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Posts posted by RobinCruiser

  1. Hello! Hope you all had a great weekend. Mine was not too bad... didn't eat the best but then again, I rarely try to keep on a diet on the weekend.


    Belle, in answer to your question - I usually don't do as much exercise on weekends, if any at all. I might treadmill but I don't do my Jillian DVDs. We get out a lot, go on walks, take the dog to the park etc so I find I'm outside, and moving more than I do, chained to my desk all week. 

  2. @melmar02 Congrats on your loss! You should be very pleased with your accomplishments so far. I'm sure you'll make your goal by cruise date. I'm 5'2. My goal weight used to be 125 (what I was before kids) but I'd be happy with anything up to 135. I'll be 50 in January and I tell you, this baby weight is sure stubborn. (lol - my youngest will be 19 in NOV).


    @Jasonmom Definitely don't round up unless you are .6 or higher. And MFP is My Fitness Pal. A good place to track your calories.


    @pacruise804 - Congrats on maintaining... and surviving! You sure were busy!


    I'm pretty pleased with myself... went grocery shopping and really, really, really wanted to buy a treat.. Cinnamon buns or Wine Gums (they are my weakness)… but the Cinnamon buns were ridiculously overpriced and I managed to talk myself out of Wine Gums at the till so no treats came home with me. Whew!!



  3. I believe in spirits and ghosts. I've had several personal experiences but only one on a cruise ship.


    I was doing a tour of the Disney Wonder a few years ago when she was in port in Vancouver, BC. I was on the tour with a whole group of other TAs. We were all standing in the dining room, the one that changes from black and white to color, listening to our guide speak when I felt someone gently push me in my lower back. I stepped forward and turned, expecting to see someone pass behind me but there was no one there... And no one close enough to me to have pushed me. It was a very weird experience. I actually went home and googled to see if there had been deaths on the Wonder. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Jasonmom said:

    Really happy with the 2lb weight loss this week.  I see others of you doing your weights in tenths of pounds and am wondering if I should start.  I usually just round up no matter if it is 1/10th of a pound. 





    @Jasonmom Congrats!! 2 Pounds is awesome!! I only quote 1/10th of a pound as my scale shows this, it's a digital scale. Otherwise, I would be going by full pounds as well.


    • Like 1
  5. @JennyB1977 - Thanks for starting the thread! Staying the same is good! Hoping you are feeling less pain. This time next week, your count down will be less than a month! Yay!


    @CarolinaGirl2010 - Great start! Congratulations. I've been curious about the 21 Day fix... heard a bit about it.. It's a diet and exercise plan isn't it? Sound like you are pretty active. Way to go!


    @retiring soon - Sorry to hear about your gain. Hopefully it will come off easily. 


    I was not too sure how this weight was going to pan out - as I mentioned yesterday, I hurt my thumb/wrist on Monday so that put a stop to my Jillian Michael's workouts... and I was just getting back to them after a week of fun in the sun (and too many treats) at the lake. Watched my food intake for the most part this week (recorded everything on MFP), walked the dog for 40-45 mins a day and I'm happy to report, I'm down 1 Pound for a total of 6 since I started with all you lovely people about 4 weeks ago. While 6 pounds down may not seem like a lot, looking back through MFP, I haven't been this weight since December 2017 so I'm pretty pleased. 2 more pounds and I'll hit a weight I haven't been since 2016. Really loving this group and the support and accountability factor. 



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  6. I'm bummed since I hurt my thumb/wrist on Monday - first day back to doing my Jillian Michael's workouts and I hurt myself. So I've been going for walks with the dog and trying to let my hand heal - it's not feeling too good though. I work an office job so I spend 8 hours a day typing. 😞


    Haven't been as good with the food as I wanted, but was pleasantly surprised when I stepped on the scale this morning. I don't usually weight myself on a Wednesday but did as I haven't since before I went to the lake. Thought it might be bad but was down.  .2 since my last weigh in. 


    Today's meals are pretty well planned out so I'm hoping to report a loss tomorrow. Only 46 days to go!



    • Like 1
  7. Congrats on smaller dress fitting! I learned a hack awhile ago from FB... Put a shoelace to a safety pin then put the pin through the zipper head and then you can reach up over your head, pull the zipper up with the shoelace. Maybe the kids can help with guiding it through the fabric joint if you are pulling? 



  8. Good morning everyone! I'm back from my week at the lake. I didn't want to but I did weight myself and I'm up 2.4 pounds.. not too bad, considering there were lots of treats and beverages that were not diet friendly. I did get out and walk 5Km a couple days, kayaked, swam, stained a deck and did some other yard work so I guess it all helped. Back to rigid low-carb as of today.  51 days until my cruise and I now have 17.5 pounds to lose. Back to my Jillian Michaels routine on Monday! 


    Belle - thank you for your insightful opening! I find dining out usually makes me gain - water retention mostly due to extra salt. I rarely use salt at home. Sounds like you were definitely making progress though as of Wednesday so good luck for a nice loss next week. 


    Jan and Diana - congrats on your losses this week! Yay!


    INeedAMaiTai - Hope you have a great week this week! Are you exercising at all? I find that when I work out for the first bit, I hold onto water - muscle inflammation. And after the muscles settle down, the weight starts to really drop. 


    JennyB - contrats on .8 - it's practically a pound! I will have to do some research on lectin... I don't eat a lot of corn but do eat a ton of peppers.


    Cruises42  and Bolt - Wow!!  congrats on great losses! keep it up!


    JasonMom - Welcome back! Glad you had a great time at your brothers. Keep at the low carb and I'm sure that weight will start to drop again. With regard to the head-aches - Is it the caffeine you are craving or sugar? I would suggest having tea or iced tea instead of the Soda for caffeine. I found sparkling naturally flavored waters at Safeway and I drink those when I crave something cold and bubbly. They are not sweet and no caffeine, calories, or anything artificial. 

    • Like 2
  9. Good morning! No thong for me either, lol! Thanks Belle, your' poems are so fun!


    Jan - congrats, a loss is a loss and every little bit helps. I can't wait until I can say 20Lbs gone.


    pacruise - congrats on your loss and quizzing success. Hope you are feeling better soon.


    Rose - welcome back, glad you enjoyed yourself. I'm sure you'll be back to goal weight in no time. 


    I am down 2lbs this week for a total of 5. Only 15 more to go in 59 days to meet my first goal. I'm a little worried about the next week though - heading to the Lake House for a week tomorrow evening.... While I will get plenty of outdoor activities in, walking, swimming, kayaking... there is always lots of good fun and beverages with the neighbours and friends to be had. I'm hoping I can keep myself in check and not gain back what I've managed to lose so far.  

    • Like 1
  10. Morning everyone. Hope you all were better than me this weekend. Too much food, too much wine, too many treats... 😔 But today is a new day, new week and back at it. Going to push myself through Jillian Michael's Ripped in 30 Week 2 starting today. 


    Belle - I had such a craving for ice cream this weekend too! I feel you.


    Shootr - staying the same is good. I hope I can stay the same this week.


    Andrea - I find meal planning and getting just what I need for the week helps keep me on track with eating well, at least during the week. Weekends seem to be another story. 


    On 7/26/2019 at 10:55 PM, xDisconnections said:

    Why would you expect anything different and feel ripped off? You get what you pay for and freebies shouldn't be expected.


    20 hours ago, TruckerDave said:

    I'm guessing her reply was a little "tongue in cheek".  🙄


    Of course. I was lucky enough to cruise on my birthday! I got wished a happy birthday by every crew member who scanned my card (with deluxe drink package - so all the drinks I could handle),  and even during check in, boarding etc. It was memorable for sure. And if memory serves, we dined in the Windjammer on embarkation night so I had more than enough cake and pastries. 

  12. Happy Friday everyone! Hope you all have a great weekend! 


    Belle - Congrats on your loss!


    CruisinCampbells - Welcome. Congrats on your loss so far. Your Goal weight and mine are the same! We can do it!


    Melmar - Welcome and congrats on your success! However you amped up your routine, it's definitely working!


    Jenny - Good loss! Are you on MyFitnessPal? That is where I track my calories. Sometimes it can be so shocking how much can be in something so small like some salad dressing. 

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  13. Good morning everyone! No loss for me this week but nothing gained either so I'll take it. Usually when I start a Jillian Michael's program, I gain weight in the first week. Definitely feeling the workouts - stiff and sore all over. 


    Belle - Love the little poem. Hope you are enjoying your summer as well!


    Jan - maybe a change in the diet will help get unstuck? I've read a lot about plateauing and sometimes you just need a little surprise to the system to get things going again. 


    Jasonmom - Congratulations on your loss this week! Try to enjoy your time with your family and not worry about weight too much. Eat lots of veggies and as low carb you can. Not sure about the alcohol... I drink wine. 🙂


    Diana - Hopefully your heat wave subsides soon. Wow only 2 weeks until your cruise! That's so exciting. I have 66 long days to wait. 

  14. Happy Tuesday everyone! Hope you are all having a great week so far!


    I have kept on track with dog walking and started doing one of my old Jillian Michael's DVD's Ripped in 30. I've also been meal planning and sticking with it. 


    Jasonmom - I'm doing a 4 night Baja Mexico cruise on the Carnival Imagination. It's the same itinerary I did for my honeymoon 24 years ago this September! And we're adding a couple nights to visit Disneyland and Universal Studios. 

  15. Happy Saturday everyone! Hope you all have a great weekend. I will be spending my weekend sewing (I have an Etsy store so gotta get my orders done) and helping DH rebuild our deck. Round two of DH Birthday dinners is tonight. I've decided to enjoy myself without guilt as it will be the last big family function before the cruise in September so I have plenty of time to buckle down.


    Jasonmom - wow, you've definitely had a go of it these last few years. And yes, you certainly have very valid reasons for gaining weight. I wish you success in your journey! If we keep at it, together,  we will succeed!

  16. Hi everyone! I've only been conscientiously dieting since Monday and am down 3 - probably water weight. I have a goal of 22 to go before cruise day if possible. Then another 20 plus whatever I gain on my cruise before my next cruise in April.


    Belle - Good morning and thank you for the fun poem! And my fill in the blank for what I will not eat is …. excess Carbs. 


    Jasonmom - my cruise is in 73 days too!! Where are you sailing to? Congrats on your loss so far! I'm doing low carb too!


    Diana - Good for you, getting to pre-cruise weight. Are you going to keep losing or maintain?


    Jan - every week bring something different, maybe next week will bring a loss. 

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  17. Good morning from grey and rainy British Columbia.  Hope you are all having a great day! I got in a 30 minute treadmill routine this morning due to the rain... and I'm pretty pleased with myself, stayed on track so far all week. Do many of you meal plan? I did for the week and have stuck with it. I'm trying a low carb, high vegetable diet at the moment. Not Keto. Tomorrow though is DH's birthday so I will have to indulge in some carbs.... steak and a baked potato and fresh, corn on the cob.. 


    Winewanderer and Cruises42 - do your HAL cruises stop in Vancouver? Let me know if you need any tips on shore excursions... I'm only 40 mins away and have lived here all my life. 


    Belle - Have a great day!

  18. I'm doing the same cruise on Sept 29th and my itinerary shows the ship arriving back at Long Beach at 7am. Also, Jamman54 did a review of the four day Baja cruise and posted the debarkation guidelines. If you carry your own luggage, you could be getting off soon after 7:45am. This is what I will be doing so we can get a Lyft to Anaheim to spend the whole day at Disneyland!



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