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what is the most you budgeted for expenses


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Well...just in case the OP is looking for an honest answer of how us humble folks live....we will budget $2,000 for the casino and $2,000 for sign and sail plus shopping in ports for an 8 day cruise. I truly hope I am over budgeting for this :o This is my over estimate for my third overall cruise.

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Originally Posted by tekzilla viewpost.gif

Pardon the newb here, but what is "S&S"?





It is a sail and sign card. This will be a card you use for purchasing anythng on the ship.....which is either tied to your credit/debit card or cash that you put down.........

It is also will be your room key on most the ships.......

Welcome to cc by the way......








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Well, each of us has our own "budget", for sure.


I've done several B2B and 2 that were B2B2B....... The most I've spent is about $250-300.00 per week on the onboard account including the autotip...that's pretty standard with me. I did a 28 day freighter cruise around South America a while back...but that really doesn't count, I suppose...even though there were unusual expenses involved in all that... I spent about 1000.00 overall mostly on transportation from the docks to the city or for independent sightseeing.


For gambling, I have a "stash" that is contributed to at home....any "found" money that comes my way, sales from eBay, saving coins, etc...go to my gambling budget....I am a sucker for Caribbean Stud and Craps. When that amount is gone....it's gone....no more is added to it. On the other hand, if I double it, I cash in and don't play again until the next night or a few nights later.


My bar bill isn't huge at all.....I prefer ice water or tea. But, I do have drinks before and usually one or two after dinner...as well as a bottle of wine to consume with dinner (a bottle lasts me several days).. I don't feel the need to drink myself into a coma! :D


I never buy shore excursions, preferring to go on my own or make independent arrangements; don't go to the spa, don't buy photographs (WAY overpriced), don't play bingo (also overpriced). I might go to the supper club one night if the ship has one (and leave a separate tip)..


I don't shop. If I want souveniers, I look for small oils or watercolors done by local artists -- preferably from the artist or from a shop that sells local items... Rarely do I buy anything on board unless they are having a really good sale on t-shirts.... Certainly don't fall in to those ship-supported shopping thingies.


We all have our priorities, for sure. Mine is the cruise. I buy the best balcony cabin I can get within my budget and spend a lot of time enjoying the sea, a good book, a nap, wandering around the ports or renting a car and flying by my shirt-tail.


Good Luck with your budget.

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I find if you do drink a lot on board/drinks/wine you will spend a lot .If you do shore excursions from the ship those too will cost more .Casino "investment "will add up also

I hardly drinkI get too sleepy and do my own thing in the islands .Usually I budget 100$ per day for outings except for Alaska it is WAY MORE .Some days when I use local busses it costs less and is just as much fun other days taxis do cost more or boating /snorkelling expeditions are pricier . Casino too but if you give yourself limits that's OK.

If you have the $$$ ENJOY!!!!!

If you calculate 200$ per day for expenses you should be OK

If you like something put it on a CC

I hope you have a WOW time



:) :) :)



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Hey for any one that wants to cruise cheap - here is what we do. First we budget $50 total to lose gambling - and actually have never lost that much - usually end about $20 ahead -just play the slots. Then we bring our own wine - which we enjoy as we are sailing and then have a glass before dinner every night. On the last formal night we spend the $10 and have a bottle of our wine at the table with dinner. We also bring our own soda and have it in the room. As far as excursions we wait till the end to book them - unless it is a once in a lifetime experience that we all want to do - otherwise we pick the cheapest thing - or skip it and go into town and shop. We always buy the cheap t-shirts for gifts - anywhere from 5 to 7 for $10. And we always negotiate on jewelry - checking each store and comparing prices. There are lots of pieces native to the area that you can get for pennies on the dollar if you shop carefully - ESPECIALLY in Mexico and Central America. As long as you go to the stores that the ship recommends you can be pretty sure it isn't fake. It also depends how many ships are in port as to what deals you will get. A lot of people buy gold in the Virgin Islands, but I have not found deals on it myself. I limit the spending to a maximum of $50 per port - and come back with lots of stuff - especially silver! We ALWAYS eat and drink on the ship unless it is something provided by the excursion - and sometimes pack a sack lunch from the buffet or room service to take into port - we bring a soft packable lunch box for this. If there is some food native to the area that we all want to have - then we splurge. I have learned every one of these tricks from these and other cruise boards. My last cruise we got an OBC which covered the tips and we took $200 each for spending money- and I came home with $50 of tha left. When we went to the Bahamas right after 911 we got off the ship to shop and only found a key chain to buy. The mood was very un American at the time and so we went back to the boat without spending hardly anything. It can be done and you can still have a great time - in St Thomas we spent the $6 each to go to Paradise Point which was more life changing for me than any of the excursions listed. I do however always take $500 in travelers checks just in case someone doesn't take a credit card - or if our cards were stolen, and I juggle my bills that month- by planning WAY ahead so that I have an extra $1,000 in the bank for an emergency - have never needed it though. As far as having $9,000 for spending money - I would put it in my 401-k. I want to know I have enough saved to cruise as long as I can through retirement:D:D:D. But it depends what is important to you. My parents went to Europe a long time ago and took $20,000 in spending money - and actually spent it all. At that time they could afford it. I have never asked them, if they regret it - they are now in their 80's and could not afford it today, but it was right for them at the time.

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my wife thinks I am over budgeting but I am figuring, 9,000.00 for a 12 day cruise. we prepaid Our flights, hotel and airport parking, but we still have excursions, and time in the casino. We dont drink much but i am considering prepaying 100 dollars worth of drink tickets. Am I overdoing it.

PS We dont really buy jewelry, but want an experience that we wont forget. Thanks for input.



I think that 9k will be enough. I am assuming that your cruise is going to Columbia and Jamaica, and that you plan on bringing lots of "Port Novelties" back home for redistribution.

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Thanks for all the inconsiderate mean replies, i have only this to say,.

I am a regular Joe in other words I am not rich, I do like to have fun when i go away, as for all the cruises i have went on they were all US bound cruises, I did not have to swap money for euros. I did not have to eat out at restaurants like I will on this cruise because of day long excursions we will eat off the ship for 6 of the 12 days lunch and breakfast. the money rate is now 1.43 to 1 euro so in other words the 9000 is only worth 6000 take in consideration that I am not cheap like alot of posters on these boards and give the hard working people on the ships decent tips at least 200 dollars over the standard 10 dollars a day tips and that a fuel surcharge will probably be in effect, that would put me at 680 dollars in the hole before I get on the ship now figure wife at the spa twice in 12 days that would be like 400 now i am at 1000 dollars I like to gamble 200 a day times 12days is 2400 dollars now I am at 3400 dollars, then we look at meals outside the ship for 3 days before 100 dollars aday now i am at 3700.00

1 day after the cruise now 3800 dollars and all the days earlier that i will be on excursions 50 dollars a day times 6 that puts me at 4100 dollars, also I plan to rent a car for 2 days so with gas that makes 4500 dollars so with the euro rates that leaves only 1500 left for souveneers extras etc. So thats why I asked if I was overbudgeting. so dont be haters. Also as for the person who said I started the thread about fuel surcharges I was not complaining about the cost at all all I said is that they will be coming back all the way in April. So if you have nothing better to do than rip people on these boards who are asking for advice, You need to get a life.

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Thanks for all the inconsiderate mean replies, i have only this to say,.

I am a regular Joe in other words I am not rich, I do like to have fun when i go away, as for all the cruises i have went on they were all US bound cruises, I did not have to swap money for euros. I did not have to eat out at restaurants like I will on this cruise because of day long excursions we will eat off the ship for 6 of the 12 days lunch and breakfast. the money rate is now 1.43 to 1 euro so in other words the 9000 is only worth 6000 take in consideration that I am not cheap like alot of posters on these boards and give the hard working people on the ships decent tips at least 200 dollars over the standard 10 dollars a day tips and that a fuel surcharge will probably be in effect, that would put me at 680 dollars in the hole before I get on the ship now figure wife at the spa twice in 12 days that would be like 400 now i am at 1000 dollars I like to gamble 200 a day times 12days is 2400 dollars now I am at 3400 dollars, then we look at meals outside the ship for 3 days before 100 dollars aday now i am at 3700.00

1 day after the cruise now 3800 dollars and all the days earlier that i will be on excursions 50 dollars a day times 6 that puts me at 4100 dollars, also I plan to rent a car for 2 days so with gas that makes 4500 dollars so with the euro rates that leaves only 1500 left for souveneers extras etc. So thats why I asked if I was overbudgeting. so dont be haters. Also as for the person who said I started the thread about fuel surcharges I was not complaining about the cost at all all I said is that they will be coming back all the way in April. So if you have nothing better to do than rip people on these boards who are asking for advice, You need to get a life.


Just bring $2,000 and use your credit card...it'll be just fine.

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Thanks for all the inconsiderate mean replies, i have only this to say,.

I am a regular Joe in other words I am not rich, I do like to have fun when i go away, as for all the cruises i have went on they were all US bound cruises, I did not have to swap money for euros. I did not have to eat out at restaurants like I will on this cruise because of day long excursions we will eat off the ship for 6 of the 12 days lunch and breakfast. the money rate is now 1.43 to 1 euro so in other words the 9000 is only worth 6000 take in consideration that I am not cheap like alot of posters on these boards and give the hard working people on the ships decent tips at least 200 dollars over the standard 10 dollars a day tips and that a fuel surcharge will probably be in effect, that would put me at 680 dollars in the hole before I get on the ship now figure wife at the spa twice in 12 days that would be like 400 now i am at 1000 dollars I like to gamble 200 a day times 12days is 2400 dollars now I am at 3400 dollars, then we look at meals outside the ship for 3 days before 100 dollars aday now i am at 3700.00

1 day after the cruise now 3800 dollars and all the days earlier that i will be on excursions 50 dollars a day times 6 that puts me at 4100 dollars, also I plan to rent a car for 2 days so with gas that makes 4500 dollars so with the euro rates that leaves only 1500 left for souveneers extras etc. So thats why I asked if I was overbudgeting. so dont be haters. Also as for the person who said I started the thread about fuel surcharges I was not complaining about the cost at all all I said is that they will be coming back all the way in April. So if you have nothing better to do than rip people on these boards who are asking for advice, You need to get a life.


I do not think my answer was a smart a$$ one. I said you have 14 cruises, you ALREADY know how you spend.


We took a RCL transatlantic trip, 2006, when the Euros was about the same as you quoted. But the Brit Pound was $2.17 per. We had an aft balcony cabin. Tipped, Gambled, and spent 4 days post cruise in London, [hotel at $350.00US per nite.] Spent tops, $6000. or less. Incl. cruise, air, everything.


When you ask a question on an open forum, be prepared for answers you agree with and ones you do not. If you feel justified in rating the answers, then the posters ARE justified in rating the question.

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You say you are planning on renting a car, so be prepared to use a credit card as a deposit (even if paying in cash or pre-paid). Also, remember to call your CC company and bank (if they issued the CC) to let them know that dates/places you will be travelling or they may block your card in some countries (but not in others). Have a wonderful time!

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S & S has never been under $1000 as we love our drinkepoos. This time I am buy bar coupons every week until the cruise. I will have that sucker paid for this time and be able to gamble more.:D These have all been 7 night cruises if that helps. Of course my Dad cruises all the time and never spends over $100. He is what you call cheap but cruises lots.lol

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Thanks for all the inconsiderate mean replies, i have only this to say,.

I am a regular Joe in other words I am not rich, I do like to have fun when i go away, as for all the cruises i have went on they were all US bound cruises, I did not have to swap money for euros. I did not have to eat out at restaurants like I will on this cruise because of day long excursions we will eat off the ship for 6 of the 12 days lunch and breakfast. the money rate is now 1.43 to 1 euro so in other words the 9000 is only worth 6000 take in consideration that I am not cheap like alot of posters on these boards and give the hard working people on the ships decent tips at least 200 dollars over the standard 10 dollars a day tips and that a fuel surcharge will probably be in effect, that would put me at 680 dollars in the hole before I get on the ship now figure wife at the spa twice in 12 days that would be like 400 now i am at 1000 dollars I like to gamble 200 a day times 12days is 2400 dollars now I am at 3400 dollars, then we look at meals outside the ship for 3 days before 100 dollars aday now i am at 3700.00

1 day after the cruise now 3800 dollars and all the days earlier that i will be on excursions 50 dollars a day times 6 that puts me at 4100 dollars, also I plan to rent a car for 2 days so with gas that makes 4500 dollars so with the euro rates that leaves only 1500 left for souveneers extras etc. So thats why I asked if I was overbudgeting. so dont be haters. Also as for the person who said I started the thread about fuel surcharges I was not complaining about the cost at all all I said is that they will be coming back all the way in April. So if you have nothing better to do than rip people on these boards who are asking for advice, You need to get a life.



1:What advice were you looking for?

2: Next time, tell people where you are going? Did you mention in your original post that you were renting car in Europe?Are we supposed to guess that you need to deal with Euros and the exchange rate?

3:Again and as others have said, you are very experienced and obviously from the post above, you've had the answer all along.

If you want advice, give us more info if you are truly looking for answer.

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I was one of the first to respond to the OP’s question when this thread started and I took it at face value and responded without for a moment considering the OP’s cruise history or possible ulterior motives. Since then, this thread has taken an unnecessary, ugly turn, questioning sincerity and motives. Yesterday, Host Mach posted the following: “Certainly, there's trivial posts and some that are just downright mean spirited but we're fortunate that they are in the minority...”

I would definitely put this one in the latter category.

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Thanks for all the inconsiderate mean replies, i have only this to say,.

I am a regular Joe in other words I am not rich, I do like to have fun when i go away, as for all the cruises i have went on they were all US bound cruises, I did not have to swap money for euros. I did not have to eat out at restaurants like I will on this cruise because of day long excursions we will eat off the ship for 6 of the 12 days lunch and breakfast. the money rate is now 1.43 to 1 euro so in other words the 9000 is only worth 6000 take in consideration that I am not cheap like alot of posters on these boards and give the hard working people on the ships decent tips at least 200 dollars over the standard 10 dollars a day tips and that a fuel surcharge will probably be in effect, that would put me at 680 dollars in the hole before I get on the ship now figure wife at the spa twice in 12 days that would be like 400 now i am at 1000 dollars I like to gamble 200 a day times 12days is 2400 dollars now I am at 3400 dollars, then we look at meals outside the ship for 3 days before 100 dollars aday now i am at 3700.00

1 day after the cruise now 3800 dollars and all the days earlier that i will be on excursions 50 dollars a day times 6 that puts me at 4100 dollars, also I plan to rent a car for 2 days so with gas that makes 4500 dollars so with the euro rates that leaves only 1500 left for souveneers extras etc. So thats why I asked if I was overbudgeting. so dont be haters. Also as for the person who said I started the thread about fuel surcharges I was not complaining about the cost at all all I said is that they will be coming back all the way in April. So if you have nothing better to do than rip people on these boards who are asking for advice, You need to get a life.


Before you start yelling at everyone look at what you have done. You have totally changed the original question which was "What is the most that you have budgeted for expenses"? This implies that you wanted to hear how much we spent - whether you considered it to be cheap or wasteful etc was not part of your question. Actually you should have included in your question - how much was spent on a European Cruise which is COMPLETELY different - not even apples and oranges but rather oranges versus apple trees -and you should have let us know if we stick to a budget and are CHEAP - not to answer you. Actually looking at the current situation with the dollar $9,000 may not be enough - and the Europeans are going to think that you are being CHEAP. First from your original post I thought you meant spending money which to me doesn't include the tips and fuel charge - I pre pay all that and consider it in the price of the ticket. If I get good service I will tip extra out of my spending money. In Europe $10 a day per person is not enough for a tip - they expect at least 15 a day - according to our Romanian waitress on the Miracle this January. And as the dollar gets worse or maybe better that will change with world wide inflation. According to your calculations you will have about $1500 left for shopping. This is only a little over a hundred a day or $50 each in AMERICAN DOLLARS. That will not buy much in Europe - first of all their products are always more expensive than ours anyway - without the difference in the euro. You could hedge your bets by buying Euros right now when you don't need them and are not in a hurry. As they fluctuate buy them. Or if you don't have time then invest in a fund. I know PIMCO Total Return used to buy Euros - although they also buy a lot of govt bonds. You are taking a risk, but since you like to gamble - try it. Also if your wife likes the spa, I hope you got a spa cabin. We are booked in one on the Splendor in January and all of the relaxation rooms, mineral baths, steam and heat and aroma theropy rooms are free with a spa room. It even includes two free spa treatments. And all of the spa services that cost money are discounted by 50%. You and your wife could go each day. As far as renting a car - watch out for the credit card use. The card companies with convert from euros to dollars at their whim - when it will make them the most money. You could loose up to 20% of you money with a credit card. I had several friends who went on the european cruises last summer and said they could not afford to buy ANYTHING over there. Then they got all their credit card bills and were shocked. Good luck with it all. We are considering the Carnival Magic cruise July of 2011 if things get better in two years.:eek: OOOOO I did not know that I did not have a life!:eek:

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Thanks for all the inconsiderate mean replies, i have only this to say,.

I am a regular Joe in other words I am not rich, I do like to have fun when i go away, as for all the cruises i have went on they were all US bound cruises, I did not have to swap money for euros. I did not have to eat out at restaurants like I will on this cruise because of day long excursions we will eat off the ship for 6 of the 12 days lunch and breakfast. the money rate is now 1.43 to 1 euro so in other words the 9000 is only worth 6000 take in consideration that I am not cheap like alot of posters on these boards and give the hard working people on the ships decent tips at least 200 dollars over the standard 10 dollars a day tips and that a fuel surcharge will probably be in effect, that would put me at 680 dollars in the hole before I get on the ship now figure wife at the spa twice in 12 days that would be like 400 now i am at 1000 dollars I like to gamble 200 a day times 12days is 2400 dollars now I am at 3400 dollars, then we look at meals outside the ship for 3 days before 100 dollars aday now i am at 3700.00

1 day after the cruise now 3800 dollars and all the days earlier that i will be on excursions 50 dollars a day times 6 that puts me at 4100 dollars, also I plan to rent a car for 2 days so with gas that makes 4500 dollars so with the euro rates that leaves only 1500 left for souveneers extras etc. So thats why I asked if I was overbudgeting. so dont be haters. Also as for the person who said I started the thread about fuel surcharges I was not complaining about the cost at all all I said is that they will be coming back all the way in April. So if you have nothing better to do than rip people on these boards who are asking for advice, You need to get a life.

if you have $9000 to spend then hats off to you!;) Live and enjoy while you can like you said we dont know how long we will be here.

I'm planning our first cruise (4 night to baja). I didnt even think about budgeting per day. I just thought simple cruise no excursion or 1-2 if lucky.


The last 10 years have been full of stress and rough. Last year we took our 1st family trip ever. I had promised dd(10) when she turned 10 i would take her, even though i realy couldnt afford it I did it and i'm glad. It was the best tiime we had as a family and those memories will forever be remembered when i'm gone. My job will be cut later this month and i will be going back to my old position thats full of stress but its a job, so my treat will be my first cruise. I say live life and if yoou have $9000 to spend enjoy it you've worked hard for your money.

if your able to save up $9000 then yoou deserve the attention:cool: Maybe we can learn some tips from you. Hope to see a cruise review f rom you.

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my wife thinks I am over budgeting but I am figuring, 9,000.00 for a 12 day cruise. we prepaid Our flights, hotel and airport parking, but we still have excursions, and time in the casino. We dont drink much but i am considering prepaying 100 dollars worth of drink tickets. Am I overdoing it.

PS We dont really buy jewelry, but want an experience that we wont forget. Thanks for input.


I just looked at your cruise on the Carnival website and the ports look awesome! Also the Carnival excursions listed were in US dollars and were very cheap - even less than some of the Mexican ones - only a couple were over $50.00 each. It does not hurt to over budget and then have the money for something else. And if the euro sky rockets there are tons of ways to cut corners - read my other posts -on their web site the Carnival sponsored things were all in DOLLARS. Live it up while you are young if you can - :eek: Also Rome is the very best place to buy wonderful jewelry.

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S & S has never been under $1000 as we love our drinkepoos. This time I am buy bar coupons every week until the cruise. I will have that sucker paid for this time and be able to gamble more.:D These have all been 7 night cruises if that helps. Of course my Dad cruises all the time and never spends over $100. He is what you call cheap but cruises lots.lol


Your Dad isn't cheap...he simply has his priorities in order. I also cruise alot (along with other travel) and am very good at planning....and saving the money.


I, like your Dad, would rather do without the huge bar bill. 1000.00 would take me a long way towards another cruise or a great week at the shore....

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Thanks for all the inconsiderate mean replies, i have only this to say,.

I am a regular Joe in other words I am not rich, I do like to have fun when i go away, as for all the cruises i have went on they were all US bound cruises, I did not have to swap money for euros. I did not have to eat out at restaurants like I will on this cruise because of day long excursions we will eat off the ship for 6 of the 12 days lunch and breakfast. the money rate is now 1.43 to 1 euro so in other words the 9000 is only worth 6000 take in consideration that I am not cheap like alot of posters on these boards and give the hard working people on the ships decent tips at least 200 dollars over the standard 10 dollars a day tips and that a fuel surcharge will probably be in effect, that would put me at 680 dollars in the hole before I get on the ship now figure wife at the spa twice in 12 days that would be like 400 now i am at 1000 dollars I like to gamble 200 a day times 12days is 2400 dollars now I am at 3400 dollars, then we look at meals outside the ship for 3 days before 100 dollars aday now i am at 3700.00

1 day after the cruise now 3800 dollars and all the days earlier that i will be on excursions 50 dollars a day times 6 that puts me at 4100 dollars, also I plan to rent a car for 2 days so with gas that makes 4500 dollars so with the euro rates that leaves only 1500 left for souveneers extras etc. So thats why I asked if I was overbudgeting. so dont be haters. Also as for the person who said I started the thread about fuel surcharges I was not complaining about the cost at all all I said is that they will be coming back all the way in April. So if you have nothing better to do than rip people on these boards who are asking for advice, You need to get a life.

I understand where you are coming from. ;) I do the same thing trying to figure every thing out. I leave for my cruise in 19 days and I had everything figured out, then I broke my hand and had to cut corners (no pay for at least 9 weeks) so when you ask about if this is enough for where you are going.........I understand. Go and enjoy yourself.

P.S. I am too fat to fit in your suitcase :( you can adopt me too, but I am old :D.

Have a great time and will be looking forward to your review and pictures!

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my wife thinks I am over budgeting but I am figuring, 9,000.00 for a 12 day cruise. we prepaid Our flights, hotel and airport parking, but we still have excursions, and time in the casino. We dont drink much but i am considering prepaying 100 dollars worth of drink tickets. Am I overdoing it.

PS We dont really buy jewelry, but want an experience that we wont forget. Thanks for input.


Having just returned from a Mediterranean cruise I can tell you it is very expensive if you want to go first class.... If you take private transportation from Rome Ciampino Airport to the Civitavecchia Port, it is going to cost between 125.oo & 250.oo each way... Private tours can be VERY expensive if you do not share the cost with other cruisers. Princess wanted $ 1600.00 US dollars for an 8 hour tour (up to 8 people)... But if just the two of you are going.. It is expensive.... A group of CC's booked private 8 hour tours and it 550.00 for 8 hours.(Which was Great !!)


So if you figure "an experience that we wont forget "... for just the two of you:


Rome Ciampino to Civitavecchia Port and return....... 500.oo

4 days (8 hour tours) € 550.00 =........................... 2,200.oo

4 days (tours & cabs)€ 250.oo =.......................... 1,000.oo

Meals & snacks 8 days @ € 50.oo = .................... 400.oo

(daughter paid $ 7.50 for a coke outside the coliseum)_______

.................................................................... 4,100.oo Euro's

..............................................................................X 1.40


............................................................................... $ 5740.oo

4 hour tour $ gondola ride in Venice ($200.00 P/P).................400.oo

............................................................................... $ 6140.oo


You should be able to have "an experience that we wont forget "... on what you have budgeted..


You should be able to find fellow CC's on the "Roll Call Board" that might be interested in sharing some of the tours.... Just finding one couple to share could save you a couple thousand dollars.... AND not all posters are as ville as some you have met on this thread and will be looking to share tours....

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Thanks for all the inconsiderate mean replies, i have only this to say,.

I am a regular Joe in other words I am not rich, I do like to have fun when i go away, as for all the cruises i have went on they were all US bound cruises, I did not have to swap money for euros. I did not have to eat out at restaurants like I will on this cruise because of day long excursions we will eat off the ship for 6 of the 12 days lunch and breakfast. the money rate is now 1.43 to 1 euro so in other words the 9000 is only worth 6000 take in consideration that I am not cheap like alot of posters on these boards and give the hard working people on the ships decent tips at least 200 dollars over the standard 10 dollars a day tips and that a fuel surcharge will probably be in effect, that would put me at 680 dollars in the hole before I get on the ship now figure wife at the spa twice in 12 days that would be like 400 now i am at 1000 dollars I like to gamble 200 a day times 12days is 2400 dollars now I am at 3400 dollars, then we look at meals outside the ship for 3 days before 100 dollars aday now i am at 3700.00

1 day after the cruise now 3800 dollars and all the days earlier that i will be on excursions 50 dollars a day times 6 that puts me at 4100 dollars, also I plan to rent a car for 2 days so with gas that makes 4500 dollars so with the euro rates that leaves only 1500 left for souveneers extras etc. So thats why I asked if I was overbudgeting. so dont be haters. Also as for the person who said I started the thread about fuel surcharges I was not complaining about the cost at all all I said is that they will be coming back all the way in April. So if you have nothing better to do than rip people on these boards who are asking for advice, You need to get a life.


If you have already broken it down why would you need to ask a bunch of strangers if you have enough/too much $$? Sounds like you have it figured out (I don't mean that snarky either, seriously it sounds like you are right on track).


Personally we don't really budget, we prepay everything we can, tips excursions etc and set aside $$ anytime we have extra, then we take however much we have. I want to enjoy my vacation and not have to count pennies while I'm there so I'd rather take more then we will need.

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