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Everything posted by schmoopie17

  1. Just make sure you have dental insurance. Those gummies can mess up your teeth.
  2. Others have (correctly) pointed out that the flight issues are not the fault of NCL. The flights would have gone the same way even if you had booked them directly on your own. However, nobody has addressed the cabin issue. I assume you chose this cabin and it was not a guarantee cabin? Even if a reservation agent or a TA picked it for you, a little checking of deck plans beforehand would have gone a long way to allowing you to pick a cabin in a more desirable location. There are numerous websites with cruise ship deck plans and reviews to allow intelligent cabin choices. So, I don't know what kind of "investigation" would result. Good luck with that.
  3. They way people are complaining about food and service in the Main Dining rooms, you might want to consider adding the Specialty Dining. On the other hand, the way people are complaining about the food and service in the Specialty Dining rooms, you may want to consider not adding Specialty Dining. Hope this helps...
  4. In quickly reading the title of this thread, my old eyes originally thought it said: "Guest denied boarding due to being overserved". But then I realized he would only be overserved AFTER boarding. Okay...back to the discussion of fake letters and appropriate compensation.
  5. Plus, they probably checked their luggage with the porters before finding out they were bumped. I'd like to know how long it took to locate their luggage and get it back...or if they even did.
  6. So...they eliminate the nasty liver glop, but still charge an extra $10?? How can that be? Must be for our convenience...or some such nonsense.
  7. The Pantheon is technically a church, but many recent reports say they don't pay attention to uncovered knees. People routinely wear shorts there.
  8. Good to hear. We have two tours and two transfers scheduled with them in September.
  9. Even that is no guarantee. The only way to know for sure is when you're actually walking on dry land after the ship has docked. By then it's probably too late to change the destination...although I wouldn't put it past NCL to try.
  10. $2800?? That's outrageous. For comparison (on a similar cruise, but different flights): We booked the Panama Canal for next February from LA to Miami. Flying from Milwaukee to LA...and then back to Milwaukee from Miami, our total fare on the BOGO was $658. That's total for both of us on two separate flights. Having said that, we ended canceling the BOGO because we were able to book Southwest for just a little bit more and be able to pick our flights, get free bags and be able to pick our seats. (Actually, saying "pick our seats" sounds kind of nasty, but you get the idea.)
  11. It's obvious you don't know much about soccer. You're supposed to kick the ball...not yourself. 🤪
  12. Shocked to see that you didn't have a pub visit in London for a beer (or three). The last time we were in London we did 12 pubs in four days. Can hardly wait to get back there. (I'd say I can't wait...but I have to wait).
  13. I used to live in Paradise Valley, as well as a couple of other places in AZ. Still get back there now and then. Don't be surprised if I surprise you some day. (Actually, you would probably be pretty surprised)...
  14. It would be tough on our next cruise in September. It's Rome round-trip with no sea days, so not a lot of "down" time. We're also going with another couple who happen to be cruise virgins, so I foresee a lot of hand-holding in my future. (They actually surprised US, when they told us they wanted to go along for the ride). Plus, I always seem to have more trouble than most people logging into the "free" CC access. I'll definitely do something after the fact, though. We're doing the Panama Canal in February, with a bunch of sea days. I'll try to give it a go then.
  15. If that's the case, be prepared to have your La Z Boy get up off his lazy butt and run to the door to give you a big bear hug. (Unless, of course, you have a bearskin rug...in which case, that would be his job.) But seriously, (and I'm rarely serious)...I don't know how I'm going to occupy myself until your next cruise escapade.
  16. Congrats on the HOF thing. Something to be proud of...even if everyone else is now dead 😛. I actually played five years of high school baseball. (No, I wasn't held back for academic reasons...although you'd never know it by reading many of my posts). I actually made the JV team while in eighth grade...then started the next four years on the Varsity at the Hot Corner. (Not quite HOF material, I guess...but it is a conversation piece.)
  17. You don't have to book restaurants in the order you plan to go. So, no...it doesn't matter. (And the question wasn't confusing at all. And I'm easily confused...)
  18. A few days after boarding, we canceled two excursions that we had paid for before the cruise. We got refunded to our ship account. But note that they had a stipulation that any cancellation had to be made more than 48 hours prior to the excursion. However, I don't know how strictly they adhere to this rule, since we canceled one two days before and one was one day before. It should be noted that nobody was manning (womaning?) the Excursions Desk when we went to cancel. They had a drop box on the counter for cancel notices to be put in. So it's possible they didn't know the timing of the cancellations.
  19. I resemble that comment...so I'll continue the deckchair fiasco. Earlier you said, "Most of us know that the term deckchair is the English version of lounger." Who is/are the "us" to which you refer? All of us on CC?...All of us in the world? And how, exactly, do you know that all of us know this? For the record, I am aware of the phrase "arranging deck chairs on the Titanic." However, I never pictured loungers as the deckchairs being arranged. Silly me...I always pictured just plain old chairs. If, indeed, most of "us" know what deckchairs are, I guess @ChiefMateJRKand I are not part of that exclusive group. Now back to the discussion of balconies and financial advisors.
  20. Can you please post an APB over here on the lowly NCL board to alert your FFF (fans/followers/friends) when it gets posted to be on the lookout for your report?
  21. What time did the ship arrive in port? Just trying to figure out how much time to figure between arrival and self-disembarkment.
  22. No catch. All beers in the District are covered. We were on the Escape in 2022 and returning again in September.
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