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20 nights in Italy with carry on luggage only - Yes, you can!

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Kudos to the carry-on travelers! My b/f and I are determined to pack carry-on only for our 7 day to Alaska (10 days traveling in total) b/c more than anything we don't want to risk our luggage getting lost in the flight transfers. We are a little worried about the space for the outerwear and are investigating the space saver option. We have packed for 5 days before (including formal wear) successfully, so we'll see. We'll probably each have the 21" bag, b/f will have a garment bag and I will have an larger purse/totebag. We have traveled with that configuration before and have not had any problems.

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Kudos to the carry-on travelers! My b/f and I are determined to pack carry-on only for our 7 day to Alaska (10 days traveling in total) b/c more than anything we don't want to risk our luggage getting lost in the flight transfers. We are a little worried about the space for the outerwear and are investigating the space saver option. We have packed for 5 days before (including formal wear) successfully, so we'll see. We'll probably each have the 21" bag, b/f will have a garment bag and I will have an larger purse/totebag. We have traveled with that configuration before and have not had any problems.


I'm not sure what time of year you're going to Alaska, but many people recommend (and I agree) that you shouldn't pack bulky outerwear - plan to layer your clothes - maybe a thermal undershirt, regular shirt, sweater, jacket, you get the idea. Then you can bring more smaller items instead of one heavy coat. We've only been to Alaska in September and May - I took an anorak (fleece-lined waterproof jacket) for my warmest item. I used it quite a bit and didn't need anything under it other than a regular shirt.


I wear clean clothes every day, too.:) As for shopping in a foreign country, I am fortunate to be able to speak a little Italian, but also found that most of the clerks spoke far better English, although they indulged me in my efforts to learn their language. And it's really not hard to pick out the basic toiletries in any language. A small travel dictionary or just learning a few key phrases can help a lot, too, although I've never gotten beyond please and thank you in most languages.:o


Agabbymama, the scissor/knife/tweezers rule changed a couple of years ago. The no-liquids rule didn't go into effect until three (two?) years ago. It pays to read the TSA website before travelling. And, although there's no guarantee that a rogue TSA agent won't ignore his or her agency's own rules, they are very clear that your husband's medication is allowable, but he should have told somebody he had them. Once they find them, it's generally going to be too late.

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critterchick--Thank you!! We are going in September, so we were kind of worried about the weight of jacket needed. Being from Alabama we aren't accustomed to Alaskan weather but I need to remember that we are used to 40-ish degree weather, which seems to be the avg low that time of year!

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critterchick--Thank you!! We are going in September, so we were kind of worried about the weight of jacket needed. Being from Alabama we aren't accustomed to Alaskan weather but I need to remember that we are used to 40-ish degree weather, which seems to be the avg low that time of year!



So many times I read of people wanting to bundle up for Alaska, when in reality it is summer there as well! They do get more rain than we're accustomed to and the glacier day will be the coldest, but on a cruise ship they do offer blankets and there are always inside areas to retreat to if you do get too cold.


I was recently reading a review from someone who wrote the temps in Fairbanks was 90 degrees. Now I realize September is starting to cool down in Alaska, but it's still not the North Pole.


No matter where we're going, we always check the weather right before leaving on www.weather.com for all ports and towns we'll be visiting. It's not completely accurate but at least we'll know the trend. I can change packing strategies at the last minute that way.

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Right now in SE Alaska it is 70 degrees and Sunny. (I am in Juneau) We have had a range of temperatures from 50-89 Fahrenheit this week. So Layer. And do bring some lightweight clothes as well as your wintery stuff. Yesterday downtown I saw folks off the cruise ships with heavy jackets tied around their waists, and under that windbreakers, long sleeve shirts and jeans. They looked hot and miserable. My friend who owns a shop downtown said they were doing a bang-up business on shorts and tanks.


Critterchick, I am going to try and do what you did with the packing. I dislike schlepping multiple luggage pieces around air and cruise ports. And it seems like porters are becoming a thing of the past. Seattle has gone from having 10+ to 3 porters working the luggage areas in the airport.

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Happy KS


" When the baggage handler in Alice Springs asked me if we were staying 6 months, I knew I had overpacked."


LOL because I had packed for a 2 wk vacation and the baggage handler looked at me smiling and asked "do you have a family member in here?" I've tried not taking so much, but I can't do it. :(

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You're right, I don't get the point of trying to travel with only a carry-on. Nor of not having the clothes you think you will need.....


But when all is said and done, we each have to do what we feel is best for us. I would be perfectly happy with a trunk (like they used to use on ocean voyages of old), but I know that's not practical when you have to fly, but my 29" comes close. And I don't want to leave home behind....


Don't get me wrong, I travel light but that doesn't mean that I don't carry the things I know I will need. I can't recall ever being somewhere and wishing I had brought some article of clothing that I left at home ..... well, other than Lisbon where it was much hotter than normal and I had to buy a couple of short-sleeved t-shirts. (However, even if I'd had extra room, I probably wouldn't have put them in, as the forecast was for much cooler weather...)

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I like the idea of the practice run on packing, have never done that. I would love to do carry on's only but DH HATES hauling that stuff through the airport and this time (thanks alot Delta) we will have two stops going to Alaska. But since Delta has ALWAYS lost our luggage going through Atlanta I think maybe I can convice him to do at least one rolling carry on this time. Really torn on what to do.

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I like the idea of the practice run on packing, have never done that. I would love to do carry on's only but DH HATES hauling that stuff through the airport and this time (thanks alot Delta) we will have two stops going to Alaska. But since Delta has ALWAYS lost our luggage going through Atlanta I think maybe I can convice him to do at least one rolling carry on this time. Really torn on what to do.


Delta is really strict with the carryon limits - one bag less than 40 lbs and a SMALL personal item, and they weigh everything and tag it as compliant(I'm not sure our bulging knapsacks would have passed muster as a "personal item") with them). So your DH wouldn't have all that much stuff to haul around, LOL. Good luck convincing him!

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I just found this thread - Thanks so much for posting your tips! If its not too much trouble, would you please post your husband's packing list? :)


I was afraid somebody would ask me that!:D I'll try to find it and will post this weekend.

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Critterchick: You are an inspiration, oh I do try to pack light, it is my goal, But alas my DH is a big man 6 ft 6in, and a size 15EEEE shoe, so packing light is not very easy for us, especially if I have to pack his suit jacket and slacks with dress shoes aaaarrrgg. Carry on only not happening in that case. But you go girl !!!!!


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Critterchick: You are an inspiration, oh I do try to pack light, it is my goal, But alas my DH is a big man 6 ft 6in, and a size 15EEEE shoe, so packing light is not very easy for us, especially if I have to pack his suit jacket and slacks with dress shoes aaaarrrgg. Carry on only not happening in that case. But you go girl !!!!!



You could put your small items into plastic grocery bags (the ones in the produce section) and put them inside his shoes... Hm. Maybe double bag them!:p

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You could put your small items into plastic grocery bags (the ones in the produce section) and put them inside his shoes... Hm. Maybe double bag them!:p

I'm thinking that she could put her clothes in his shoes, tie the laces together and sling them over her shoulder as carry-on luggage.:D

I have problems just packing my DH's size 9's. I have found out that some of my shoes fit into his to save space.

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OK, here's DH's list, which looks really simple. But many of the "extras" on my list were in his bag (and he used them:rolleyes:).




Black rockport shoes

sport coat

convertible hiking pants


5 pr underwear

5 undershirts

7 pr socks



Sweatshirt (never wore it)

1 pr khakis

2 pr “cruise pants” (elastic waist:))

2 long sleeved shirts

4 polo shirts

2 T shirts

2 pr shorts


athletic shoes

dance shoes


emergency kits: most of the stuff is on my list

toiletries kit (I don’t know what was in there)

3-1-1 bag (mostly my stuff:D)


He had a bunch of medications separately declared, too.


No wonder my list was so long! I had all the extra stuff! But he did carry his fair share...

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You could put your small items into plastic grocery bags (the ones in the produce section) and put them inside his shoes... Hm. Maybe double bag them!:p


HA , good one, yes I have tried packing socks etc. in his shoes but it doesn't add that much too my packing problems. Slacks , shirts, shorts , etc. are all larger and just can't get everything we need into the smaller case. Believe me I have tried.

On one cruise we went on , two weeks Carribbean, the majority of the passangers 95% or more were from England, Ireland, Scotland. They thought my husband was great, everyone called him the "Big Yank" . One time we were on a land trip in Hawaii at the volcano, a bus load of I think Korean pulled up , many of them came up to him and wanted to take a picture with him, he is a good sport and took pictures with them , really funny. And he is average in his family, cousins and uncles some 6ft 8 in and a couple 7 ft. Went to a family reunion recently in Santa Fe NM, and a couple of ladys came up to us and said " are you with the group of all those tall people" "what kind of group is it" , so you can see life can be very interesting if not challanging. :) I just have to try to pack smart.

And as for packing clothes in his shoes and slinging them over my shoulder (ha ha ha) guess I could try that , but security might think they are a weapon or something. :)

Have fun on your cruises and keep packing light.


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I'm thinking that she could put her clothes in his shoes, tie the laces together and sling them over her shoulder as carry-on luggage.:D

I have problems just packing my DH's size 9's. I have found out that some of my shoes fit into his to save space.



I read this at times and it always cracks me up. I come from a family of large feet, mine are 10 - 10 1/2 wide. My husband is the opposite, his family has small feet and he wears a size 9 shoe @ 6' tall... so we're almost the same size :D


Our son inherited my feet, he wears a size 13 EEEE and it's tough to find shoes in his size at all. So, problem solved for him with packing shoes since he only has 2 pair to his name. One pair on his feet, one in the case, they do take up almost half the packing space.


Maybe I could pack my husbands shoes inside my sons shoes ;)

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I have scanned this thread and it seems that no one (maybe I missed it) has mentioned that a dressy pantsuit, or dress pants and top are quite acceptable on formal night.


We usually travel with a group of 10-20, mixed ages, and many of the ladies dress in pants and a fancy top and fit in quite nicely on formal night. DW loves it...easier to pack for. She usually packs more than one top to go with her pants.


She and I both prefer a nice gown (!!!hard to find my size!!! <kidding> :D ) , but on an extended trip, something has to give. Besides, we like the idea of handling our own luggage. If anything breaks or is missing, we know who to blame. ;)


We did 3 weeks in Europe (1 week land, 2 week cruise) last October with a carry-on and personal bag each.


One caveat: DW likes to plan ahead and so, on the outgoing trip, packs a collapsible duffle ($8, Walmart) in addition to her clothes, shoes, makeup, etc. (or did she put it my bag..? ) If we need the extra space to accomodate souvenirs, etc, we will pop for the upcharge to check the extra bag on the return trip.

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I read this at times and it always cracks me up. I come from a family of large feet, mine are 10 - 10 1/2 wide. My husband is the opposite, his family has small feet and he wears a size 9 shoe @ 6' tall... so we're almost the same size :D


Our son inherited my feet, he wears a size 13 EEEE and it's tough to find shoes in his size at all. So, problem solved for him with packing shoes since he only has 2 pair to his name. One pair on his feet, one in the case, they do take up almost half the packing space.


Maybe I could pack my husbands shoes inside my sons shoes ;)


Hppy KS: just a tip for shoes for your son, if you travel to either Las Vegas or Laughlin Nevada, for some reason they have stores with the LARGE sizes, don't know why they just do, also I have gotten shoes online at zappos for him when I know the exact brand and size I need, I feel your pain :)



PS sorry to get off topic. :(

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I have scanned this thread and it seems that no one (maybe I missed it) has mentioned that a dressy pantsuit, or dress pants and top are quite acceptable on formal night.


We usually travel with a group of 10-20, mixed ages, and many of the ladies dress in pants and a fancy top and fit in quite nicely on formal night. DW loves it...easier to pack for. She usually packs more than one top to go with her pants.


She and I both prefer a nice gown (!!!hard to find my size!!! <kidding> :D ) , but on an extended trip, something has to give. Besides, we like the idea of handling our own luggage. If anything breaks or is missing, we know who to blame. ;)


We did 3 weeks in Europe (1 week land, 2 week cruise) last October with a carry-on and personal bag each.


One caveat: DW likes to plan ahead and so, on the outgoing trip, packs a collapsible duffle ($8, Walmart) in addition to her clothes, shoes, makeup, etc. (or did she put it my bag..? ) If we need the extra space to accomodate souvenirs, etc, we will pop for the upcharge to check the extra bag on the return trip.



The OP was on a cruise that did not have formal nights. She did not have to worry about dressy clothes. I'm hoping this is what you are inquiring about.

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Hppy KS: just a tip for shoes for your son, if you travel to either Las Vegas or Laughlin Nevada, for some reason they have stores with the LARGE sizes, don't know why they just do, also I have gotten shoes online at zappos for him when I know the exact brand and size I need, I feel your pain :)



PS sorry to get off topic. :(


Egads, I avoid Las Vegas unless I am forced to go. I usually get his shoes from Khols (sneakers) the dress shoes are more difficult. Maybe I will try Zappos for him.

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Egads, I avoid Las Vegas unless I am forced to go. I usually get his shoes from Khols (sneakers) the dress shoes are more difficult. Maybe I will try Zappos for him.


Kohls doesn't carry size 15 , most stores don't , that is why if we are passing through Vegas or stopping at Laughlin then we make sure to go to the shoe stores and stock up !!

Good Luck with your shoe hunt.


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OK, here's DH's list, which looks really simple. But many of the "extras" on my list were in his bag (and he used them:rolleyes:).




Black rockport shoes

sport coat

convertible hiking pants


5 pr underwear

5 undershirts

7 pr socks



Sweatshirt (never wore it)

1 pr khakis

2 pr “cruise pants” (elastic waist:))

2 long sleeved shirts

4 polo shirts

2 T shirts

2 pr shorts


athletic shoes

dance shoes


emergency kits: most of the stuff is on my list

toiletries kit (I don’t know what was in there)

3-1-1 bag (mostly my stuff:D)


He had a bunch of medications separately declared, too.


No wonder my list was so long! I had all the extra stuff! But he did carry his fair share...


Critterchick, Thank's so much for taking the time to post Don's list!! :)

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This is great!! This really motivates me to pack ONLY things that I can carry-on while on my next cruise. I tested the waters out while I was in NYC for 5 nights, and it worked pretty well, so 7 nights shouldn't be much worse. My only issue is the fact that our ship doesn't have self-serve laundry; we have to pay someone else to do it.

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