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Everything posted by Keksie

  1. Not only not economical in the amount of words but repeated their long post. Too bad about the fairy dust. Renee made some good points that I hope were read before the poof.
  2. Under Cruise Discussion Topics, Ask a Cruise Question, Help Looking for useful suggestions/tips/tricks Big fun!
  3. A help request that went way off track. Big fun. Renee said what many were thinking and much better then my responses.
  4. The wedding photographer loved my English Bulldog Cocoa and took several photos of her. Not really sure the in-laws appreciated it, however he took the best picture of her I have ever seen. I am going to get this one framed.
  5. Under Ask a cruise question = Help Looking for useful suggestions/tips/tricks. Some people think that traveling their way is the only way and other people are not as smart to travel differently. Nope it just makes them different not better. I just sometimes feel the need to stick up for us not so smart people.
  6. You can keep repeating your "facts" all you want. It comes down to how people want to travel. Your facts support they way you travel. My desires support the way I want to travel which includes first class and free bags or driving to a port, also free bags. I use everything I bring, my room is not cluttered with my over the door organizer, I have never had lost luggage - even with a seven minute plane change, while waiting for my luggage I take a nice bathroom break, freshen up a bit, then get my luggage. We don't do self debarkation. We get the key so have a leisurely breakfast before being escorted off the ship to retrieve our luggage that took maybe 20 minutes to.pack the afternoon before.
  7. It will but when you bring several they add up. Some of mine are thicker too. Before you argue to just bring one I don't want too. I work hard on each one and like to show them off. I meet a lot of nice knitters that way too.
  8. I like to bring several of my hand knit shawls, not only to keep my shoulders warm in the ship's air conditioning but to add to my outfit.
  9. Well I guess we just travel differently. Not one way is smarter then the other. As to meds the last time I was ill was at least 10 years ago. I want to bring a wide variety to make sure the medical facility is a last resort.
  10. I could see doing a week long cruise without doing laundry or wearing dirty clothes. But I can't see doing carry on with 3 swimsuits, multiple dresses, shoes, hand knit shawls, a top for every day, several choices of bottoms, coverup for the swimsuits, makeup, personal care items, medications for any eventuality, a book or two, at least three knitting projects and room to bring back stuff. For a cold weather cruise add in sweaters, hand knit socks, hats, gloves, cowls, long undies, and a warm coat with optional rain coat. I am from Florida and get cold easily which makes me miserable.
  11. I don't know why I should have to manage with a carry-on. We don't go formal but I do like to dress up. If you like to go carry on go for it. I prefer to bring my big case, maybe two if we are going to a cold climate and I need outerwear. If flying we go first so the bags are free anyway.
  12. Never have needed them at home. Don't get sick. However, should we fall ill on a cruise I don't want to have to go to medical to obtain them.
  13. These days I make sure to bring the above and Dayquil capsules, benedryl, cough drops, something for a sore throat, imodium, and aloe salve.
  14. I guess it depends on your travel style. I like to have choices, at least three swimsuits etc. I don't necessarily over pack because I wear everything I bring but no way would it fit in a a carry on. While I can rewear bottoms I don't rewear tops. I do like the over the door organizer for all the small things. Yes there is drawer space but then you have to remember which drawer you put the chargers in, what drawer the meds are in etc. Plus find what your husband needs because he sure won't remember where he put things. Do bring a wide variety of OTC meds because they don't sell them onboard anymore.
  15. Wish Linda well and for a speedy recovery. Your dogs are so adorable. Our Rocco had a lot of fun with boxes and paper yesterday also.
  16. One of my gifts from my son was a digital photo frame with the wedding pictures. It is so much fun to remember the day. It was kind of a blur while it was happening.
  17. I need a "love" button. They are so adorable in that photo. Now you just need to Photoshop the uncooperative ones into a card.
  18. Before everyone gets busy. Merry Christmas! Have a safe, happy time celebrating or not celebrating, cruising or staying home. Hugs to all.
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