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Letter to Diamond Members (Merged Threads)

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We enjoy a cocktail while leisurely getting ready for dinner and relaxing on the balcony. If they don't want to buy us a drink that's OK with me ... if they'd let me bring my own aboard. If that doesn't suit, how about selling it to me for in cabin consumption!
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[quote name='curley23']Actually we have been affected by the economy. Because of this mess we are in, the government has expanded the contract work we do for them. Since things are very good for us right now, each of my 400 employees has decided to donate 5% of their pay each week, and my company is matching it with another 10%. I and 4 of my top executives have taken a 50% pay cut and also donated. We are giving it to various charities and food banks in the 6 cities where we have our offices located. We will donate about 4.5 million this year.[/quote]

Glad your business is doing very well. Also, I think your employees including your executives are going to be blessed by their/your actions. I cannot think of helping someone and not feeling good. Hope your business continues to thrive.
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[quote name='shipshape sam']Glad your business is doing very well. Also, I think your employees including your executives are going to be blessed by their/your actions. I cannot think of helping someone and not feeling good. Hope your business continues to thrive.[/quote]

I sincerely agree with this post! So many people have lost so much due to the current economy and it is really great to know that there are those who are making it thru. Not just making it thru for themselves, but helping out to make it less difficult for others in need! Wishing you all the best in your business's endeavors!:)
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[quote name='tinlizzy']Earnings come out on Thursday.[/QUOTE]

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[quote name='Tyron'][B]........,continue reading survey cards we complete @ the end of our cruises, our emails and utilize the royal champions to RCI abreast of the positive and negative feedback. i think they would be very beneficial in a capacity such as this. :)[/B][/quote]

Well.... I wish "they" would expand the "communication input" to include [U]all diamond and all diamond plus[/U]. The survey filled out on the ship holds the ship accountable so many of us will not communicate our feelings about "policy" decisions in that forum. And while the RC's provide feedback and the CC population send e-mails... there is still no vehicle for "the rest" to have a venue provided by RCCL for communication to RCCL (other than letters and phone, but that is not proactive by the Company)... and imho that is RCCL's loss.
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It is really sad to know that someone really feels this way. Not only because it stems from losing out a few "perks" but also goes further than that. There are so many people that work for this company that I'm sure would like to keep their jobs. Whether you agree or disagree with the decisions made from the Executives, there are in fact hundreds more in other departments that have families such as you and I. To wish these people this type of loss is extremely unfortunate for you as it shows more than just your dissatisfaction with RC, it also shows your true colors as a human being. Wow, really, really sad. :confused:

It is not the responsibility of the customers to look after the employees, it is the responsibility of the employer.

The employer has taken a decision to change the product offered. If that then causes the company to lose business (and subsequently employees), whose fault is that?

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Good call - maybe the loss of revenue from the protest cancellations combined with the cancellations and decreased bookings due to unemployment and price competition from other cruiselines will inspire more fear and panic with investors and the stock will sink below its' 52 week low of $5!


Maybe you guys can force them into bankruptcy!

What a cruel thing to say, would you really want to force a company that has provided so much pleasure for so many people into bankruptcy?
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It is really sad to know that someone really feels this way. Not only because it stems from losing out a few "perks" but also goes further than that. There are so many people that work for this company that I'm sure would like to keep their jobs. Whether you agree or disagree with the decisions made from the Executives, there are in fact hundreds more in other departments that have families such as you and I. To wish these people this type of loss is extremely unfortunate for you as it shows more than just your dissatisfaction with RC, it also shows your true colors as a human being. Wow, really, really sad. :confused:


Texlatin1, there are several of your posts I do not agree with, but I do agree with this one. Perhaps the poster was just expressing frustration in "the heat of the moment."


Bob :cool:

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It is not the responsibility of the customers to look after the employees, it is the responsibility of the employer.

The employer has taken a decision to change the product offered. If that then causes the company to lose business (and subsequently employees), whose fault is that?


If you read my post correctly, I wrote what I did based on the comment made by tinlizzy that said "Maybe you guys can force them into bankruptcy!" I was directing my post to that specific comment and to that specific member. I would hope he/she is able enough to answer for themselves instead of having someone else jump in and try to speak on their behalf.


My comment was not in regard as to whose responsibility it is to save a company. Furthermore, I don't need you or any other person to inform me as to who should be held accountable for a company's downfall. The problem here is that so many are quick to jump in with their remarks without regard to what is being discussed.


If wishing a company's downfall and basically into bankruptcy because a person is not able to receive certain perks once offered, then perhaps what's important to some is not that important to others.

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Texlatin1, there are several of your posts I do not agree with, but I do agree with this one. Perhaps the poster was just expressing frustration in "the heat of the moment."


Bob :cool:


Thanks Bob. For what it's worth, I know for the most part we probably sit on opposite sides of the table on this matter and I would like for anyone who reads this that I do, for a fact, realize their are certain points to views made here which make alot of sense for those who are ok with these changes and those who are not. It's one of those where we might say "we'll just have to agree to disagree". But in all honesty, I would not want to believe that anyone person would really have this much disregard for the livelyhood of other people. I do understandand and take to heart the frustration that is still being felt by perhaps yourself and others and I hope things in the end can turn out for the betterment of all guests who wish to continue to sail with RC. While I am ok with the decisions made thus far, I know there is always room to make it even better than it was before. I'm sure you are correct when you said he/she may have posted it in their "heat of the moment" frustration. I would really like to believe that.

Thanks for being honest in your comments and your convictions, therein lies your truth and makes us appreciate each other that much more. :)

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Furthermore, I don't need you or any other person to inform me

Yet you are quite happy to inform others in the numerous posts that you have placed on this thread.

I became Diamond on my last cruise, so this issue affects me personally. What is your motive for your incessant posting on this topic?

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Yet you are quite happy to inform others in the numerous posts that you have placed on this thread.

I became Diamond on my last cruise, so this issue affects me personally. What is your motive for your incessant posting on this topic?


Since you are well aware of my previous posts, the question you are asking has been answered in many of them. Please go back and read them again if you would like the answer.


It is funny though how you edited my post to appease yours and therefore avoided any other part of what I mentioned to you. I answered the quesiton you presented to me yet you come back with this type of backlash. Hmmm? Be well my friend.


P.S. I like CC and enjoy posting comments (just to answer your last question again).

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Let's put in this way My disdain for the monster ships exceed my need for a Concierge/Diamond Lounge, as much as DW and I LOVE the CL (and the Radiance Class). All of the newest RCCL ships are 160,000 gross tons and above. And I thought the Grandeur (70,000) was huge when we went on our first cruise in 1998!


As much as we have loved RCCL over the years, all of these developments are disheartening. For the first time, we booked a Princess for spring 2010 (after cancelling Serenade one week after the wonderful CL benefit was eliminated). Leave RCCL forever? Unlikely. Check out other cruise lines? Absolutely.


I totally agree with you and Lynees. I won't sail on anything larger than the Radiance class of ships. Way too many people! :eek:

So, next spring will be the first time in over 10 years that I don't have a RCCL cruise scheduled. (We sail out of Fla, and all of the Fla departures are on the mega-ships now :( )

So, we are now looking at Princess, HAL and Celebrity!

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How will adding a nightly Diamond "not-quite-so-grumpy hour" (I can't force myself to call it a "happy hour" anymore!) on ships without a CL affect suite and D+ passengers on those cruises? Will they be invited to the diamond lounge and have to pay 75% for their drinks just like the rest of us? Looking through the eyes of a suite or D+ passenger, that can't seem very fair.


And can you imagine the logistical nightmare if everyone was invited to the same party and waiters had to figure out who gets 25% off drinks, who gets 100% off, who gets free cheap champagne and who gets the better stuff...? And they couldn't push the task off to the purser's staff to credit D+ and suite passengers' accounts for any drinks they "bought" at the diamond party. My gosh, what would happen if a D+ member "bought" a free drink for a diamond member who--by all that's fair and just in the Nation of Why Not--should have to pay 75% for it?? It might even force RCI to create an actual CL on those ships that don't already have one...just to keep the haves & have-nots separate!

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I will repeat what I said previously, in nautical terms. Its a case of

"rats deserting a sinking ship" - you've enjoyed the perks and freebies in the past!! Now try and find these elsewhere!! I wish you luck!!!


It just doesn't exist on other cruise lines - compromise is the name of the game in this economic climate. RCCL have done that - they listened. But only free drinks will satisfy most on here!! Not about the free drinks? Don't make me laugh!!:D:D Certainly not everyone, but despite all they say, about 95%!!!!

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How will adding a nightly Diamond "not-quite-so-grumpy hour" (I can't force myself to call it a "happy hour" anymore!) on ships without a CL affect suite and D+ passengers on those cruises? Will they be invited to the diamond lounge and have to pay 75% for their drinks just like the rest of us? Looking through the eyes of a suite or D+ passenger, that can't seem very fair.


And can you imagine the logistical nightmare if everyone was invited to the same party and waiters had to figure out who gets 25% off drinks, who gets 100% off, who gets free cheap champagne and who gets the better stuff...? And they couldn't push the task off to the purser's staff to credit D+ and suite passengers' accounts for any drinks they "bought" at the diamond party. My gosh, what would happen if a D+ member "bought" a free drink for a diamond member who--by all that's fair and just in the Nation of Why Not--should have to pay 75% for it?? It might even force RCI to create an actual CL on those ships that don't already have one...just to keep the haves & have-nots separate!


About a week back, there was a post where the poster emailed Adam Goldstein with that question, and got a personal response. Basically, he said that D+, and suite, guests would also be invited to these lounges. Since there has never been a situation on RC where the "status" of any guest was differentiated once inside a lounge, I think the assumption is that all would be treated the same as the Ds.

Since I'm a fairly frequent cruiser on a non CL ship (Grandeur) - this change is a big plus for me. At least there will be a place to meet in the evening. I'm hopeing there will be a bit of looseness with the drinks once onboard, like including beer and sodas. Can't see why not, even La Terre has to cost more than domestic beer.

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Basically the nightly event is just the same as the satelite Diamond lounge they had on the Explorer of the Seas in Cloud Nine, except now you have to pay for your drinks at 75%!! It seems that if overcrowding was the concern, this does not solve it, I think the bottom line was they did not want to give free drinks away anymore to so many passengers. Seeing this they should have just grandfathered in their Dimaond members and had new guidelines going forward.

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Basically the nightly event is just the same as the satelite Diamond lounge they had on the Explorer of the Seas in Cloud Nine, except now you have to pay for your drinks at 75%!! It seems that if overcrowding was the concern, this does not solve it,

There's a big difference between free and 75% and I'll bet that there will be a lot less people consuming 75% drinks than there were consuming free ones. RCI used the same argument when they implemented the charge for Johnny Rockets and it worked.

I think the bottom line was they did not want to give free drinks away anymore to so many passengers. Seeing this they should have just grandfathered in their Dimaond members and had new guidelines going forward.

I agree with you 100% regarding the cost (and lost revenue) issue. If it truly was just an overcrowding issue, grandfathering and new guidelines would have been an easy and much more palatable solution.

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I have read the posts and it appears there is a great deal of conflicts regarding the loss of CL free drinks. Hopefully these are overstatements and the prime mover is the loss of the ability to share experiences with others regarding cruising and renew friendships. We do not drink and in fact one is a professional in the field of treating addictions. The ability to share regarding cruising with experienced people who cruise is our major loss. Of course the language in the announcement which leaves a foul taste in the mouth about the value of being loyal is a real sad commentary on RC. Like some others we do not like the mega ships and will not cruise on them. Did it on the Navigator and it was like rush hour on a subway. Except for a couple of cruises we always used RC but given this latest action we looked and found some good cruises on the Princess which we will take. Please do not write and tell us you will be better off without us or that you are so proud of RC, or that you are so greateful they gave you a little something, or that all others who don't share your feeling are the scurge of the earth. I am happy that you feel good. Please be happy that I have found a way to also feel good.As they say we are what we are..!!

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....the prime mover is the loss of the ability to share experiences with others regarding cruising and renew friendships. We do not drink and in fact one is a professional in the field of treating addictions. The ability to share regarding cruising with experienced people who cruise is our major loss.

Won't you still be able to share the same experience under the new rules? I'm not sure what you have lost.:confused:

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