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NCL Missing Passenger Update...


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She may have been sleepwalking.


Some people handle stress by drinking...others by going to a casino.


I'm glad we live in America, where we are still judged by a jury of our peers, not members of an internet forum whose only source of information are unofficial reports of "the facts". :)

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I realize it has NOT been mentioned that she may have been manic depressive, but I found this info after a close friend of our's lost his 18 yr old son to suicide. Primarily people suffering from manic depression will commit suicide at a point in their lives when everything is on a high note.They will choose to take their lives when everything is going well with school/job/relationships, simply because when they are happy and things are going great they think back to the lowest points in their lives and choose to not take a chance of going back to a place that is lowest for them.



She had been diagnosed as bi-polar...

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This story http://blogs.tampabay.com/breakingnews/2008/12/seach-on-for-fl.html says that the FBI ruled him out, but that came from another media outlet, so nothing official from the FBI. My bad. But I will reserve judgement. I will not say anything like, "I smell a rat" or "something smells rotten" My point is, you're crucifying the guy and you have no facts. I don't trust the media either, but I have even less trust for a schmoe the media interviewed while walking off the ship. You're making your point and I'm making mine. This is a public forum, right? Maybe, just maybe, she was mentally ill and jumped off the ship, and he had nothing to do with it. Maybe, because she was mentally ill, she hooked up with another mentally ill person, which mentally ill people tend to do, who thinks it's ok to headbutt their signifigant other. Maybe he deals with grief differently than you and the rest of the suspicious world and decided to gamble as opposed to throwing himself off the ship to look for her. What would be acceptible to you? If he sat in his cabin and bit his nails for three days, would that make him look less guilty to you? I'm sorry, but I have nothing but contempt for someone who calls a man who just lost his wife to suicide a rat, based on second hand knowledge from a schmoe. Now, all that said, if he killed her, he should fry.


So you're saying it's not ok for me to be suspicious because you don't like it. That is what you have been sying over and over and over, your opinion is better than mine so you attack it. I am not an investigating officer nor am I a judge nor do I have any remote connection to this whole case but you have attacked me repeatedly because I think something is not right.


You have made your point, I get it, you are right and anyone who disagrees with you is wrong.

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She may have been sleepwalking.


Some people handle stress by drinking...others by going to a casino.


I'm glad we live in America, where we are still judged by a jury of our peers, not members of an internet forum whose only source of information are unofficial reports of "the facts". :)





There was also a report that said he told another passenger, through his teeth, that he wasn't allowed to talk about the incident with other passengers or he would be confined to his room. :confused:

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Well I know they would've had to lock me in a room because I would've been trying to search every room and over the loud speaker and just trying to get everyone on board to help!


I would've been crazy!!!! not just walking to the casino - trying to change my luck????? Wut's that????


I would've at least been unconsolable - thinking of my spouse missing or god forbid in the ocean without help??????


What a sad sad life that poor woman must of had to throw it all away if she did commit suicide - She probably knew her husband would act just the way he did.


I just wish I wouldn't have heard that part of the story - how cold



That's how YOU would have handled it... but you can't judge someone else for how THEY handle death. I've seen a man lose his wife and sit like a stone for days, not saying a word... watched a woman lose her husband and go shopping because she couldn't do anything else. Everyone handles death differently, and NONE of us can judge someone else for how they handle grief... you have not walked in their shoes, and until you have actually been there, thank God you have no idea how you would act. Funny how people are already taking one thing they heard, and spinning it as gospel and painting this guy as a horrible man... not listening to this woman's OWN FAMILY who said he ADORED and LOVED his wife... why wouldn't anyone want to listen to people that actually knew him? Hmm... must be really sad to only want to see the evil in people :(

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I read the article as well. JMO but his opinion is just that - his opinion - as mine is mine...that being (I believe the article stated) he was a retired state trooper....NOT homicide detective, so I guess my question is what experience does he have with this type of investigation? Just because he has a law enforcement background doesn’t mean he’s the expert in this case.


People react differently to similar situations. No one here knows the guy so just because some find it "odd" perhaps others don't.


Again, how do you know was caused the alleged head butting. I've known several people in abusive relationships where the female half was the abusive one...every action causes and equal and opposite reaction and all that.


What “facts” do you have? “Facts” reported by the media…or do you have an inside scoop you’re not telling us about?







Exactly how do you know this? Your opinion....an assumption?


It is what it is. (unfortunately) the woman went over the side...the husband isn't a suspect and her family said she had emotional issues. I believe I read there was a video of her going over the side...perhaps it will surface on youtube or something.


Besides mental issues, how do we know she wasn't sleepwalking?


Well let's just say I know what it's like dealing with the mentally ill and I know what it feels like when a loved one commits suicide. This whole situation still does not seem right or feel right to me and I will say that until this case is resolved.

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So you're saying it's not ok for me to be suspicious because you don't like it. That is what you have been sying over and over and over, your opinion is better than mine so you attack it. I am not an investigating officer nor am I a judge nor do I have any remote connection to this whole case but you have attacked me repeatedly because I think something is not right.


You have made your point, I get it, you are right and anyone who disagrees with you is wrong.



No one is attacking anyone for having an opinion. Honestly, MANY people have been attacking the husband and accusing him of murdering her. People should reserve their judgement until they have all the facts.

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The fact is, the FBI has ruled out the husband as a suspect. Do you think they would do that if he had something to do with this? And I don't believe the gambling thing. That sounds made up.

OMG.....!!!!!!!!! I LOVE THIS WEBSITE!!!!!! So much entertainment. Yep, the first thing I would want to do after losing my spouse would be burning up the one armed bandit!!!!!!!!! And for those of you out there who feel that the one armed bandit is an acceptable form of therapy..... come to Oklahoma... we have dozens of Casino's just begging to give you therapy!!!!!!!!!! I'm not placing judgement... much!!!!! Give me a break!!!!!

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Well let's just say I know what it's like dealing with the mentally ill and I know what it feels like when a loved one commits suicide. This whole situation still does not seem right or feel right to me and I will say that until this case is resolved.

HOW DARE YOU HAVE AN OPINION!!!!!! You mean BullDogChief man...... snicker!!!!!!!

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No one is attacking anyone for having an opinion. Honestly, MANY people have been attacking the husband and accusing him of murdering her. People should reserve their judgement until they have all the facts.


I did not make an accusation, all I have said was something doesn't sit right to me; this makes me question his actions...all I relayed here was what a story said in the news.


I am not accusing him or anybody else but I will still say I think there is more to the story and to him and his actions than is being revealed.


And yes, there have been personal attacks in this thread over differing opinions. Furthermore, what does it matter what bystanders (aka - us) who have absolutely nothing to do with the situation think? We are just TALKING here; passing judgment on US for saying we think something is wrong is an ATTACK.

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I agree... my best friend committed suicide 21 years ago... just the day before, we got together and we were laughing and cutting up... I would have never suspected depression or any type of sadness... happy and uplifted mood certainly doesn't mean "not depressed".... there are many depressed people that appear fine to others. She was recently diagnosed bi-polar... if you know anyone that is bi-polar, then you know that they can certainly be happy and uplifted without a care in the world, and turn manic in the next moment... happy and uplifted in this case doesn't mean the woman was not suicidal... if anything, it could have meant she had made her decision already... Perhaps she figured what better time, than on Christmas and her anniversary... if her and hubby were arguing, what better way to make him suffer? Still doesn't mean he did anything wrong.


I've read over and over again that this "happy, uplifted mood" all of a sudden is very common just before a suicide, especially if it is planned. One they make the decision to end their life, I guess they feel like a burden has been released. It's very sad, but it's a common enough occurence psychologically - and it makes it so hard for friends and family to omprehend their actions.

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This reminds me of a conversation I had with a friend of mine a year or so ago. (not a close friend, but someone I chat with when we run into each other) I was telling her how wonderful cruising is and urging her and her DH to take a cruise. She told me, with complete sincerity, "If I got on a ship like that, I would have to jump off." I looked at her in confusion, wondering if she was joking or sincere. She was most definitely sincere. She said, "No, I'm serious! When I am on something high, like a bridge, I have this strong urge to jump off! I am sure I would look at that water and want to jump off the ship." I was shocked when she told me this. I tried to make light of it, saying something like "You wouldn't do that, silly girl!" She insisted that she would. Made me want to kind of slink quietly away from her, lest I disturb her thoughts.... I've never known anyone who would have such thoughts, but obviously, they are out there. This lady is a school teacher, very attractive, with a lot going for her.... Just wanted to toss that to you for speculation.....

And YES, this is a 100% true story. I could never make up something like that, even if I wanted to feed you a lie, which I would never do!

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This is like DejaVu.

(Did I cover my butt good enough against flames this time around?? ;))

Hey Angel!

That would be a negotory on covering you butt! I have pretty much quit posting on anything. I have become a lurker. I got tired of the moronic comments and think some people do it just to get a rise out of us. So I read, comment every once in awhile to one of my buddies and read on!

My butt has tried to be covered for so long, it has a blanket build up on it. :DI just gave up! Strange behavior, before you know it, I will be a suspect on a ship that I wasn't even on!

AND, how come know one has mentioned that maybe, just maybe NCL didn't annouce on the loud speaker, because they didn't want every looky lou on the ship cruising by a possible "crime scene"? Just my opinion which amouts to diddly squat.

Going to other places!

Take care,


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Hey Angel!

That would be a negotory on covering you butt! I have pretty much quit posting on anything. I have become a lurker. I got tired of the moronic comments and think some people do it just to get a rise out of us. So I read, comment every once in awhile to one of my buddies and read on!

My butt has tried to be covered for so long, it has a blanket build up on it. :DI just gave up! Strange behavior, before you know it, I will be a suspect on a ship that I wasn't even on!

AND, how come know one has mentioned that maybe, just maybe NCL didn't annouce on the loud speaker, because they didn't want every looky lou on the ship cruising by a possible "crime scene"? Just my opinion which amouts to diddly squat.

Going to other places!

Take care,



HUH???? :confused:





Ok...aside from that post which confused the hell out of me, I have a question.



I'm just asking this out of curiosity. (honestly)

Why is it Ok to repeat something about the woman being bipolar (as reported in the media) and to say that it may/could have been suicide (which is illegal as well as some would say, immoral) without anyone becoming irate. But if it is mentioned by any poster here, that the same media had info that the DH was abusive, that causes some posters to get mad?

Is this a double standard?? Just a question.....because all we get is what the media gives us....Now I am NO fan of the media just to be clear, but why is it OK to believe bad about the victim, and not anyone else??

I'm willing to be made to understand if someone has a good answer to this.

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Why is it Ok to repeat something about the woman being bipolar (as reported in the media) and to say that it may/could have been suicide (which is illegal as well as some would say, immoral) without anyone becoming irate. But if it is mentioned by any poster here, that the same media had info that the DH was abusive, that causes some posters to get mad?


Is this a double standard?? Just a question.....because all we get is what the media gives us....Now I am NO fan of the media just to be clear, but why is it OK to believe bad about the victim, and not anyone else??

I'm willing to be made to understand if someone has a good answer to this.


Just because someone is abusive (and let's be honest here - someone can be arrested for pushing their spouse - many states laws dictate that when the police are on a DV call "someone IS going to jail no if and or but about it) doesn't necessarily make them a candidate to kill their spouse...which is pretty much what a few people here have said.


I don't think anyone was talking bad about the victim but there were several people here that were ready to draw and quarter the husband based on the fact that he was arrested for DV....."been arrested for DV...he must be guilty..."

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HUH???? :confused:





Ok...aside from that post which confused the hell out of me, I have a question.



I'm just asking this out of curiosity. (honestly)

Why is it Ok to repeat something about the woman being bipolar (as reported in the media) and to say that it may/could have been suicide (which is illegal as well as some would say, immoral) without anyone becoming irate. But if it is mentioned by any poster here, that the same media had info that the DH was abusive, that causes some posters to get mad?

Is this a double standard?? Just a question.....because all we get is what the media gives us....Now I am NO fan of the media just to be clear, but why is it OK to believe bad about the victim, and not anyone else??

I'm willing to be made to understand if someone has a good answer to this.



Good point - I think the same reason they always report that a prostitute was murdered by ........but they never feel the need to post the murderers occupation???


So what if she was in that profession (not that I condone it) but she was a woman that was murdered -a victim- why do they always have to report if she was a prostitute like that makes a difference?? Just to get attention I suppose

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just wondering......if a heat sensitive camera was able to pick up the possiblity of someone going overboard, is there any kind of alarm or signal that goes off when this occurs? Wouldn't it be a great invention to put together some kind of warning and reaction system for unfortunate situations such as this?


Also, regarding the last woman who went overboard a few months ago and this recent occurrence, I really wish they could have recovered both bodies and had the opportunity to perform an autopsy. Anyone could have put (and when I say anyone, I'm referring to anyone, not just the husband) PCP in their food or drink. Drugs of this nature are virtually undetectable and can cause a person to participate in their own suicide. I'm just sayin.......

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Good point - I think the same reason they always report that a prostitute was murdered by ........but they never feel the need to post the murderers occupation???


So what if she was in that profession (not that I condone it) but she was a woman that was murdered -a victim- why do they always have to report if she was a prostitute like that makes a difference?? Just to get attention I suppose




Well if the murderer gets caught....they normally do tell who he is, what he does etc........

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Just because someone is abusive (and let's be honest here - someone can be arrested for pushing their spouse - many states laws dictate that when the police are on a DV call "someone IS going to jail no if and or but about it) doesn't necessarily make them a candidate to kill their spouse...which is pretty much what a few people here have said.


I don't think anyone was talking bad about the victim but there were several people here that were ready to draw and quarter the husband based on the fact that he was arrested for DV....."been arrested for DV...he must be guilty..."


I won't argue your point that being abusive does not make one a murderer...and I don't claim that. My personal feelings on it aside, it is what it is and what it is isn't murder.

My question is why is it OK to sit here and 'report' on everything that woman is..bipolar, suicidal...all very negative things. But if it is mentioned that the guy was reported as being abusive, it's just second hand/heresay and those who get upset by the possibility get drawn and quartered.

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I won't argue your point that being abusive does not make one a murderer...and I don't claim that. My personal feelings on it aside, it is what it is and what it is isn't murder.

My question is why is it OK to sit here and 'report' on everything that woman is..bipolar, suicidal...all very negative things. But if it is mentioned that the guy was reported as being abusive, it's just second hand/heresay and those who get upset by the possibility get drawn and quartered.


I don't think people are dismissing the abuse........just the speculation that he killed her........

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I don't think people are dismissing the abuse........just the specualtion that he killed her........


Ok, if that's the case, then let's look at it this way.

yes, an abuser may not necessarily kill anyone, but if a husband is abusive, wouldn't it make sense for most people to look at this man differently in regard to this accident, than they would a husband with no abuse in his history?

For sure the authorities would look at him differently, wouldn't they?


The fact that this man had absolutely nothing to do with this woman going over the side of the ship is more than likely the case, but at the same time IF this man was truly abusive, (because we really don't know that for sure) this opens him up to scrutiny that a non abusive man wouldn't likely have to deal with, and rightly so.

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Ok, if that's the case, then let's look at it this way.

yes, an abuser may not necessarily kill anyone, but if a husband is abusive, wouldn't it make sense for most people to look at this man differently in regard to this accident, than they would a husband with no abuse in his history?

For sure the authorities would look at him differently, wouldn't they?


The fact that this man had absolutely nothing to do with this woman going over the side of the ship is more than likely the case, but at the same time IF this man was truly abusive, (because we really don't know that for sure) this opens him up to scrutiny that a non abusive man wouldn't likely have to deal with, and rightly so.


Sure! And honestly he still could be involved for all we know.......

But some on here already have him ready for the death penalty......so to speak:p

Believe me until all the facts are in.....they have not dismissed him from anything.....

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Well if the murderer gets caught....they normally do tell who he is, what he does etc........


True but you hear them saying - a woman was found dead in her home - not a legal secretary was found dead in a motel room or a house wife was found dead but you always hear right away that a prostitute was found dead .........


you usually don't hear what the victim did for a living until they follow up on the story and it comes out - I think they always announce if it was a prostitute right away to catch viewers or maybe is it to somehow blame the victim because of her choice of profession??


Just my opinion - it just always kinda irks me when they have to announce it like that -

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