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Everything posted by schmoopie17

  1. The OP obviously doesn't know the correct term for "surprise" on this forum. Having said that, I'm all for surprises. Hence the correct term...right, @Sugar Magnolia and @debenson0723?
  2. And don't be surprised if they do it again this year. For our convenience...
  3. Two things about that laundry bag video: No undies?? And what's with the centimeters? I suppose I could try to convert it to inches, but I hate math, so...
  4. We had briefly looked at the Sun for a future cruise. However, after reading the horrendous reviews on CC, we quickly squelched that idea. But following along with you, it's nice to see that the Sun isn't as bad as most of the previous reviewers make it out to be. Or maybe your fantastic photography makes it look better. Maybe we'll give it a shot some day.
  5. We had four Spain ports on our November, 2022 TA. All of the bars had the signs. Well, until I stole all of the signs. I figured if there was no sign, they wouldn't charge it. I figured wrong...
  6. "It's a skill...kind of like juggling" (Yet another obscure "Seinfeld" quote)...
  7. Yes there is. And since Syd's is notorious for long lines, grab a drink at Tobacco Road, the bar right next door, and monitor the line so you know when to jump in, I beat @Sugar Magnoliato the punch...
  8. @AgentMalt I see you just joined CC yesterday. Welcome to the world of dissenting opinions. As you've already seen, opinions of the food on NCL (including the Specialty Restaurants) varies wildly. This is what usually happens when people ask for food recommendations on CC. My advice (for what it's worth) is to try whatever style food/restaurant YOU like. Forget what others say, as everyone's taste is different. Honestly, in all the NCL cruises we've taken, I can positively say I do not recall ever having a bad meal in a Specialty Restaurant...and we've tried all of them. I think you'll be fine with whatever choice you make. If not, it's not the end of the world. There's always another one to try.
  9. How long before they increase the Daily Service Charge (again)? They upped it to $20 (for steerage) a while ago. Probably the next shoe to drop.
  10. Agreed. We used to take a couple back to the cabin to play Ring Toss later...
  11. Barcelona is an excellent example of a huge city with tons of places to go and see. They have a port shuttle for 3 euro ($4.50 round trip) that drops off at the Columbus statue at the end of Las Ramblas. From there you can get anywhere else you want to go.
  12. Maxwell Smart had a shoe phone. Oops...there's that age thing again.
  13. Correct. The Jade was our overall best cruising experience. Food, service...pretty much everything was top-notch. It's just old enough (and funky enough) without being run down and musty. Lots of wood everywhere...even in the bathrooms (where they still have ashtrays right by the toilet...for your convenience). They even have signs that say "No smoking in bed". Like I said...funky.
  14. Ever dreamed of going to romantic, scenic places like Florence, Tuscany, Pisa, Siena, etc.? Guess what...the port for all of those beautiful places is Livorno. And Livorno is (gasp) an industrial port. Don't judge a book by its cover...and don't judge a region by its port.
  15. Seriously? I never heard of this awesome-sounding caller ID thing. Thanks for the education. What will they think of next? Maybe a phone you can carry in your pocket. That would be even more awesome.
  16. Mrs. Schmoopie and I met the old fashioned way...on the internet. In my internet dating profile I included the requirement that any prospective dates be a fan of the "Seinfeld" show. To my surprise, Mrs. Schmoopie (she had a different name at the time) was able to engage in back and forth dialogue from practically every episode. The famous "Schmoopie" episode included the lines. "You're a Schmoopie". "No, YOU'RE a Schmoopie". Somehow, I began calling her Schmoopie. The rest is history.
  17. Our PCC knows it's me when I call him. He answers the phone and immediately says. "Hi, Schmoopie"...or words to that effect.
  18. After wading through pages of discussion on this thread, it occurred to me that the key piece of information was the woman posting her booking number. If someone she knows has a grudge against her, they obviously know her name and would most likely know her DOB and email address. Having said that...every time I contact NCL about an existing reservation they ask: Name Booking number Ship name Sail dates I don't recall ever being asked DOB or email address. But anyone who knows her and was impersonating her would know those, just in case they were asked.
  19. Not from me. Mrs. Schmoopie does all the grilling. If I ever grilled something, you wouldn't want to eat it.
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