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Everything posted by schmoopie17

  1. I believe you meant to say 120 days. Earlier would be for higher Latitudes levels.
  2. If so, upon meeting him, you need to do your best Seinfeld impression and say, "Hello, Nooman"...
  3. They will reinstate the certificate to your account in a couple of days. Never have seen NCL give cash back in lieu of a certificate reinstatement.
  4. This is our go-to happy place on the Escape. It's usually not crowded, especially when it first opens.
  5. That's one of the huge advantages to booking with NCL. Other cruise lines (Carnival, etc.) have non-refundable deposits...or they will give you a FCC for your deposit minus an "administrative fee"...whatever that is. We recently canceled a Carnival cruise that had a $100 deposit. They charged $50 p/p as an administrative fee, which ate up our entire deposit.
  6. If you cancel now...no penalty. Simple.
  7. As mentioned previously, average age would depend on the time of year, with summer lowering the age due to the kid factor. On our TA (which started in the Mediterranean) the average age was probably close to 70, given the majority of cruisers were retired (which is our desired demographic, since we're retired and fit right in). We saw only one kid on our TA. Which is amazing, since, at my age, I consider almost everyone to be a kid. Now GET OFF MY LAWN! (oops, did I say that out loud?)
  8. That's nice for the people embarking. However, the people who were supposed to DISembark hours ago are stuck making alternate arrangements to fly home. Sucks for them...
  9. Never been in the Haven...but when you first meet your butler, call him Rhett, just for kicks.
  10. They're in the process of becoming an adult-only website...changing the name to NC-17.
  11. @dam64I see what you did with the title of this thread. Well done...
  12. Been saying this for a long time. Why would anyone pay for a dessert on a cruise ship when perfectly fine (dare I say excellent) desserts are available in the dining venues free of charge. I'll answer my own question...apparently nobody does. Like @UKstages says, I have never seen anyone doing it.
  13. Not the first time Prima and rock bottom have been used in the same sentence.
  14. The wall that held the patio door creaked unbelievably loud the last night of our Prima cruise. We had a sound machine and I wear earplugs...it still kept me up most of the night. Luckily it was our last night.
  15. Give me an "N". Give me a "C". Give me an "L". What's it spell? Amazingly, even though there are only three letters, sometimes it spells a four-letter word. 😁
  16. Based on the title of this thread (and our mediocre experience on the Prima)...maybe NCL should just go ahead and officially change the ship's name to Primeh.
  17. Belvedere Bar had it on the Prima in January. Chocolate Cowboy was serving it up.
  18. Back to the original question (minus the four pages of legal mumbo-jumbo since then)... @BigPapaGato was due to board his cruise on June 15. Today is a week later, so assuming it was a week-long cruise, it would be interesting to have him come back with an update.
  19. I'd love to tell you, but like I said, I lost my memory and can't remember. What was the question again?
  20. I stand corrected. (Actually, I'm sitting...but you get the idea.) It was 10:00 for me, too. But I'm old and the memory is the second thing to go.
  21. We've never been on a cruise where the ship stays overnight in a port and doesn't leave until the following evening. That will be happening on our cruise when the Escape arrives at Livorno at 6:30am Sunday and doesn't leave until 7:00pm Monday. So...on Sunday, is there a "curfew" time when everyone has to be back on the ship the first night? Or can you come and go at all hours? When growing up, the local TV stations would say. "It's 11:00...do you know where your children are?"
  22. There have been times when trying to check availability of a balcony on NCL's site, it will come up as "guarantee" only...with no option to pick a cabin...or no availability on a particular deck. That's when we call our reliable PCC who is able to "magically" make available cabins available out of thin air. Another reason to have a good PCC.
  23. Everyone is talking about making flight changes prior to 75 days out. Kind of hard to change something that you won't even be notified about until a month later. Unless you're psychic, I suppose. Also, keep in mind that after final payment (120 days out), if you booked the BOGO it's too late to cancel it.
  24. We did a TA last November. Loved it. Will probably do another one if we can find one with different ports...and doesn't end in New York. As someone said earlier, check the CC Transatlantic message board. There's more info there than you could ask for.
  25. You should have been on our Prima cruise last January. You would have been hard pressed to find anyone that had anything positive to say about that ship. Trust me...we were involved in many of these conversations with numerous fellow disgruntled passengers (and overheard many, many...many more). Check the CC reviews of the Prima (including mine) if you don't believe it.
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