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Everything posted by ORV

  1. There is a Mexico Mo, California Mo, Texas Mo, Kansas City Mo and I’m sure many others. Not sure about IA though.
  2. What cruise line are you talking about? This is the Oceania board. There has never been bidding for any upgrades on Oceania.
  3. I’m a bit disappointed that they haven’t got any new merchandise to cash in for big O points. I literally have at least one if not two of every thing they have. I haven’t seen anything new in 5 or 6 years. If I had any complaints this might be it. For most this isn’t even a blip, but for most Oceania regulars this is a tragedy. 😱 Ok as you see I’ve run out of real things to talk about. Maybe Shep will have a new perspective. When I get home I’ll post a few final thoughts and observations, once I get rested. Bottom line I’ll say for now concerning Oceania. Let’s paraphrase another great Missourian, Mark Twain and just say that concerning the reports of their demise it’s been greatly exaggerated.
  4. So today the HS was White Chocolate Lavender and was delicious, maybe my favorite. I might have some more later. I haven’t had it before. Pretty much all packed.
  5. Oddly enough they announced that there are 66 Britons on board our cruise. Maybe that’s all they allow per cruise. I do think I’ve met 62 of them.
  6. I seem to be getting behind, I thought I made some posts I don’t see. Must be the internet. Anyone on this itinerary needs to be prepared for sporadic internet. I tried the White Miso Apple HS a day or so ago. It certainly wasn’t to my liking. Most of them I like. Today is packing day. Not fun.
  7. I thought I answered this, I guess it didn’t work. When you board check at the artist loft and also watch Currents for class times and sign up.
  8. Not art because they are free, but Culinary classes usually can be. Keep an eye on your account.
  9. Absolutely the least desirable ones go on sale or ones that aren’t selling well. But what might be undesirable to one person might be desirable to another. Just like the cruise I’m on now, while not cheap it did have a great price reduction. While many others have done it, it was new to me. I feel the same way about much of the Mediterranean or Caribbean, if it’s a good deal I’ll consider it, even though we’ve been there many times.
  10. For about 15 years now.
  11. The reality is that sales and great deals have always existed. It’s just that it’s new for some people. And just because someone took advantage of one doesn’t mean that others haven’t had as good or better deals in the past, or will in the future.
  12. We just left Fruitillar Lovely little German village on the lake. Biggest complaint is being on a ship tour we didn’t get to be here long enough. Would love to have a couple of beers and a snack. Once again doing your own thing would be an advantage here. Now we’re heading to another little lovely place that we probably won’t be at long enough. But it’s a beautiful sunny 😎 day.
  13. Headed there right now.
  14. Been waiting in the lounge for an hour for our tour to be called. Definitely running behind today. No problem, we’re here all day.
  15. Gurney? As in lay flat stretcher like an ambulance uses?
  16. Last night of course was the Super Bowl and Oceania had a very nice setup in Horizons with 3 or 4 big screens and snacks and food. I forgot my camera so didn’t take any photos. It was well attended and apparently from the cheers early on there were probably quite a few disappointed west coasters in the end. We watched the second half from the room. Nice to see the Chiefs win again. We’re in Puerto Monte today. Weather in the mid 60s and sunny. I thought it would be warmer.
  17. Just Caribbean, to Cartenga and back, 20 days, 2 cruise credits. Just building for the second free one and getting away for a bit.
  18. No , it doesn’t show up on the online acct. You might see it on the invoice if your TA uses the Oceania invoice and it is an Ocapp pass through or other consortium. If it’s directly from the TA then when you get to your room it should be on a card in your stack of documents.
  19. Looks like no issues with your flights. Did you do your own?
  20. Lots of cleaning and touch ups like this going on all around the ship. I wonder why.
  21. I’ve seen mentioned lately that the end of cruise survey has not been mentioned or offered anymore. Not the case on Marina. I just finished mine and between logging in to it, navigating the process and actually trying to get it to complete it will drive you to drink. Which I’m doing right now. I started on my phone and finished at the computer station. I think I completed it but it’s designed so poorly it’s really hard to tell. I’m going to check with the computer guy when he’s back at 4. I hate to complain or be negative but this process has almost as many issues as the Brazilian visa process. And that’s saying a lot. There is also a mention in Currents about it.
  22. Lots of postings, no one with any real experience concerning the OPs original question. I would like to hear some anyone that actually booked under SM, had the tour cancelled, and what the outcome was. Not going on them because you were sick is not Oceania’s fault or problem.
  23. So that was short and sweet. Being Sunday the whole town was pretty much closed except for a drug store and maybe 1 cafe. A little handicraft market for mainly wool and yarn items was open. I think the tours today went to churches and one went to a park. Not the most prosperous place we’ve been to on this trip, and that’s being nice about it. But the sun is shining and it’s a pretty day for now. We booked a cruise in December to get the on board booking perks.
  24. Today is Castro Chile. A little overcast and cooler but in the mid 60s. There’s a shuttle going to the main drag I hope. We’ll see. no tours for us today. Dinner last night again in Toscano. There have been plenty of opportunities on this cruise for extra reservations for a number of reasons. Multiple people have mentioned to us they got extras in pretty much any they wanted. More later.
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