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Everything posted by Keksie

  1. Well he whined annoyingly. He announced his idol to everyone when he could have made a big move instead. He broke a challenge being a big baby about dropping the bowls. So if those actions say winner then I guess he should have won. This was a year of the most annoying people ever. Except the final two.
  2. When we went it was only available as a ship excursion via a boat ride. (island). Our excursion was the first to arrive with a Carnival ship excursion arriving later in the day. You could get a ride back to the pier at a regular basis.
  3. We have never tested positive for covid either despite being out and about since May of 2020. There was something going around my knit group lately (that I never got) that was not the flu, rsv, or covid.
  4. I love Maya Key. When we went I had a wonderful conversation about our refuge and their refuge with one of the guides. The weather was not conducive to snorkeling but we still had a great time.
  5. That is so frustrating and scary about the blood pressure. I am glad you didn't have problems in your basement.
  6. Then I would say go for the lights. You love to decorate for the holidays and do such a wonderful job of it, this would allow you to focus more on the interior decorations. It is a lot safer and easier to have the outside done. Plus, didn't you say you wanted to do other holidays too? These sound like something you can use for many different occasions. I am sure you will have many cruises in your future too.
  7. @Sea Dog I would want to know who does the maintenance on the lights? What is some of them go out? What if they get dirty and need to be cleaned?
  8. We fed everyone early yesterday and drove over to Bellingrath Gardens to see the house and gardens with Christmas lights. Wow. The lights were spectacular and the house done beautifully. There was a smore station. Yummy.
  9. Well the kittens have all gone to their forever homes. They are settling in and taking over their respective homes. Reba was spayed yesterday and is recovering I one of our bathrooms. I am so happy that they all have good homes.
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