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Everything posted by Keksie

  1. Been gone all day. Knitting in Pensacola and then had to pick up an injured opossum who is hanging out in one of my bathrooms until I can get him to the refuge in the morning. No time to really catch up with the thread but have a good evening everyone.
  2. @MJSailorsthat is a beautiful front garden. @Lionesssthe woodpeckers are Pileated Woodpeckers. We had a pair of them living at the front of the acreage when we lived in Texas. Here I have the Red Headed Woodpeckers.
  3. The fast version is that even though we are a diverse population from all over the world we have become friends who are there through the good and bad for each other.
  4. Maybe she just doesn't want to deal with sick hubby and kids while she is sick. LOL Hopefully, everyone will recover quickly and not have severe symptoms.
  5. It all depends. When in the course of their illness did they test positive? Since people can be contagious before testing positive and may not be contagious but still testing positive at the end of their illness. There is no testing to see if people are contagious and that is what the problem is.
  6. I guess it is a slow step forward. We will still be waiting to book until a cruise is like other vacations. No testing, no masks, no quarantine etc. A cruise is fun but so are other vacations and right now other vacations are just more enjoyable.
  7. Super sweet faces. They are so pretty/handsome. You might try making loops of the blue painter's tape and putting that where you don't want them to chew. It works with cats and the tape won't hurt anything you put it on. When the cats were new to the house we would put it where we didn't want them to scratch or where we didn't want them to be.
  8. There are trash cans specifically designed to keep bears out. Not only does the trash not get spread around but it keeps the bears from associating the cans with food and becoming nuisance bears.
  9. My friend who lives closer to the coast then we do sent me this picture yesterday. The bear walked between her house and her neighbor's house and then across the street. They are more common in her area then in mine. I would love to see a bear in my yard!
  10. I loved going to my father's parent's farm in the summer although Grandma chased me with a hot iron one time!
  11. We were really pleased when MTD started. While we didn't mind sharing a table with others (we did meet one very interesting couple and loved hearing their stories each night) the other tablemates were interesting in a whole different way. The main reason was that early dining was too early and it seemed we just finished lunch while late dining seemed like it ended just before bed. We have found that MTD is just like sharing a table since the two tops are so close together, however you don't feel the need to interact if you don't want to and you can eat whenever you get hungry.
  12. Here in NW Florida. Have no idea of covid numbers - just not in the news. Still have not had to wear a mask for over a year. High prices seem to dominate what everyone talks about. Most places seem to have adequate, although overworked employees. Have made plans for trips this fall. No cruises booked because the protocols we object to have not been lifted yet.
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