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Everything posted by purplesea

  1. Things sound pretty hectic for you all. Hope everyone is OK. Take care
  2. We spent two weeks on Iona in January and had two formal nights (one each week).
  3. I've had one of those evenings at work where everyone wanted something, or it seemed that way. The amount of running around I've done this evening I should of lost a couple of pounds! I'm exhausted and now I'm home I'm recovering with a glass of wine.
  4. Have a lovely time. My last day at work before we head of on our holiday at the weekend.
  5. I had a letter inviting me to our GP's walk in vaccination clinic for my booster and flu jabs at the beginning of August and was surprised as I'm 65. I think that my surgery has pushed me up the vulnerability ladder as I have been offered the vaccines just 3 weeks after my husband who is a fair bit older. Hope all goes well tomorrow Josy.
  6. Growing up we had Yorkshire Puds with all roast meats, and our dog would sit and wait for the ones that were left. He would sit there until he had had the last one, wether it be one left or six, he knew!
  7. Yes, you are right,it's not. I think I must have been having a senior moment!πŸ™„
  8. Sorry to hear that you aren't able to travel with the rest of your family, but hope you are well enough to join them later. Take care.
  9. We were there in January on Iona and docked opposite the town.
  10. Sorry to hear that things are tough for you Sue, but glad to hear that your Dad is feeling much better. I haven't had television on this morning as have spent most of it on the phone, with one or other members of my family discussing a meal for Mum's birthday in December as she wants to get it booked. We will be in Sicily when the funeral takes place, but it is a very sad time for the family. My grandaughter has just informed us that it is very sober in London and the underground is crowded with people carrying flowers to pay their tributes.
  11. Good to hear that it is still warm over there as we fly out to Sicily next week.
  12. It is certainly a week we won't forget. It was the anniversary of my father's death on Monday and Mum was feeling very low when I called in to see her. Sorry to hear about your friend, hope gets the treatment she needs to recover.
  13. We flew out from Bristol at the end of April and our flight was 6 am. It too a while to get through passport control in Malta as about 6 planes landed in quick succesion. We arrived on the ship at about 1pm.
  14. We don't keep mince pies just for Christmas either. I went round to see Mum the other day and she gave me a batch of apples from her tree. I also have a lot of pears, so a baking and freezing session is up and coming as there are so many. Meeting a couple of friends for coffee later whom I haven't seen for a few months, so will be good to have a catch up.
  15. A few years back we did a trip with P&O to Keukenhof from Amsterdam. I expect that they would still do them.
  16. Been out looking for tailor's chalk that I couldn't find yesterday and found some a lot nearer to home. Went into my local Boots and got chatting to my friend that works there and now back home with a cuppa, before continuing with my sewing. Dinner for us tonight is pork in cider.
  17. Decided to head up to Truro this morning on a shopping trip as I need new shoes and other bits and pieces for our holiday Was surprised at how quiet it was up there, although that could be because it was raining! Needless to say that the sun decided to come out on the way home. My trip was a bit of a wasted journey. I couldn't find any shoes I liked in my size, Boots didn't have anything I wanted in stock, the only plus was that I got some buttons and cotton in the market, but forgot I also needed tailor's chalk! Called in at Tescos on the way back which took longer that I expected as they had moved everything around. Why do they have to do thatπŸ˜–, it is so annoying!
  18. Our sunshine has given way to rain. Went out into the garden to rescue the pears on the ground, before the slugs get them, and caught in the rain. As the wind has picked up I expect there will be more soon.
  19. I'm here, although I have just dropped by! I was just going to say the same about the weather. I have the next four days off work, so hope to get sorted ready to go away at the end of next week.
  20. In April we flew out to Malta with TUI, but it could be dependent of which airport people are flying from as we flew from Bristol.
  21. Morning everyone, hope you're all well. A nice sunny day down here, but set to change tomorrow. My son bought as an air fryer when our deep fat fryer broke, but I don't get on with it and have given it away. I was looking at a multi cooker a while back but was undecided, so didn't do anything about it.
  22. I reapplied for mine online last October and got it back in eight days, might have been less if I had gone to the post office the same day to return the old one instead of two days later!
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