more you can do except complain unless you are willing to get politically involved in a movement to have it banned.

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My mother is VERY allergic to cig smoke. This past trip wasn't as bad with the newer smoking rules but on our last trip on the Wind it was very hard to find a area out on deck where she could sit and enjoy dinner or whatever. The annoyance was passed onto me because we would always have to move. Part of the blame is on the crew who don't enforce the rules, part is to blame on the guests that don't care.


For non smokers I suggest trying the Pride Of America. They go by Hawaiian state smoking rules and only allow it in two public areas, deck 13 all the way forward or all the way aft. Not near the pool or outdoor buffet area.


Newsflash: Cigarette smoke is NOT an allergen...it is an irritant; one that can be easily avoided. There is no "allergy" to smoke......ergo, your mother was not allergic to smoke.....

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Newsflash: Cigarette smoke is NOT an allergen...it is an irritant; one that can be easily avoided. There is no "allergy" to smoke......ergo' date=' your mother was not allergic to smoke.....[/quote']


Fine, lets call it that. She has very strong reactions to it, same reaction as a allergic reaction. Especially on a cruise ship that has a higher % of smokers then on land it can be difficult to find smoke free areas on the outside decks. Its starting to get better. No real problems on our last cruise!


Crew needs to enforce the smoking area rules better, and they looked like they were on the Dawn.

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Fine, lets call it that. She has very strong reactions to it, same reaction as a allergic reaction. Especially on a cruise ship that has a higher % of smokers then on land it can be difficult to find smoke free areas on the outside decks. Its starting to get better. No real problems on our last cruise!


Crew needs to enforce the smoking area rules better, and they looked like they were on the Dawn.


I don't think the exact term really matters. Cigarette smoke triggers my asthma. I have been hospitalized in the past when it was out of control. So what exactly an allergy is I don't know, but if something is going to put me in the hospital I won't split hairs as to whether that means I'm allergic.


It doesn't always do it to me but I do make it a point to avoid it.


On my Dawn cruise last spring I watched a passenger flat out refuse to move when asked/told by staff to do so.

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On my Dawn cruise last spring I watched a passenger flat out refuse to move when asked/told by staff to do so.


Folks like that, whether smoking, allowing their kids in the hot tubs, coming back late and loud to their cabins, abusing staff, drunk and obnoxious, or just loud and rude are always the inconsiderate cruisers who have no concept of civility or respect for the comfort of their fellow passengers. I'm always happy to see staff taken action against them.

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All smokers are disgusting. Not only do I smell the smoke on my own balcony, but I smell it on their clothes, hair and breath as they walk by. Coming from a family that had both parents smoke and DIE from cancer, I know what I am talking about. For those of you who have loved ones who don't smoke, they probably are embarrassed by your smell. If they say there are not they are lying. Also, a smoker can't smell themselves, and perfume or cologne does not cover up the smell. I think all cruise ships should be smoke free. I don't want to sit on my balcony and inhale second hand smoke. For those of you who think that the smoke dissipates quickly because your out side, it doesn't. Believe me all your neighbors smell your smoke, even after you have left the balcony. I am not going to be nice about this because I am sick and tired of CANCER and the lives it ruins from the death of our loved ones...... So if you are thinking about quitting, stop thinking about yourself and start thinking about your family who will be devastated from your early DEATH from the cancer sticks.


I hope everyone has a good night.


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All smokers are disgusting. Not only do I smell the smoke on my own balcony, but I smell it on their clothes, hair and breath as they walk by. Coming from a family that had both parents smoke and DIE from cancer, I know what I am talking about. For those of you who have loved ones who don't smoke, they probably are embarrassed by your smell. If they say there are not they are lying. Also, a smoker can't smell themselves, and perfume or cologne does not cover up the smell. I think all cruise ships should be smoke free. I don't want to sit on my balcony and inhale second hand smoke. For those of you who think that the smoke dissipates quickly because your out side, it doesn't. Believe me all your neighbors smell your smoke, even after you have left the balcony. I am not going to be nice about this because I am sick and tired of CANCER and the lives it ruins from the death of our loved ones...... So if you are thinking about quitting, stop thinking about yourself and start thinking about your family who will be devastated from your early DEATH from the cancer sticks.


I hope everyone has a good night.


I'm sure that any number of smokers have now put out their last cigarettes because of your insightful plea.:rolleyes:


BTW, many smokers have told me that they can smell the smoke on their clothes, in their car, etc. Some really want to quit but haven't found their own magic key. Others don't want to and there's nothing you or I can say or do to change their stance.


"Never try to teach a pig to whistle. It wastes your time and annoys the pig."


Charlie - A non-smoker who has seen the devistation that can be caused by the use of tobacco.

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I have a brother who smokes 3-4 packs a day. He is severely addicted, not morally lax, and has tried many times to quit. I hate smoking, it killed both of our parents. I love my brother, hate the smoking. He and his wife are very considerate, and we manage to spend time together, because we both compromise. Let's go on to a really safe topic, like dressing for dinner...

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I have a brother who smokes 3-4 packs a day. He is severely addicted, not morally lax, and has tried many times to quit. I hate smoking, it killed both of our parents. I love my brother, hate the smoking. He and his wife are very considerate, and we manage to spend time together, because we both compromise. Let's go on to a really safe topic, like dressing for dinner...


I know it's different for everyone but after smoking for 60 years, my mother was recently diagnosed with COPD. She had great success in quitting using Commit. It's a mint lozenger (sp?). She has quit or tried to quit many times. She's been about 7 months without.

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I'm sure that any number of smokers have now put out their last cigarettes because of your insightful plea.:rolleyes:


BTW, many smokers have told me that they can smell the smoke on their clothes, in their car, etc. Some really want to quit but haven't found their own magic key. Others don't want to and there's nothing you or I can say or do to change their stance.


"Never try to teach a pig to whistle. It wastes your time and annoys the pig."


Charlie - A non-smoker who has seen the devistation that can be caused by the use of tobacco.


It was all I could do not to respond to that persons posting in a rude way, Charlie.. Your's made me chuckle and got me past that.. LOL.


Terry - A non drinker who has seen the devistation that can be caused by the use of alcohol.

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