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Everything posted by bitob

  1. Formal night tonight we are going to la terraza jacket yes tie no all as planned
  2. This is becoming an undress code thread
  3. Would never happen. That’s why I’m an over packer. I told you we are kindred spirits
  4. 110 in tucson freezing in Iceland happy medium would be nice
  5. Do it in your cabin!! i did raise the issue with staff
  6. Confirmed formal nights tie only needed in Atlantide and la dame jacket sufficient everywhere else on board leave the tie home if you want to
  7. Nord is blocked anyone had any success with a different vpn?
  8. If someone knows a vpn that will work let me know and I will get free trial
  9. Nord not working worked on regent Worked on seabourn even though carnival bocks vpns on Cunard I have premium Wi-Fi
  10. We slept until noon today. I needed it unfortunately on this cruise large groups are in the arts cafe speaking and shrieking. Arts cafe was my go to place for a great latte and reading or knitting. And although there is something mentioned daily about phone etiquette, some don’t read as they are FaceTiming with grandkids at top of their lungs in arts cafe.
  11. I’ve been on ships where Titanic was one of the movie offerings. Duh
  12. Just left Atlantide we had reservation at hot rocks but even with heaters it was way too cold. They were putting blankets on guests we saw jeans, t shirts just about everything. not much of a dress code if you ask me
  13. Mooster85 snuffle and I were in on same trivia team. Roy is hilarious and runs a great game
  14. Note there are 31 children on board. Very high number imo and strange for this itinerary they have assigned a staff member to handle the kids which is good. Many are preteens so they are not an issue. They know how to behave or can be taught. a few toddlers were running in halls screaming. Bad parenting. Can’t blame the kids
  15. Just saw another guy in bathrobe in la dolce vita
  16. Exactly. Day of ship’s departure way too close for comfort
  17. I did a little investigation on entertainment. It will no longer be “in house”. royal Caribbean group will handle it. Expect a huge upgrade in entertainment.
  18. Thanks. Distilleries are not our thing. We’ve done a private tour through troubled Belfast. Going to titanic museum
  19. If luggage forward lost luggage they would be out of business. I also use air tags. Double tracking. Luggage forward will get your luggage to you. Extensively tracked. An airline? Lol also my luggage arrives a week before I do. Plenty of time to handle glitches
  20. Shops are busy. Some folks thought they were on a summer cruise. Warm clothing and jackets selling out fast don’t we all check the weather before we leave?
  21. I inquired u were right lost luggage but she was fully dressed. Odd. i cross pack no idea how they will ever get luggage to the small places we are going. if he has insurance he could purchase a few things in the shop and get reimbursed this is why I ship my luggage to my pre cruise hotel.
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