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NCL Refusing to HOnor our OBC- SLEAZY MOVE!


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I was also told I would be getting OBC in "x" amount, but did not receive anything with my edocs, or otherwise. I did not make a fuss about it, however, and lo and behold, the credit coupons "appeared" in our three staterooms when we arrived. I signed them and handed them to the room steward (who obviously expected to get them), and the credits appeared in full on my statement delivered in the wee hours of our last morning (wow, just like at the hotels!!!).

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I am sure the poster has a good reason to be upset. Since we don't know the whole story, maybe this posting from last June is part of the reason that NCL is holding their ground. And, as mentioned above, there are zero suites available at any price for this cruise.





And please, I am not slamming Kathy or defending NCL. Something just does not add up.


wow gary, i see what your saying.;)gee how much more could one ask for

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A big corporation trying to rip off one of the little people. What's not to understand? Happens all the time. Why do they do it? Simple. Because they CAN. If people think otherwise they are fooling themselves.


How do you KNOW that is what is going on? Maybe the poster is ripping off the cruiseline??


I am NOT saying that Kathy is ripping off the cruiseline. I am just saying we do not know. Please, no flaming. But we do not know the entire story and can not make a judgment or make such statements.

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It will not be on your e-docs, if you have it on your conformation you are just fine. I think the OP needs to explain a little better what really happened. I almost think we are hearing one side.. ( NOT TRUE!)

Of course she is upset with reason, but anytime any changes are made, all bets are off. ( Also not true- I have made changes to at least half of the cruises I have been on- about 13 out of 25 or 26- NEVER had a problem or been treated rudely)



Dear Folks-


I am telling the whole story- NCL confirms that I should be getting the OBC but they are not going to honor it. PERIOD. I have been up the food chain and I RESENT being accused of not being truthful on these boards. What good would it do me to complain about something that isn't true? They know who I am , what room I am in -just read my postings!


The boards have been very informational to me over the years, but this is my 25 or 26th cruise- I have NEVER been treated like this by a cruise line.

And i changed from one high season cruise to another at the same price with the assurance of Candace , with whom we booked on board, that no matter what changes were made ( except in Category)that the OBC remained.


To those of you who have made suggestions, I thank you.

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How do you KNOW that is what is going on? Maybe the poster is ripping off the cruiseline??


I am NOT saying that Kathy is ripping off the cruiseline. I am just saying we do not know. Please, no flaming. But we do not know the entire story and can not make a judgment or make such statements.



I am not trying to rip off the cruiseline- How dare you say this? Then you try to say you aren't saying it! And no flaming? These boards are for info, which I thought i was sharing.

Now- what should i accuse you of- not that I would be actually accusing you...

The whole story has been given. Do you need my blood type? It is A-. i wear a size 10, am 5 foot seven, love to read and am a Girl Scout Leader. Now you have all my information.

Give me a break.[/color][/color]

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How do you KNOW that is what is going on? Maybe the poster is ripping off the cruiseline??


I am NOT saying that Kathy is ripping off the cruiseline. I am just saying we do not know. Please, no flaming. But we do not know the entire story and can not make a judgment or make such statements.

graycarla, just say she has a bit of a negative attitude there. obviously she isn't pro corporation...Oh well!!!



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It will not be on your e-docs, if you have it on your conformation you are just fine. I think the OP needs to explain a little better what really happened. I almost think we are hearing one side.. ( NOT TRUE!)

Of course she is upset with reason, but anytime any changes are made, all bets are off. ( Also not true- I have made changes to at least half of the cruises I have been on- about 13 out of 25 or 26- NEVER had a problem or been treated rudely)



Dear Folks-


I am telling the whole story- NCL confirms that I should be getting the OBC but they are not going to honor it. PERIOD. I have been up the food chain and I RESENT being accused of not being truthful on these boards. What good would it do me to complain about something that isn't true? They know who I am , what room I am in -just read my postings!


The boards have been very informational to me over the years, but this is my 25 or 26th cruise- I have NEVER been treated like this by a cruise line.

And i changed from one high season cruise to another at the same price with the assurance of Candace , with whom we booked on board, that no matter what changes were made ( except in Category)that the OBC remained.


To those of you who have made suggestions, I thank you.

Kathy, if you read what I said after that I agreed something wasn't quite right> I apologize for my judgement...I am going to add only one thing, which I have learned through the years: I always say, please email me that conformation...They always do, within 5 minutes. This way everything is in writing.



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Kathy: I too support you. You have always been honest in your posts and a good resource. I also believe that you are telling the whole story that NCL is not giving any information.


That leads me to ask the question: "why?" Why is NCL being so tight lipped about why they won't give you the OBC? Is it because they don't really have a legitimate or honest reason? They want to use the holiday period to revoke the OBC? IS NCL IN SUCH FINANCIAL TROUBLE THAT $200 during a holiday period is going to kill them??



What it all boils down to for me is the same old public relations stupidity that NCL has become very good at doing. It's a simple act of self destruction:

1.) NCL refuses to give Kathy the OBC and does not tell her why.

2.) Kathy then takes her problems with NCL public on this (or any) public forum.

3.) Kathy tells all of her friends and travel agent how she was treated by NCL.

4.) NCL's motives are questioned on this board. It appears to many that they are hiding something. Kathy's story becomes a major issue that makes NCL look bad.

5.) Potential and/or new NCL cruisers read about how NCL is treating Kathy, a person who purchased a high end suite, over a $200 OBC! (good grief.... what would they have done if it was more or just someone in an interior room!)


Now Kathy probably won't sail NCL and doubts are filling others minds about sailing with NCL.


So in the end NCL saves $200 BUT how much do they lose in negative publicity and possibly lost business???


Stupid, stupid, stupid.


Whoever those Customer Service Supervisors are need to be fired. You don't mistreat the customers by yelling at them. The first rule that I was taught in dealing with customers... never yell at them.


I'm sure glad NCL could save that $200.... I'm sure those CSR's will get a nice bounus for what they did to HELP the company... lol.

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To th OP, I hear ya! If you are insulted and feel ripped off by NCL, just enjoy this cruise and give NCL no more bussiness after your trip.


By them not honoring the $200-$400, they will lose a lot more for the Courtyard you would have booked in the future!

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How do you KNOW that is what is going on? Maybe the poster is ripping off the cruiseline??


I am NOT saying that Kathy is ripping off the cruiseline. I am just saying we do not know. Please, no flaming. But we do not know the entire story and can not make a judgment or make such statements.


Please read what I said. I was NOT saying that Kathy was ripping off the cruiseline. It was only a response to someone else (OZ) that was sure that the big corporation is at fault, without a doubt. I have no idea who did what to who.


Kathy - you have indicated that you you have told us the whole story, but we really do not know when they said you would get the OBC. When the price was quoted or was the price quoted correct. Who and when did the OBC get promised and when did it go away. Were you charged the correct rate. Were you charged the March rate for a Holiday cruise. Was there a change in fuel surcharge. Was there a change in insurance coverage. Were there more people traveling. Did your date change again. Did something else change. Was there a cancellation penalty from the earlier cruise. Was there SOMETHING else that took place. Did they work the OBC into the new price your were charged.


LOTS OF QUESTIONS, but NO ANSWERS. I think it is only fair to outline the whole story.


Bottom line, I am guessing that NCL is doing something wrong. But how can anyone know without all the facts?

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I think the OP said they had to change their dates and if that is the case, the first booking would have to be cancelled and rebooked for the different date. The promotions on the old booking does not automaticaly transfer to the new bookings unless the promotion is still valid. Was the promotion still valid when you rebooked? I think that is more of the issue here than NCL not giving you the OBC. The confirmation for the first bookings should have promotion codes listed on them. You can find out if those promotion codes were still vaild when you made the second booking by calling NCL and giving them the promo codes. They can look up the terms and conditions of each promo code.

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What's next- they put us in steerage and claim that it is the same as the Courtyard


Oh my:rolleyes:


Let the OP's situation be a reminder to all of us: Get EVERYTHING in writing especially after a change. I've booked my last 3 NCL cruises through an online TA and had my OBC's noted on my booking invoice each time. Recently, I got a price adjust and made sure that I received an updated invoice that still noted my OBC as NCL reserves the right to take away an OBC when your price is adjusted or your booking is changed.

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Yes, have everything in writing. Today after I relayed Kathy's experience my hubby went straight away and printed out the email that says we are getting OBC so thanks to Kathy for doing her best to not only vent but to make us aware and indirectly assist us in suitably covering ourselves in case an event like this occurs. I do believe that it is the intent of many of us who come on here to not merely vent but to advise others lest it happens to anyone else.:) Peace.

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Nita- I am surprised at you- first of all, I am pro corporation, a true capitalist. GaryCarla- as you can see, back as far as June I was singing NCL's praises.

Just because someone has many posts does not make them an expert.


Oh- wait- let me think up another lie!


Nita- why don't you address me personally instead of flaming me to Gary Carla?


And I have a feeling that I have spent more on cruisses in the past 5 year than most-OH, WAIT- I m not pro corporation! I probably staekl towels and sneak on booze, too!


What i am is pro-honor! We had one disgusting episode with RCCl, they FIXED it- I am using them again! ( re. the post GaryCArla linked to) We cruise all the time, in suites and I know what I am talking about. Maybe if I had more posts people would beleive me....


My goodness- why can't I leave my posting and not be attacked? That is the problem with these boards. People who spend lots of time on them tend to think that they own them or that they are , for some reason, personally attacked when a comment is made about the cruise line!

TeThe other crusie lines have much friendlier boards- I 'm goin' back there!


I am talking about some jerks at NCl, Nita- not you! I always have enjoyed your comments- until you got persoanl. Totally inappropriate for this venue.


Sorry to have wasted your time

Kathy, I certainly was not talking about you, I was talking about something totally different. I guess this is what is meant by taking something out of context. I never met to imply you were anti NCL or corporation...



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Just one more comment! There is a problem with emails, postings, instant message etc.-- and that is-- it is so easy to type something meaning one thing-- and then it actually saying something else-- or is "read the wrong way". After reading the past few posts from last night-- it has definitely happened....

Let's all hope that Kathy gets this sorted out and gets the credit she was promised. I know first hand that it can be such a frustration. Don't let it spoil your cruise-- and as I mentioned earlier-- go on board with the paper work you have-- and plead your cause in a positive/polite manner.... just maybe.....!:)

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Please read what I said. I was NOT saying that Kathy was ripping off the cruiseline. It was only a response to someone else (OZ) that was sure that the big corporation is at fault, without a doubt. I have no idea who did what to who.


Kathy - you have indicated that you you have told us the whole story, but we really do not know when they said you would get the OBC. When the price was quoted or was the price quoted correct. Who and when did the OBC get promised and when did it go away. Were you charged the correct rate. Were you charged the March rate for a Holiday cruise. Was there a change in fuel surcharge. Was there a change in insurance coverage. Were there more people traveling. Did your date change again. Did something else change. Was there a cancellation penalty from the earlier cruise. Was there SOMETHING else that took place. Did they work the OBC into the new price your were charged.


LOTS OF QUESTIONS, but NO ANSWERS. I think it is only fair to outline the whole story.


Bottom line, I am guessing that NCL is doing something wrong. But how can anyone know without all the facts?


I totally agree...the whole story cannot be that they said she deserves OBC but isn't getting it...I have been a TA for over 13 years, and although NCL can be hard to work with at times, I've never heard of such a thing/

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I totally agree...the whole story cannot be that they said she deserves OBC but isn't getting it...I have been a TA for over 13 years, and although NCL can be hard to work with at times, I've never heard of such a thing/

How nice for you that you have NEVEr heard of such a thing. Would you all like me to print out the 15 pages or so that NCl has documented

Amazing- someone makes a complaint and folks like you and GaryCarla immediatley jump to the conclusion that the poster is "hiding" something"..


You are right! I made the whole thing up just to get a rise out of people like you, In fact, I have never cruised before and am not ever going to....NOT!

Give me a break- these boards are not for the folks who think that they know everything- I told the whole story, NCL admits I was told I would be given the OBC, now they are refusing! What do you need, travel agent of over 13 years? Recorded phone calls? My psychological profile? I already provided my blood type. Do you need to see my diplomas?


As I said last night- sorry I ever posted this, and may none of you zealots have your OBC taken away at the whim of any cruise line.

There is no reason on earth that anyone would make this story up- get real!




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How nice for you that you have NEVEr heard of such a thing. Would you all like me to print out the 15 pages or so that NCl has documented

Amazing- someone makes a complaint and folks like you and GaryCarla immediatley jump to the conclusion that the poster is "hiding" something"..


You are right! I made the whole thing up just to get a rise out of people like you, In fact, I have never cruised before and am not ever going to....NOT!

Give me a break- these boards are not for the folks who think that they know everything- I told the whole story, NCL admits I was told I would be given the OBC, now they are refusing! What do you need, travel agent of over 13 years? Recorded phone calls? My psychological profile? I already provided my blood type. Do you need to see my diplomas?


As I said last night- sorry I ever posted this, and may none of you zealots have your OBC taken away at the whim of any cruise line.

There is no reason on earth that anyone would make this story up- get real!





WOW! Where in my post did I ever say that you made the whole thing up? All I am saying that you have given very few details so it is hard for anyone to try to come up with a solution to help you. Why so defensive?

The only info that you have given ( and please correct me if I am wrong):


Made res with OBC

Changed res

NCL took away OBC

Supervisor says you should have it but won't give it to you.


The supervisor must have said something else...if not, I wouldn't have gotten off the phone with him/her. If you have 15 pages of documentation, there is more information than what you have given. I haven't seen many posters bashing you (including me), but to figure a way to possibly help you, we do not have enough information.Instead of jumping to conclusions, maybe you should read posts with a more open mind...you seem to be the one jumping on people who are simply asking "normal" questions....

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How nice for you that you have NEVEr heard of such a thing. Would you all like me to print out the 15 pages or so that NCl has documented

Amazing- someone makes a complaint and folks like you and GaryCarla immediatley jump to the conclusion that the poster is "hiding" something"..


You are right! I made the whole thing up just to get a rise out of people like you, In fact, I have never cruised before and am not ever going to....NOT!

Give me a break- these boards are not for the folks who think that they know everything- I told the whole story, NCL admits I was told I would be given the OBC, now they are refusing! What do you need, travel agent of over 13 years? Recorded phone calls? My psychological profile? I already provided my blood type. Do you need to see my diplomas?


As I said last night- sorry I ever posted this, and may none of you zealots have your OBC taken away at the whim of any cruise line.

There is no reason on earth that anyone would make this story up- get real!





Sorry but I have to jump in. I guess I am wondering why you would start this thread in the first place. You have been told that the OBC that you deserve and should get will not be there. But, until you actually take your holiday cruise, you cannot be 100% sure. You have been given suggestions to take paperwork with you on the cruise and maybe something can be worked out.


So, again, what is the purpose of your post. To warn us that NCL customer service might tell you BEFORE your cruise that you lost your OBC? Basically, that customer service is clueless?


After your cruise when you know if you get the OBC, then you have a story to tell. You story may be either "Take your paperwork and work out you OBC on the ship" or "Yes, NCL can take away OBC that you have earned. BEWARE".


But prior to your cruise you really have nothing to warn us about other than NCL customer service may not know about your OBC. I hope you have a great cruise and work this out to your satisfaction.

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This is my first message ever, I will probably delete myself after!


What the OP said happens more than you know. Many times passengers don't realize that they are getting things taken away, and not all passengers read the boards on this and other cruise sites. I looked thru her postings and noted that she had been alerted to problems with OBC by someone else on these boards- she is not unique. All cruise lines are trying to save money- either by decreasing services or increasing certain costs.


When I was taking reservations we were told to tell passengers that they could not get a better price anywhere- just one of the little tactics we are taught.

So don't be so eager to dimiss this poster-I am OUT of the business but was entrenched enough to know what really goes on.


Sorry you had a problem OP- ( see how quickly we pick up the lingo) sadly, you are one of many.



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This is my first message ever, I will probably delete myself after!


What the OP said happens more than you know. Many times passengers don't realize that they are getting things taken away, and not all passengers read the boards on this and other cruise sites. I looked thru her postings and noted that she had been alerted to problems with OBC by someone else on these boards- she is not unique. All cruise lines are trying to save money- either by decreasing services or increasing certain costs.


When I was taking reservations we were told to tell passengers that they could not get a better price anywhere- just one of the little tactics we are taught.

So don't be so eager to dimiss this poster-I am OUT of the business but was entrenched enough to know what really goes on.


Sorry you had a problem OP- ( see how quickly we pick up the lingo) sadly, you are one of many.





Thank you for posting.:) Point and serve. Please do stick around. We need someone with an honest, less defensive and accurate point of view around here.

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Sorry but I have to jump in. I guess I am wondering why you would start this thread in the first place. You have been told that the OBC that you deserve and should get will not be there. But, until you actually take your holiday cruise, you cannot be 100% sure. You have been given suggestions to take paperwork with you on the cruise and maybe something can be worked out.


So, again, what is the purpose of your post. To warn us that NCL customer service might tell you BEFORE your cruise that you lost your OBC? Basically, that customer service is clueless?


After your cruise when you know if you get the OBC, then you have a story to tell. You story may be either "Take your paperwork and work out you OBC on the ship" or "Yes, NCL can take away OBC that you have earned. BEWARE".


But prior to your cruise you really have nothing to warn us about other than NCL customer service may not know about your OBC. I hope you have a great cruise and work this out to your satisfaction.


To reply-


Several weeks ago another poster had a similar issue. My purpose was to Warn people to check their status with OBC. if you had read my posts completely, you would see that I didn't just talk to a low-level rep- I went as high as I could on the chain of command. Now I know that my credit wont be there, I won't have to waste time trying to figure it out while on my cruise. Thank you for jumping in-that is what the forums are for.

And Ozcleopatra- You ROCK!!! I love your little picture on your signature!

And when I said i was pro-corporation, I mean that the business has a right to earn money- but they should do so with fairness. Wish you were on my cruise!

We could have a great conversation about this country!




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There was no mention of my OBC on the edocs , but they were automatically applied the ships account without a problem...


I know of a post I read on another messageboard. These people booked online that agency that pays gratitues for RCI and Celebrity for 2 people. They found out the last day of the cruise that the agency had NOT paid the tips as promoted. It was too late to put it on their ship's account so they did the envelope tips-fortunatley they still had enougth cash on them to do this.


When they returned and contacted the agency-the agency admitted their mistake, but said they had no "proof" these people had paid their tips (as they did it by envelope-it being too late to put it on their account) so they could not reimburse them.


So, after hearing of this experience, I can understand why kathy would be concerned. If it is an acency giving her the credit, she should insist that they put it in writting-so she has something to dispute later.

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