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Everything posted by Keksie

  1. Probably not, and I am just being extra cautious because I know how miserable we would be if they did. Plus, the trip we would want to do is the Panama Canal and I think there are still restrictions for those. We have the spring already filled with trips and then we will see.
  2. For the people getting masks in their staterooms, are they required to wear them?
  3. Celebrity and Princess ships. Mostly Australian cruises. I just don't trust that it can't happen on a cruise I would book and with my luck it would.
  4. I tend to lurk more than post. Mainly because we are not cruising anytime soon. Still hearing of cruises with masks, testing etc. midway through and that would completely ruin a trip for us. However we do have trips planned for next year and will post interesting tidbits from them. Today we drove over to Bellingrath gardens. Lovely gardens and very interesting home and story of the owners. You could smell the rose garden before you saw it.
  5. Funny how everyone feels temps differently. For most of my adult life I have lived in warmer climates. In the summer I keep the air at 75-77. In the winter I keep the heat at 71-73. To take the dogs out in the morning: 60s wear a hoodie 50s wear a coat and hat 40s wear a heavy coat, hat and gloves 30s wear a heavy coat, hat, gloves and scarf 20s - nope not going out. If I have to go someplace and be out for awhile I will wear long undies under my clothes. I always have a sweater in the car in the summer because restaurants keep the temps at subzero.
  6. Dayquil (pill form) Nyquil (pill form) Fever reducer/headache meds throat lozenges cough medicine visine nose spray thermometer I would also bring: pepto imodium I like ginger tablets for seasick feelings but I also bring Bonine just in case Be sure to pack the wrappers from the above back in your suitcase and dispose of at home.
  7. It isn't carrying them that is the big deal. It is being asked for them that is!
  8. Count me in too. Although we haven't been on any cruises, we have travelled and been in multiple group settings without so much as a sniffle. We haven't worn a mask in well over a year.
  9. Back in February of 2021, as soon as I had my second shot I sent the director of the place I work the letter from the Florida Surgeon General stating that fully vaccinated people no longer should have to wear masks. I told her I was considered fully vaccinated and would no longer wear a mask. My coworkers noticed and then they too stopped wearing masks. We have never gone back.
  10. I don't care if someone else wants to wear a mask. I feel perfectly comfortable being the only one not wearing one. However, I haven't been to any business or vacation area that has required one for over a year now.
  11. I did. If you are on Ravelry check out Boo Knits. They are not as hard as they look. I would add another swimsuit to your list. They do take a long time to dry on a cruise.
  12. I think what you are planning is about right. I don't pack lightly and don't want to. I like choices. For a bathing suit coverup I bring one of the coverups from Landsend or a thin sundress from one of my trips. During the day I would bring a light sweater. For the ship (which I think is usually cool with the ac) I bring a variety of my knitted shawls. They are lacy but are silk and add a nice bit of warmth and bling. I don't have a glamour shot but this is my latest on the blocking mats.
  13. Exactly! We haven't worn a mask anywhere in two years not even at my doctors office. Never asked for a vaccination card. Never taken a test. We have chosen our vacations to places that don't require any of that and will continue to do so.
  14. A friend of mine's twin sister just passed away. So far they are up to $17,000 found in books, jars etc. A few years before that they were helping her move, cleaned out the fridge and realized at some point that they had thrown out $1,000 hidden in a can. Roger's mother had hidden her jewelry beside the stove and when the kids moved her to assisted living it almost was left behind. One of her sons just happened to notice the envelope stuffed in the crack.
  15. @Sunshine3601 I am adding my condolences to you and Eric. A lot of the to do list can probably wait until after the cruise so I hope you can both get away. Whatever you do my thoughts are with you.
  16. I has been a good 20 years since I was on the Big Island but you are correct. We couldn't take our rental car through the center of the island because the road wasn't paved. We did however drive to Kilauea and the Park. We stayed at the lodge on the edge of the crater. I am not sure but I think a subsequent eruption may have destroyed the lodge. I loved that part of the trip and seeing the park. From what I have read where the eruption is the lava will flow on the other side of the volcano away from Hilo. There is a bit of a flat plain that they hope will slow the lava.
  17. I haven't been in a long time but I really liked Curacao. Aruba was ok but not my favorite. I haven't gone there on a cruise but my favorite island that I could go back to over and over is St. John USVI. It has been a long time but I liked the laid-back atmosphere and all the beaches.
  18. The original shots were almost two years ago. I can't imagine anyone caring if someone got vaccinated back then when they say the shots lost their effectiveness after a few months.
  19. For some reason I couldn't get this picture to load yesterday. Rocco was worn out from Thanksgiving and then decorating the house.
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