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TEF... have you ever tried a root canal w/out local anesthetic?:eek:


FYI...In favor of stronger and less reaction prone anesthetics, novocaine is now seldom used in dentistry...

The very first dentist that I ever went to did not believe in local anesthetics, but I didn't know that before sitting down in the chair. :eek:
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Having mine done on the small of my back - all I can say is OUCH! But it wasn't as bad as I imagined it would be, of course I have gone through many leg and eye-brow waxes, so I can tolerate pain. The though of getting one on the underside of my arm makes me cringe - ouch. At least with mine on my back, there shouldn't be too much sagging.

I actually went with my Mom to get tattoos together - and she is the type that you would think would never get one - a prim and proper middle aged school teacher, but she really wanted one, and is still happy that she did it.


I remember a sign at the parlor I got it down at "Welcome to your next additction". It's true, I would like to add a "Simba cub" from The Lion King, either above or under my Cheshire Cat..before I know it, I may have a Disney back.

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Thanks everyone, for the thoughtful replies. I realize if I get one, it's there for the duration. My wife doesn't have one - my daughter has three on her back. My better half thinks it would look neat because I have big biceps. Do I really want one? I could take it or leave it. But based on what everyone has suggested, I believe I'll not get it in Mexico and if I do get one, I'll rely on the good old US of A. By the way, one poster mentioned getting an air brush tatoo on the ship. I didn't know such an animal existed. Can I get one on Pride, what do they cost and how long do they last?

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By the way, one poster mentioned getting an air brush tatoo on the ship. I didn't know such an animal existed. Can I get one on Pride, what do they cost and how long do they last?

Not only do they exist, they push them. Not sure on coats or length of time. Didn't do it, but many did.

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Guest Time2gocruzn
:confused: I said nothing of the sort.


Personally, I'd rather endure a root canal without the benefit of novocaine.

Oh OOOPS!! LOL!! I guess that was tough guy LIV who says they don't hurt, not you, Tef. ;) Sorry bout that! LOL!! Anyways' if you say so Liv, I'll believe ya. I must be a real wimp, lol!! :D

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Mine is on my back/shoulder. When I had it done, it sounded like a sewing machine and felt like someone digging their fingernail into my back and scraping really hard. It was totally worth it though - I love it. I figure that I won't be wearing backless anymore when I get "old" (whatever that is), so a distorted tatoo there won't much matter AND I won't be able to see it anyway! :)

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I just got my first tatoo on Friday night and I couldn't be happier. I love it so much I want to get another one this weekend. I got it done on my right foot and it didn't hurt much. My question is I'm going on the Destiny on January 9th and was wondering if I get a tatoo three weeks before cruise will it be completely healed and will I be able to go to the beach and use pools? Will the sun make the colors fade? Should I wait till I return from cruise?.

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3 weeks is a little sun, I would keep it out of the sun and especially out of salt water... A new tattoo is very apt to burn, and the sun early on can cause fading... There is someone on this board that is a tattoo artist, I will ask her to check out this thread and she can give you more input...

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Guest Time2gocruzn
I just got my first tatoo on Friday night and I couldn't be happier. I love it so much I want to get another one this weekend. I got it done on my right foot and it didn't hurt much. My question is I'm going on the Destiny on January 9th and was wondering if I get a tatoo three weeks before cruise will it be completely healed and will I be able to go to the beach and use pools? Will the sun make the colors fade? Should I wait till I return from cruise?.

I would think it would be totally healed in 3 weeks but I guess it depends on where it is, how big it is, ect. You should ask your tat artist. With all tatoos, if you don't want your colors to fade, you should put sunscreen on it. Which can make for a strange white area around your art, kwim? I think you have to be exposed to the sun on a regular basis, or occasionaly over a number of years, for it to really fade out. But the healed area will be new skin so you should be careful with it.

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Okay, I'm probably dumb, I know. My wife and I are sailing on Pride on January 30 to the Mexican Riviera. She wants me to get one of those barbed wire or other kinds of tatoos that go around the bicep. My 26 year old daughter thinks it would be "awesome." Does anyone know of any reputable tatoo parlors in Mazatlan, Cabo San Lucas or Puerto Vallarta that they'd recommend, or do you recommend what I want to do and that is, either get it in the US of A or tell them I'm too old for a tatoo?


never too old .... my only suggestion is ... it takes a tat some time to heal ... and you dont want to be in discomfort while on vacation ..... so if it were me ... I would get it before leaving so it would have time to heal ..... because a tat will scab over a bit ( I know ...gross thought but true) .....but you know what opinions are like ....LOL .... just my thoughts ... good luck w/ whatever you choose to do ... and Happy Cruisin



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"She wants me to get one of those barbed wire or other kinds of tatoos that go around the bicep. My 26 year old daughter thinks it would be "awesome."



I'd tell my wife and daughter to get them on their own arms if they think they are so "awesome". I wouldn't tell my wife to pierce her ears or dye her hair just because I wanted it and she wouldn't tell me to get a tatoo. Sounds to me like they want it more than you do.

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I think I will probably wait till I return from my cruise, because I don't want to take any chances. My tatoo artist did warn me I should stay out of the sun for a week when I got the tatoo on Friday. Also said that if I did go to the beach after waiting that one week I should use sunblock.


Thanks for responses.

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I do believe I was 27 when I got my tattoo of St. Rita my patron saint on my shoulder....yup, I plastered a nun on my arm :) and still have no regrets... So make sure you'll have no regrets because it will stay forever or cost a fortune to remove. I would wait and do it in the US and research who you want to have do it....everyone has a different style and some are better than others.... And I have seen some very terrible looking tattoos.


Also, you want to keep it out of the bright sun or it will fade it and if it is still in the healing process it could take a toll on it. Plus, you don't want to get it infected, etc., etc.....it takes a lot of care in the beginning.


The pain is not too bad...it hurts at first when they draw the bloodlines...and then if they take a break. Think of an open wound and driving a needle through it... But really it isn't that bad and something like barbed wire is not going to take a long time. I think mine only took about 3.5 hours and that was with a break of about 10 minutes.


Oh, by the way I'm turning 30 in another week so it isn't like I've had mine for a long time....but I know that I will. Take one good last look at your arm...and the part you are going to have done. You will never see that skin your normal pigment ever again :)


But go for it if you do want to have it done...you are never too old!!! Just make sure you are the one that wants it.

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When I got my tattoo, it took me an hour and a half just to pick out what I wanted. In the meantime, my hubby looked over the shop, watched them do another tattoo, made sure the ink was used only once, they used sterile conditions, needs were thrown in sharps boxes. Make sure you check the place out first. I went on recommendations of my friends and never regretted it.



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Being the veteran of 6 tattoos, i can definately attest to the fact that they are addicting *LOL*


despite what my mother may tell you, I am not a tattooed freak *LOL* they are all small and when dressed for business or in a proper formal setting, you would never see them.


they were all carefully picked out and mean something to me in my life, I didn't just get them to be cool or becuse someone else thought they would be cool, i got them because I love them and I still do, in fact have been contemplateing number 7. *LOL*


i say if YOU really want one, get one. Of the six I hav i cannot say any of them were unbearably painful. Some of them smarted a little but nothing major.


I would however advise against getting one in Mexico, especially on a cruise, the care you will need to ake with a tattoo right afterwards, no swimming, no sun, no hot tub, no sauna, will limit your vacation fun. Plus you just never know the sanitary conditions of some of these beachfront, tourist tattoo parlors. ou haev no way of knowing the safety and hygene standards they are required to meet there.


I hav gone to the same guy for all mine here at home and never had a problem, This guys place is cleaner than an operation room and he is meticulous.


i think that would be your best bet to find a place like that close to home. Just ask anyone with tattoos that you know and I am sure they can reccomend a good place.


good luck and just enjoy it :)

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I have 3 tattoos myself. I am 41. I agree with waiting until you get home to get it. You don't want to get it early in the week while you are on vacation.

However I did get my third tattoo in Cozumel, just over a year ago. My brother had already gotten two of his at the same place. We got one at the same time. We did plan on getting them on the last day of our vacation, for healing purposes.

I thought getting a tattoo for a year before I actually did. I was 30 or 31.

I got my second one about 3 1/2 years ago, then my third one just over a year ago.

My brother is 42, and he got 3 or 4 within a couple years.

They are addicting, so just think about it before you get one.


My first one is on my ankle, my second one is on my left shoulder, and my third one is on my lower left side of my back. That one hurt the most!


I don't regret any of mine.

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36_1_30.gif Do not get your Henna tattoos @ Paradise Beach! The sign said, 3 years of Art School experience. What it didnt say was 3 years because he Flunked out each year!! Cost me $20, and he messed up drawing a dolphine, ended up looking like a manitee! Had drips everywhere and looked like dodo. We were there 12-09-04, so he probly has not gotten any better, save your money for the drinks. 7_4_13.gif
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Everyone has great points about not getting a tattoo on your vacation or out of the town because of the healing process, no sun, no water and no FUN.


Here is our experience: My husband and I were on vacation in FL about 3 years ago and he finally decided to get his first tattoo while I was getting my third. After returning home to IN his tattoo healed fine only the tattoo artist "missed" some of the lines in the design. Now it is going to cost another $50 or so to "touch" it up from our artist here in town. I would highly suggest never get a tattoo out of town unless you plan on returning to that same location within a year as some artist will "touch" up their own work for free up to a year.


I hope this helps.....

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  • 7 months later...

There's some excellent advice in this thread. But the main thing to remember is that if you're not sure that you want one, don't get it. I have so many at this point that I don't think of them in numbers, but more in areas covered. I have half sleeves on both arms, my back, upper chest, left leg & my latest on my upper right thigh. I got it after my first cruise to Nassau on the Fascination. Its a toucan hanging out in some grasses & flowers. I had it done from a print that the cabin steward gave us the last night of the cruise. Its to remind me of my first cruise with our friends & that I have been bitten by the cruise bug just as much as the tattoo bug. :D



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Then he came over and showed it to me and asked that 1,000,000 question and said Do you like it? and my answer was ===== I said NO but do you like it? I asked back and told him you are the one wearing it ,so it didnt matter what i think ..........

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"She wants me to get one of those barbed wire or other kinds of tatoos that go around the bicep. My 26 year old daughter thinks it would be "awesome."



I'd tell my wife and daughter to get them on their own arms if they think they are so "awesome". I wouldn't tell my wife to pierce her ears or dye her hair just because I wanted it and she wouldn't tell me to get a tatoo. Sounds to me like they want it more than you do.



Anyone who tells you to do something because they think it would be "Awesome", should be a good indication to you to not do it.


What's the deal with body art and piercings anyway. Are people not happy with the way their body looks unadorned?


What happens when the whole nonsense goes out of fashion? Well, there are a lot of plastic surgeons lining up to make a killing in laser removal of tattoos.

The ads for these procedures are all over The Village Voice.




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Boy this thread was revived from the dead but it's a good one.


I am 41 and have two tattoos. One I adore and one I wish I had thought more before getting (guess which one I got on vacation?). I want the one I hate removed but have not figured out how without scarring badly so I am keeping it for now.


The pain, unless it is in an area where there is bone right beneath the skin, is not bad at all and tolerable for most people. I would get a tattoo done, after MUCH thought only in a reputable parlor with a talented artist who uses new inks and needles ONLY.


I will get two more in my lifetime. One on my lower back, essenitally a triangle with a cyclist, runner and swimmer at each point and my Ironman Tattoo, provided I actually go through with this nonesense in two years.

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Just remember when you go to get your tatoo that price should NOT be your main concern. If you don't want to pay the price or don't have the money to get a tatoo in a "safe" establishment you should just wait. The best sign that I ever saw on this subject said:


"A Good Tatoo isn't Cheap and A Cheap Tatoo isn't Good."

Make sure that the shop is clean (as many other posters have said) and that you view the artist's book. If there is not book of the artist's work I would leave - I mean if he/she isn't proud enough to show their work I don't want them practicing on me.

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  • 3 months later...
I want the one I hate removed but have not figured out how without scarring badly so I am keeping it for now.


Nliedel most tattoos can now be removed by laser treatment. Talk with your artist or look for a laser center in your yellow pages. Call them up & ask about tattoo removal. Its painful but tolerable.

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I got my first one back in 1980 in TwentyNine Palms, CA of an armadillo with the words Krazy Cajun above it. A month later I went to San Diego to get an Eagle, Globe and Anchor above the initials USMC. When the artist was halfway through the initials, I noticed inconsistancies with line width and ink penetration. I told him when he got through with the initials, he was not to finish the rest of the tattoo if that was the best he could do. 25 years later I still have not had the rest of the tattoo completed. Maybe one day....

Also keep in mind, that overtime your lines will start blending together and the clarity of the tattoo will fade some.


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