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Two Wheels Only

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Everything posted by Two Wheels Only

  1. Husband should be able to make the change without penalty since his original name/guest number isn't changing. The phone rep might try and tell him that there is a fee or (even worse) might try to make it a cancel/rebook. If the rep gives him a hard time, your plan B of just adding a 2SDP for the teen will work smoothly.
  2. Sail Length # Of Dining Package Meals Retail Value 20% Gratuities 3-6 Nights 1 Meal / Any Stateroom $59.00 per person $11.80 per package 7-11 Nights 1 Meal / Studio, Inside, Oceanview $59.00per person $11.80 per package 7-11 Nights 2 Meals / Balcony & Above $99.00per person $19.80 per package 12+ Nights 2 Meals / Studio, Inside, Oceanview $99.00per person $19.80 per package 12+ Nights 3 Meals / Balcony & Above $139.00per person $27.80 per package The number of meals per person can change depending on length of cruise and booked category.
  3. Technically, you could be charged but realistically, the restaurant will probably ring up 4SDP meals + complimentary fries for both restaurants. Is it too late to make the older child as guest #2?
  4. No, not needed. There are plenty of loungers and umbrellas on the beach. My family and I get one but most YC guests have no real desire for one. The cabanas don't always sell out. I've never used them but if a Yacht Club guest wants them, it'll get done. The pink floating mats are there for guest use.
  5. Beach front is a straight walk to the ocean. In the photo, the cabanas are on the right. If facing the ocean, they are on the right side of Ocean House.
  6. Adding a 2nd ship would be difficult. Things to consider like the current, underwater topography, environmental impact, etc. would be in addition to cost. Anything is possible when you consider the "before" and "after" of what they've done so far. Some of the rumors as far as what they have planned for the next few years are interesting. Some would love for the rumors to be true and some would hate for the rumors to be true.
  7. I've done the smaller and the larger Sea**** ships and I've not experienced any of what you've described. I've sailed in summer and over Christmas/New Year's (full sailings) and never had to wait to sit and eat. Elevator waits can be a problem even for YC guests so I'd like to see an improvement to the elevator hijack system. We aren't 100% sure if changes will be made to Ocean House during the closure. Time will tell and I'll see for myself if World America YC is too much for the area...but I've already booked my cabana, just in case...😉
  8. If you have any questions or concerns when comparing Yacht Club to Haven, feel free to ask. I've sailed Seashore out of Miami and out of Port Canaveral. 99% of Seascape info applies to Seashore so most Seascape reviews could also be helpful. Seaside/Seaview are a bit different than the 2 larger Sea***** ships but some of the Yacht Club info could help.
  9. Does anyone know why the other....never mind. 🤐
  10. Maybe NCL will start to proof-read their material when more guests start to actually read and understand the terms and conditions that they agree to. 😉
  11. I've used an umbrella-type stroller with a 2 year-old and it was no problem on or off of the ship.
  12. I'm not (currently) having any issues with any browser but most recently, trying Firefox worked when Chrome didn't. I regularly use both so it wasn't a big deal to try another one. I rarely use Safari but that's also an option. Photo and card registration is regularly problematic so I never bother. I just do both on embarkation day. The passport info usually works. One time, my expired passport information auto-filled and I didn't notice that it was the wrong one. I was able to get it fixed but it took some work.
  13. Are you logged in with booking number or with MSC account?
  14. All three would be better off if every individual decided for themselves what was right for them instead of worrying about what is right for others.
  15. Just for clarification, the DSC can be adjusted/removed but the 20% gratuity/service charge on packages or individual meals/drinks cannot be removed as far as I know.
  16. In many cases, NCL will use the same photo/rendering for different categories. Some categories have different configurations but NCL will use 1 photo/rendering to represent both. Joy seems to have more "issues" with deck plan inaccuracy than the other NCL ships. Nearly all of them have errors but Joy (because of so many changes and unique features) has the most.
  17. Changing the hull art would also be nice. 😁 While they're at it, the feminine hygiene chandelier could also be replaced.
  18. I think that it is more of a timing issue. The Haven restaurant can handle all Haven guests but cannot handle all Haven guests at the same time. During the course of a week, some will dine early, some in the middle, and some later. On the first night, there might be a rush of people that arrive early since there's usually nothing else to do or people haven't found ways to occupy themselves with other things. I've never been offered a specialty restaurant at dinner but even if it's an offer, anyone can always decline the offer and wait for the Haven restaurant.
  19. It takes at least TWO (no pun intended) for it to continue. Is it your pride that causes you to continue posting or is it only mine? Because that is the subject. If the topic was NBA fouls and someone responded with "...in the NFL, you can...", it wouldn't make sense then, either. Your words were "...we really don't need you telling everyone else with another take (including myself and the OP)..." so in what way should that be interpreted? You can express your opinion a million times and even if I disagree, I wouldn't try to prevent or dissuade you from posting. You can post what you want. I will do the same. If you don't want to continue having your points refuted, don't post. It's up to you. If you want, refute mine. It doesn't bother me. On that, we can agree.
  20. I'll ask again since nobody was willing to answer before..... If the forum response of a "ballpark figure" was $250 per person per day would you tip that much just to fit in? Would you ignore that amount and tip an amount that you feel is appropriate? If the OP's "gathered facts" was an amount that high, would the OP tip based on those "facts"? If you believe that the answer is "yes", then you see the problem with tipping based on what others tip. If you believe that the answer is "no", then you see that people can decide on their own what to tip without asking what others tip.
  21. Sure you can post that but that doesn't make it true. Yet, you feel that you can determine when I should stop posting my opinion, right? If you truly respected my right to post my opinion, it shouldn't matter if you agree with those opinions or if you disagree with those opinions. I've never stated that I "don't need you" to post your opinion even when I disagree. Did it ever occur to you that there is a reason why it is so easy to point out what is wrong? You completely missed my point. I didn't MAKE you respond. You decided entirely on your own to respond. You have that power just like you have that power to decide on how much/little you tip. Once again, your example is one for a position that has an expectation of a tip. NCL does not expect people to tip stateroom stewards. There's "no required or recommended tipping" for the position being discussed in this thread. Your deciding to give examples where tips are expected doesn't apply to the subject at hand. Do people tip their steward? Sure. Should people tip based on what random forum members tipped? No. How have I stopped or not allowed anyone from doing what they think make sense? I don't have the power to make anyone do or not do what they think is correct. What if all of your neighbors were "unreasonable" because they tipped a drastically different amount? Would you change just to match them or would you want them to change just to match you? That's the problem with allowing others to decide what is correct instead of you deciding for yourself what is correct. The question being asked isn't for information. It is for opinion (which is fine to ask). If there was a thread asking "What is your favorite movie?" and 99% of people answered with a movie that you didn't like, would you change your opinion based on the gathered information? No, you probably wouldn't. You would have your opinion and they would have theirs. What other purpose (other than affirmation) would someone have to ask that question? Is it "I just want to know..." or is it "I just want to know in order to adjust accordingly..."? No, that's NOT my approach. I can think for myself and decide for myself. Evidently, some people need the opinions of others to decide. That's on them. Actually, the insecure ones worry about what others tip in order to fit in with those amounts. I WANT people to think for themselves.
  22. I haven't done anything. YOU decided to post again. As per usual, when someone claims that they will no longer post, they return and post. YOU deciding that you need "a rest" has no impact on when I decide to no longer post. So....you can decide what "we really don't need", huh? 🙄 You were looking for affirmation that your amount was similar to theirs. If their amount was 1/4 of yours or was 4x yours, would you have changed your amount? You have the ability to raise or lower any tip no matter what others do. You don't need to know what others tip in order to do so. You could have made that decision without knowing what others tip...because what others tip doesn't make anyone tip more or less.
  23. "Bait and switch", "price gouging", "nickel and dime", etc. are just trigger words that people often (incorrectly) use when they're mad at the big meanie corporation.
  24. ^^ I'll also never understand posts that begin like this. ^^ If it's your final post, it's your final post. If you wish to reply, you will reply. There's no need to announce that you won't continue to post. What is expected on a ship is DIFFERENT than what is expected on land, correct? I've already posted what NCL has in the FAQ..... "Additionally, there is an 20% gratuity and spa service charge added for all spa and salon services, as well as an 20% gratuity and beverage service charge added for all beverage purchases and an 20% gratuity and specialty service charge added to all specialty restaurant dining and entertainment based dining." - NCL ...which is not applicable to land restaurants nor land bars. If anyone wants to tip beyond that (I do), that person cannot give a wrong amount if that person gives what that person feels is appropriate. NOBODY on the forum can give that amount for someone else. Forum members can give what THEY gave as an example but that amount should not determine what amount the next person should give. Again, there is nothing wrong with forum members giving the amounts that THEY tip. What is wrong is the idea that the person asking should base their amount on those other forum members' answers. The person asking makes the decision no matter what forum members answer therefor the person asking already has the ability to answer their own question of "How much should I tip?" even if the question is phrased as "How much do you guys tip?" No, people giving examples of what THEY believe is the correct tipping amount have been "around forever". Suggestions which are NOT given now. Which (again) has nothing to do with how much someone should tip their room steward. Each person can/should/will decide for themselves how much to tip their stateroom steward. No other forum members can/should/will make that decision for the person who asks. The person asking should put their big boy/girl pants on and decide entirely on their own instead of worrying about "...I hope that other forum members think that my amount is ok....."
  25. One side of the ship (starboard) allows smoking out there. Ashtrays will be on some tables but not on others.
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