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Rude people


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Crabby Old People


I was standing in line at the outdoor grill by the pool on the Emerald when I had my foot ran over by a old man driving his electric cart. I said "excuse me" and he fired back "you should watch where you stand, Im a Elite" I just blew him off but justice was served, 5 min later he was driving out of the horizon court buffet back to the pool deck with a huge plate of food well he lost his grip and the plate dumped right into his lap. oh well i guess the fact he is elite could come in handy now, he gets free laundry.



Karma. You just gotta love it.:D



We just finished our first Princess cruise (Ruby 2/28/09), and were surprised at the number of rude guests onboard. While I know this is not limited to Princess cruise lines, I just wanted to point out that most people onboard spent a lot of money to be there. Please don't cut in line at the International Cafe. This happened several times when I was waiting for a brewed coffee (black), and I had to wait 5-10 minutes extra while some froo-froo drink was made up. Also, the buffet will not run out of food. Please do not trip my wife or myself so that you can get to the honeydew melon before me. I promise I will leave some food for you.


We go to food courts a lot here at home and one thing that really irks me is when you've waited in line to get your food and then pay...and then someone walks up to the front of the line (without even asking anyone if they mind) and asks for a cup of water (or a refill of their drink). I think that's rude. If I'm just going to buy a drink, I'll go to the back of the line waiting to pay (those with their food already), but certainly I don't go in front of those people.



Unfortunately, there are quite a few very rude people around and they don't even know they're being rude; it's a way of life for them and something they're used to. :( I once had a gentleman (used loosely) who worked for me and after hiring him, he'd tell stories about how he got ahead of someone, yelled at someone to get them to lower their price (an example: he had 3 cats and brought all 3 in to the vet; when exams were done, he demanded a multiple cat discount), etc. and he was proud of it. He got his way by being obnoxious. Fortunately, it didn't affect the work he was doing but jeez! He was difficult to work with.


IMHO, manners, respect and consideration of others is going down the tubes. Just look at some ads on TV lately: they show kids whining, yelling at parents, talking back, etc. as though that were normal or appropriate. :(


Someone my hubby used to work with would often try to get freebies by complaining. We were at a casual dining restaurant once and when the waitress came with our food, she was apologetic that it took a while to bring it to us. We noticed she was upset and asked her what was wrong and she said some other diner complained about the coffee pot being "dirty" and was making a fuss. Hubby had noticed this co-worker was there too, and he pointed to that table and asked if that was the guy, and she said yes. He said, don't worry, he's just a troublemaker, and is trying to get a free meal. That he's constantly boasting when he succeeds. Certifiable a**hole.

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Someone my hubby used to work with would often try to get freebies by complaining. We were at a casual dining restaurant once and when the waitress came with our food' date=' she was apologetic that it took a while to bring it to us. We noticed she was upset and asked her what was wrong and she said some other diner complained about the coffee pot being "dirty" and was making a fuss. Hubby had noticed this co-worker was there too, and he pointed to that table and asked if that was the guy, and she said yes. He said, don't worry, he's just a troublemaker, and is trying to get a free meal. That he's constantly boasting when he succeeds. Certifiable a**hole.[/quote']


I've worked in the service industry and I have a problem with the "the customer is always right" mantra. Quite frequently those folks are just looking for freebies and know, that if they yell loud enough, they'll get what they want. If a complaint is legitimate, then, by all means, make it right. But if the complaint is not..... show them the door!!

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I've gotten used to what DS and I call "Bad Buffet Behavior", but what really got annoying on our CB cruise last June was the elevator behavior. People crowding on before allowing others to get off. That is not only annoying, but can be dangerous! Twice when this happened and the "overload" alarm came on, the folks who had just piled on continued to stand there. Heck, they wouldn't even move when others in the back were politely saying "Excuse me, this is my floor."


I was raised to always be polite to older people and to allow them to go first, etc. But geez, if I'd done that on this cruise, I'd STILL be in the back of the elevator trying to get out.....


I know what you're talking about. We've taught our girl not to just jump into the elevator when the doors open; wait to see if anyone's in there and wanting to leave. Sometimes she needs reminding. Adults should definitely know better, but many either don't or just don't care.

We have to keep reminding the girl, too, if she's standing in line to ask a question or buy something not to let adults jump in front of her. She can let someone in front of her (like if they're buying one item -- of course, don't get me started on people who accept this offer and then take advantage of it with "oh, I also need to get lottery tickets," etc. :(), but don't get ignored if you're waiting your turn. Unfortunately, there's sales staff that will ignore kids (and she's 11, and medium height for that age, so she's not exactly the size of an ant). That's rudeness.


Truth is I don't think these people have any idea they are being rude. It's the way they conduct their everyday lives. A lot of the older people we encountered genuinely didn't seem aware of what was going on half of the time. I can sort of excuse them. :confused:


I absolutely HATE rudeness to waiters. We brought our girls up to stop what they are doing or saying when a waiter comes to serve them and acknowledge them with eye contact, a thank you and a chat. I see so many rude people completely ignore them as if they are servants or something.


There was a football player who was on Ellen's talk show recently, who says he has made sure his kids look a waiter in the eye while placing an order or asking questions.



I wouldn't consider an old gentleman that I encounter a rude passenger, but he really annoyed me.


On one port day, that man with the cane was ahead of me with his adult daughter at buffet line. We all were in a hurry except him. He put his food on his plate very deliberate fashion and he had a play by play announcement what he was getting. His daughter just rolled her eyes and said nothing. He was holding the line for sure. Then he had a hissy fit when he can't get the English muffin to be toasted the way he wanted.:eek:


His daughter was totally fed up with him and let him whine there and she took off with what ever food she had on her plate! I went to another part of the buffet line and got what I wanted.;)


I suggested on my last cruise's comment card that the buffet items be listed on a sign high up enough so people can see what's available and hopefully make a decision BEFORE they get to that station. There will be some still making their minds, but maybe some smart people will say the items outloud if they're behind one of these geezer's.

I used to have to point out info (what's included with the meal, etc.) on a menu to my father, who seemed incapable, despite an advanced degree, to read the fine print. I'm finding I have to do the same for my hubby. Maybe it's a male thing.:rolleyes:

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I've worked in the service industry and I have a problem with the "the customer is always right" mantra. Quite frequently those folks are just looking for freebies and know, that if they yell loud enough, they'll get what they want. If a complaint is legitimate, then, by all means, make it right. But if the complaint is not..... show them the door!!


I worked at a couple of retail stores and sometimes you get really nasty customers and sometimes you get nice, considerate ones. When I first got out of college, and was looking for my first real job, I took a part time job at a mom-and-pop book store. If someone asked for a book we didn't stock, we were supposed to look it up and special order it. Except for one book: The Joy of Sex. If someone asked for that book, we were supposed to play dumb and say we can't order it.


I also worked for a specialty store that was mostly patronized by show business types because of our product line. Many of our customers were extremely nice (actors especially). Usually the nasty ones were production assistants. One day, this one b**** came in with a friend of hers. You can just feel the nastiness in the air. The accountant and I from our office could feel it too. We noticed that they had parked in a no-parking zone, and were hoping that parking enforcement (which in West LA have to be the quickest to find a parking violation:D:eek:) would swoop down upon her Mercedes. Nope.


She bought a computer system from us. But it was such a hassle from our end. She wanted this and that. And her check took a while to clear -- usually business managers and people will work with us to make sure there's no problems. When the machine was delivered and the guy was working to set it up, apparently she had another royal fit, so he called one of the owners, who talked with her for a while, then told her to give the phone back to the installer. He told him to pack everything up and take it back.

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I know its hard but i just laugh at people like that.


Your on holiday why rush about;)


I agree!!!!


There are always some people like this, they're miserable and just can't or don't want to relax. Mostly I have found the passengers to be friendly and I always have fun and enjoy their company.:D This goes for any cruise line I have travelled on.



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There was a huge line to get back on the ship at Aruba. We had already been standing in it for more than 5 minutes. These two ladies walk right up and cut in front of DH and myself. I wanted to say something but felt it best not to because it's not going to change anything. I figured we are not the first people she has done this to. I had forgotten about it once we arrived at our room.

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Imagine people standing around trying to figure out their A$$ from their elbow:D Welcome to Horizon Court Buffet central...lol!

I would try to get around people, got the eveil eye, so I waited and waited and waited. I knew they wouldn't run out, so I waited.

No one tells you can skip ahead, so knowing the rule from reading it here won't help if the other 99 percent is unaware.

It was truly HORRIBLE!




Yikes:eek:...... I've seen buffet set ups on well over two dozen cruises and all-inclusives and this station buffet is absolutely the smallest I've seen. I haven't seen a straight line buffet since the 90's, but this one looks so small that a straight line might be easier to naviagate lol.


I'm hoping that the photo is skewed somehow and it's not as small as it looks.;) I can now understand the complaints about the lunch buffet on embarkation day when everyone is trying to get through at the same time. Embarkation is a zoo no matter which ship, but this might proove to be even more challenging. The photo makes it look like a design flaw, which should have been corrected given the number of grand class ships built. Like I said, I'm hoping I am wrong :).


Quick question, is the hamburger/french fry grill in this same general area or is it outside?



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I noticed that our last cruise in Feb had the most rude people we have ever had on a cruise. I have 2 daughters in wheelchairs ages 11 and 19. There were so many times they would be waiting for an elevator and once it came people would run to beat them to get on.


Non disabled people would stand in the wheelchair spots in the theater and never offer to move. People also line up and stand on ramps blocking them from those that need them to get through.


But like I tell my girls for every rude person you encounter think about the 2 non rude people you encounter.







Your way toooo polite. I would push them further into the elevator and block them until you get to your level. This is inexcusable behaviour not just bad behaviour. I would remind these people about equal access. This type of behaviour sets me off.:mad: Being able bodied I have every respect for the disabled.



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Yikes:eek:...... I've seen buffet set ups on well over two dozen cruises and all-inclusives and this station buffet is absolutely the smallest I've seen. I haven't seen a straight line buffet since the 90's, but this one looks so small that a straight line might be easier to naviagate lol.


I'm hoping that the photo is skewed somehow and it's not as small as it looks.;) I can now understand the complaints about the lunch buffet on embarkation day when everyone is trying to get through at the same time. Embarkation is a zoo no matter which ship, but this might proove to be even more challenging. The photo makes it look like a design flaw, which should have been corrected given the number of grand class ships built. Like I said, I'm hoping I am wrong :).


Quick question, is the hamburger/french fry grill in this same general area or is it outside?




Actually, that looks like the Caribe Cafe, not the Horizon Court.

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Just went on the Princess sight and looked under my Personalizer and clicked on Download Forms and there the Passenger Health Form was:D. Don't flame me too hard. This is my first Princess cruise.:)


Has anyone actually used this Passenger Health Form at check-in (other than Shogun)? :confused: I'm wondering if they'll accept this one instead of the form they give you at the port. Sure would save a lot of time!


Now that I look at it closer, it doesn't appear to be the right form at all. ???

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Never mind. Found the answer. It isn't the right form at all. Darn. Would've been nice to fill out out ahead of time.


Yes, "Rubes"! :D That's a word I learned from my FIL. Must be a word used in the South more often than in the West. Now our whole family uses it and it's amazing how many people don't know what it means. I think some people think we're saying something else that rhymes with it. LOL


The topic of this post is very timely. My friend who is on the Golden right now has been saying that this is the rudest, grouchiest bunch of cruisers she's ever seen. What's going on with people? They're on vacation!!

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Getting off the ship was slow at one of the ports. The line went from deck 5 up the Atrium Stairs to deck 6. The wheel chairs were allowed to get in front right at the gangway. Quite a few others would cut in front and the 3 crew members right there said nothing. So about 4 or 5 of us on Deck 6 started a chant when we saw anyone getting in the line near the gangway "No Cutting in Line" "No Cutting in Line" "The Line Ends Here" "The Line Ends Here". We just made the line cutters embarrassed and we had some fun. More and more joined in the chant.

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I wonder if one of the problems with the lifts (ok, elevators :rolleyes:) is because when the lift stops at a floor, many people don't realise they are at the floor they want, so take a while deciding to get out? Then some get out and back in again when they realise it's the wrong floor. I sometimes wonder how they ever find their way around the ship.


On one cruise 2 elderly ladies came to a table, with their food, close to us in HC. One immediately started accusing everyone around our area of stealing their 2 packages they'd left there before going for food. She marched (hobbled) off to find the head waiter. I had an idea they had come back to the wrong area. A quick scout round and I found their packages in a completely different section. :D

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Never mind. Found the answer. It isn't the right form at all. Darn. Would've been nice to fill out out ahead of time.


Yes, "Rubes"! :D That's a word I learned from my FIL. Must be a word used in the South more often than in the West. Now our whole family uses it and it's amazing how many people don't know what it means. I think some people think we're saying something else that rhymes with it. LOL


The topic of this post is very timely. My friend who is on the Golden right now has been saying that this is the rudest, grouchiest bunch of cruisers she's ever seen. What's going on with people? They're on vacation!!


I think people are grumpier than usual as a whole. Especially because the economy is affecting everyone either in small ways or massive ones. When my daughter tells me how a couple of her teachers seem to be overreacting to everything, I remind her that they are on edge because there will be budget cuts that will affect the school big time. So even if they aren't in danger of losing their job as the newer teachers, class sizes could be even larger next year, and many aspects of the school could be changed.




Getting off the ship was slow at one of the ports. The line went from deck 5 up the Atrium Stairs to deck 6. The wheel chairs were allowed to get in front right at the gangway. Quite a few others would cut in front and the 3 crew members right there said nothing. So about 4 or 5 of us on Deck 6 started a chant when we saw anyone getting in the line near the gangway "No Cutting in Line" "No Cutting in Line" "The Line Ends Here" "The Line Ends Here". We just made the line cutters embarrassed and we had some fun. More and more joined in the chant.


good for you. Maybe if negative attention to drawn to these people, they'll wonder what the fuss is about, and someone near to them will inform them of their behavior.:D


I wonder if one of the problems with the lifts (ok, elevators :rolleyes:) is because when the lift stops at a floor, many people don't realise they are at the floor they want, so take a while deciding to get out? Then some get out and back in again when they realise it's the wrong floor. I sometimes wonder how they ever find their way around the ship.


On one cruise 2 elderly ladies came to a table, with their food, close to us in HC. One immediately started accusing everyone around our area of stealing their 2 packages they'd left there before going for food. She marched (hobbled) off to find the head waiter. I had an idea they had come back to the wrong area. A quick scout round and I found their packages in a completely different section. :D


It's not really an excuse unless someone has trouble seeing and hearing. The ships' elevators will announce which floor they are stopping on. Well, maybe they are space cadets.:rolleyes:

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The buffet is setup in stations. Just go to the station that has what you want and get it! No problem.....:p




Standing on the buffet line is no picnic in the park

especially if Big Bertha (excuse the pun) is

pondering over the sausages or bacon. :rolleyes:


Why should the buffet-pros stand there and wait?

No harm going around. It moves the line quicker.;)

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Actually, that looks like the Caribe Cafe, not the Horizon Court.


Kooljamming was recently onboard Sapphire Princess... so that was the Horizon Court.



Quick question, is the hamburger/french fry grill in this same general area or is it outside?




The hamburger/french fry grill (Trident Grill) is usually outside on the Lido deck.

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I remember a comedian ages ago talking about rude people getting on elevators before people could get off...and he said he just wanted to leave his arm outstretched making a fist so the first person to get on would get punched.


I like the buffet stations on Princess and you can see if there is a line at the station and wait in it. It's not that hard. The part I hate about long buffet lines is the people who shout through you at the person ahead of or behind you. If you really want or need to talk to them...go back in line with them and have a quieter discussion. The other thing I hate is when people suddenly cut in line right as you're about to get to the food. They are plenty able to wait themselves but someone stands for them and they jump in at the last second. I understand some people just can't stand in line and that's fine...but those who can...grrr!!!

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The slow moving people at the buffet line are the ones who cause most of the problems. If they could just take a serving of food & move along without staring at the food like they've never see it before the problems would be solved. I'm not discourteous but if someone can't make a decision about their selection & I see an opportunity to move along, I'm going for it.

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Five keys to minimizing ugly interactions on a cruise.


1. Stay out of the elevators

2. Minimize time in the buffet

3. Get a balcony

4. Have meals at a table that accomodates your own party.

5. Give the benefit of the doubt about pretty much everything.


My husband and I make an agreement before every vacation. We are absolutely not going to let little things bother us. Crowds, cancelled flights, surly employees, taxi strikes, minor illness, etc. If there is something that rises to the level of requiring escalation, we do it after our vacation, not during. Our trips have certainly not been without the occasional problem, but what happens between the two of us is really important, while what goes on around us...not nearly so much.

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Yes, that is one side of the buffet, which is set up as "stations" rather than a straight line. You can go to any station or area without waiting, which speeds things up considerably as you don't have to wait. The photo makes it look like less room than there is... it's really a bit roomier than the photo seems.


Geez, Pam, I'm glad you commented on that picture. When I looked at the pic its really not true to how big the buffet really is, it's a lot bigger then the picture shows it to be.

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We have all experienced the flood of daily paper in our stateroom mailbox, The Patters, information on the next port of call, endless promotional items re specials for the Spa, jewelry sales, on board boutiques, etc. It seems to me that Princess could use this communication tool for a more useful purpose. At the beginning of each cruise and say every 3 or 4 days they could publish and distribute a friendly reminder of the rules of etiquette onboard. It could read something like this-( The comments in brackets are what should really be said, but Princess has to play a reasonable public relations game.)


We at princess are dedicated to providing all our passengers with the best possible cruise experience. Towards this goal we would like to remind everyone of certain rules, and etiquette on board that will make the voyage the best possible for every one.


-Deck side loungers. Reserving of loungers is not allowed. Personal property left on a lounger for more than 30 minutes may be removed by any guest wishing to use the lounger. The items should be placed at the central tables located conveniently at locations on each deck. (We’d should throw your sh#t overboard, but our lawyers say no-big deal a $6.95 novel.)


-Reservation of seats in the Theatre for performances is also not allowed. Reasonably you may of course keep a seat open for your wife or husband who is joining you imminently, but anything beyond this is not fair to other passengers wishing to enjoy the show.( Why do you want to be the shmuck who has to try and hold down 8 seats while your dumb ass brother-in –law and his wife play in the Casino right up until the show starts?)


-Please respect queues for various services such as tender embarkation, buffet access, theatre entrance etc. All passengers have equal priority to our services. (Yeah, we know, you’re “PLATINUM”, and your sh#t don’t stink, or you’re 350 lbs and need your fix of bacon before you faint, but guess what- nobody cares.)


- Related to the above request, please use common courtesy as relates to entering and exiting elevators. Allow passengers room to exit, and then enter in order of arrival.( Are you people all a herd of buffalo? I take that back, buffalo have an IQ of 25 and have enough sense to know that only one can occupy the same space at any one time.)


-In regards to the previous two rules, please provide extra consideration for handicapped, or elderly passengers, and assist them in accessing facilities.(No that doesn’t apply to you morons, “handicapped” by having parents who never taught you common courtesy and who think that you should get special treatment because everyone else is stupid enough to let you get away with it.)


-Passengers with children are reminded that certain areas are restricted, and children are not allowed. In addition, it is expected that parents will at all times ensure children are not behaving in any unreasonable manor as to disturb the enjoyment of the cruise by other passengers. ( Yes, we know , your little angels are perfect and never do anything wrong. Control the little morons, or they may end up like the $6.95 novel-overboard).


-Formal night. We remind passengers as to the definition of recommended attire on formal nights. Passengers not wishing to conform to these standards are invited to dine in The Horizon Court. ( Yes we have heard your arguments that it’s your vacation, and if you want to look like a slob that’s your right. Might we recommend a different Cruise Line? The Staten Island Ferry?)


-Our employees are the finest in the world of cruising, and are trained to try and make your trip the best possible, we are very proud of them. Please remember they are people, and can make mistakes. Please bring such incidences to our attention, and we will make every attempt to correct any problems. ( Ihor, bartender at Crooners, who used to be with the Ukrainian Special Services, has let it be known that the next as#hole who dumps on some poor waiter or room stewart for no reason other than they think that paying $3000 allows them to treat people like sh#t for no reason may really learn the meaning of “sleeping with the fishes”.)


Just my first crack at such a flyer, and I’m sure people can come up with other items. Would it make any difference? Don’t know but I for one would feel better that every 2 or 3 days the morons would at least be aware that some one notices their behavior marks them as scum, assuming they can read. And no I don't let these things affect my enjoyment of the cruise, I just think rather than whine about these issues, come up with some way to assist Princess in improving things.

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we have all experienced the flood of daily paper in our stateroom mailbox, the patters, information on the next port of call, endless promotional items re specials for the spa, jewelry sales, on board boutiques, etc. It seems to me that princess could use this communication tool for a more useful purpose. At the beginning of each cruise and say every 3 or 4 days they could publish and distribute a friendly reminder of the rules of etiquette onboard. It could read something like this-( the comments in brackets are what should really be said, but princess has to play a reasonable public relations game.)


we at princess are dedicated to providing all our passengers with the best possible cruise experience. Towards this goal we would like to remind everyone of certain rules, and etiquette on board that will make the voyage the best possible for every one.


-deck side loungers. Reserving of loungers is not allowed. Personal property left on a lounger for more than 30 minutes may be removed by any guest wishing to use the lounger. The items should be placed at the central tables located conveniently at locations on each deck. (we’d should throw your sh#t overboard, but our lawyers say no-big deal a $6.95 novel.)


-reservation of seats in the theatre for performances is also not allowed. Reasonably you may of course keep a seat open for your wife or husband who is joining you imminently, but anything beyond this is not fair to other passengers wishing to enjoy the show.( why do you want to be the shmuck who has to try and hold down 8 seats while your dumb ass brother-in –law and his wife play in the casino right up until the show starts?)


-please respect queues for various services such as tender embarkation, buffet access, theatre entrance etc. All passengers have equal priority to our services. (yeah, we know, you’re “platinum”, and your sh#t don’t stink, or you’re 350 lbs and need your fix of bacon before you faint, but guess what- nobody cares.)


- related to the above request, please use common courtesy as relates to entering and exiting elevators. Allow passengers room to exit, and then enter in order of arrival.( are you people all a herd of buffalo? I take that back, buffalo have an iq of 25 and have enough sense to know that only one can occupy the same space at any one time.)


-in regards to the previous two rules, please provide extra consideration for handicapped, or elderly passengers, and assist them in accessing facilities.(no that doesn’t apply to you morons, “handicapped” by having parents who never taught you common courtesy and who think that you should get special treatment because everyone else is stupid enough to let you get away with it.)


-passengers with children are reminded that certain areas are restricted, and children are not allowed. In addition, it is expected that parents will at all times ensure children are not behaving in any unreasonable manor as to disturb the enjoyment of the cruise by other passengers. ( yes, we know , your little angels are perfect and never do anything wrong. Control the little morons, or they may end up like the $6.95 novel-overboard).


-formal night. We remind passengers as to the definition of recommended attire on formal nights. Passengers not wishing to conform to these standards are invited to dine in the horizon court. ( yes we have heard your arguments that it’s your vacation, and if you want to look like a slob that’s your right. Might we recommend a different cruise line? The staten island ferry?)


-our employees are the finest in the world of cruising, and are trained to try and make your trip the best possible, we are very proud of them. Please remember they are people, and can make mistakes. Please bring such incidences to our attention, and we will make every attempt to correct any problems. ( ihor, bartender at crooners, who used to be with the ukrainian special services, has let it be known that the next as#hole who dumps on some poor waiter or room stewart for no reason other than they think that paying $3000 allows them to treat people like sh#t for no reason may really learn the meaning of “sleeping with the fishes”.)


just my first crack at such a flyer, and i’m sure people can come up with other items. Would it make any difference? Don’t know but i for one would feel better that every 2 or 3 days the morons would at least be aware that some one notices their behavior marks them as scum, assuming they can read. And no i don't let these things affect my enjoyment of the cruise, i just think rather than whine about these issues, come up with some way to assist princess in improving things.


lol :d

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Crabby Old People


I was standing in line at the outdoor grill by the pool on the Emerald when I had my foot ran over by a old man driving his electric cart. I said "excuse me" and he fired back "you should watch where you stand, Im a Elite" I just blew him off but justice was served, 5 min later he was driving out of the horizon court buffet back to the pool deck with a huge plate of food well he lost his grip and the plate dumped right into his lap. oh well i guess the fact he is elite could come in handy now, he gets free laundry.



Now see, if you were polite, you would have bent down and helped him clean up the mess (and while down there, STICK A FORK IN HIS TIRE!!!):eek::D:D:D



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We have all experienced the flood of daily paper in our stateroom mailbox, The Patters, information on the next port of call, endless promotional items re specials for the Spa, jewelry sales, on board boutiques, etc. It seems to me that Princess could use this communication tool for a more useful purpose. At the beginning of each cruise and say every 3 or 4 days they could publish and distribute a friendly reminder of the rules of etiquette onboard. It could read something like this-( The comments in brackets are what should really be said, but Princess has to play a reasonable public relations game.)


We at princess are dedicated to providing all our passengers with the best possible cruise experience. Towards this goal we would like to remind everyone of certain rules, and etiquette on board that will make the voyage the best possible for every one.


-Deck side loungers. Reserving of loungers is not allowed. Personal property left on a lounger for more than 30 minutes may be removed by any guest wishing to use the lounger. The items should be placed at the central tables located conveniently at locations on each deck. (We’d should throw your sh#t overboard, but our lawyers say no-big deal a $6.95 novel.)


-Reservation of seats in the Theatre for performances is also not allowed. Reasonably you may of course keep a seat open for your wife or husband who is joining you imminently, but anything beyond this is not fair to other passengers wishing to enjoy the show.( Why do you want to be the shmuck who has to try and hold down 8 seats while your dumb ass brother-in –law and his wife play in the Casino right up until the show starts?)


-Please respect queues for various services such as tender embarkation, buffet access, theatre entrance etc. All passengers have equal priority to our services. (Yeah, we know, you’re “PLATINUM”, and your sh#t don’t stink, or you’re 350 lbs and need your fix of bacon before you faint, but guess what- nobody cares.)


- Related to the above request, please use common courtesy as relates to entering and exiting elevators. Allow passengers room to exit, and then enter in order of arrival.( Are you people all a herd of buffalo? I take that back, buffalo have an IQ of 25 and have enough sense to know that only one can occupy the same space at any one time.)


-In regards to the previous two rules, please provide extra consideration for handicapped, or elderly passengers, and assist them in accessing facilities.(No that doesn’t apply to you morons, “handicapped” by having parents who never taught you common courtesy and who think that you should get special treatment because everyone else is stupid enough to let you get away with it.)


-Passengers with children are reminded that certain areas are restricted, and children are not allowed. In addition, it is expected that parents will at all times ensure children are not behaving in any unreasonable manor as to disturb the enjoyment of the cruise by other passengers. ( Yes, we know , your little angels are perfect and never do anything wrong. Control the little morons, or they may end up like the $6.95 novel-overboard).


-Formal night. We remind passengers as to the definition of recommended attire on formal nights. Passengers not wishing to conform to these standards are invited to dine in The Horizon Court. ( Yes we have heard your arguments that it’s your vacation, and if you want to look like a slob that’s your right. Might we recommend a different Cruise Line? The Staten Island Ferry?)


-Our employees are the finest in the world of cruising, and are trained to try and make your trip the best possible, we are very proud of them. Please remember they are people, and can make mistakes. Please bring such incidences to our attention, and we will make every attempt to correct any problems. ( Ihor, bartender at Crooners, who used to be with the Ukrainian Special Services, has let it be known that the next as#hole who dumps on some poor waiter or room stewart for no reason other than they think that paying $3000 allows them to treat people like sh#t for no reason may really learn the meaning of “sleeping with the fishes”.)


Just my first crack at such a flyer, and I’m sure people can come up with other items. Would it make any difference? Don’t know but I for one would feel better that every 2 or 3 days the morons would at least be aware that some one notices their behavior marks them as scum, assuming they can read. And no I don't let these things affect my enjoyment of the cruise, I just think rather than whine about these issues, come up with some way to assist Princess in improving things.


Love it, right on, but the scum of the world never see theirselves in this cause if they did they wouldn't be scum.

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