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Royal Champions


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In order to clear my name, let me come clean. I have cruised a total of 4 times. One time in the past 40 years. I haven't even gotten an invite to a past guest part as yet. I haven't even decided if I like cruising.


But I do know that I do not like subliminal advertising (for a brief time, movie theaters would flash very very quickly advertising during the movies- popcorn! or candy bars! in the hopes of getting people to discover a sudden desire to get some to eat), nor do I like viral advertising. And I think it behooves those of us who feel that there must be limits on what can be done to fight it on ethical grounds. I like the fact that there are laws and regulations concerning advertising.

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No I'm not telling you that. I have been around for 2 days, please excuse me if I missed the first 2. :rolleyes: You should or you would not be making untrue statements like the following...

What I understood (and again pardon me but I'm sure as he** not wading thru the last 2 days of posts) was that the RCers were chosen to "passionately discuss" RCCL cruising here at CC and perhaps even another mega-cruise board. I also understood that "perks" were given to these chosen people. I will ask you again, are you telling me that you have not been extended any of these perks when you were picked to be a RCer?


Let me explain the error of your statement...we were not chosen TO passionately discuss RCCL, we were chosen BECAUSE we have always passionately discussed RCCL...because we've always loved it. Get the picture? Really, I can't believe this thread is still marching right into oblivion.

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Right on Patti and may I say that as a result of the insulting comments from one individual who is still posting same, I was willing to, in fact did remove the RC from my sig. and received a pelting from fellow RC's for caving under pressure...so I put it back. I agreed with them that it is silly to let someone kill the fun of it for us. But would you rather we did remove them? Then you'd never know if we were RCs and by your own admission, you want transparency, which we have always had. So we take them off and now what have you got? I could also create another completely different post name and start to give advice as that person with nothing under my name. What's the point. And listen bubba, no laws have been broken here or anywhere else by anybody proclaiming to be a Royal Champion. Some people just make a life out of being negative and believe me, we can all see that just by following all your other posting. That's called transparency baby:cool:

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Weren't you the one that said you were at a peace rally today? Then why is it you stir up so much trouble here??? I don't get it.



He doesn't either Christie~


I'm outa here, need some fresh air...................................

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I haven't been checking out the threads lately, but I had to jump on and see what was happening after receiving an e-mail directed to Royal Champions (which I am a new one). In light of the discussions, RC wanted to explain what being a Royal Champion meant. I think that this sums it up: "to simply share information with you about various aspects of the Royal Caribbean brand for you to comment upon as you wish, and take feedback from you as input into our decision-making as a brand."


Many of you want to know what it took to get to be a Royal Champion. As others have said, late last year I was asked if I would be willing to become a Royal Champion. I responded "yes" and then received another e-mail asking for my contact information. I never had to agree to or sign up for anything. And, I've never received anything in return. However, what it took- I have no earthly idea. I've sailed on exactly 1 RC cruise. We had a great time and I've posted about my experience. Most of it has been positive, but I have been critical of some aspects. If you don't believe that, you can read my CC review of my criuse. The link is in my signature. However, dispite my belief that there are some things RC can improve upon, they offer a good product and I will most likely sail with them again. Despite being a Royal Champion, I will continue to call it as I see it.


WOW one time! I dont know if I would post that especially with all the bickering...lol...but good for you. As long as the Royal Champions are being honest and addressing the problems to be corrected also, I dont see a problem with yall.

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I'll be glad to answer...........................You Betcha.............I am a D+ Member and a Shareholder...........I emailed and voiced my displeasure about the change in policy.............but with the economy the way it is..............I understand the need for the change at the present time.


Whenever I have a question or concern I call the Offices of Executive Customer Service..........which the little people can do also.:D The number is 1-888-305-4626



Unfortunately my concerns are the accusations that the RCs are receiving all kinds of "free" goodies just because they are RC's...........which is totally not true.


And I really believe that is why so many are upset. I've been a member of CC since 2004.............I've learned a lot from this forum. I am now trying to give back, with the cruising experience that I have, to those that might have the same questions I did when I first joined and first started cruising.


People are now saying that, when they read a thread with a reply from a person who has "Royal Champion" in their signature..............they may or may not believe that person because they may not be giving a fair assessment of the situation.


We are all here to help each other.............we will always agree to disagree.


Well thats a number I will be jotting down. Hopefully after the economy picks back RC will reinstate the combined perks.

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I call him Adam also...and he calls me Elizabeth...yip in person and in emails....and that has nothing to do with being an RC.

Heck I even get phone calls from the UK Execs...so what...thats nothing to do with being a RC.

Do you want folks to post and declare every time RCCL contacts them? Do you want a special avatar for that also?


The problem is you went all the way back to a post that was posted hours and hours ago and didnt take the time to see if there was a response to it before you quoted it.


So who is actually jumping on who?


Can you understand now how the RCs are feeling...every word we post is being picked apart by some folks who really do have a bee in their bonnet about the RCs.


Let me get this straight -- you want me to read, scroll a few pages, or a few hundred posts, and then if I don't find a retort to someone's post GO BACK and then reply to the post that caught my interest in the first place, probably making a note of the number so I could find it again????? OMG, it would have taken me two days to participate in this thread if I had done that.


You're upset, Elizabeth, because someone ID'd you as an RC and thought that was why you helped them, when, in fact, you were chummy with Adam before that. So I say again, why don't you be the lead ombudsman and get a sticky thread going and spread the good will?

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So, these individual posters need to be identified? Right?


You really are telling me that private citizens have to identify themselves as RCs so that we can be aware of their obvious bias. Right?


You are scaring me... should they have a number tatooed on their arms too?


Should anyone who is a travel agent be identified? They get free cruises, too. A lot more than all of the RCs added together. I know a handful of travel agents that were on the Liberty inaugural. Why do they get to skate under your new rules of identification.


I am a stockholder, should I be identified? I am a member of the crown and anchor society should I be identified?


Should diamonds be identified?


Should Carnival, Princess, HAL, Celebrity, or NCL cheerleaders be identified if they ever got something for free or because their posting here? I, personally, know some folks that have in the past.


You seem to hate CC, RCs, and RCI... should you be identified?


When as private citizens did we forego our rights to post here.


Truly this is simply unbelieveable.... (I want to keep my posting privileges so I won't say what I really think.):rolleyes:




It is not important for anyone to identify themselves -- it is important for CC to do it -- it's their reputation that took the hit and it is their reputation which earns them their living. You have made it clear to me that you don't get the issue, so there is really no reason to discuss it further -- didn't you post way back that you have difficulty understanding ethical concepts?


Why do you say I hate CC, RC's, and RCI? You seem to pull things right out of your shoe. I have more than enough posts saying this has nothing to do with the RC's (although it appears that some didn't really have knowledge that they were being used in a viral ad campaign), or RCI, which I have also posted is a business and like all businesses today will do everything short of being sued (well, not really as we all remember) to increase their bottom line, and we all accept that reality. And if I hated CC, why would I suggest what needs to happen to restore its integrity. You can disagree -- that's what argument is all about.


I have also posted that I find CC a wealth of valuable information, and this bruhaha won't change that. I have posted that the RCCL cruise I just came off of got a glowing review from me. Do you even read what I have posted? I have said I agree with Potter who wrote that she wondered why RCCL even started a viral campaign when it has a fine product.


This would not be such a long post if it weren't for Elizabeth just doing the very same thing -- accusing me of hating or trying to make RCCL look bad. I guess that is what Champions are supposed to do? I call them as I see them -- isn't that what the Champions are screaming that they do, also?

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Hey there is a middle ground here. We can't all be lumped together on one side or another or on any side at all here.


Some people who are or are not RC's understand that there was some poor communication here by RCL & CC. If one travels on RCL often and/if one is an RCL stockholder than RCL business decisions are our business. The RC program is part of the RCL business. If we are interested in finding out more about the program why is that necessarily a bad thing?


Why do people who question certain things on CC get labeled negatively? Why do others feel the need to try and stifle people who have questions about any cruise line? Why is an online Club formed on CC to try and label people as "whiners & moaners" and to attempt to "stamp out" these people? What part of that behavior is acceptable (or even allowed on CC)? Why is that thread still around? Is there anyone (RC or not) who really wants to defend a club that has as its intent a mission to "stamp out" certain CC posters?


But I do agree this "sticky" certainly seems to have run its course.





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I haven't read all the posts yet but in looking at those that say they are part of the Royal Champions, I am wondering how did Royal get their e-mail addys when I don't see their e-mail address. Guess I will soon see from reading the posts but I hope they people have in their sigs that they are part of the Royal Champions so others can choose how to base opinions on what they have to say.

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So...What's REALLY bothering you? I mean...you've got to have some real problems somewhere in your life...I count over 40 posts by you so far in this thread alone...You really do like to protest and complain a lot, don't you? Yeah, I went back and checked on your posts on other threads as well...You seem to have some issues...


Did Royal Caribbean treat you poorly on some cruise? Or do you just enjoy being negative? How about the many Royal Champion posters on this site? Aside from your rather fertile imagination, do you have some specific issues where any of them have done you wrong? Mislead you?


You want us all to be somehow tagged so you will know who we are...What did you have in mind? A yellow star on our coats? No, that's been done before...Hmmmmm.....


While we're at it, how about a special avatar identifying the whiners?


I mean, jaxon, if you only had a REAL issue...But, don't you think you've hammered on this one enough? Do you , maybe, have other issues that might be a better use of your time?


Enough already...


How did I miss this post? Do you think my time is better spent by posting on some silly flip flops in the dining room thread, although I have done it? I've been here for 4 years, and my post count is minimal compared to some of similar or shorter duration because I only get really interested in threads which deal with ethics or law -- sorry, those are my passions, and my life's work. I was very prolific on the mega fuel surcharge thread, and spent hours and hours encouraging people all over the internet to write the AG -- and we won. CC is a diversion for me -- I will come when I am looking for an answer or a recommendation for an upcoming cruise, and on occaision when I just want a diversion from the heaviness of world events, sort of like a day dream helper, day dreaming of the next get away. I will try to answer someone's question that I see on a thread, but generally by the time I see the thread, 10 others have already adequately done that, or it has been asked and answered on a hundred other postings of the same quesion.


Yellow star? I have proudly worn the red triangle for decades -- make it my avatar, please. In fact I started an entire community marketing campaign around it -- held the newpaper for nearly a year with it and the grass roots advocacy it came to represent. The red triangle was the first to be sown on the garments of those interred in Dachau. They were called "the grumblers and the grousers" -- they refused to cow to the regime, spoke out against it, stood up to authority, didn't salute the ****'s in uniform. They included the head of the Munich theatre, and the publisher of the paper. Political activists are aware of all the symbols from that horrible period of history -- see a pink triangle, lately, maybe in MILK? Much later, the star came about -- it was made of two triangles. Is there a river cruise to Dachau -- you can learn all about the symbols there.


Finally, I find this thread deja vu for the last time I really got involved, in the deleted 4,000 post fuel surcharge thread. No matter how many tried to explain what the disturbance was about, over and over and over we did it, some never did get it. This dust up is no where near the import of that one, just strangely similar.

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I haven't read all the posts yet but in looking at those that say they are part of the Royal Champions, I am wondering how did Royal get their e-mail addys when I don't see their e-mail address. Guess I will soon see from reading the posts but I hope they people have in their sigs that they are part of the Royal Champions so others can choose how to base opinions on what they have to say.


I have sailed the Mariner 3 times. If you have any questions about the ship, I may be able to help you.


As you can clearly see in my signature, I am a Royal Champion. :D

But, I would never put my email address on Cruise Critic. Would you?

Now, if you do not trust my opinion that is OK. You have not read this thread yet. ;)

Enjoy your first cruise on Royal Caribbean. You picked a great ship, with a great crew.

Have a wonderful cruise. ;)


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I have sailed the Mariner 3 times. If you have any questions about the ship, I may be able to help you.


As you can clearly see in my signature, I am Royal Champion. :D

But, I would never put my email address on Cruise Critic. Would you?


Thanks for the response and no I wouldn't put my e-mail on cruise critic which is why I can't figure out if Royal was looking at cruise critic to determine who to contact how did they get their contact information?


Yes, you can answer a question that I haven't found an answer for and that is where do you go to get a ticket for the ice show and does it cost?

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You are wrong. It is posted many times in different postings on this thread.

You are not reading them very well are you?


I will not change my avatar for you or anyone else. That has been my avatar for years and it will stay my avatar.

I will not be branded by you or anyone else.

Read my signature. It is in there! Very clear and in the open.

And read it better than you have read these past posts on when the Royal Champions took effect.


Thanks but Elizabetih corrected me -- April/May 2007 -- I was off a month.

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Again, to moderators, can we post on these subjects now or is it still off limits and the threads will disappear? I think that may have been some of the fuel on this fire. Still a "sticky" subject?


You may as well give up. I have seen your question repeated the same way all day. The Admins and Mods post and go....defending themselves...defending CC...defending Royal Caribbean and yet your question goes unanswered. So what else is new?


The problem with this whole issue is the WAY it has been handled. But the people who HANDLE things don't seem to get that.


C'est la vie!

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  • Administrators
Again, to moderators, can we post on these subjects now or is it still off limits and the threads will disappear? I think that may have been some of the fuel on this fire. Still a "sticky" subject?


This thread is sufficient......



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Thanks for the response and no I wouldn't put my e-mail on cruise critic which is why I can't figure out if Royal was looking at cruise critic to determine who to contact how did they get their contact information?


Yes, you can answer a question that I haven't found an answer for and that is where do you go to get a ticket for the ice show and does it cost?


i apologize for no caps. can't use my left hand for a while.


the cruise compass you get every night with the next days activities in it will tell you where and when ice show tickets will be passed out. get there at least 20 minutes early. there is no cost.


rci contacted cc, who in turn contacted each of us for the info. rci then contacted us directly.

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Thanks for the response and no I wouldn't put my e-mail on cruise critic which is why I can't figure out if Royal was looking at cruise critic to determine who to contact how did they get their contact information?


Yes, you can answer a question that I haven't found an answer for and that is where do you go to get a ticket for the ice show and does it cost?


There were two groups of RC's selected. One in 2007.

This was my group, the second group from late 2008.

Upon reading, you will see that I was contacted through an email from Cruise Critic. I was asked for permission to give my real full name and email address to RCCL.

I did that. That was it. I was selected.


The ice show tickets are free. There are usually two shows. There may be more now, because it is very popular and not to miss.

They will announce when the Ice Show tickets will be given out. The announcements are made often so that everyone will know in advance.

That is also usually done at two + different times. They do go fast so if you want them, get there ASAP.

If you should miss getting them, go to the Pursers desk and ask if they have any. Sometimes people turn them back if they change their minds. ;)

You will Love the Mariner. She is a beautiful ship and the Captains are great.


I did not sail the Mexican itinerary. I sailed her from Port Canaveral so I can not help with her ports.

A sincere thank you,


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This thread is sufficient......




So...and I ask ever so politely, I take that answer to mean that one thread per topic on CC is sufficient? Will multiple threads on same/similiar topics on the main RCL Board be combined or how will that be handled?




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i apologize for no caps. can't use my left hand for a while.


the cruise compass you get every night with the next days activities in it will tell you where and when ice show tickets will be passed out. get there at least 20 minutes early. there is no cost.


rci contacted cc, who in turn contacted each of us for the info. rci then contacted us directly.


Thanks much for the explanation on the ice show and the contact info.

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There were two groups of RC's selected. One in 2007.

This was my group, the second group from late 2008.

Upon reading, you will see that I was contacted through an email from Cruise Critic. I was asked for permission to give my real full name and email address to RCCL.

I did that. That was it. I was selected.


The ice show tickets are free. There are usually two shows. There may be more now, because it is very popular and not to miss.

They will announce when the Ice Show tickets will be given out. The announcements are made often so that everyone will know in advance.

That is also usually done at two + different times. They do go fast so if you want them, get there ASAP.

If you should miss getting them, go to the Pursers desk and ask if they have any. Sometimes people turn them back if they change their minds. ;)

You will Love the Mariner. She is a beautiful ship and the Captains are great.


I did not sail the Mexican itinerary. I sailed her from Port Canaveral so I can not help with her ports.

A sincere thank you,



Okay, all makes much better sense now. Thanks for explaining about the contact info and the ice show.


I've been to the ports before and we have all been anxious to try Royal. Just hope it isn't a disappointment like NCL was. I've seen more happy than not on RCL which hopefully means we will have another cruiseline to choose from. Thanks again. :)

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Yes, you can answer a question that I haven't found an answer for and that is where do you go to get a ticket for the ice show and does it cost?

I am sailing on the Mariner also and have done a lot of research. Here is the info that was in the new Cruise Compass for the first sailing.


On the day that you board, you can get your free ice show tickets from 5:15 pm to 6:15 pm in the Royal Promenade.


There are 3 shows and they are:

Day 2 - Monday - 5:00 pm - Formal Night

Day 4 - Wednesday - 7:00 pm - Mazatlan

Day 6 - Friday - 5:00 pm - Formal Night


And no, I am not a member of the Royal Champions and never will be. I am just a regular poster who loves cruising. :)

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I've been to the ports before and we have all been anxious to try Royal. Just hope it isn't a disappointment like NCL was. I've seen more happy than not on RCL which hopefully means we will have another cruiseline to choose from. Thanks again. :)


We are sailing the Mariner in May. We have sailed that same itinerary on RCL's Vision of the Seas in 2007. You know the ports, and believe me, you will not be disappointed with RCL, especially the Voyager Class. Enjoy your cruise!



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