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Everything posted by purplesea

  1. That's what I thought I had to start with! Sorry to hear you have it too and hope your symptoms are mild. Hope you enjoyed your holiday.
  2. I normally have long life milk in, for just such an issue, but it had been used and I forgot to replace it!!
  3. Thank you all for your good wishes. I don't feel too bad, just tired and lightheaded when I stand up. So just taking it easy, but am feeling cheesed off as can't even make a decent cuppa as the milk has gone off. I was going to get more this afternoon as I was supposed to be meeting a friend for coffee, but will have to send OH out for some when he gets back. I will also have to rethink my shopping booked for the weekend. Pam
  4. Dry here too, but a bit breezy. Had a letter from my GP surgery inviting me for a Covid booster and flu jab, but on doing a test today, as I have been suffering a cold for the last few days, I have tested positive, so that's changed all my plans for the next few days! At least I have caught it now and not in a few weeks time when we are due to go on holiday.
  5. Although you can buy things like detergent, pain killers, toiletries and other necessities they are expensive so it is worth taking you own.
  6. Showers forecast for today and a pleasant 17C. Came in from work yesterday with a sore throat and headache plus feeling achy, so did a test - negative. So dosed my self up and had an early night, tested again this morning still negative🙂 so fingers crossed it's just a cold🤞 Hope everyone has a good day.
  7. It rained during the night and feels fresher, but probably not enough to do any good to the fields which are in dire need. Had one of those night where I didn't seem to sleep and now feel exhausted. Off to work shortly too! Came home from work last night to find cones in the road so it looks as though the water board are going to have another go at fixing the leak that has been there for months! Have a good day.
  8. We too had connecting cabins and there is no difference noise wise.
  9. Mostly cloudy here and feeling a lot cooler, although the temp is showing as 23C supposed to get up to 27C again later. Nothing planned for except work this afternoon/evening. Enjoy your Sunday.
  10. Glad to hear that you had a lovely holiday with your grand children but orry to hear that your scooter has gone walkabout, Michelle. Hopefully you will be reunited with it, or get a new one soon.
  11. Another hot day down here too 29C and expected to get hotter! Not working today thank goodness. Took an early trip to Penzance for a click and collect at Tesco, the idea was to go early to miss the traffic, but there seemed to be more tractors on the roads than normal😕 Got home and made some ice cream and decided while in the kitchen to make some scones and flapjacks too - must need my head examining. Although it has been proven I'm not right in the head!!🥴 Daughter and partner are coming over later for a BBQ.
  12. It's our hottest day of the heatwave today at 30oC and I have to go to work a bit later! I will no doubt be a melting blob by the time I've walked up from the car park down by the beach in this heat😳
  13. They did a display in Falmouth on Wednesday as part of the Falmouth Week event.
  14. We visited Croatia with Azura earlier on in the year and in Croatia a lot of places will accept Euros as are changing from Kuna to Euros in January.
  15. Our hottest day down here so far! Been a busy here this morning. One daughter sent a text last night asking if she could borrow my car this morning, so I dived out early to get milk as ours had gone off! Granddaughter arrived asking can I alter her dress so she can take it on holiday tomorrow, my daughter arrived to collect my car and another other daughter and her husband arrived on their way back from the beach. They've all gone but looks like we're having a BBQ on Saturday here!! Take care and try and stay cool.
  16. We have had a leak on our approach road for several weeks. It was a fairly small leak and the road was dug up and replaced, but there was still a leak. A few weeks later a leak developed from the man hole cover a bit futher up the road, so again the road was dug up and repaired, that leak has been reparied. I think that they have dug up and repaired the road at least five times to date but the orginal leak still needs fixing. As we are a cul de sac it causes problems getting in and out!!
  17. I have sailed on all those ships and although they are all different I am sure you will enjoy your cruises.
  18. Sorry to hear your new about your cat. Pets always leave a hole in our hearts.
  19. I used to do the same as our surname was the only one in the school. If the lost item didn't belong to the child it was given to it still found it's way home! Our name stood out at the hospital a few years back as my daughter had been to see one of the consultants and a few months later I was also referred to see him. He handed the letter about me back to his secretary and told her that he had already seen that patient, she replied that he hadn't😲
  20. Morning all, Hope everyone is well. Bright and sunny down here and expected to get warmer, no breeze which we have had the last couple of days, making it feel cooler. Have had the last couple of days off work and have be caught up with friends for coffee and .made myself a blouse Off in a short while to collect my shopping from Tesco, get petrol and then this afternoon I become taxi to my granddaughter as she needs collecting from a party and taking to her other grandmothers. Enjoy your weekend.
  21. I think that is right too. If the door is on the left as you enter, the bathroom is on the right. The sofa is next to the wardrobes and the bed by the balcony. We had this configuration when on Iona in January. My mother had the cabin next door and it was the opposite way round - entry door on the right, bathroom on the left, bed next to the wardrobes and sofa next to the balcon..
  22. Just having a catch up after having been at work all day. Sorry to hear about your run of bad luck, hope things improve for you and your arm gets better quickly. .Weather wise down here it was misty and the forecast was for showers all day. What did we have? A nice sunny day, although very muggy and 26c in St Ives😕 Since I've been home it's clouded over and rain is forecast for later tonight!
  23. So pleased to hear that your aunt is home and hope all goes well. Wishing her well.
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