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NCL Missing Passenger Update...


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Thank you for your input; it is so nice to read a personal attack intruding on an intelligent conversation. Your insight is amazing; you lambaste us for talking about it and then turn around and do the very thing you accuse us of doing...how nice.



deleted . . . not worth a response

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This story http://blogs.tampabay.com/breakingnews/2008/12/seach-on-for-fl.html says that the FBI ruled him out, but that came from another media outlet, so nothing official from the FBI. My bad. But I will reserve judgement. I will not say anything like, "I smell a rat" or "something smells rotten" My point is, you're crucifying the guy and you have no facts. I don't trust the media either, but I have even less trust for a schmoe the media interviewed while walking off the ship. You're making your point and I'm making mine. This is a public forum, right? Maybe, just maybe, she was mentally ill and jumped off the ship, and he had nothing to do with it. Maybe, because she was mentally ill, she hooked up with another mentally ill person, which mentally ill people tend to do, who thinks it's ok to headbutt their signifigant other. Maybe he deals with grief differently than you and the rest of the suspicious world and decided to gamble as opposed to throwing himself off the ship to look for her. What would be acceptible to you? If he sat in his cabin and bit his nails for three days, would that make him look less guilty to you? I'm sorry, but I have nothing but contempt for someone who calls a man who just lost his wife to suicide a rat, based on second hand knowledge from a schmoe. Now, all that said, if he killed her, he should fry.

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This story http://blogs.tampabay.com/breakingnews/2008/12/seach-on-for-fl.html says that the FBI ruled him out, but that came from another media outlet, so nothing official from the FBI. My bad. But I will reserve judgement. I will not say anything like, "I smell a rat" or "something smells rotten" My point is, you're crucifying the guy and you have no facts. I don't trust the media either, but I have even less trust for a schmoe the media interviewed while walking off the ship. You're making your point and I'm making mine. This is a public forum, right? Maybe, just maybe, she was mentally ill and jumped off the ship, and he had nothing to do with it. Maybe, because she was mentally ill, she hooked up with another mentally ill person, which mentally ill people tend to do, who thinks it's ok to headbutt their signifigant other. Maybe he deals with grief differently than you and the rest of the suspicious world and decided to gamble as opposed to throwing himself off the ship to look for her. What would be acceptible to you? If he sat in his cabin and bit his nails for three days, would that make him look less guilty to you? I'm sorry, but I have nothing but contempt for someone who calls a man who just lost his wife to suicide a rat, based on second hand knowledge from a schmoe. Now, all that said, if he killed her, he should fry.



Maybe she was a poster at cruise critic and that prayer thread pushed her over the edge.. lol


OK Bad joke.. just trying to lighten it up.. You make some valid points, but to me, it does not add up... That's all... ;)

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Maybe she was a poster at cruise critic and that prayer thread pushed her over the edge.. lol


OK Bad joke.. just trying to lighten it up.. You make some valid points, but to me, it does not add up... That's all... ;)

Maybe they didn't decorate the ship enough for Christmas and didn't sing any Christmas songs...:rolleyes:

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Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel, I made you out of... <splash!>


OMG (Oh My Gosh...not to be confused with anything ELSE)... you guys are evil :D AND you are making me LOL!!! I am off to buy some candles now which I will burn in the Atrium Lounge on my next cruise....where did I leave all those matches I have been hoarding from the gas station???

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Hmmmm, don't you think it odd that the day after his wife "jumped" he was going to the casino with a bag of quarters to "change his luck"?


Yes, especially when you find out NCL's machines don't take quarters. :rolleyes:

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I want to know what difference it can possibly make to anyone if some of us think it's fishy and that he might be involved? So what if we think something isn't right? Will it convinct him? NO. Will be play any part in his life? NO. Why are opinions on people we will never meet such an issue for some? It's no different than commenting on anything or anyone else in the media.


My point is, my feelings are that something's not right. Everyone doesn't have to agree, but why be so offended by it? It makes no difference and has absolutely no affect whatsoever on this case. It's kind of interesting that some will defend someone they do not know, yet blast someone for not defending them.

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My point is, my feelings are that something's not right.


Something's never right in a suicide. You try to rationalize, but you can't, as the "victim" is not in the right state of mind.


How many of us have heated arguments in our relationships, but most don't lead to this type of tragedy.


Unfortunately, been through this twice with a coworker and a first cousin, both in the same week.


I will wait for the experts to conclude their investigation. None of us know the facts.

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I am not accusing the husband, but it seems to be so easy for people to "go overboard" and just rule it as a suicide, end of story. The article states she had "previous emotional issues", not that she had severe mental problems. It also stated that she was in a very happy and uplifted mood before and during the cruise and excited about her new job. To me, that doesn't sound like someone about to commit suicide. Of course, I have no clue what someone about to commit suicide would be like, you just wouldn't think of them as happy and uplifted. I hate it for her family and I hate that if her Dh did have something to do with it, he will go unpunished. And this is just a message board where everyone can speak their opinion. Not that we will all agree w/ each other, but we should agree to disagree at times;)

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Oh and you may want to actually read the article and what the retired police officer had to say about this.

Hmmmm, don't you think it odd that the day after his wife "jumped" he was going to the casino with a bag of quarters to "change his luck"?

Maybe you will read where he was arrested for HEADBUTTING his wife in April....

facts are facts and to me they add up to something other than innocence...

I read the article as well. JMO but his opinion is just that - his opinion - as mine is mine...that being (I believe the article stated) he was a retired state trooper....NOT homicide detective, so I guess my question is what experience does he have with this type of investigation? Just because he has a law enforcement background doesn’t mean he’s the expert in this case.

People react differently to similar situations. No one here knows the guy so just because some find it "odd" perhaps others don't.

Again, how do you know was caused the alleged head butting. I've known several people in abusive relationships where the female half was the abusive one...every action causes and equal and opposite reaction and all that.

What “facts” do you have? “Facts” reported by the media…or do you have an inside scoop you’re not telling us about?



Yes, DH played a part in it, even if he didn't push her physically over the edge, he must have mentally. Cheaper than divorce & no burial costs. Maybe she was well insured also.


Exactly how do you know this? Your opinion....an assumption?


It is what it is. (unfortunately) the woman went over the side...the husband isn't a suspect and her family said she had emotional issues. I believe I read there was a video of her going over the side...perhaps it will surface on youtube or something.


Besides mental issues, how do we know she wasn't sleepwalking?

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I read a few minutes ago, HER Mother joined them on the cruise, that's the first,and only time I have heard that. If that's the case, it gets even more weird. I know my Mother would have been a basket case, and alerted any,and all she came in contact with, and I'm 50 years of age....very,very strange.:(



I, too, am having a problem with the time frame... I cruise with my husband, kids, parents and sometimes sisters and their families as well. If anyone of us were missing for a long period of time, you can bet your a$$ that we'd all be all over the ship looking for that person, notifying everyone who will listen etc...


While I do believe she jumped all by herself, whether someone might have "made her want to do it" or whatever the reason, why did it take sooooooooooo long to report her missing??

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This is like DejaVu.


When the woman fell off the NCL Dawn last year, I too went crazy on an attack on the husband because her family reported that he had been known to abuse her. This pushed my buttons and I was sure he had something to do with her falling overboard. Video however, showed that she very uncharacteristically, went up on the rail off her balcony in an attempt to get to the next balcony (where her husband and friends were). Which is totally bizarre...but that story is already old news.

I got flamed BIG time for making accusations against the DH...apologized for doing so in a public forum.

Anyway...I won't go on an all out atack on this guy...even though this whole thing sounds weird, I just want to say how ironic it is that this guys also has an alleged abuse history. It could be true that neither of these guys actually did anything to cause the wife to go overboard, but possibly the kind of woman who marries an abusive man, may also be suffering from some emotional issues that would make it likely for her to do something to cause her own death accidentally or intentionally. But, in both cases, abuse was allegedly involved which says something....what it says I won't speculate.


(Did I cover my butt good enough against flames this time around?? ;))

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It would be great if her husband stumbled upon CC, to find these threads.


I think it's sad that every body's first priority is to accuse, accuse, accuse. Nobody here was an eye witness, therefore all everyone knows is second-hand, third-hand or anecdotal evidence, which is inaccurate most of the time.


It was Christmas. As to having lost a family member on Christmas Eve last week, it is a very difficult time, and I cannot imagine what the family is going through. IF the husband is innocent, I can't immagine what he is going through. The number one priority right now, I believe, should be to keep the family who are mourning their loss of a wife, a sister, a daughter, in your thoughts.

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This is like DejaVu.


When the woman fell off the NCL Dawn last year, I too went crazy on an attack on the husband because her family reported that he had been known to abuse her. This pushed my buttons and I was sure he had something to do with her falling overboard. Video however, showed that she very uncharacteristically, went up on the rail off her balcony in an attempt to get to the next balcony (where her husband and friends were). Which is totally bizarre...but that story is already old news.

I got flamed BIG time for making accusations against the DH...apologized for doing so in a public forum.

Anyway...I won't go on an all out atack on this guy...even though this whole thing sounds weird, I just want to say how ironic it is that this guys also has an alleged abuse history. It could be true that neither of these guys actually did anything to cause the wife to go overboard, but possibly the kind of woman who marries an abusive man, may also be suffering from some emotional issues that would make it likely for her to do something to cause her own death accidentally or intentionally. But, in both cases, abuse was allegedly involved which says something....what it says I won't speculate.


(Did I cover my butt good enough against flames this time around?? ;))



It sure is like a bad nightmare repeating itself over again not only for the families involved but for those that want answers to such a tragic event. Mental illness doesn't parade itself around for the world to see. Domestic violence doesn't either. It's logical to want something/someone to blame a tragic event on as it allows us to feel comfort in knowing "we" aren't ever going to be a victim of similiar circumstances. Whatever happened that day isn't for us to decide or to speculate on. People react to grief in different ways so I won't even go there in regards to the statements made towards the husband. The sad truth in all of this is that people commit suicide for whatever reason in every day life but the minute it happens on a cruise ship it becomes big media attention. We can thank our lucky stars that "arm chair prosecutors" have no say in the outcome of such events. Innocent until proven guilty. Pray that you never find yourself in a similar situation.

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I was an EMT for seceral years. We had several calls where a person was deceased and just walking in the door things seemed sketchy. could be a natural death, could have been a suicide, could have been foul play, could have been an acccident. I was not a coroner and didn't know this person from Adam so I could never say.


Many a time we wouldn't have the poor soul on the stretcher and out the door when the neighborhood gossips would be out on the street or in the hallway making speculations. "You should talk to that son of hers, he was no good ,always in trouble, he smoked Crack and would come here and steal money and you could hear them fight" or " These people would come in and out of there all night long and then just leave right away " etc etc etc.


Like someone else said , they loved their 15 minutes of fame.


My prayers go out to this poor woman and her family. unless we knew them before who knows what their story was and if then who really knows what happens between two people behind closed doors.


We just know a tragedy has happened .

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I read the article as well. JMO but his opinion is just that - his opinion - as mine is mine...that being (I believe the article stated) he was a retired state trooper....NOT homicide detective, so I guess my question is what experience does he have with this type of investigation? Just because he has a law enforcement background doesn’t mean he’s the expert in this case.


LOL. I completely agree. I think that it is hilarious that so many people here are giving so much credence to what a retired state trooper thinks. For all anyone knows, he could have spent 20 years handing out speeding tickets on an interstate highway.

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We all find different ways to cope. Last year while on a cruise I became very ill, very quickly and without warning and was in the ships hospital in a life threatening situation. My husband was not allowed in the center, so what did he do? He walked around the ship, bought pictures, ect. It would have been worse for him to just sit in the cabin and ponder the situation. I suppose if he gambled, he might have done this as well. I think for this fellow it would have been much worse to sit in a cabin they shared then going to the casino…. My guess, perhaps his way of coping.


I too thought because the family quickly assumed this was a suicide, why did they not get her help or watch her more closely. But then I remembered a few years back I had a bout of depression myself. and I can tell you it comes on quickly. One can be in good spirits and then from nowhere, quickly a change occurs, with no warning to others around you. I can understand why her husband would not be on her and watching her constantly. If you were recovering from a mental disorder, would you really find it helpful to be watched like a hawk? This is a horrible event but I can’t put blame on the husband, especially with only speculation as to what the entire series of events leading to her decision were..

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This was from GMA this morning... there are rumors going around like crazy right now... I think it's sad how the rumor mill starts. I don't think this man should be convicted in the eyes of the public because he and his wife had a fight in April, or he had a different coping mechanism than someone else may have had... I know people that have lost loved ones and handled it in ways I never would have, but we all have different ways to handle grief. And if every single person that had ever had a domestic dispute was a murder suspect once their spouse passed away, this country could be in serious trouble... married people have issues from time to time, and not all married people with issues turn around and murder their spouses, or cause them to kill themselves... not saying it did or didn't happen, but I'm not going to speculate either way, just as I would hope if I was in this position and had just lost my spouse, I wouldn't have a bunch of strangers doing the same thing to me (although I'm sure they all would be)... it was their 1 year anniversary, it was Christmas... yes, I am still one of those that tries to see the good in people :p




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