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Everything posted by cgolf1

  1. We may try that we have just been reading the wait times have been long so we are keeping our options as open as possible. Being gluten free though makes it a little tougher though.
  2. We have been reading lately that getting in without a reservation is a longer wait than normal lately. When we go in the cruise planner the earliest open reservation we see is 8 PM. We know some people going on the Constellation in 3 weeks that were able to book last weekend for 6 PM every night. Not sure what is up with the Edge cruise we are on.
  3. This would really suck for us this year. We don't eat late, it screws with my stomach, and for some reason we can't get an any time slot earlier than 8 PM on three nights on our upcoming cruise. Our plan was to eat in oceanview those nights. In all of our cruises we have only eaten outside of the MDR once, specialty on Disney, so this is outside of our comfort zone. Fingers crossed the option is still there.
  4. On our Constellation cruise last February, the MDR food was still the best MDR food we have had on a cruise ship. That said we have only sailed DCL and RCCL. One or two critical posts, I would think it is picky eaters, but with as many as there have been I wonder if the food quality purchased is down or if they are trying to do less due to increasing food costs. Seeing 18 eggs for over 8$ at our lowest cost grocery store in the area opened my eyes, I only shop Costco usually and I know meat prices, etc are up. I can't even imagine what this does to the costs the cruise lines are paying. The above isn't an excuse, but could be part of the reason. To the OP I am guessing we are part of the same FB group and I wouldn't dare post the above on there lol. I am not an apologist yet, but we do have 3 Celebrity cruises booked so I am on that path.
  5. So in 2021 we canceled a cruise before final payment and directly booked a 2023 cruise. They gave us the same booking number. Now when we go into the cruise planner we don’t see the new cruise and when we try to link it, it says it’s already linked. If we look in the trips taken section, the canceled cruise is there with no points earned showing the shared booking number. Is it the fact they left it in the cruises taken section not allowing us to see the new one? We want to get shore excursions and dining times set, so need to get this fixed. Has anyone else encountered this, and if so what was the process to get it fixed.
  6. Got it, I miss named the thread. I thought the touch part was a name used on here and that was why I named it that way.
  7. Unfortunately we haven’t done a full transit of the Panama Canal, and that is why we can’t wait for this one. Our DCL cruises was while our daughter was in school. We did a 15 or 16 night round trip Hawaii cruise and had her study and do homework for at least two hours a day and she was caught up, but some teachers were rather rude and mad we took her out of school that long. So no long trips till she gets out of school. Well wife made a job change at that time and now she has finally built up enough vaca to do longer cruises again. Maybe after our Galapagos cruise we will do a full transit. We are definitely knocking some bucket list cruises off our list.
  8. It is the Panama Canal and S Caribbean itinerary on the edge and the itinerary one of the days lists panama canal cruising arrive at 6 and depart at 3. Your right I no longer list dates or join roll calls after seeing some issue with people doing that on social media. Not sure if that is the right wrong or other choice. Below is what it says in the description, clear as mud lol. 'and experience the thrill of cruising across the Panama Canal.'
  9. My wife and I being lock and dam junkies are curious on the timing of sailing into the first lock and then back out? I would guess the trip in would be during the day, but curious if the trip out is at night. I am almost hoping the trip out is at night as that would be really cool in a different way. Thanks
  10. Here is a link to our review and hopefully it opens to page 1 with pictures of our room.
  11. So not sure if I can answer your ultimate question about the sofa beds but can on the inside room. We have only sailed on the Edge, as 2 people, in an inside room and it was the one attached to the sky suite. The only downside to the room was that open floor space was at a minimum due to the king bed. That said it was the most well thought out and comfortable inside room we have ever had. Even the bathroom was great with a large by cruise ship standards shower. I also believe our state room host was a notch above, likely the same one assigned to the sky suite. They even knew enough to put a little water in the dry trap in the bathroom to keep it smelling fresh, small thing till you have a room that wasn't done. Also the storage was insane and we likely only filled 20% of it. We like the room so much that we booked it for the PC touch 12 night cruise on the Edge and will not look into any move up offers. Might be our favorite room we have ever stayed in, even better than the larger veranda cabins on DCL.
  12. Having only read the ops post, I can say definitely not. That said we were on the Connie in Feb. which felt like our own private yacht there were so few people on it and the price of food etc really hadn't jumped yet. Not sure how are Edge partial PC cruise will feel next year, I am expecting it to be a full ship. After missing a year of cruising we are very happy to be back sailing once or twice a year again.
  13. Thanks everyone for the replies, really looking forward to the PC at least going through one lock. Our favorite near to home vaca spot is the great river road and visit all the locks and dams along the way.
  14. We have been on 2 Celebrity cruises so far, Caribbean so fairly routine, but are really curious about the podium lectures that we hear about? Are they itinerary based, or luck of the draw if someone is available and wants to be on that cruise? Our next cruise is the one lock in and then back out Panama Canal and I hope they have these available during that trip. That said I wish they did these all the time, we like learning different things and had a couple on DCL when we used to cruise on that line, especially on the Hawaii trip that were amazing.
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