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Everything posted by puppycanducruise

  1. Looking forward to reading all about your newest adventure. Thanks for taking us along.
  2. Good morning. Happy Friday! Thanks for the Fleet and Daily Report. A cool morning here, only 0°C but supposed to be a sunny warm 12°C this afternoon. An interesting collection of days. You had me at chocolate. 🙂 Happy Birthday Miss Liberty. I have several plush animals, I try to keep them away from Bertie, he has his own. I like the quote. I'll pass on the meal and the drink, but I'm sure I'll like the wine. Prayers for everyone who needs them. Cheers for all the celebrations. Have a wonderful day.
  3. @smitty34877Miss Camilla is so cute! Thanks for sharing the picture.
  4. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet and Daily Report. Another rainy, cool day for us - typical fall day. I don't have a black cat, I have a black dog. I'm not a good story teller, but I enjoy listening to others. A big thank you to the Navy. Interesting quote. The meal sounds good for a fall day, looking forward to seeing the recipe. I'm sure the drink and wine are tasty too. Prayers for everyone. Have a wonderful day. Stay safe.
  5. @ottahand7Prayers for your brother. @smitty34877Prayers that it is just something minor.
  6. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet and Daily Report. Still dark but warm. Bertie and I will go for a walk in a little while. Rain in the forecast this afternoon. My arm was a little sore last night after my flu shot yesterday, but nothing major. Interesting days. I'm not a fan of mincemeat. I like my horseless carriage. A big thank you to those deployed. Good quote. Not sure about the meal, looking forward to seeing the recipe. I hope I'll like the drink. I like the wine. Prayers for everyone on the Care List. Cheers for all the celebrations. Have a wonderful day. Stay safe.
  7. Hope it works out and you have a new furbaby in your home this weekend.
  8. Good luck with the x-ray Graham. I hope you can arrange a satisfactory time to get those lesions looked at, soon, but not interfere with a cruise.
  9. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet and Daily Report. Another nice day for us, a high of 20°C (68°F) and sunny this afternoon. Our usual temperature for this time of year is only 10°C. I'm getting my flu shot this morning, not sure what else I'll get up to. I don't think I'll howl at the moon tonight, I'm not an artist and I don't like punk music. I guess these days are not for me. I love the quote. The meal sounds interesting, looking forward to seeing the recipe. Hope the drink and wine are good. Prayers for everyone. Stay safe.
  10. @Cruzin Terri Sorry to hear your dear friend's mom passed. May she rest in peace. Prayers for her family and friends.
  11. @Quartzsite CruiserThanks for the update. Continued prayers for you both.
  12. @StLouisCruisersThanks for the picture of beautiful little Ellie.
  13. Good morning. Happy Diwali. Thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily. Another nice day in the forecast for us, sunny and a high of 22°C (72°F), pretty good for late October. Municipal election day here in Ontario, I'll vote later today. I'll pass on bologna but celebrate the United Nations. Good quote. I think I'll like the meal suggestion. The drink and wine sound good too. Prayers for everyone. Cheers for all the celebrations. Stay safe.
  14. @Quartzsite CruiserSending prayers and positive thoughts for you and your DH.
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