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Here is a new dinning room dress question


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And if you read the dress code on Carnival website, it says no hats on elegant night but it does not say that for casual night so if you happen to see someone wearing a cap on casual night in the formal dining room, realize that this IS ACCEPTABLE to CCL. I agree that on formal night or even elegant night, baseball caps should not be worn. However, a man in a cowboy hat looks awesome.;)


My family were on our way to Chili's restaurant and were all talking about this thread and how it is an old stale tradition that hats come off when you enter a building and everyone was laughing about it. I dare someone to tell my husband to remove his baseball cap when he goes to Chili's to eat dinner. They find themselves on the floor.

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Alas...one reason I avoid Carnival like the plague. It's bad enough on RCI at times but I've heard so many horror stories about Carnival I don't think I'd sail the line if they gave me a ticket.


I'm Platinum on Carnival and Diamond on RCL. The passengers on both lines are identical, 100% identical. OK, not quite, there are almost no passengers on CCL that WRONGLY think their 'stuff' doesn't stink. RCL has a number of those misguided types, I've never met one on CCL [doesn't mean they don't exist, just rare] Is RCL a good line to cruise? Well yes or I would not have achieved Diamond status. They do have the BEST ships. Are they worth the usually higher prices they charge? No, not at all. Service is about the same, pax are the same, Dining room food on CCL is easily superior to RCL. Supper club food on CCL compared to 'Chops' on RCL. CCL is VASTLY superior in Supper Club food. Buffet food, a slight edge to RCL, but a definite advantage on choices on CCL. Room sizes about the same on both lines newer ships except the large suites on RCL.

Baseball caps in the DR? Both lines suffer that ignorant affliction.

Eliminating CCL without ANY REAL knowledge is shortchanging yourself.



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I personally wear a hat most of the time. I have one on as I type this. I wear it, with shorts, just about every time we go out to a local eatery. This is the first time I have read where that would bother someone. Now I will make sure I wear it every time we go out for a bite to eat. I am a Texan though, we don't concern ourselves with what other people are wearing. We are happy regardless.


Really, some people need to lighten up a little.





thoughtful towards other people



Adj. 1. considerate - showing concern for the rights and feelings of others; "friends considerate enough to leave us alone"


kind - having or showing a tender and considerate and helpful nature; used especially of persons and their behavior; "kind to sick patients"; "a kind master"; "kind words showing understanding and sympathy"; "thanked her for her kind letter"


unselfish - disregarding your own advantages and welfare over those of others.


tactful - having or showing a sense of what is fitting and considerate in dealing with others; "she was tactful enough not to shatter his illusion"; "a tactful remark eased her embarrassment"





inconsiderate - lacking regard for the rights or feelings of others; "shockingly inconsiderate behavior"




This is the applicable attitude, "worrying" about what others are wearing has nothing to do with anything.



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And if you read the dress code on Carnival website, it says no hats on elegant night but it does not say that for casual night



Nobody should have put that hats aren't acceptable in their literature. It should just be known/done. The only exception would be for a cancer patient, but you can usually tell the difference between a cancer patient and someone that thinks they're above it all.

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Alas...one reason I avoid Carnival like the plague. It's bad enough on RCI at times but I've heard so many horror stories about Carnival I don't think I'd sail the line if they gave me a ticket.



You think seeing someone in the dining room wearing a hat is a horror story?


It is probably for the best you stay away from Carnival. I know I will be happy you did.

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Every time I read a thread about this subject I scratch my head and think why are people getting so bent out of shape over this. Lets get real here,there are a lot more important and better things in life to be concerned with !!!!! Whether someone wears a hat or not inside does not bother me nor do I really care either. Yukon111,you have the right mindset on the subject and more people need to follow your example :)

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I saw an adult male not only wearing a baseball hat to dinner but flannel pajama pants and a t-shirt! I don't like seeing people wearing their jammies to the grocery store or walmart. .


I saw a gal last weekend that was wearing a matching set of "Dr. Pepper" pajama top and bottoms with slippers at a home improvement box store. She was a size XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXL and literally took up the entire aisle. I don't know if the pajama's or her mullet most distracted me.......but I don't think I'll ever drink Dr. Pepper again.

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i saw a gal last weekend that was wearing a matching set of "dr. Pepper" pajama top and bottoms with slippers at a home improvement box store. She was a size xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxl and literally took up the entire aisle. I don't know if the pajama's or her mullet most distracted me.......but i don't think i'll ever drink dr. Pepper again.



omg!! Roflmao!

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I'm not quite the snob you probably think I am...but I really do object to the way some fellow passengers don't dress properly, especially in the main dining room at dinner. I did hear from a friend who sails often on Carnival that, at dinner one night, a table mate with green hair arrived stoned or drunk or both...was escorted away from the table but that was enough to turn me off totally. I'm sailing next week on Celebrity where I understand they enforce the dress code...second time on Celebrity actually and I, too, am Diamond on RCI. I'll probably opt for Celebrity from now on because of this one issue.

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thoughtful towards other people



Adj. 1. considerate - showing concern for the rights and feelings of others; "friends considerate enough to leave us alone"


kind - having or showing a tender and considerate and helpful nature; used especially of persons and their behavior; "kind to sick patients"; "a kind master"; "kind words showing understanding and sympathy"; "thanked her for her kind letter"


unselfish - disregarding your own advantages and welfare over those of others.


tactful - having or showing a sense of what is fitting and considerate in dealing with others; "she was tactful enough not to shatter his illusion"; "a tactful remark eased her embarrassment"





inconsiderate - lacking regard for the rights or feelings of others; "shockingly inconsiderate behavior"




This is the applicable attitude, "worrying" about what others are wearing has nothing to do with anything.




Thank you...





Like I said, we will do our thing and everyone else can do theirs. We won't lose sleep over a hat in the dining room of a cruise ship. We are more concerned with what relates to us rather than someone else. Call me crazy.

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Wearing a cap or hat indoors was not allowed when I was a child. Let alone wearing one at the dinner table. My Mother would have slapped me right in the back of the head on the spot.....

Don't blame the people wearing their ball cap or hat to the dinner table....Blame their parents who did not raise them properly......For they know not what they do....LOL....

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I'm not quite the snob you probably think I am...but I really do object to the way some fellow passengers don't dress properly, especially in the main dining room at dinner. I did hear from a friend who sails often on Carnival that, at dinner one night, a table mate with green hair arrived stoned or drunk or both...was escorted away from the table but that was enough to turn me off totally. I'm sailing next week on Celebrity where I understand they enforce the dress code...second time on Celebrity actually and I, too, am Diamond on RCI. I'll probably opt for Celebrity from now on because of this one issue.


I am sure Celebrity will be glad to have your business.


I hear they screen people at the dock for unusual hair colors. You should be fine.

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I saw a gal last weekend that was wearing a matching set of "Dr. Pepper" pajama top and bottoms with slippers at a home improvement box store. She was a size XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXL and literally took up the entire aisle. I don't know if the pajama's or her mullet most distracted me.......but I don't think I'll ever drink Dr. Pepper again.



Maybe that was the only thing she owned that fit.


Sort of turns me off Dr. Pepper too knowing they have resorted to advertising on PJs.

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There are a lot of things out there that bug the crap out of me. However, I have come to realize somethng that many shallow minds do not. Being this was a camoflaged cap, I wonder if it was a baseball style cap or could it have been a military style cap (cover.) Anyone ever think that possibly he had a son in the military that got killed? Ever think this could be his way of remembering and bringing honor to his lost one?


Just food for thought. He may have just been a mannerless american, everyone knows we have a ton them. I just hope this incident of hat wearing did not ruin an otherwise perfect cruise for the OP. But then again, if it did worry the snot out of the OP and ruined their cruise, it serves them right for getting so wrapped around the axle. My God people, this is Carnival you're talking about!!!!!

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There are a lot of things out there that bug the crap out of me. However, I have come to realize somethng that many shallow minds do not. Being this was a camoflaged cap, I wonder if it was a baseball style cap or could it have been a military style cap (cover.) Anyone ever think that possibly he had a son in the military that got killed? Ever think this could be his way of remembering and bringing honor to his lost one?



I'm not familiar with military practices, but is wearing the cover acceptable at all times? Is wearing the cover a way to honor somebody? What I do know about the military makes me highly doubt it. However, if I'm wrong, I learned something. If I'm right, well, the guy has a weird way of honoring the dead by displaying improper manners.

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Just food for thought. He may have just been a mannerless american, everyone knows we have a ton them. I just hope this incident of hat wearing did not ruin an otherwise perfect cruise for the OP. But then again, if it did worry the snot out of the OP and ruined their cruise, it serves them right for getting so wrapped around the axle. My God people, this is Carnival you're talking about!!!!!



And Carnival is the fun ships, not the rude ships. Manners still apply.


Ball caps have a time and place, and a restaurant is no place for a ball cap.

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kristy29 - well said! Hats are inappropriate for formal dining, but other than that, who should really care what someone else is wearing? We have attended may formal nights on cruises and seen numerous people not really appropriately dressed, just thought maybe they didn't have "dressier" clothes, so didn't really bother me. Now, it did bother my husband, since he absolutely hates to wear a suit, but does for the Captain's dinner, but I do have to "force" him too! Life is just too short to be worrying about what other people are wearing!

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I saw this on formal night on out Liberty cruise last year. A man in a tux with a white baseball cap. The waiter actually took it off his head. LOL



Now that's dangerous. The guy with the hat could have been a cancer patient going through chemo. IMO, that's he only acceptable reason to weara hat in a restaurant.

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Alas...one reason I avoid Carnival like the plague. It's bad enough on RCI at times but I've heard so many horror stories about Carnival I don't think I'd sail the line if they gave me a ticket.:confused:


I have been on both and RCCL is no different than Carnival. There are plenty of bad manners on both. While I like RCCL I can cruise 3 times on Carnival for every 2 RCCL cruises. The cruises and the people are much more alike than they are different. :)


Of course if you came over to meniton that you wanted to stir the pot, please go back to the Seabourne board.:confused:

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I spent 24 years of my life in active military service! Is wearing a hat inside appropriate? No. Is wearing a hat appropriate at dinner? No.


Is it my place to condemn and degrade others for their habits? No.


There are a lot of things you do that others find weird. Just a part of life. Everything is not going to be to our liking. So goes life. I am not condoning hat wearing inside, especially at dinner. And to Chigirlcruzin, whats inappropriate to you may not be to someone else! Sorry! I will say this, look at my signature list, it only took me one Carnival cruise to realize this was not my cup of tea. Only cruising Carnival this time out of convenience and because this is what my DW wanted to do!!!!!

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And to Chigirlcruzin, whats inappropriate to you may not be to someone else! Sorry! I will say this, look at my signature list, it only took me one Carnival cruise to realize this was not my cup of tea. Only cruising Carnival this time out of convenience and because this is what my DW wanted to do!!!!!



Why are you singling me out? Plenty of others agree with me:rolleyes:


While I think it's poor manners to wear a hat in a restaurant, it's not going to ruin my cruise.


Enjoy your Christmas cruise on Holiday. The Holiday is the same class of ship as the Celebration. I think if you tried a Spirit or Conquest class ship you might enjoy the experience a bit more. But, it's your vacation money. Enjoy your cruises, whichever line you may cruise.

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Why are you singling me out? Plenty of others agree with me:rolleyes:


While I think it's poor manners to wear a hat in a restaurant, it's not going to ruin my cruise.


Enjoy your Christmas cruise on Holiday. The Holiday is the same class of ship as the Celebration. I think if you tried a Spirit or Conquest class ship you might enjoy the experience a bit more. But, it's your vacation money. Enjoy your cruises, whichever line you may cruise.


I wasn't meaning that to be mean. You had made the posts pertaining to military and Carnival being a rude ship! Just making a point. Trust me, I hate it on formal night when folks show up in casual clothes. But I have yet to let anyone elses rudeness ruin my cruise! Thanks for the reply on my other thread. Happy holidays.

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I wasn't meaning that to be mean. You had made the posts pertaining to military and Carnival being a rude ship! Just making a point. Trust me, I hate it on formal night when folks show up in casual clothes. But I have yet to let anyone elses rudeness ruin my cruise! Thanks for the reply on my other thread. Happy holidays.



The problem with the Internet is that we're just posting words. We can't see expressions, hear tone, and sometimes we just don't say exactly what we mean. I apologize as well. Take care and happy holidays:)

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