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Everything posted by puppycanducruise

  1. Good morning. Happy Friday! Thanks for the Fleet and Daily Report. A cool morning here, only 0°C but supposed to be a sunny warm 12°C this afternoon. An interesting collection of days. You had me at chocolate. 🙂 Happy Birthday Miss Liberty. I have several plush animals, I try to keep them away from Bertie, he has his own. I like the quote. I'll pass on the meal and the drink, but I'm sure I'll like the wine. Prayers for everyone who needs them. Cheers for all the celebrations. Have a wonderful day.
  2. @smitty34877Miss Camilla is so cute! Thanks for sharing the picture.
  3. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet and Daily Report. Another rainy, cool day for us - typical fall day. I don't have a black cat, I have a black dog. I'm not a good story teller, but I enjoy listening to others. A big thank you to the Navy. Interesting quote. The meal sounds good for a fall day, looking forward to seeing the recipe. I'm sure the drink and wine are tasty too. Prayers for everyone. Have a wonderful day. Stay safe.
  4. @ottahand7Prayers for your brother. @smitty34877Prayers that it is just something minor.
  5. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet and Daily Report. Still dark but warm. Bertie and I will go for a walk in a little while. Rain in the forecast this afternoon. My arm was a little sore last night after my flu shot yesterday, but nothing major. Interesting days. I'm not a fan of mincemeat. I like my horseless carriage. A big thank you to those deployed. Good quote. Not sure about the meal, looking forward to seeing the recipe. I hope I'll like the drink. I like the wine. Prayers for everyone on the Care List. Cheers for all the celebrations. Have a wonderful day. Stay safe.
  6. Hope it works out and you have a new furbaby in your home this weekend.
  7. Good luck with the x-ray Graham. I hope you can arrange a satisfactory time to get those lesions looked at, soon, but not interfere with a cruise.
  8. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet and Daily Report. Another nice day for us, a high of 20°C (68°F) and sunny this afternoon. Our usual temperature for this time of year is only 10°C. I'm getting my flu shot this morning, not sure what else I'll get up to. I don't think I'll howl at the moon tonight, I'm not an artist and I don't like punk music. I guess these days are not for me. I love the quote. The meal sounds interesting, looking forward to seeing the recipe. Hope the drink and wine are good. Prayers for everyone. Stay safe.
  9. @Cruzin Terri Sorry to hear your dear friend's mom passed. May she rest in peace. Prayers for her family and friends.
  10. @Quartzsite CruiserThanks for the update. Continued prayers for you both.
  11. @StLouisCruisersThanks for the picture of beautiful little Ellie.
  12. Good morning. Happy Diwali. Thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily. Another nice day in the forecast for us, sunny and a high of 22°C (72°F), pretty good for late October. Municipal election day here in Ontario, I'll vote later today. I'll pass on bologna but celebrate the United Nations. Good quote. I think I'll like the meal suggestion. The drink and wine sound good too. Prayers for everyone. Cheers for all the celebrations. Stay safe.
  13. @Quartzsite CruiserSending prayers and positive thoughts for you and your DH.
  14. @kochleffelSorry you missed Fran's funeral. Hope you feel better soon. @kazu Sorry to hear about your friend's brother's sudden death. Prayers for the family.
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