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Everything posted by purplesea

  1. Venture Ashore are a company that organises excursions and they publish the arrival and departure timings, you just need to fill in your cruise details.
  2. We sailed on Iona in January this year and the crossing was calm, but we were unable to dock in Maderia as the wind was too strong. As others have said it's the luck of the draw!
  3. Another bright sunny day again, after another night of rain and again pleasantly warm. Ended up working later than planned last night as a staff member short, luckily it was a quiet evening as I was on my own. My watch decided to run out of battery yesterday too, so have taken a trip into Penzance to get a new one and bread that Tesco's didn't deliver yesterday. Back home now and have made a cake and have another batch of pear chutney on the go. Also have a glut of apples, but can't decide if I should freeze them or make them into chutney too. Hope everyone is having a good day.
  4. A nice bright sunny day, after rain last night, and feels quite warm down here at present, although rain is forecast again for later. Tesco have delivered my grocery order, subsituted the wines I ordered and no bread available🤷‍♀️ luckily I have some in the freezer. Working later this afternoon and this evening, but not much else happening. Have a good Sunday.
  5. We have 4 cabins in a row booked for September next year and are hoping to have them all opened up.
  6. There were a lot of bird watchers on the causeway near Hayle the other day. Don't know what they were looking at all I could see as I drove past were geese and seagulls.
  7. I have had a mallen streak in my hair since I was in my 20's and as I was dark it was complete contrast, but as it wasn't on my parting it didn't really show and never bothered me so never started dying it. As I've got older I have grandually gone grey, so now blends in.
  8. I have been reading this with interest. My husband has a cough, medically related and has had it for a number of years before covid even exsisted. Which means that on the above basis we had better cancel all our cruises and will never be allowed to cruise with P&O again, until they change their policy.
  9. Sorry the hear about your health issues, but you are sounding very positive. Take care.
  10. I took her to St. Clare medical centre for her covid vaccination last week. She is registered in Truro as that is were she was living and hoping to move back to. The problem is finding somewhere on the NHS that has vacancies and transporation as she doesn't drive. As she has MS the appointment she was offerd by Boots was too close too close to her next round of treatment. Thank you for your suggestion.
  11. My mother is paying £500 less than a double occupancy for a standard balcony cabin in September 2023, she was offered a de-luxe balcony for £10 less than the price she is paying for the cabin booked. As she is joining the rest of us she didn't take up the offer as it seemed a bit pointless being in a different area of the ship - we now have four cabins in a row booked.
  12. A partially sunny day here although there's a bit of a breeze and a pleasant 15C. After going up to Truro yesterday for her flu jab by daughter recieved a phone call this morning cancelling her appointment, although they could offer her another it wasn't until the end of the month which she isn't able to take. . She expected to have it last week when she had her covid one, but was told she couldn't have both together - it looks as though she might be destined not to have it!
  13. No you're not, I too have been to the Fjords three times. First trip was on Oceana, followed the following year by cruises on Ventura and Azura and I am also booked on Britannia in 2023 to go again.
  14. Just been reading through all your posts and can relate to the frost on the windows. The window in my bedroom never closed properly and in the winter Dad would nail a sheet of clear plastic over it to try keep the draught out, but it was still freezing in there. In the morning I would often pull my clothes into the bed to warm up and then get dressed.🥴 Heating was a fire in the front room and we would sometimes have an electric heater in the dining room to take the chill off before our meal. Had a busy day,, first off took a trip out to Tescos shopping and up to Truro with my daughter, as there are no trains today for her flu jab. She realised when we were in the queue in Boots, she had the wrong day, her appointment is for tomorrow. 🙄 So as I was there decided to take at trip to Hobbycraft, so at least the trip wasn't wasted. It was pleasant walking around Truro in the sun and it felt quite warm too. The cathedral bells were ringing for well over an hour and it was nice to hear them around as we walked around.
  15. Hope you get your water back soon and feel better soon. Have a good day with your grandson. Had a text from my daughter in Australia to say she is flying back this month. A nice sunny day down here and mild. Have a good day everyone.
  16. We also have a ladle that does the same, so double the fun🤣
  17. Hi all, Hope everyone is well/or feeling better. Have had a quck skim through the posts over the last couple of weeks. Got back from our holiday late last Saturday and I don't think I've stopped since as it has been a busy week. Returned to work on Tuesday with a late shift finishing at 10 pm and had to be in Truro before 8am on Wednesday to take hubby to hospital for an op. Thursday saw my car go for it's MOT, and spent Friday over at Mum's. Yesterday I took my daughter into Penzance for her covid jab (she had an appointment booked as she is classed in the vunerable group) as there where no trains running and stopped at my GP's surgery on the way back as they were having a walk-in session for their patients and had both my covid and flu jabs. One in each arm - no side affects.☺️ Having a cuppa at the minute as I am working again later today with another late finish. Take care and enjoy your Sunday. Pam
  18. Left home about midnight, we took off from Gatwick half hour late but as we had a tail wind we landed almost on time, after a bit of a bumpy flight. We flew in past Mondello which is where we are staying.
  19. Thank you, but not a cruise this time. We have rented a villa in Mondello, Sicily and will be visiting family.
  20. I'm all packed now and waiting for my son and his partner to arrive. I have to collect my daughter and her husband a bit later and bring them back here to wait for the car to take us up to Gatwick for tomorrow morning's flight.
  21. No, believe it or not it was sunny. The first time we went it was 23C and warmer than Southampton.
  22. I have been to Bergen on three different occasions and it didn't rain when we were there!
  23. Keep you fingers crossed for me, please as we fly out to Sicily tomorrow. I should be packing but dived up to Tescos for one or two bits, am now on here while having a cup of coffee.
  24. Been busy trying to get sorted and motivated to pack as we go away tomorrow night/Saturday morning so have just had a catch up on here. With regard to getting children organised, I had 6 to organise. I think I still do!!
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