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Everything posted by schmoopie17

  1. I like the one on the right. Reminds me of rainbow sherbet. (NOTE: I said "sherbet"...one of my pet peeves is when people say "sherbert"...there is only one R in sherbet.and it's between the E and the B). I feel better now...
  2. Everything @CaptainBazzsays is correct. I was going to say pretty much the same thing but he beat me to the response. Just for kicks I checked to see if our restaurant reservations were still there for our November TA. Sure enough, still in the app and on the website.
  3. People are saying the Escape removed the mini-golf. That sucks...was looking to have a diversion while on sea days for our November TA 😡
  4. So, to sum it up: They're all really good. They're all really bad.
  5. We're on a TA in November on the Escape and there are currently 130 shore excursions that come up to purchase. (Even though we rarely buy ship excursions...)
  6. As usual, I learned something from reading your post. Always enjoy reading what you have to say.
  7. I guess you could say that. And to do a Transatlantic cruise.
  8. I realize that what I'm about to say might be considered blasphemy on this board, but even though we will be in Rome for the first time in October prior to our cruise, we are not really into history, monuments, architecture, etc. Doing tours of the Colosseum, Vatican, etc., really doesn't interest us all that much. What does interest us is food and wine. Therefore, we have signed up for the Twilight Food and Wine tour of Trastevere. This tour essentially gets five stars from everyone who has taken it and we, needless to say, are very much looking forward to it. Having said that, we do plan on walking through the city to see the high points (aka tourist traps). Hey, we're tourists and we don't mind being trapped 😁. We'll be staying near the Pantheon, so lots of stuff to see while walking in the neighborhood. I know, I know...the first response that people will say is that we can do our own food and wine tour without having to pay a tour company. Fine, I get that. But we feel that this will give us an overview and get a lay of the land so that in the couple of days following, we'll have a better idea of what to look for in putting together our own food tour. Plus, it is a good way to walk off jet lag and meet some of our future cruisemates, who have also signed up for the tour. (Maybe I shouldn't add that we're also doing a Tapas and Wine tour in Barcelona a few days later.) What can I say...we're gluttons for punishment.
  9. Was it just Spain, or all Europe ports/countries? We are on a TA in November with four Spain ports. This could end up being a fairly significant charge to our final bill that we weren't expecting. So much for the "free" Premium beverage package. On the bright side, we didn't upgrade the beverage package...that could REALLY add up.
  10. WOW...who knew? (I guess you did). Awesome tip!
  11. Are you sure? Just checked our November TA and Unlimited Premium WIFI is $414.84 per person. When selecting, it automatically charges $829.68 for two people, with no way to order just for one person. Which makes sense, otherwise both people could be using it and paying half the price.
  12. So...many people, upon boarding the ship, find the nearest bar to have a welcome aboard drink, or three. Those are taxed?
  13. Meeting strangers can be stressful. I can relate. And so can Jerry and Elaine from Seinfeld: Elaine: "I'll never understand people." Jerry: "They're the worst."
  14. Our November TA on the Escape currently has 788 roll call posts. Okay...787 are from me...😁
  15. We're booked for a TA cruise with the first eight days being very port intensive. We figure for those days we will be able to access WIFI in the ports. We already have 250 free minutes, but we're wondering if it's possible to upgrade to unlimited halfway through the cruise at a prorated rate before the bulk of sea days start. I realize that people say the WIFI in the middle of the ocean is pretty bad, but it would be better than nothing...especially if our shared 250 minutes have dwindled down. We've also read that people have gotten unlimited WIFI after boarding the ship at a discounted rate, but something tells me that there is a cutoff for opting for unlimited WIFI. Has anyone gotten it several days into a cruise? A couple of other people on our cruise have wondered the same thing, so we're all in the same boat...literally and figuratively.
  16. Testing now might provide SOME peace of mind. However, the flight over (including traversing at least two airports), checking into a hotel, possibly touring the area before the cruise, eating in restaurants, etc., can all be potential sources of COVID. It would be horrible to fly all the way to Greece (after testing negative at home) only to test positive before boarding the ship. Then what??
  17. We're also on this cruise. Because the first week of the cruise is very port-intensive, we figured we'd have access to WIFI in all of the Europe stops. We were toying with the idea of trying to add Unlimited WIFI after we leave Lisbon, but don't know if that's an option. However, after reading about the crummy performance of the WIFI, we may need to re-think that idea.
  18. That's what I say every time I see someone ask if something is "worth it". Worth it to who/whom? I have no idea if it's worth it to the person asking the question. So there is no answer. And something that's worth it to me may not be worth it to the asker. Kind of a useless question, really.
  19. I didn't know I needed your permission to post an opinion. How silly of me. In any case, if you want to continue this argument (while boring everyone on the board), go for it. I'm done with it.
  20. Sorry to disappoint you,...and I rounded up by $32. How naughty of me... Apparently you missed the part where I said we wouldn't even really be interested in most of the so-called upgrades. The WIFI on NCL is crappy, so why would I want more of it? We don't book excursions through NCL, so that "benefit" is worthless to us. We already have the Premium beverage package...don't need any "upgrade". As I said the only thing we would want is the extra dining nights...but not at that price. Why pay $1,600 (excuse me, $1,568) for stuff we don't even want? Hence the statement that it's not a bargain (to us) at any price.
  21. I don't know and I'm not going to waste time calculating it, especially since we wouldn't even really want most of the "upgrades"...except maybe the extra specialty dining, which we can buy for far less than $1600.
  22. At the top of the box it says valid for 3+ night cruises booked on or after 1/18/22.
  23. So...that's essentially $100 more per couple, per day. That means for our upcoming 16 day TA, that would be an extra $1,600 for us. Not a bargain, by any stretch of the imagination.
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