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Everything posted by schmoopie17

  1. Uh, yeah...pretty much everyone. Otherwise, why so much bickering? Sorry you missed the point. (And the easy solution).
  2. I see what you did there...subtle reference to Dad's full monty in the Spa? Nice... You can run, but you can't hide. I see several of us managed to find our way from the poor side of town...aka the NCL Board... over to the gated community of Princess. Missing Dad, but eagerly and vicariously following along.
  3. On the Jade four months ago, we were able to text back and forth to our "surprise" traveling companions. We both had I-phones and just texted normally, without any additional charges or buying any additional plans. I'm about as technically challenged as anyone you'll ever meet, so don't ask how we pulled this off. All I know is it worked.
  4. Here are some suggestions: If you want to get off the ship in an "unsafe" port, get off the ship. If you don't want to get off the ship in an "unsafe" port, don't get off the ship. How difficult is that? Problem solved.
  5. We've done one TA (on the Escape) in 2022. The WiFi was horrendous,,,couldn't even connect to the "free" Cruise Critic. I'm too cheap to pay for the "upgraded WiFi", but since the overall WiFi was so bad, why throw away extra money to get extra minutes to get extra aggravated? We're back on the Escape in two months. Hope it's improved.
  6. It was Gouda you to point that out.
  7. They have a District Brewhouse. I don't know about you, but that's about all I need to know.
  8. Ricky Nelson? You're right, not exactly Doo Wop. Ozzie Nelson, maybe. Is Sha Na Na still around/alive? Maybe they'd be up for a reunion cruise. We were visiting LA when my daughter was about four, we were pulling out of a parking lot and she yelled out, "Sha Na Na!!!" It was all the more amazing because the two of them (Bowser and Santini) were just standing there (and out of costume...not sure how she recognized them). They had a TV show at the time, which she loved to watch. In any case, I stopped the car and they came over and gave her their autographs, with the saying, "Bowser and Santini love you". Pretty cool.
  9. If @mking8288attends the Feb 6, 2025 version of #Schmoopiefest, being the technical wizard that he is, I'm sure he could rig up a karaoke/whatchamajigger machine in a lounge to crank out Doo Wop, or any music your heart desires.
  10. Okay, but only on the condition you and Dad join us on either our Feb 6, 2025 cruise or the planned (but unchosen) 2026 NCL Board cruise. OH, who am I kidding? I would follow you guys anywhere...
  11. Having a French Fry Museum sounds like someone is trying to rub it in to the lowly hash browns. Not only do they not have a museum, they seem to now be extinct,
  12. On our 2019 Panama Canal cruise we had three Mexico stops...Cabo, Mazatlan and Acapulco. We roamed all around Cabo, did an excursion in Mazatlan (which had the best shrimp we've ever eaten)...and got off the ship in Acapulco only to take a picture with the "Acapulco" sign. Had no desire to go anywhere else...especially thinking we'd have the ship to ourselves. Wrong. The ship was packed, almost like a sea day. The pool was swamped and bars were loaded (as were the passengers). Apparently, most of the passengers had the same thinking about getting off in Acapulco as we did.
  13. Do you put your bags in the hall the night before debarking? Probably the same amount of risk.
  14. @graphicguy You always seemed pretty "hip". Maybe you should think twice about getting it replaced. Don't want to lose that swagger. On the bright side, it's not a knee replacement...considering all of the positive comments about your lower appendages. 😁
  15. Good move. You wouldn't want to barrel towards Beryl.
  16. Also the case with Jasmine on the Jade (the line...not the food. We thought the food was great...ate there at least four times).
  17. Our full payment (including taxes and fees) is a few hundred lower than the current published price.
  18. Has anyone (besides the Schmoopies) actually booked the Feb 6 cruise? Since we booked it several weeks ago, our cabin price has increased a few hundred dollars. Might want to jump on it, if interested.
  19. No, surprisingly enough. But will definitely make a pilgrimage on this cruise.
  20. We're all thinking about a 2026 cruise...when NCL gets around to putting out schedules. As for the spreadsheet, don't steal @cruiseny4life's thunder, since it was his creation. But thanks for bumping back up, so more people can see it.
  21. Good point about the Super Bowl party. I would imagine the ship should have the game on most, if not all, TVs. If not, we're in PV until 9:00, so it should be on in bars. Can't miss the Packers hoisting the Lombardi trophy and bringing it back home where it belongs. We've also been to most of these ports and will anticipate having the ship to ourselves on several days. Shorter lines at the bars. The Schmoopies hate waiting for drinks. Well, maybe hate is too strong of a word. I'll go with strongly dislike. There...much better.
  22. They're saving that name for when they roll out the Scrubbing Class.
  23. Hurry up and book one of the many one-day cruises NCL offers.
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