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Everything posted by Keksie

  1. Plus add in the hoops that the cruise lines expect the passengers to jump through just to get on the ship. It makes other vacation options much more attractive. Previous to the pandemic there were a few things that annoyed me about cruising but I was willing to overlook them because we enjoyed the cruise vacation. Now, hearing about the food, short staff, venues closed, etc. a cruise is just not something I want to pay for until things change.
  2. Don't be surprised if the cat doesn't want to eat, drink or use the potty box while the car is moving. We have done several long trips with different cats including the 12+ hour drive with 7 cats and 2 dogs when we moved. Have a towel or small blanket in the carrier with the cat. If the cat will sit with your stepdaughter that would be the best. Offer water and maybe have a litter box available. It really depends on the cat. Some love to travel and are fine and others are not happy the entire time. When you stop for the evenings have familiar toys, bedding and quiet time for him to destress.
  3. Yes they are. Although we don't know for sure how old Elmer and Storm are so it is a guess between the two of them.
  4. Long day at the refuge so way behind. @dani negreanuI hope peace finds your part of the world soon! No matter what the thread is titled it is still "the best thread ever!" In honor of International Cat Day: Cinnamon Elmer Storm Samantha Annabel
  5. Communicable diseases have always existed. I don't do anything differently than I did prior to 2020.
  6. Well it is prolonged contact so maybe just serve yourself and move on.
  7. I'm sorry about all the changes. We haven't done the Crab excursion but it looks fun and gets a lot of good reviews. We went to Bear Country which we thought was just something to do that day and did not have high hopes for. It ended up being our best excursion ever. A mother bear brought her cub to the stream, pulled out a huge king salmon and headed back into the woods right under our feet. The guides get a big thumbs up because we were just about to get on the bus back to the ship after not seeing any bears when they came running up and took us back to the boardwalk by the stream to see the bears.
  8. I always said back when positivity rates were tied to lockdowns in some states (not mine) that people who were positive they didn't have covid all go get tests so that the positivity rates would go down if they wanted the lockdowns to go away.
  9. So far our longest outage lasted 2 days after Hurricane Sally. We had just moved in so didn't have the generator yet. With all the gas my husband has stashed in tractors we could make it a week at least.
  10. They were fully loaded. You just want to drive smoothly and steadily. They only sprayed once the whole time they were at the refuge and that was when an intern had to give them meds.
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