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Everything posted by vacation44

  1. You might be surprised and enjoy the Beatles show. My husband is not a fan at all and I mean not a fan in any shape or form. When we sailed on the Joy last February, he went grudgingly the first night in the main theatre because I wanted to go. When we sailed again on the Joy seven months later, not only did he want to go to their first night show in the theatre, he wanted to go to their other shows in the Cavern Club as he enjoyed their show that much. Also, my son is 23 years old and him and his friends do like the Beatles and he is looking forward to seeing the show on the Epic next month so it is just not always the "older" crowd they draw in. And his 24 sister and cousins (all in the same age group) will be joining him. So, give it a try as you never know!
  2. Agree--the bathroom makes it worth every penny of the price difference.
  3. I get that sometimes NCL needs to swap out the Beatles performers, however, I do not think there should be a gap. When you book a particular sailing and NCL is advertising certain entertainment, they should deliver.
  4. Thank you for reporting back on the entertainment, or lack thereof, options. As we sail in five weeks, I am disappointed. We have seen Burn the Floor once and for us, it is an one and done show. We were really looking forward to the Beatles shows as we seen it on the Joy last year on two sailings and really enjoyed their shows.
  5. Looking forward to reading about your experience and have a wonderful sailing!
  6. What port was missed last week on the Epic and how much was your OBC that you received?
  7. In our group, half of us do not have iPhones, but google phones (or whatever they are called). I am under the impression that every phone would have to be an iphone. Am I wrong?
  8. Thank you. I do not remember the actual call aspect as we last used it around 5 years ago. I just remember having to constantly check out phones for messages as they did not ring or buzz.
  9. Curious what everyone does if it is a private excursion?
  10. Thanks for this tidbit regarding calls going through. Are you saying if you place a call through the NCL app, the recipient would know you were trying to contact them without the call going through?
  11. We have used the $10 service when traveling with extended family and felt it really was not great as you have to consistently check to see if you got any messages. Now, a few years later, we are again traveling with extended family in March and I hope the service is better.
  12. Thank you for taking the time to post your thoughts. Based on all of the initial reviews so far, it is not a ship that I need to book in the near future--especially at the current prices.
  13. We have also upgraded ourselves from a non-Haven suite to a Haven Suite after final payment. I believe there just needs to be an increase in price.
  14. Let me start with saying this was our experience and our opinion is based on our previous experiences with the Vibe. We are a family that does utilize the Vibe for around three hours in the morning, then around four hours in the afternoon on sea days, then we always head right to the Vibe for a few more hours after we get back on board the ship on port days. Also, I do not know how the Haven sundeck compares on other ships as our experience is with the Joy. We sailed on the Joy in the Haven last February. Even though the ship was at a very low capacity, the Haven was fully booked due to upgrades which is the new norm. We found that there really was not a lot of good lounge chairs as about one third of them are the uncomfortable ones and those were the ones near the railing which is usually where we like to set up. Unlike the Vibe, it was always crowded and sometimes it was hard to get loungers in the afternoons which is something we never experienced in the Vibe. The bar service was extremely slow and sometimes non-existent. My husband would end up going down (one deck below) to get our drinks. Seven months later we went on the Joy again in a non-Haven Suite and had put in upgrade offers for the Haven. Then when the online purchases of the Vibe tickets started, we immediately purchased our tickets and cancelled our Haven upgrade bids.
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