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Everything posted by Beamafar

  1. Looks like they learned how to pull a pint of the black stuff. We were on Meraviglia for her inaugural, when MSC first introduced it on draught. However, the barman refused to pull it correctly, despite my DH explaining how and why it should be done properly.
  2. Never dawned on me before that the petit fours are only offered in YC. Goes to show I don’t miss them when in steerage.
  3. Thanks for the list. Haven’t tried that one - maybe they’ll have it on Europa. How are you enjoying the ship, so far? How was dinner?
  4. Was that champagne you had in the Champagne Bar? If so, what were they serving? (Can’t remember if you said you have a drinks package).
  5. I always felt that it was a shame that they stopped having the Diamond bubbly awaiting your arrival in the cabin on embarkation day (and, now, the YC welcome bottle is no more 🥴). So, even if it is the Diamond perk, it’s a nice touch. 👍
  6. Wow, you’re ultra efficient. Packing cases are terrific, though. Just bung ‘em in the drawers and on the shelves.
  7. I wonder if that’s the Aurea welcome onboard pack. The Diamond bubbly doesn’t usually appear until some time during the cruise. I really hope I’m not steering you wrong again (was gonna use the colloquial, but there are some on here who like to report me for using offensive terms). I can see that the chocolate indicates it’s Diamond gift, though.
  8. Aurea next week, Bella in October and YC1 in May ‘24. Really mixing it up. 🤪🤣
  9. Have to say I’m surprised at that. Maybe it’s different on these newer ships (ones that came after Fantasia class) or things have changed since the time we were upgraded. We’ve booked Bella (first time) for our October sailing on Musica. Figured it was worth taking a risk (for once).
  10. My favourite bar on the newer ships. 🥂. I’ll sorely miss the PremiumPlus drinks package. We enjoyed many a glass of Veuve Cliquot there. Have you been assigned to the Aurea dining room?
  11. Thanks. We’re embarking World Europa in Abu Dhabi for a 16 night repositioning to the Med.
  12. I only wish they did. It’s €4.90 per item for DH’s shirts (he usually has at least 5 to be done, plus trousers - and dresses for me).
  13. Here’s hoping 🤞. Perhaps you’ll let us know. Either way, hope you have a wonderful cruise. Ours is just 11 days away, now.
  14. I’ve just booked a great value cruise on Musica for next October - grats and PremXtra included - for a similar price to what I would have paid for a similar booking 3-4 years ago. Fabulous itinerary, too, with 3 POCs we haven’t been to, yet. That’s saying something for a Med cruise, of which we’ve done many!
  15. We’ve sailed in YC on numerous occasions, but we’ve also been in steerage (balcony cabins either Fantastica or Aurea). We’ve enjoyed our time onboard no matter which ‘Experience’ we booked. Even when in YC, we spend quite a bit of time around the rest of the ship, so we don’t always miss the enclave when not booked there.
  16. You should get anytime dining (though none of the other Aurea perks) as it’s the cabin that comes under the Aurea dining room purview, not the ‘Experience’ booked.
  17. Would be lovely to see you again👍. We disembark in Genoa.
  18. Yes, Marco, we certainly did. Couldn’t get YC for this one, possibly due to us embarking in Abu Dhabi.
  19. Lest there be any doubt in people’s minds regarding requirements around Covid, I just received the following text from MSC:
  20. Only bid what you feel the upgrade would be worth to you. In our case I wasn’t very optimistic - the cost to upgrade would have cost an extra $5000 - we bid $1000 total cos that’s all the value we saw for the extras we were gaining.
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