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Electronic Cigarette


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Just saw a reference to e-cigarettes on another board. Having never heard of such a thing, I googled "electronic cigarette" and discovered a truly fascinating product. It claims to give smokers the same level of satisfaction with absolutely no smoke or odor involved. Someone reported on the other thread that they really loved theirs and used it on airplanes and in other "No Smoking" areas. They're kinda pricey, but then, so are cigarettes these days!


I'm a recovering smoker (several years now) and understand how strong the need is. I'm glad to see an alternative for them.


What will they think of next! E-cocktails?:D



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  • 2 weeks later...

They're great - and hopefully will save my life. I was on a Royal Carib cruise a couple of weeks before they changed their smoking policy. I had nothing but good to say on my comment card, but also said that I will unfortunately not be cruising RC again without being allowed the comfort of smoking in my stateroom (I don't mind any of the other standard restrictions). Now I can look at RC and Celebrity trips again.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I also love mine. No more worries about harming myself or bothering others. I do recommend people research them online thouroughly as some are better than others. My first one had problems but I went on a forum where they discuss all of them and got another brand. You do have to be careful because the smoke [water vapor] looks very real, and people get alarmed until you show them it is only water vapor. They say the FAA allows but I would be afraid of being attacked at 30,000 feet even though there is no odor, and nothing is burning.

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I also love mine. No more worries about harming myself or bothering others. I do recommend people research them online thouroughly as some are better than others. My first one had problems but I went on a forum where they discuss all of them and got another brand. You do have to be careful because the smoke [water vapor] looks very real, and people get alarmed until you show them it is only water vapor. They say the FAA allows but I would be afraid of being attacked at 30,000 feet even though there is no odor, and nothing is burning.


Can I ask what kind you have?


I wonder if this would be a nice gift for my brother in law. He is a heavy smoker but very considerate of no smoking rules and considerate of others. I wonder if something like this would help him when he travels. I know it is stressful for him to be away from areas where smoking is permitted for long periods of time. We are going to Alaska and no smoking on the flights, no smoking on the akrr, no smoking in his cabin. I'm non smoker who is against smoking but I still love my BIL and I really do feel sorry for him!


Anyway, we leave in a week so if we were going to try to order one, I'd need to do so soon, like tomorrow, and don't have lots of time for research.

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There are many on the market right now. Some have Kiosks in malls and such, but those have had a lot of complaints. I have an NJOY NPRO, but the YETI is also good. Do a search online and also do a search for Electronic Cigarette message boards, you'll be much better informed. You can expect to pay around 50.00 for starter kits which will give you 5-10 cartridges. Cartridge is equal to 1/2-3/4 pack of cigarettes. Replacement cartridges cost about 25.00 for 10. They come in full flavor, light, ultralight and no nicotine. Also many have flavors such as cherry etc.


I had tried everything to quit , by pills patches, gum etc, but smoking is more than just nicotine replacement, it is a psychological need to be doing something. I got mine and it fulfilled that need, that is why they work for so many people. Smoking is a terrible habit and very hard to quit, otherwise why are there still so many smokers, myself included. I don't want to get into a war here, but many people are wondering about them, so I thought I would share with others.


I had stopped sailing on Celebrity when they introduced the new smoking rules, and since Celebrity is my favorite cruise line, I can now sail on them again.

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There are many on the market right now. Some have Kiosks in malls and such, but those have had a lot of complaints. I have an NJOY NPRO, but the YETI is also good. Do a search online and also do a search for Electronic Cigarette message boards, you'll be much better informed. You can expect to pay around 50.00 for starter kits which will give you 5-10 cartridges. Cartridge is equal to 1/2-3/4 pack of cigarettes. Replacement cartridges cost about 25.00 for 10. They come in full flavor, light, ultralight and no nicotine. Also many have flavors such as cherry etc.


I had tried everything to quit , by pills patches, gum etc, but smoking is more than just nicotine replacement, it is a psychological need to be doing something. I got mine and it fulfilled that need, that is why they work for so many people. Smoking is a terrible habit and very hard to quit, otherwise why are there still so many smokers, myself included. I don't want to get into a war here, but many people are wondering about them, so I thought I would share with others.


I had stopped sailing on Celebrity when they introduced the new smoking rules, and since Celebrity is my favorite cruise line, I can now sail on them again.


Thank you for the information. I might try to order one for my BIL today so he can "smoke" on his balcony without disturbing his neighbors.

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I just have this mental image of the "mob mentality" shoving their nose where it doesn't belong types CONSTANTLY coming up to you and telling you YOU CAN'T SMOKE!!!


I don't think I could bear explaining it to the bores 50x a day...I'd have to punch someone.:p

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No offense but if you really want to save your life then.,.


Well I guess I shouldn't start down that road but you know where I was headed.

And you shouldn't....


Many folks including myself have found this alternative to smoking and at the same time making their attempt to quit the habit. Rather than chastise and lecture those that smoke, how about commending them for their attempts ? :mad:


It is a tough habit to break when doing it for 30+ years ! :eek:

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And you shouldn't....


Many folks including myself have found this alternative to smoking and at the same time making their attempt to quit the habit. Rather than chastise and lecture those that smoke, how about commending them for their attempts ? :mad:


It is a tough habit to break when doing it for 30+ years ! :eek:


Mostly I just laugh at the unmitigated gall of those who live to judge others on this board. Which is why I said how many of you have used these on board ship and not been "attacked' by ignorant pax who can't mind their own business? I for one, have no patience for these type of people and won't suffer them while on vacation.


So, please, by all means, let me know how it goes when you use one on Celeb.:cool:

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I just have this mental image of the "mob mentality" shoving their nose where it doesn't belong types CONSTANTLY coming up to you and telling you YOU CAN'T SMOKE!!!


I don't think I could bear explaining it to the bores 50x a day...I'd have to punch someone.:p



I've seen these things demonstrated at the mall. They look real. So, you're saying that people who don't smoke or want to be around it are boors? Well, I guess a drug addict will say or do anything to defend their habit.

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Well, I guess a drug addict will say or do anything to defend their habit.


Wow, that's a stretch. Perhaps it's true, but, you are lumping a whole lot of different addiction levels into essentially one category.


I would say addicts to cocaine, heroin, 'hard'er drugs would do a little more in order to find their high.


Just wondering, do you perhaps enjoy the occasional cocktail, after dinner drink, ice cold beer on a hot summer day? Does that mean you are an addict?


An unfair characterization IMO.

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Wow, that's a stretch. Perhaps it's true, but, you are lumping a whole lot of different addiction levels into essentially one category.


I would say addicts to cocaine, heroin, 'hard'er drugs would do a little more in order to find their high.


Just wondering, do you perhaps enjoy the occasional cocktail, after dinner drink, ice cold beer on a hot summer day? Does that mean you are an addict?


An unfair characterization IMO.



An unfair asumption? Maybe. Yes, I'll have an occasional drink, but it's not an addiction-like I HAVE to have it. From my observations, smokers HAVE to smoke or they go insane and suffer withdrawal symptoms.


Sorry to tell ya, but it's been proven that nicotine is an addictive DRUG.


Veronica specifically stated that those who are opposed to smoking are boors. I don't have a problem with people using e-cigarettes, however, those using them should understand that non-smokers will see them and think they're real.

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Sorry to tell ya, but it's been proven that nicotine is an addictive DRUG.


So is alcohol.


When does a person know for sure when they have crossed the line between have to have, and want to have? In most cases, they don't.


Would you drink around someone who is an alcoholic?, if you knew?

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Going back to the question about e-cigs, yes, they are allowed and provide a certain amount of satisfaction by providing nicotine to the user.


But there are major issues over whether it helps those that want to use it to quit, or what the benefits over regular cigs are.


Instead of chiming in with my opinion, or labeling everyone a either a drug addict or hater, here is some info on e-cigs from the New Sciencist site that might shed some light:




This is an paper NOT done by the e-cig people or by the anti-cig activists.





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quote=Veronica13 Which is why I said how many of you have used these on board ship and not been "attacked' by ignorant pax who can't mind their own business? I for one, have no patience for these type of people and won't suffer them while on vacation.


I keep trying to get my step-daughter to try these. Good to know they work. While this has nothing to do with smoking, we did a Med cruise last fall and my husband, (who has a back problem and walks with an cane), and I were in line to get on a tour bus. I was in front of him and somehow several people got between us and I sat down in one of the handicap seats to wait for him to get up the steps of the bus. The busy-body in the next seat back didn't waste a second in telling me that I was sitting in a handicap area. I should have just ignored her,since it should have been up to the tour guide to tell me to move if I didn't belong there, but I responded that my husband was indeed handicaped and I was waiting for him. Some people can't mind their own business.

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An unfair asumption? Maybe. Yes, I'll have an occasional drink, but it's not an addiction-like I HAVE to have it. From my observations, smokers HAVE to smoke or they go insane and suffer withdrawal symptoms.


Sorry to tell ya, but it's been proven that nicotine is an addictive DRUG.


Veronica specifically stated that those who are opposed to smoking are boors. I don't have a problem with people using e-cigarettes, however, those using them should understand that non-smokers will see them and think they're real.


Caffeine is an addictive drug too.

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those using them should understand that non-smokers will see them and think they're real.


Have you ever seen these things? Mine is a black metal tube with a blue light on the end and a push button on the side. This happens to be one of the more "cigarette-like" in appearance and I can't see it being mistaken for a cigarette. I can imagine myself having a lot more trouble explaining the vapor that is exhaled.


I'm on my 3rd day. I am a 2-pack-a-day smoker for 40+ years. I have smoked 1 pack of cigarettes in the last 3 days. Needless to say, I'm impressed so far.



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I think the electronic cigarette is a fantastic idea.

The smoker gets to enjoy "smoking", and the non-smokers around him/her get to enjoy not smoking.

Looks like a total win/win to me!:D

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I have smoked for 40 years. I know the dangers and I choose to smoke anyway which is my right, however, I have found a safer alternative in the E-cig. The manufacturers state clearly that this is not a product designed to quit smoking. Many people, myself included are unable or unwilling to quit, so this is the next best thing for us. I will say that most people, also including myself, "Vape" less often than when we smoked cigarettes, which in itself is good. Non-smokers, give us a break will ya, we are trying to protect ourselves and be considerate to others, quit bashing away, it serves no purpose at all. If I saw a post titled "How I got rid of fleas in my home" but I didn't have a pet, why on earth would I post my opinion on what is good or bad about owning pets.

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I have smoked for 40 years. I know the dangers and I choose to smoke anyway which is my right, however, I have found a safer alternative in the E-cig. The manufacturers state clearly that this is not a product designed to quit smoking. Many people, myself included are unable or unwilling to quit, so this is the next best thing for us. I will say that most people, also including myself, "Vape" less often than when we smoked cigarettes, which in itself is good. Non-smokers, give us a break will ya, we are trying to protect ourselves and be considerate to others, quit bashing away, it serves no purpose at all. If I saw a post titled "How I got rid of fleas in my home" but I didn't have a pet, why on earth would I post my opinion on what is good or bad about owning pets.



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  • 2 months later...

It was no problem, but it was NCL - not Royal Carib or Celebrity. For the most part I used it in areas where smoking was allowed, but I have to admit I indulged after meals a few times (we were not at a shared table), and every now and then in various areas on the Promenade deck.


Usha is right - it's 'win-win'. I stay off cigarettes without losing my mind, and don't bother anyone around me. There are many models to choose from, so it doesn't have to even look like a cigarette.


Unless I see any news about problems on RC or Celebrity, I will again look at those lines for future trips. As it happens, my next is on Princess. But it was nice to be able to choose without automatically eliminating two good cruise lines!

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And my hats off to all that work to improve their lot behaviorally... I'm Ex-a lot of things... :)


Slightly off topic...


Isn't it ironic how the tobacco industry has spent decades fighting tobacco regulation, but is quietly and not so quietly push push pushing for FDA regulation of E-cigs. Like the newly ligitimized liquor lobby in the '30's getting 'reefer' banned by the Feds.:cool:

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